Showing posts with label Jihad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jihad. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2011

The discipline of a Jihad terrorist suicide bomber

Sam Giancana
I have written about the discipline of the American Mafia in the past, a subject that has fascinated me since I had lunch in a restaurant in Chicago on Harlem Ave. where mobster Sam Giancana was holding court with his Lieutenants in a covered booth in the back.  The bartender went about his business as if it was his regular clientele, which I later learned Giancana was. 

The choice of the restaurant was by accident and I never met the man, but I remember how my friend and I were the only other party there at the time.  The setting was reminiscent of the days when the opposing mob drove by with blazing machine guns, all but the innocent knowing in advance what was about to happen.  Well it didn’t, and I eventually left the place unscathed and full of questions about the Mafia.

Giancana died on the night of June 19, 1975, killed by another mafioso because he had crossed the mob by becoming a witness for the FBI.  He was shot in the head while frying sausage and peppers in his kitchen.  For some reason or other the FBI had pulled his protection just before the shooting.  Sam had broken his pledge to the organization and even he most likely knew he had to die.  That is the discipline of the Mafia.

Taimour Abdulwahab died on December 11, 2010, on Stockholm, Sweden’s
Olof Palme street

Taimour Abdulwahab
in the middle of an array of apartment buildings and commercial businesses.  A lot went wrong with his intended suicide bombing when the car he had packed with explosives would not detonate.  He then walked around for ten minutes trying to set off the bomb around his waist.  Finally part of the bomb finally exploded killing Abdulwahab, but the rest didn’t no doubt saving lives.

The discipline this terrorist showed, not only in the planning and building of the bomb, but also in how he kept everything from his family and friends, is remarkable.  And this is the main problem with these lone-wolf suicide bombers who, in the face of all kinds of obstacles, manage to carry out their mission.  Although Abdulwahab did not kill anyone but himself, this kind of incident is becoming more prevalent and one day could result in a small nuclear device.

Abdulwahab did it because he didn’t like the cartoon of Swede Lars Vilks, which was a controversial rendition of the Prophet Mohammed, and he didn’t like the Swedish being Afghanistan.  If all the explosive devices had gone off, it could have injured many people and property plus killing several.  Magnus Ranstorp, research director at the Swedish National Defense College and a leading counter-terrorism expert commented the bomb was anything but amateurish.

The following video is Jihad jibberish audio from Abdulwahab just before he blew himself up:


Abdulwahab had a well laid out blueprint for his bomb building and suicide plan that took him from Luton, England to Sweden.  In a nearby building to his sister’s home, he was able to build the mechanism using components he was able to buy right in the town.  He had learned to build the bomb in Iraq, and there may have been two additional people helping him.  He used a white Audi, which, along with all the other necessary ingredients for the bomb, many thought was just too rich for someone with a limited income.

An investigation still continues to learn if Abdulwahab was associated with a terrorist organization overseas.  Regardless of those findings, the world is up against a breed of maniacs who are willing to die for a cause and able to muster the discipline to carry it out.  The question is will we ever be able to stop this?


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