Showing posts with label Dr. Anthony Fauci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Anthony Fauci. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2021

You think coronavirus is bad, let me tell you about the after effects


The CDC's Dr. Anthony Fauci has all but demanded that the American public wear a mask, and stay at a distance of at least six feet when in a social gathering. He couldn't demand it under non-believer Donald Trump, but we got the message. At least those of us who have asserted the mentality to believe the scientists who have been proven to be correct with the facts over and over. Fauci and his peers have taken it further by warning against gathering in large numbers.

However, the mentally challenged non-believers continue to startle those of us daily who are confident just how bad the pandemic is. In the U.S. alone as of today, there have been 21,800,681 COVID-19 cases, 369,135 deaths. Folks, that's over 350 million fathers/mothers, brothers/sisters, grandfathers/grandmothers, uncles/aunts and just friends who have died unnecessarily because Donald Trump and his gang of incompetents failed to address the pandemic.

Here's a headline from GBH News that puts this all into perspective: "How Many Have To Die Before Nonmask Wearers Realize The Pandemic Is Not A Joke?" And what these people don't take into consideration--probably due to their impaired mentality--is the fact that not wearing a mask could lead to the death of others, even family and friends. And then there are those who say, "It's only a virus." Stupid as it may seem, this concept is shared by many non-believers. 

Yes, it is a virus that, aside from its infectious nature requiring a possible hospital stay to shed the infection, has potential long-lasting effects that make it much more than "just an infection." An article in Elemental, "The Long-Term Health Impacts of Being Infected With the Coronavirus," talks about just that. Keep in mind now, this is well after you have suffered though the infectious stage of the virus, which can be agonizing, according to survivors.

There is plenty of talk out there about catching the virus and potentially dying from it but not as much about the after effects following initial stage recovery. You're better now and you didn't die so you're home free. Afraid not. Elemental, a new science-backed health and wellness coverage publication, says...

"There is growing concern about the potential long-term consequences of Covid-19, with reports of symptoms lingering for weeks and even months."

First concern, your lungs... 

"The good news is that if your symptoms are relatively mild and you don’t need to be hospitalized, there are good reasons to believe you’ll make a full recovery."
However, Albert Rizzo, MD, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association, says there is a risk of scarring and more permanent lung damage in people who are hospitalized and ventilated.

Next, your heart...

"Over the past two months, one of the deadliest effects of Covid-19 that has emerged is its impact on the heart.

“'I think what is clear is that there are a number of different [cardiovascular] manifestations of Covid-19,' says Mariell Jessup, MD, chief science and medical officer of the American Heart Association. “Some people are getting this heart attack looking syndrome, some people are getting this myocarditis kind of syndrome, and some people are just getting garden-variety heart failure in response to an overwhelming pulmonary infection."

The brain...

"There is mounting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 also impacts the brain. In a study of 214 Covid-19 patients, one-third experienced neurological symptoms, including dizziness, headache, and cognitive impairment."

The body's immune system... 

"Another consideration is how SARS-CoV-2 could impact a person’s risk for other infections. In a recent study, researchers found that 20% of people with Covid-19 were also infected with other viruses, including influenza, rhinovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus."

And don't forget your overall well-being...

"A final consideration is the consequence of hospitalization or weeks of being bed-bound on the body’s recovery. The consensus is that the worse someone’s health was before they got infected and the more severe their coronavirus infection was, the longer it will take them to regain their strength."

Rizzo says “It can take months to a year for some of that recovery to occur. But as you might suspect, it’s going to vary from individual to individual, again based on what was their condition prior to that care and how severe was their case." The point is that we have a new variant of the virus which is supposed to be significantly more transmissible, thus, more cases and more deaths. More on that coming up in a new blog.

The general consensus is practice the virus guidelines and stay as far away from COVID-19 as you can. Three is so much more in this article that you should read.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

This would solve the problem of opening the U.S. economy...

...if we had an expert like Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the CDC, in sole charge of disseminating any and all information on the coronavirus pandemic...

The Big Mouth
Dr. Fauci has proven himself credible and dependable to see the problems, analyze the situation and come up with the correct answers. But we know that giving him free reign won't happen with the big mouth maniac
in the Oval Office. So what do we do? The coronavirus clown just did an about-face on
The coronavirus clown
shutdowns he had previous determined...
"The feds were issuing broad guidelines, he said, but 'governors will be empowered to tailor an approach that meets the diverse circumstances of their own states....'"
But then...
"Before noon on Friday, Trump and his thumbs had ripped off the mask to reveal the man we always knew was underneath: the raging, juvenile, divisive partisan with Twitter Tourette’s.
“LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” he wrote. “LIBERATE VIRGINIA!” “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”, he said, clearly siding with protesters who’ve broken social distancing restrictions to put themselves and their neighbors at risk. It is no mistake he chose three swing states with Democratic governors who have gone out of their way to work with regional partners.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says there should be a stay-at-home order for the ENTIRE country...

