Showing posts with label Concealed weapons laws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Concealed weapons laws. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

New poll shows wide Hispanic support for more gun control

It was back in November of 2011 when Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) announced a new poll commissioned through Lake Research Partners that shows Latino voters want more gun control.  From the survey: 86 Percent Support Requiring a Background Check on All Gun Sales; 76 Percent Support Obama Administration Program Requiring Firearms Dealers in Border States to Report Bulk Sales of Assault Rifles.

Hispanics also want stronger laws to govern the sale of guns and believe that states, not the feds, should control who carries a concealed weapon.  This is in direct opposition to the Nat’l Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act currently going through the U.S. Congress.  They want their state of residence to control who can carry there, not the potential loose laws from a state like Arizona where almost anyone can buy a gun and carry it just about anywhere.

More findings:

  • 69 percent of Latino voters believe laws governing the sale of guns should be stronger
    Universality of concealed carry
  • A large majority of Latinos, including more than 70 percent of Latino Republicans, Latino gun owners and Latinos over 50, believe that people from other states should  not be allowed to carry a loaded and concealed gun in their state unless they meet their state's legal requirements
  • 86 percent of Hispanics support requiring all gun buyers to pass a criminal background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter who they buy it from
  • 76 percent of Latinos favor a new Obama Administration program requiring gun dealers in border states to report when someone attempts to buy more than one semi-automatic assault rifle within a five-day period

The beauty of this philosophy is that it comes from the fastest growing minority group in the U.S.; with over 16.3 percent of the population, Hispanics number over 50 million people.  According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a record 9.7 million Latinos (50% of Latino eligible voters) cast a vote in the 2008 presidential election.  In the 2010 midterm, 6.6 million Latinos voted—31% of Latino eligible voters. 

Pew estimates that more than 21.7 million Hispanics are eligible to participate in November or 22.6 percent of total U.S. voters.  Does that mean we can expect more activism on gun control in the future?

The Lake research poll also backs up a recent nationwide survey that shows Americans “overwhelmingly” oppose the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity act, H.R. 822.  Here’s an interesting comment from one of my blog posts on the carrying of concealed weapons:

“Guns are bad for the same reasons why an arms race is bad. If a bunch of loons are allowed to come into our state with their guns and play Nimrod, then I, a non-gun owner, will now have to escalate and get a gun for myself.  If you agree that the arms race is a bad idea, then so is this escalation of gun ownership. It's bad for everyone except the gun sellers.”

I have said this before but it bears repeating.  I have never been in a position myself—nor have I ever known anyone who was in a position—to need a weapon to protect myself.  And even if I was, I still would not want some “Nimrod” to come to my rescue.  I think I would be more afraid of their likely untrained actions than my attacker.  

Perhaps we should herd all the gun worshippers onto their own exclusive reservation, which would mean more protection for the rest of us by law enforcement.  Now that’s a law I could support.

Here’s an article you might want to take a look at: “Guns easily get in the hands of people who go on deadly shooting sprees.”


  Sure you do...   The latest headlines... A GOP lawmaker wants to repeal AZ’s ban on machine guns, pipe bombs and more... Read more 'Un...