Showing posts with label Jerrold Nadler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerrold Nadler. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2019

Donald Trump responsible for hate crimes

July 22, 2019: TODAY'S NEWS BYTES  

Hate crimes tied to a president unheard of  

Donald Trump-White Supremacist

Many in the media and groups like So. Poverty Law Center have warned of Donald Trump inciting violence with his racist targeting of women of color in Congress. Jim Cavanaugh, a retired ATF special agent-in-charge was interviewed by Anchor Joy Reid on Friday evening’s “The Last Word.” She asked...
“So those threats beginning about two years ago, increases in white nationalist activity. Have you ever heard of these kinds of increases in hate and potential hate crimes being tied to a president of the United States?”
Reid answered, “No,” he replied. “That’s very, very unusual, Joy, to have that happen.” Reid added...
“You know, when you get more power, your words carry more weight. When you get into this undercurrent of the Nazis and the white nationalists and the klansmen, they feed off of this. They feed off of public figures — on the regular media, in the government, congressmen, senators, the president — saying the things they always say,” he explained. “It bolsters them. It gives them strength and power.”
You can't get much more power than that of the President of the United States, so it is safe to say the white supremacists have the capacity of the greatest nation on earth. And that is very, very scary. The Oval Office lunatic has even primed these Nazis recently with his attacks on the four congresswomen, and there appears no abatement for Trump's racism. This country may be doomed to relive the race wars of the 1960s.


White Supremacists love Donald Trump...

Stephen Miller-Donald Trump's scariest aide

Stephen Miller is a far-right political activist who serves as a senior advisor for policy for President Donald Trump. He took over as the chillingest member of Trump's team when Steve Bannon left. Although I don't consider Fox New generally credible, I do think Chris Wallace, because of his father Mike, to be honest and believable. Wallace adamantly shut down Miller as the latter repeatedly tried to defend T-rump's racism.

Here's an example from Think Progress...
"Wallace also pointed out that Trump has criticized the four lawmakers for comments he deemed critical of America, yet attacked the nation, and Obama, with comments that were far more negative. President Obama is ignorant, this country is killers, on and on.'”
"Miller attempted to spin a 'fundamental distinction' between 'people who think we need to lean into and strengthen American’s core values' and 'people who think we need to turn America into Venezuela.' But Wallace again responded with Trump’s own quotes that were explicit attacks on America."
Chris concluded the interview with...
“I’ve never called any of his tweets racist,” Wallace admonished Miller. “But there’s no question he is stoking racial divisions.”
Read more... 

The Hill says Trump has nothing to fear from Robert Mueller testimony

There are disagreements with this statement from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who is convinced that Robert Mueller's report "presents very substantial evidence" that President Donald Trump "is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors." There is no reason to ask who is right since there can be no real right or wrong until a court, probably eventually SCOTUS, interprets sections of the report.

Here's what Mueller said: “The report is my testimony. I would not provide information beyond that which is already public in any appearance before Congress.”

Here's what House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said: "Democrats on the committees plan to get around this reluctance by having Mueller read from his report, and by asking him for commentary about what he’s read."

It may even be a strategy welcomed by Robert Mueller.


Friday, May 17, 2019

The ceaselessness of Donald Trump obstruction

The FBI recently "opened a public corruption investigation into whether Florida massage parlor owner and Republican donor Li “Cindy” Yang illegally funneled money from China to President Donald Trump’s re-election effort," according to Salon. Seems Yang funneled $5,400 through one of her employees and the FBI wants to know more. Here is the scenario...
"Yang, a naturalized U.S. citizen and a member of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, is accused of selling access to Trump and his family to Chinese businessmen. The FBI is investigating whether foreign money was then used to buy tickets to political events, which would constitute illegal foreign donations. It is also illegal to reimburse someone for a political contribution without disclosing the original source of the money."
It seems "that nine of Yang’s family members, including Peranio, all made maximum $5,400 donations to Trump’s re-election committee prior to her photo with the president." You might remember Yang's massage parlor as the one where New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft was arrested for soliciting prostitution. The there some kind of influence from China in the recent trade negotiations the Trump administration has been conducting?

Philip Hackney, tax professor and former attorney at the Internal Revenue Service, says, "the IRS must turn over Trump’s returns to the House Ways and Means Committee. "Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin retorts...
"a resounding no – at least when it comes to the request submitted by Democratic Congressman Richard Neal on April 3. Mnuchin said it 'lacks a legitimate legislative purpose.'”
We've listened to Donald Trump and his minions long enough to know you cannot believe anything they say. The use of the words "not anything," meaning how much you can believe in describing one's truthfulness, is pretty pathetic when you are talking about the President of the United states and his Cabinet and staff. But then Hackney alludes to the fact that on the one side you have the law, and then there is political reality. They'll never get the records, he quips.

The Congress is not a law enforcement body and "does not have a legitimate purpose to investigate the questions it is pursuing." This is the statement of White House counsel Pat Cipollone to Chairman, House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.). The Trump administration doesn't want anymore poking around the Mueller Report, which...
"constitutes a sweeping rejection — not just of Nadler’s request for White House records but of Congress’s standing to investigate Trump for possible obstruction of justice."
And the beat goes on. There's more from Cipollone...
“Congressional investigations are intended to obtain information to aid in evaluating potential legislation, not to harass political opponents or to pursue an unauthorized ‘do-over’ of exhaustive law enforcement investigations conducted by the Department of Justice,”
Nadler called this preposterous, actually just another ludicrous Donald Trump tactic to con the American public.

Please give me your comments.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

BREAKING: Trump uses executive privilege to block Mueller Report

More Trump obstruction daily
Well, it happened, the Oval Office lunatic has exerted executive privilege to block the Mueller Report from being released to the public. Nancy Pelosi said...
“Every single day the president is making a case — he's becoming self-impeachable, in terms of some of the things he's doing.”
The Hill reported House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), said...
“This decision represents a clear escalation in the Trump administration’s blanket defiance of Congress’s constitutionally mandated duties. I hope that the department will think better of this last minute outburst and return to negotiations.”
The grueling question is, will all this flak the Democrats are giving Donald Trump come back to haunt them in an increase in his favorability rating, and will it prove helpful to the GOP in 2020? T-rump also continues to refuse to turn over his tax records from past years and there is a fight to obtain these by the Dems. Nadler accused the Trump administration of...
“unprecedented obstruction” in his opening remarks and argued that Trump had already waived executive privilege “long ago” in the course of the Mueller investigation.
There seems no end to what this maniac will do to protect the information that over 450 ex-prosecutors have said clearly stated in writing that he has obstructed justice. There can't really be a winner in all this.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Report release ends further indictments, but...

New York Attorney General

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has said after the release of the Mueller report, "There is still ‘significant evidence of  collusion.’" House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) ays he "doesn’t need the Mueller report to know whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia." The Hill says if Democrats feel "emboldened" to take it further, it could "look like overreach to many Americans." My gut tells me that only the radical conservatives will take the latter position, with Mueller's remarks leaving open the extent to which Donald Trump should be held accountable. 

But the Mueller Report is, perhaps, the least of Donald Trump's worries. The New York Attorney General is investigating T-rump on several fronts. His business deals, various projects, his finances, and in the latest has issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank for records relating to the financing of four major Trump Organization projects. The state of New York will not be impeded by a Republican Congress that has protected Trump during all of his administration, so far. There has to be an end to this, and it isn't likely to be favorable to Donald Trump.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...