Showing posts with label Doug Ducey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Ducey. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2022

Arizona Focal Point in Democracy loss


The state of Arizona is now a dead-center on the issue of our loss of democracy. This honor results clearly from the candidacy of the lunatic, Kari Lake, who is running for governor. Frank Bruni of the New York Times dubs her as part of, "The Republican Double Standard That’s Endangering American Democracy. Here's the scenario...

"A Republican victory in a tightly contested race means that Democrats’ desires or schemes to corrupt it didn’t pan out. Let freedom ring! A Democratic victory means that George Soros cast a magic spell over voters while a global cabal of socialists and pedophiles used space beams to scramble the results that voting machines spit out."

Kari Lake doesn’t commit to accepting Arizona election result if she loses...

 This is the result of Bruni's analysis of Lake's interview with Dana Bash on CNN. In her appearance with Bash, Kari Lake made it clear she would accept no result except her win against Democrat opponent, Katy Hobbs. Lake later softened that stand. I live in Arizona, moved here from California some 25 years ago. We were blind-sided by the radical politicians, we were more concerned with affordable housing in the move. I have been a liberal activist since the first day.

Kari Lake was skewered on the latest Saturday Night Live, and her misguided rants over a fixed 2020 election and sophomoric idolatry of Donald Trump makse her a laughingstock among the thinking population. But many Arizonans are flocking to her side, making the competition with Hobbs very close. Bruni exclaims...

"Republicans are fashioning a politics without accountability. They’re rigging reality itself. And Lake’s interview with Bash was one of those moments that captured, in miniature, the broader dynamics and dysfunctions of its time."

Bruni continues...

"Look at all that doubt! It’s a garden, it’s a thicket, it’s a wild anti-Eden all its own. It must be tamed — and you know how? Elect Kari Lake. Bow to Ron DeSantis. Because they’re spotlighting that doubt. They’re boldly confronting it. They’re not letting evidence, or the lack thereof, get in the way of emotion."

GOP governor says Trump-backed candidate is misleading voters...

Even current Arizona GOP governor Doug Ducey said Kari Lake is full of misinformation and fully rejected her in the primary against Karrin Taylor Robson. Lake did win but Ducey wasn't sure whether Republican governors would support her. The gov has finally decided to support Lake, which indicates what kind of leader Arizona has had the last eight years. Bruni quips, "This is no laughing matter," continuing...

"If enough Americans exalt feelings over facts, insist on their preferred version of events rather than the actual one, refuse to subjugate their personal wants to any public good and reject the processes and institutions that enable group decisions, we have chaos. We all lose."

Bruni says he won't accept that result and neither will I.



Thursday, January 13, 2022

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey to health workers...'Shut up and save us.'


E.J. Montini, local Phoenix columnist, strikes again, and as before, he castigates the current governor-thank God! only one more year-Doug (the DUD) Ducey for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic in Arizona. In his recent State of the State address, Ducey's emphasis was on education and border security, each of which is important, but this idiot ignored the state's 1.5 million Covid-19 cases, and 25,000 deaths. Basically, his reaction,"Shut up and save us."

Montini's response...

If I was one of them I’d be tempted to respond, “Fine, then save yourselves … jerks.”

If I was one of them, I would organize state healthcare providers and come up with a recall petition to dump this moron in disgrace before the end of his last year. More than "1,000 physicians, nurses, caregivers and others have signed an open letter to Gov. Doug Ducey, health care leaders and state and county officials asking for immediate action to help combat the latest omicron surge of COVID-19 cases in Arizona," according to the Arizona Republic.

Here is an excerpt from the letter...

“Our healthcare workforce is suffering from moral injury and burnout from the sustained onslaught that wave after wave of COVID has had on us, our families, and our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic is running unmitigated throughout the state and is straining our hospitals and affecting patient standards of care. Our current situation is unsustainable.”

"Unsustainable," should ring bells and send up flags all over the governor's office.

So, one must assume that Ducey's aides are as stupid as he is? Two top aides left last August, his Chief of Staff, and Deputy Chief of Staff, to take jobs in Washington and Arkansas. The COS is a key position for any politician and you have to wonder if what little brains Ducey had...left with them. The letter also clearly states healthcare workers are suffering from moral injury and burnout.

