The right leaning Arizona Republic newspaper commented how Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer had become quite popular on the political speaker circuit with attendees paying $150 to hear her, another $250 to get their picture taken with her. OK. In Arizona , at least, this woman has trouble putting two sentences together that make sense, so she must have one hell of a teleprompter on the road. The paper says she is joined by other “GOP heavy hitters Sarah Palin, Condoleezza Rice and Michele Bachmann.” Yeah, sure.
Actually, the newspaper is touting Brewer as a “vice-presidential hopeful;” the president thing was my idea. Sorta like parody in the extreme. Apparently some bloggers desperate for attention are throwing this idea around, and that should certainly draw the attention of progressives who would love to see her on the ticket with Rick Perry. They could probably outdo the comedy team of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. Possibly even Laurel and Hardy.
James King, writing for the Phoenix New Times says it is coffee spitting hilarity, if you read the Republic headline early in the morning with your first cup. King did a poll at the end of his article asking, “Could Jan Brewer really become Vice President Jan Brewer?” The voting answers were: “Yes,” “No” and “Kill me now.” Yes and No pulled 7.2 percent and 26.3 percent, respectively. Kill me now pulled a walloping 66.5 percent. It really says something when you’d rather join the deceased than live with Jan Brewer in Washington .
During these jaunts around the country Brewer is also promoting her new book, which raises the question, who is paying travel expenses? It seems that her “reputation” is enough for the groups where she is speaking to pick up the tab. Although it isn’t on her schedule as far as I know, I’ll bet the Comedy Club in Los Angeles would love to have her act. Sarah Palin did the foreword to Brewer’s book, which leads me to the following scenario.
There they are, Thelma and Louise (Brewer and Palin) on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon about a half mile from the bluff in their convertible Edsel. Behind them is a group of discontents that have read both Palin’s and Brewer’s books, chasing the pair. The Thelma and Louise wannabes, look at each other, make their decision, and with books held high, drive right off the cliff. And suddenly, all is well in Alaska , Arizona and the rest of the country.
But the coverage of Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer would not be complete without talking about her brain dead period on TV of 13 seconds where she looks as if she doesn’t even know where or who she is. She does recover artfully after the embarrassing lapse of a double-digit IQ with, “We have did what was right for Arizona .” You can see the video below.