Showing posts with label Kim Jong-un. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kim Jong-un. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

Classified report proves Trump's N. Korean Summit failure

Oh God, what the hell am I doing?
If anything, Donald Trump gave up the store in his negotiations with Kim Jong-un at the Singapore Summit. An Israeli foreign ministry report says the meeting "left many open questions about how the two countries will pursue denuclearization." Published by Axios, "The Israeli foreign ministry report also says that the Trump administration backtracked on many of the demands it had said it would make in the run-up to the meeting with Kim." The general response from many nations and the American Congress is that N. Korea's intentions are less than what is expected by T-rump.

According to the classified report, the Oval Office lunatic has decided to make a move recommended by China last year but rebuffed, "to halt joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea while denuclearization, a proposal known as “freeze to freeze,” was a significant reversal of Washington’s previous position." N. Korean experts exclaim that...
"the agreement between the Trump administration and the regime of Kim Jong Un contained very few concrete plans of action."
I am definitely not a John McCain fan but the Senator is knowledgeable in foreign affairs and he disagreed with and criticized Trump for his handling of the meeting with Kim Jong-un. Specifically, "arguing that Trump was wrong to agree to suspend joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises." He expressed simply that T-rump got nothing in return for what he gave away, one of which was canceling the military exercises. We need something "concrete" re. denuclearization, and how about N. Korea's record on human rights, McCain commented.

Trump's decision to suspend military exercises worried even some of his supporters on Capitol Hill in that it, "undermines our security and alliances.” You have to wonder what the man is doing after all the abuse he directed at Kim Jong-un in the past like calling him a "rogue," "madman," "gangster," and "maniac," the latter one of the very words used to describe Donald Trump today. And after all the insults flung at Kim in rapid fire fashion, he comes home from the Summit calling the N. Korean leader, "very smart." That's for sure, the way he suckered T-rump into this Summit meeting.

The world is also asking, what the hell was Trump thinking when he saluted a N. Korean general when he was being introduced. I was in the Navy and was taught that you do salute rank, and as an enlisted man the officer always returned my salute. But doesn't this dufus know that he is the President of the United States, in a foreign country, and his salute might be interpreted as honoring the human rights atrocities of N. Korea? Sarah Sanders said it was courtesy but Chris Cillizza of CNN had this to say...
1) Trump didn't really know what he was doing. And that is because he admittedly made absolutely no real preparation for what was perhaps one of the most important foreign policy meetings the United States has ever participated in.
2) Trump knew exactly what he was doing. He was in a kissing ass mode, which he had initiated earlier to impress Kim, and his salute of the general was just follow up in keeping with "sending a message of respect to Kim."
Unfortunately, this is a summary of Donald Trump's success at the Singapore Summit...
“'Chairman Kim has told me that North Korea is already destroying a major missile engine testing site,' Trump said in the wake of the summit in Singapore on June 12, without detailing which site Kim had pledged to dismantle. But an analysis by monitoring group 38 North revealed that there is still no evidence that North Korea is destroying anything."
Donald Trump was desperate for success at the Singapore Summit and it eluded him completely.


                    John McCain Torches Trump’s ‘Bad Negotiating Tactic’ With Kim Jong Un

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Emperor Trump rules like a dictator

The emperor has spoken
Donald Trump has graced us with so many stupid statements that it is really hard to say when one tops another. But this time, he may have come up with the all-time gold medal. This is T-rump's diatribe on Friday following the Singapore Summit with Kim Jong-un,,,
Donald Trump said he wants "his people" to listen to him like North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's people listen to him. "He’s the head of a country. And I mean, he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same,"
You idiot, his people bow down to this maniac because they are afraid if they don't he will kill them. It is so bizarre that an American president would make this kind of statement when most of the world agrees the man he is talking about should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Trump went on to praise Kim in this Fox News interview that was fortunately corroborated by other news media. He has also drawn criticism from...
"lawmakers for his friendly comments towards Kim, whose government has a notorious human rights record and a history of cruel treatment of prisoners, including Americans."
And then later on Friday this dufus told White House reporters it was all a joke. He said he hit it off with Kim and that they shared "good chemistry." Remember when T-rump was calling Kim Jong-un "Rocket Man?" Now he says he "hated" calling him that. as if someone forced him to do it, which, of course, is absurd. Watchdog agencies say No. Korea has, "perpetuated human rights abuses for decades. It is recorded that...
"In his first five years in power, Kim has ordered 340 people to be executed, about 140 were senior officers in the country's government and military."
Donald Trump is no doubt blowing the success of this Singapore Summit way out of proportion as far as his success with No. Korea; there was none. But his bullshit paints a good picture for voters in November. And, of course, there is 2020. God help us all!

Read more: Trump: Kim's people sit up when he speaks, 'I want my people to do the same'
                    Trump says he wants 'my people' to 'sit up at attention' like North Koreans, later says he's 'kidding'

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Donald Trump turns Singapore Summit into burlesque

The Donald Trump administration produced a movie about Trump, Kim Jong-un and a world being saved by these two maniacs. It is self-serving, of course, but the T-rump team takes that a bit further by portraying the Oval office lunatic as our next savior. Although he hasn't risen from the dead, and he doesn't have a cross, at least one we know of, he does have a devoted bunch of followers in numbers much more than twelve. Kim Jong-un is the great warrior that must make up his mind to join the master of peace.