Here's the scenario...
"The group is asking Ducey, lawmakers and other officials to implement indoor mask requirements, increase access to COVID-19 testing, provide free, high-quality masks to the public and increase funding for air filtration systems in schools and businesses. And they want a safer workplace for themselves.

"They’re asking us this collectively, and they’re asking it individually. You can see some of their stories online."
Recognize CDC protocol? Wearing a mask indoors, increase COVID-19 testing, increase funding for air filtration systems in schools and businesses. This doesn't sound unreasonable to me and these moves could help suppress future outbreaks of the virus. Phoenix-based Dr. Christina Bergin is one of the letter signers and had this to say on her Twitter account...
“We are the ones seeing the devastation of this pandemic day in & day out. We know the realities of working in the hospital and in outpatient settings right now … And that earlier thread didn’t even get into single rooms turned into double rooms, or physicians trying desperately to find beds for critically ill patients but not being able to find any. And it didn’t address the deep moral injury that comes from seeing so much death … .”
Montini wraps it all up with nurses on the frontline begging for help with both Covid cases and deaths soaring. The totally obtuse Ducey chose to ignore all of the above in his State of the State address. But even after all this Montini notes that none of the healthcare workers said, “Fine, then save yourselves, jerks.” They have an oath they keep, which they do. Politicians have one too, but do not keep it.

I would like to thank E.J. Montini for his excellent commentary, which provided the substance for this blog post.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Agony of Stupidity...2 States...2 Governors...1 Idiot


And the winner is the dufus, Doug Ducey, not only one of the worst governors in the U.S., but one of the largest covid-19 killing machines. As an example, here's a comparison done by Phoenix newspaper columnist, E. J. Montini. Here's his headline...

"Washington is a state like Arizona – only with 13,000 fewer COVID-19 deaths"
And here is the scenario as the columnist pulls no punches on Arizona's head of state...
"For much of the pandemic that number has not seemed to matter much, if at all, to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. Spouting platitudes about the economy has mattered. Acquiescing to the conspiracy theorists and the anti-vaccine kooks in the Republican party has mattered. 
"But talking about COVID-19 and the terrible toll it has taken on Arizona, and actually doing something to stop it … those things have not mattered."

Donald Trump was still in office as the pandemic began its drive across the U.S. Trump initially called it a hoax, perpetuated by Democrats to do harm to his administration. Ducey echoed the then, White House maniac, leading Arizonans to believe there was nothing to worry about. I did a post on April 3, 2020, " Some COVID-19 deaths Republican governors' responsibility," on how Republican governors were reacting to covid-19 as if it were "just a virus," featuring Ducey...

"On March 23, Ducey issued an executive order prohibiting any county, city or town from issuing any order or regulation “restricting persons from leaving their home due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.” Ducey’s order prevented local municipalities from issuing shelter-in-place regulations."

Dufus Ducey does it again...banning lifesaving vaccine mandates...

 Now that you have the background, let's do the numbers. Montini concludes the states of Washington and Arizona are similar in many ways relating to the coronavirus pandemic. Population is an example...

"Recent counts show Washington at about 7.8 million people and Arizona at about 7.5 million." 

A huge difference is the fact that Washington's Gov. Jay Inslee, was considerably

more aggressive in protecting the citizens of his state than Ducey was with the Arizona population. Inslee is a Democrat. Ducey is a Republican. Inslee took heat from his constituents while the dufus did his thing...
"Arizona, which long ago abandoned its citizens to their own devices, Washington still has a number of restrictions aimed at mitigating the spread of COVID-19. Mask requirements. Proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test requirements. It’s a fairly long list and not everyone is happy about it."

And finally, the numbers that count...

Washington state has had a little over 800,000 cases of COVID-19 and fewer than 10,000 deaths.

Arizona has had 1.3 million cases and 23,000 deaths.

Montini asks his readers, citizens of Arizona, to think about that. I ask my readers the same because it is an excellent representation of how Republicans could care less about this country and its people with their only purpose to wreck our democracy


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Top Covid Killing Machine: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey


It's official, Arizona has risen to the top as the states where COVID-19 has been the leading cause of death during the pandemic. One of the local Phoenix top newspaper columnists, E.J. Montini, sums it up...