"The New York daily News profiles Donald Trump the, "nation’s supposed leader reverts again to being its loudest whiner, its blame-shifting, chaos-causing, whirlwind-reaping rabble-rouser," finishing their article with...
"None of this is the least bit surprising. Just as when the dog, who has gone to obedience school and put on an “I’m sorry” face many times, makes on the carpet again. If it wouldn’t violate social distancing rules, we’d roll up today’s Daily News and hit him on the nose again."
Hope your 'stay at home' weekend is going great!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hydroxychloroquine covered by Dr. Fauci

Is hydroxychloroquine the miracle drug Donald Trump is making it?...

Dr. Fauci puts potential drug use in perspective...

Donald Trump has touted hydroxychloroquine used to treat malaria for COVID-19, but Dr. Anthony Fauci says it is only anecdotal. Just for grins I looked up the term and here is the definition of anecdotal...
"An adjective, (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because it is based on personal accounts rather than facts or research."
Plain and simple, it is not yet approved to treat coronavirus, based on lengthy scientific studies. In a pandemic, do you have time for lengthy scientific studies? While the answer to that is probably no, if you do proceed without adequate studies with proven results, are you ready for after and side-effects that could be deadly? That's what the FDA is for, to approve any medication like this going on the market, but not doing so until credible scientists have given the go-ahead.

And we're not there yet, but already there is activity in New York on the drug...
"A [New York] state Health Department official said the DOH has shipped doses of hydroxychloroquine to 56 hospitals across New York, distributing enough “to treat 4,000 patients to date.”
Reported by the New York Post, "Patients have received doses as part of four- or 10-day regimens, officials said." Here's the scenario...
"The University of Albany’s School of Public Health is observing the drug’s impact on the patients, and its preliminary study could come back in weeks instead of the usual months, officials said."
Trump blocks Dr. Fauci's answer on "anecdotal" hydroxychloroquine...

Clinical trials are being conducted and there is hope there will be results in just weeks, rather than the usual months' wait. The following is new to me but, “Currently, there is no proven way to prevent COVID-19 after being exposed,” So...
“If hydroxychloroquine provides protection, then it could be an essential tool for fighting this pandemic. If it doesn’t, then people should avoid unnecessary risks from taking the drug.”
The drugs current use is "to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus." And here is why the expert, Dr. Fauci wants to restrict hydroxychloroquine's wide distribution...
"Its potential side effects include everything from fatal heart arrhythmia to vision loss, ear-ringing, vomiting, mood changes, skin rashes and hair loss."
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on New York testing hydroxychloroquine and other similar drugs...

That, most would agree, is a good reason for reluctance to actively push the drug just yet. Apparently no one thinks the it will be a “miracle drug” for COVID-19, but the world is desperately looking for anything to fight this virus. There is a protocol for the studies being done in New York...
"Each day during the 14-day period and then again on Day 28, the participants will swab their nasal passages and send the samples to researchers to detect potential COVID-19 infection.
 “'If everything goes as planned, the eight-week trial could provide answers by summer on whether a preventive dose of the drug is safe and effective,’' NYU Langone said in a release."
The question, of course, is whether Dr. Fauci will still consider the evidence anecdotal, and if so, will it proceed to limited use, with or without the expert? My gut tells me that, if after the summer period when the study results are in, which are not yet really as scientific as Fauci requires, there will be an all-out war between the factions and guess who will win. And it won't be the American public.  

Friday, February 28, 2020

Will Trump drag his feet on coronavirus until it is out of control in the U.S.?

In this case, these two heads are horribly alarming

Unintelligible, as usual, Donald Trump in a news conference...
"claimed he saved America by shutting down flights, appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a coronavirus task force despite having few qualifications to do so, suggesting his public health budget cuts are no big deal because he can just hire more doctors later, and insisting that it was Democrats, rather than the epidemic, that tanked the stock market this week. 
This is beyond unconscionable and borders on the hysterical kind of talk the psychiatrists say he should be committed for.   READ MORE...

Trump fired pandemic response team in 2018...

Cutting budgets, Trump eliminated funding to Obama-era disease security programs and...
"Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded."
There's more...
Overall in 2018, Trump called for $15 billion in reduced health spending that had previously been approved, as he looked at increasing budget deficits, cutting the global disease-fighting budgets of the CDC, National Security Council (NSC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Health and Human Services (HHS) in the process.
And now we are facing a possible worldwide coronavirus epidemic which could turn into a pandemic having already started in the United States and getting worse.   READ MORE...

Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic advisor, falsely claimed that the U.S. had successfully "contained" the Coronavirus...

