No one can feel the grief that MarkMattioli feels, except the other nineteen families whose children ages 6
and 7 were slaughtered by Adam Lanza in the Newtown Sandy Hook Elementary
School shooting last December. But the father
is way off base when he said, “there are more than enough gun laws on the books.” Although the proposed legislation by
President Obama for universal background checks, including private sales at gun
shows, wouldn’t have helped in this instance, it will certainly help identify
responsible gun owners in the future.
True, Mattioli’s plea for improving the mental health system
could have prevented Lanza from having access to the weapons he used; although
since they belonged to his mother, that is debatable unless we extend the
mental health requirements to forbidding any firearms in a home where there is
a known mental health problem. Wouldn’t
that just drive wacky Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Assn. (NRA),
right up the wall? But when you think
about it, there is really no other way to keep someone who is mentally
incompetent away from guns.
Adam Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and
according to the National Institute of NeurologicalDisorders and Stroke, “Some individuals with ASD are severely disabled
and require very substantial support for basic activities of daily living. Asperger syndrome is considered by many to be
the mildest form of ASD and is synonymous with the most highly functioning
individuals with ASD.” And most experts
agree that Asperger’s syndrome doesn’t cause violence. Since autism, which is what AS is a part of,
is not considered a mental illness, is Sandy Hook even a mental health issue?
Yes, that's wacky Wayne LaPierre behind the sign
Contrary to Mattioli’s position, a large group of Newtown residents
voiced their opinions to Connecticut lawmakers to take state action that would
prevent another tragedy like the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. But other residents were concerned about
their 2nd Amendment rights at about the same time Wayne LaPierre was
frothing at the mouth again over the NRA’s “absolutist” rights, which was in
response to President Obama reminding the gun fanatics you cannot “mistake
absolutism for principle.” Apparently
they just don’t get it either.
One Newtown mother said, “there's a national misperception
that Newtown residents want to repeal the Second Amendment. Rather, Newtown
residents want to protect people's rights while also protecting children and
their safety.” It is this belief by the
gun nuts that gun control advocates want to take their guns away that has been
instilled in them by LaPierre for years.
Fear works when you are trying to initiate action, like raising more
money for the NRA. I liken it to the
selling of cancer insurance by junk mail years ago. Scare the hell out of them to induce buying
the insurance.
And then there was this classic statement by Bill Sherlach,
whose wife, Mary, the school psychologist, was killed in the carnage:
He said he respects the 2nd
Amendment “but it was written in a long-ago era where armaments were
different. I have no idea how long it
took to reload and refire a musket," he said. "I do know that the
number of shots fired in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in those few short
minutes is almost incomprehensible, even in today's modern age."
David Wheeler’s 6-year-old son was killed in the massacre
and cited the mental health angle again:
"That a person with these problems
could live in a home where he had access to among the most powerful firearms
available to non-military personnel is unacceptable," he said. "It
doesn't matter to whom these weapons were registered. It doesn't matter if they
were purchased legally. What matters is that it was far too easy for another
mentally unbalanced, suicidal person who had violent obsessions to have easy
access to unreasonably powerful weapons."
If the Newtown incident is ruled to be mentally incompetent
connected, it will certainly be a clear sign that it is necessary to evaluate
every home in which firearms are housed.
And that would significantly apply to those having assault-type weapons
since this seems to be the weapon of choice for the mass gun murderers. Once again this raises the need for a
national database of firearms owned and with the improvement of identifying the
mentally challenged, there could be an instant cross-reference that would
identify any potential problem households.