"All during awful days, the worse days and the catastrophic days of the pandemic, Will Humble has been a voice of reason in Arizona’s political wilderness, most often unheard and unheeded by Gov. Doug Ducey and those in charge of the state’s COVID-19 response."

Will Humble is the Executive Director for the Arizona Public Health Association, and former Arizona Health Director, who has been a driving force in fighting the onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic in Arizona. That is, in spite of Doug Ducey. It was Humble who chose the "evidence-based policy"approach, where the short-sighted Ducey went with...

"misinformation, lies and political pressure put on by everyone from former President Donald Trump to the anti-vaccine elements of the Republican party."

It is the kind of reasoning that prevails in the Arizona Republican Party, adhering to ideologies and power grabs on the right that has made it, for example, one of the easiest states in the U.S. to own a firearm. And just look at the leading contender

for the replacement of Ducey, Kari Lake, a former TV anchor who has a misplaced brain, like the majority of Republicans here. And then we have mentally sick House Representative Paul Gosar who threatened AOC with anime video killing her.

Here's more from Will Humble's report...

"Using data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the report says that nationally COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease. It notes as well that there are five states where COVID-19 is the second leading cause of death.

"But Arizona stands alone at the top."

Another Phoenix columnist says, "Gov. Doug Ducey's pandemic emergency powers must end",,,

Humble did warn Ducey of what was coming, but the lame-brained governor was so enamored with Donald Trump and his methods that he allowed the state he is fully responsible for to sink into the depths of the Covid calamity, throwing precautions completely to the wind. As Montini tells us, "More than 21,000 Arizonans have been killed by the virus. Further, he says...
He [Ducey] issued orders against “vaccine passports” and mask mandates in schools, and said things like, “While we strongly recommend all Arizonans get the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s not mandated in our state — and it never will be. Vaccination is up to each individual, not the government.”

He said, "We will not be listening to the lockdown lobby. Businesses will stay open. Students will be able to attend school. There will be no mask mandates. We have a proven solution with the vaccine."

We get rid of this moron next year, but if Kari Lake is what we have to look forward to, one has to ask, 'is there any hope for Arizona?' I have lived here almost 25 years and I think so. However, it means getting rid of the Republicans who currently run this state. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Two Arizona political lunatics are destroying the state


AZ Gov. Doug "Dufus" Ducey schluffs off the censure of him as an “action of very little consequence.” That is so because, in fact, Dufus Ducey is of very little consequence. As the state's worst governor to date, a Donald Trump clone, he commands the COVID-19 pandemic's worst state in the world. Pathetic! Read More...

And another Republican lunatic that adds to Arizona's conservative insanity, Kelli Ward, who has repeatedly fought against the legitimacy of Joe Biden's election. MSNBC's Chris Hayes says...
“The central story of American politics right now is that one of the two parties is ‘radicalizing against democracy’ in front of our eyes.” Double Pathetic! Read more...

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Wild West Trump lovin' store owner pulls gun on customer over mask

I live in Cave Creek, Arizona where the cowboys, and non-cowboys as well, pack heat. We're a suburb of Phoenix where you'll find hundreds of gun packin' citizens walking the streets, some of which with absolutely no training for the weapon they can carry wherever they go. Even bars. And, Arizona is ranked at the top when it comes to road rage shooting, Phoenix itself 7th in the nation. Although there is a connection, guns are not the real subject of this post.

There is a store in Cave Creek by the name of Teeslanger, just up the road from where I live. I have no idea what the name Teeslanger means and that really isn't important in the meaning of this post. It is about the store's owner, Scott Cerkoney, who pulled a gun on a customer just because he was wearing a mask for protection, when in fact masks are required in Maricopa County where the store is located. Here's the account from The Foothills Focus...

"Upon entry, the man said Teeslanger’s owner, Scott Cerkoney, told him to leave. Cerkoney got in the face of the victim, who did the same to the shop owner. The man said Cerkoney then pulled a gun on him, demanding he leave, as confirmed by statements from witnesses and in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office report."