Where does he get these idiots? Kudlow is on a level with Education Secretary, Betsy DeVoss. The CDC had just warned of the deadly virus' spread in the United States. The U.S. had 53 confirmed cases as of last Monday. Kudlow even used the term "pretty close to air-tight" to describe its containment. It is pretty obvious that the Oval Office lunatic ordered Kudlow to make the statement to try and stabilize the stock market.

Larry Kudlow
Another cover-up by the Trump administration, but, the most frightening thing is that the White House maniac is making similar statements while a killer virus spreads throughout the United States. The horror of it all is, now Donald Trump has placed Larry Kudlow on his task force to respond to the coronavirus epidemic.  What will it take?   READ MORE...

Trump says we're very close to a Coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's a year away...

According to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that a coronavirus vaccine is at least a year away, and that is because the Donald Trump administration has completely dropped the ball. Fauci, on CNN’s ” New Day,” was asked by host John Berman about the fact that Trump had made the statement, “We’re very close to a vaccine." the doctor replied...
“Well, the confusion is we’re close to starting a phase one trial to determine safety,” Fauci explained. “We’re going to do that in about one and a half to two months –but that doesn’t mean you have a vaccine. In order to get a vaccine, that’s practically deployable for people to use, it’s going to be at least a year to a year and a half at best.”
T-rump's confusion is that he is just completely confused, about everything he talks about, evidenced by the gibberish we hear every time he opens his mouth.  And it gets more pathetic every day.

Rachel Maddow exposes Donald Trump's anemic response to Coronavirus and reports on first U.S. case with no foreign source...

Trump silencing White House officials from talking about coronavirus to keep stock market up...

T-rump is scared to death the coronavirus epidemic and potential pandemic in the U.S. could lower his favorability ratings and lose the election for him in November. He doesn't give a shit about the American public and rants and raves from his self-appointed pedestal questioning the seriousness of the virus while we rack up 60 cases at home. And he's put the clamps on people who work for him...
"According to a report from the Washington Post, Donald Trump is trying to rein in officials in his own administration from talking about the spread of the coronavirus over fears that it will impact the stock market — and hurt his re-election prospects."
This idiot keeps saying it has been contained and cases will be at zero soon, as well as the fact--his fact--we will also shortly have a vaccine. All CDC officials have a resounding NO for each of these statements. When you watch the Oval Office lunatic, he appears to have complete belief in what he says. That is even more terrifying than the substance of his comments. It isn't the media's purpose to induce panic in the public, but it is their job to report the news accurately.


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Anti-vaxxers threaten U.S. workplace, economy

Want your kid to look like this?
The National Institute of Health has said ...
"The agenda of anti-vaccination activists may be causing a drag on the U.S. economy as the measles outbreak forces people to stay out of work and seek medical care."
This is the statement by the director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci. His premise is, “If you wind up getting more infections and diseases that were vaccine-preventable, those are entirely avoidable burdens on the economy.” In other words, it is the anti-vaxxers that are causing this problem, but we knew that already. Here are some numbers re. cost...
"a University of North Carolina study showed vaccine-preventable diseases among adults cost the economy nearly $9 billion in 2015, with unvaccinated individuals responsible for 80% of those costs."
There is a total of 704 measles cases now, the biggest number since the disease was considered controlled in 2000. There is no excuse for this happening other than the fact that these anti-vaxxing parents decided not to vaccinate their children, resulting in the outbreak. An outbreak that could prov fatal for some...
"Dr. Fauci, who helped develop a vaccine against AIDS, warned that measles itself is dangerous and can kill. The disease, before vaccines were available, killed an average of 2 million to 3 million people a year globally. In the United States, there were about 2 million cases [of measles] and about 500 deaths per year.”
If the feds don't take action soon, we could top those figures causing hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent deaths.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

New disease anti-vaxxers will probably spurn

It's called AFM, which stands for Acute flaccid myelitis that is affecting children. It is a "rare, mysterious and sometimes deadly paralyzing illness that seems to ebb and flow on an every-other-year cycle." Here's even worse news...
"Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said it may bear similarities to polio, which smoldered among humans for centuries before it exploded into fearsome epidemics in the 19th and 20th centuries."
Other countries have experienced it, but AFM is more prevalent in the U.S. where more than 550 Americans have been struck this decade, the oldest 32. In some cases, it started with a cold, got better, but the,n took a turn for the worse when the patient "descended into paralysis." The virus was discovered over 55 years ago, and, although not yet proven, may have mutated to become more dangerous. So far there is no cure but a vaccine is hopeful for the future.

If a vaccine is perfected and placed on the market, will we have to fight once again with these double-digit anti-vaxxers to keep them from killing their children with a new scourge of polio-like illness?

If DOGE is illegal then Elon Musk must be illegal

The “department of government efficiency” (Doge), headed up by billionaire Elon Musk, has grabbed the governmental infrastructure by the bal...