Showing posts with label Cabela’s. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabela’s. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Gun manufacturers
The naïve, supposed 5-million membership of the National Rifle Assn. think wacky Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA, works on their behalf in the gun rights movement. He doesn't. He works for the gun manufacturers and it is obvious from recent profits his work has been extremely successful. Here's a report from the Guardian on the profits of two leaders in this industry: Smith & Wesson Holdings, up 150.1% in the last five years, and Sturm Ruger, up 370.6% in the same period. These profits also carry over into the retail side of the gun business: Dick’s Sporting Goods and Cabela’s, up 168.7% and 423.1% in the same five years, respectively. Now I am in full support of the U.S. capitalistic system but these profits--produced on the bloody deaths of hundreds of innocent children and adults--are abhorrent. You would think the American public would agree but they are still in their unconscionable apathetic mood while the deaths continue.

Donald Trump is Satan struck

Just like with Elon Musk, who was hugely responsible for T-rump winning the 2024 election, the Oval Office lunatic is enamored with Satan be...