This is one of Cerkoney's unbelievable statements: "You need to leave my store right now, I do not allow people to wear masks." This moron doesn't allow people to wear the protective piece that is proven to save lives in the COVID-19 pandemic, recommended strongly by the CDC, and required by a mandate from Maricopa County. There is a sign at the store entrance, forbidding masks and that declares, “This virus was a weapon used by the Democrats to steal an election!”

"MCSO alerted Maricopa County Public Health and the Arizona Department of Health Services regarding Teeslanger's no mask policy." However, Arizona's governor, Doug "Dufus" Ducey, has repeatedly ignored the complaints against store owners like Cerkony, which is one reason the state is ranked highest in the world for its coronavirus chaos. It another reason the virus has produced 4,944 new cases today, 152 deaths.

Confirmation from county officials...

Teeslanger’s no-mask policy is a “direct violation of the Maricopa County face-covering ordinance,” said Will Humble, the Arizona Public Health Association’s executive director. He is the former Arizona Department of Health director.

Humble further: he described the county’s mitigation measures as “paper tiger ordinances,” explaining how many businesses defy executive orders and mask mandates without enforcement or repercussions. Thanks again to Trump's clone, Doug Ducey, who has chosen to lead Arizona in the same direction as the White House maniac did the nation. And that is why the U.S. has 23,805,620 cases as of today and 397,284 deaths.

Following the same line, Arizona has 649,040 cases, 10,855 deaths. Humble has another comment about people like Cerkony and top officials of Arizona...

“Lots of people out there like that, and he’s getting away with it,” Humble said about Cerkoney. The store owner “will continue to get away with it because there’s no enforcement in the state by design, by the governor, Dr. (Cara) Christ—and you can print that,” Humble added.

Here's more...

Teeslanger is located in Prickly Pear Plaza and sells a variety of souvenirs, including politically themed T-shirts with phrases like “Take your COVID-19 and shove it…” and “Votes Don’t Matter,” as well as “MAGA” merchandise. Outside of the store is a replica of President-elect Joe Biden’s head on a pole that guests can punch.

There's much more to read about this anti-masking lunatic in The Foothills Focus. And I'll let you know when they put this double-digit gun nut and anti-masker away.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Donald Trump was here in Phoenix yesterday...BFD

President Donald Trump greets Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (third from right) during a rally  at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix on Feb. 19, 2020.

The governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, joined Trump on the podium. More BFD. But Phoenix's Veterans Memorial Coliseum was packed with poor lost souls in search of a leader that, because of who this idiot is, will never materialize. The Arizona Republic, solidly conservative, gave us five things learned from the rally...
"Trump's base is ready," but so are the Progressives of Arizona to turn the state at least purple.
 "Trump is all in for McSally," but her opponent in the Senate race, Mark Kelly, is ahead by 6.7 points.
And Trump roared what all the Arizona gun nuts wanted to hear, " Guns, guns and more guns." There's more of this pathetic drivel, if you have the stomach.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey snubs gun control again

Doug Ducey, Governor of Arizona, isn't the brightest politician in the pack, and he has been considered a worse governor than Jan Brewer, if that's possible, but he made a recent move that may just cost him even more votes in November, based on recent progressive moves in Arizona. The liberals are waking up here, tired of living under the conservative mantle of a bunch of gun nuts who love their firearms more than they do the lives of their children. My gut would tell me these are the same people who drown their kids daily in backyard pools.

Ducey was invited to debate gun violence and school safety at a town hall invitation from March for Our Lives Arizona. All other gubernatorial candidates will be there. Jordan Harb, March for Our Lives Arizona director said...
"Ken Bennett [GOP candidate] clearly does not agree with anything we propose, yet he is still willing to have this conversation with our community. I think, ultimately, this shows how much of a coward Doug Ducey is."
Well, we knew how dumb our governor was, now we confirmed that he is a coward. Not sure if this is the way Harb meant it, but Ducey's cowardice stems from his connection to the National Rifle Assn. who heartily endorsed him in his 2014 run for the office. The Arizona gun nuts took it from there and helped put him in the Gov's seat. The question is, as November draws closer, and the NRA slides further into oblivion when it comes to their power, will Ducey, plus the rest of the gun nut candidates across the U.S., abandon the group for greener pastures, which really aren't there.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...