Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melania Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Donald Trump supporters are way beyond stupid

THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE TO DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTERS IS PROTESTERS KNEELING DURING PLAYING OF THE NATIONAL ANTHEM: That is in comparison with more restrictions for gun control at a time when children are being murdered regularly in their own schools, and other innocent Americans are dying daily from gun violence in their own neighborhoods. It is obvious to say the priorities of these dullards is misplaced, to say the least.

So now we've passed over 'gun rights at any cost' for trashing an athlete that believes in a cause that many Americans support. But, then, it's a "black" thing and the Trump bunch is considered a gang of racists. Trump attacked LeBron James and CNN commentator Don Lemon recently calling them both dumb. They are both black. Melania came to James defense praising his school for needy he opened in Akron, OH. You have to wonder if Trump followers are simply mentally ill?

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Melania rams LeBron James up Trump's a**

A Ménage à trois of beauty, class and stupidity
Unless there is some underlying reason for what she did, Melania Trump just made her husband look like the fool he is and always has been. After T-rump spews his latest racist slur calling LeBron James dumb, along with his CNN interviewer, Don Lemon, both black, after James' criticism recently of the Oval Office lunatic. The first lady praised LeBron James saying he is doing "good things on behalf of our next generation," adding, she would like to visit the new school. Just how far up his backside this went is not clear since we've heard nothing from Trump.

And is it possible this is the opening salvo in a new revolt by Melania to undermine the maniac that has constantly belittled her over the years? It would seem appropriate if there is some kind of conspiracy to sabotage Trump just before the mid-terms and get even for her abuse over the years. I'm full of stuff like his but wouldn't the sane among us do most anything to get rid of this psychopath?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Political Satire: There's a limit to even presidential security

Just Donald Trump's "great" room
From the White House in Washington, D.C.,  to Trump Tower in Manhattan, to Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, the costs are soaring to keep Donald Trump and his family safe. To begin with, Melania, the First Lady, has decided to continue to make her and her son't residence in New York at the Trump Tower. One cannot blame her but why should the American taxpayer foot the bill of $500,000 a day amounting to $183 million a year. This almost unnecessary semi permanent expense is bad enough, but get this about one of the prodigal sons...
The "Secret Service and U.S. Embassy staffers paid nearly $100,000 in hotel-room bills to support Eric Trump’s trip to promote a Trump-brand condo tower in Uruguay"
Then it was on to Dubai where Secret Service accommodations have surpassed $16,000, continuing from there to Vancouver, B.C.

The pompous mogul can't use Camp David like other presidents, no, he has to fire up Air Force One to go to Mar-a Lago, which takes two hours at $200,000 an hour. The losers that voted for Donald John knew he was the epitome of extravagance so here's an idea. Take an average for presidential security, say Barack Obama, Geo. W. Bush combined, and subtract that from what is being spent for Trump. To recoup the difference, tax each Donald Trump voter in an amount that totals the difference of what the rest of the American public is now paying. Call it retribution for bad judgment.

The real story...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Political Satire: Trump Executive Order making Steve Bannon Presdent

Trump's latest Executive Order
Donald Trump was secretly constructing a new Executive Order when Kellyanne Conway walked into the Oval Office. She immediately asked what he was working on since Donald John looked so insidious. He told her he was afraid he might have to resign since everyone was dropping Ivanks's clothes line and there was no way he would let this country's business interfere with his business. Besides, he planned to come out with a new line of golf balls and his business advisers were telling him 'Dump the presidency." I'm recommending Steve Bannon for the job.

"Whaddaya mean, Bannon, Mike Pence is Vice President."

"That's what this Executive Order is for but don't tell Mikey or Stevo yet."

"This is bullshit, why can't I be President?" KC retorted.

"You're a woman, to begin with, and besides, no one likes you. You have to have charisma like me."

It was right then that Melania walked in. "Here's the plan to trim the White House in gold. Mitch McConnell loves it and says he'll get the budget of $100 million approved."

Donald John looked at everyone, "Maybe I'll hang around another two years; probably won't make it past the midterms anyway."

The real story...

Friday, November 18, 2016

Trump(s) use White House to peddle jewelry, clothing, golf courses, etc.

There is already concern over the fact that rather than put his business holdings into a blind trust, Donald Trump is turning them over to his family. Only a phone call away, or, perhaps, a bedroom away in the White House. It shouldn't be a surprise, however, since they are hawking everything from $10,000 bracelets to the Trump Tower and have been for the last eighteen months. Kathleen Clark, a law professor at Washington University, says:
"...public office is a public trust, that people are given the opportunity to serve in the government, not in order to line their pockets." In contrast, "...what may be developing is a president who sees this an opportunity to further his private brand and to permit his business to take very advantage of the opportunities given to him."
Although Congress could pass laws to establish guidelines for this --and we know that would take years and probably result in no decision --it is already being addressed in social media, like this blog, plus Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, to discourage the public from shopping at stores carrying Trump lines like Macy's and Nordstrom. The political pundits sort of anticipated this when, before the election, they predicted Trump was doing it just to further his brand.

What they weren't forecasting at the time was the fact that Trump would, in fact, win the election and extend the promotion of his brand in a four-year long campaign from the Rose Garden of the White House. Unless...

Trump suck-ups coming out of the woodwork

It all started with Trump's cabinet selections circling the wagons, preparing their 'resumes' in readiness to pounce on their id...