This is a video you don't want to eat immediately before or soon after you watch it. Remember now, this is the President of the United States that feels he must resort to these theatrics to get a foreign leader who has been branded by the world as a madman to like him. But still, it is a movie you must watch because it will portray on a screen just how much this idiot some of you elected to the White House thinks of himself...

Read more: Trump’s Fake Movie Trailer Starring Kim Jong Un: What the Hell Did I Just Watch?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump comes away empty-handed at Singapore summit

Donald Trump was sucked into a situation that was way over his head since the man has no capacity for diplomacy. N. Korea's Kim Jong-un walked away with precisely what he went there for, to make Trump look like the idiot he is. Past presidents had the gumption to realize what had to precede a meeting of this nature, an honest compliance in denuclearization. Instead, the Oval Office lunatic settled for "little else than the release of three U.S. hostages in May." He even boasted that he, Donald Trump, didn't even need to prepare for the meeting, that he would wing it. Well, he did and failed.

As far as an agreement on denuclearization is concerned, The Daily Beast described it as "complete pablum"...
“Reaffirming the April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
All T-rump was able to accomplish, basically, was to get Kim Jong to commit to the same thing he has agreed to for years, to...
 "something like total global nuclear disarmament or bilateral arms reductions with the United States. And all North Korea will do, per the declaration, is work 'towards' this objective."
A third-grader could probably have done better.

Read more: Trump’s Singapore Summit Was a Bust—for the U.S.
                    South Korea Blindsided By Trump War Games Agreement

Friday, May 25, 2018

Did No. Korea call V.P. Pence a "political dummy?"

Mike Pence
Donald Trump has cancelled the Nuclear Summit with No. Korea's Kim Jong-un due to rhetoric on the part of Kim. Choe Son Hui, a vice-minister in the North Korean Foreign Ministry then said...
"if the US continued on its current path, she would suggest to North Korea's leadership that they reconsider the planned summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un."
She then called V. P. Mike Pence a "political dummy" for warning "North Korea that it could end up like Libya if it fails to make a nuclear deal with Washington." Choe called the comments "unbridled and impudent." Pence said on Fox News, "As the President made clear, this will only end like the Libya model ended if Kim Jong Un doesn't make a deal." And then John Bolton commented, "the US would look to the negotiations with Libya during the early 2000s when dealing with North Korea." You would think they were already in the war room with these remarks.

Adam Mount, the director of the Defense Posture Project at the Federation of American Scientists said, Pence's comments were the "most explicit regime change threat yet" from the Trump administration. Jean Lee, the director of the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy at the Wilson Center commented, "They (the North Koreans) are very proud, they don't like being bullied and they certainly don't like the repeated references to Libya and the repeated reference to its poverty." Unfortunately, our negotiator is perhaps the world's top bully.

Warmonger John Bolton avoided Vietnam War

John Bolton would have us here
Yes, John Bolton is a wimp, according to Slate, declining to go into combat, he enlisted in the National Guard and went to law school. His words: "I confess I had no desire to die in a Southeast Asian rice paddy," That's a touching statement from the man Donald Trump just appointed his national-security adviser, a move that refutes another of T-rump's campaign promises, to get us out of these stupid wars. Bolton is a warmonger who has never seen a war he wouldn't promote and he has Trump's ear.

The Nation reports that...
"Under Bush, he cooked intelligence to fit the case for the Iraq War. He still defends what was the greatest foreign-policy debacle since Vietnam."
In more from the Nation, John Bolton believes that any negotiations with No. Korea is a time waster and was known to be thinking of steering Trump away from the talks he had planned with Kim Jong-un. Well, apparently it worked because T-rump said on Tuesday he was afraid that the summit will be a "political embarrassment," The administration noted the fact that No. Korea was not ready to denuclearize, something Trump has demanded. The move by Kim Jong-un is very convenient for Bolton who is for going to war with No. Korea now, something Congress hasn't ruled out.

Back in August 2017, The Atlantic reported even then that it could be the most destructive war ever and noted that with No. Korea's current nuclear set up, it would take only 30 minutes for them to hit Los Angeles with a nuclear missile. This whole fiasco has been going on for decades but Donald Trump is the first totally unhinged U.S. President to be involved. If you compound that with John Bolton at the help of national security, it is very frightening to think what could happen. I'll leave you with this...
"Trump has also tweeted [2017] that North Korea is 'looking for trouble' and that he intends to 'solve the problem.' His administration has leaked plans for a “decapitation strike” that would target Kim, which seems like the very last thing a country ought to announce in advance."
Has the Oval Office lunatic learned anything since then?

NOTE: It's official, Donald Trump canceled the summit with No. Korea's Kim Jong-un. Enter John Bolton?


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