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Gabby Giffords v. wacky Wayne laPierre |
Showing posts with label Jared Loughner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jared Loughner. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Would banning high capacity magazines and requiring universal background checks be a good start to stricter gun control?
consider this scenario. If you limit the
magazine size of a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle to 10 rounds (perhaps even 7 like the
latest New York law requires) have you basically reduced the firearm to what
many typical rifles are capable of shooting?
In checking an Outdoor Life recommendation of the best 2012 hunting
rifles, I found the Ruger American Rifle with a 5-round capacity including a
magazine. I don’t know how typical or
popular this rifle is with hunters but it seems to have received the
recommendation of a major hunting magazine.
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The American Hunter |
Unfortunately, the universal background check would not have prevented Adam Lanza from killing these little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, but it could have prevented Jared Loughner from getting the weapon he used to kill 6 and injuring 13 in Tucson in Jan. of 2011, including former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords. What must be done in parallel with requiring these background checks is to make the reporting of felons and the mentally ill to the appropriate databases mandatory by law enforcement and all states. Common sense? Yes, but one of the biggest shortfalls in maintaining gun control.
The New York Times reported, “All federally licensed
firearms dealers are required to run background checks through the computerized
databases that comprise the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
(NCIS). But the requirement does not
cover guns that are sold by unlicensed sellers at gun shows and in other
private sales, which account for about 40 percent of gun purchases in the
country.” The National Instant Criminal Background Check
System reports 16,808,538 requests for firearm background checks in 2012 with
976,255 denials.
The latter
means that 15,832,283 permits were issued in 2012, which also means that
6,332,913 gun purchases could have been made—based on the 40%--without background checks. Even if a fraction of this figure resulted in
guns ending up in the wrong hands, is it any wonder why guns deaths in the U.S.
are so high? According to a CNN article, the FBI says more than a million people
failed background checks to buy guns in the last 14 years because of drug use
or mental health issues. Congressional
approval is required for universal background checks but other moves need only
executive actions.
Some of the
President’s proposals are not given much chance of making it through a
Republican House because of gun lobbyists, namely the National Rifle Assn. (NRA). This organization claims to have added around
250,000 new members to its already 4.2 million.
An NRA spokesman says the numbers are those who are passionate about 2nd
Amendment rights, a claim that is really getting old. What the NRA spokesperson didn’t say about
that 250,000 is the fact that 74% of them support background checks. The Frank Luntz poll of NRA members also
found that 75% want more restrictions on concealed carry.
If the
President gets better background checks plus a ban on high capacity magazines,
we can wait until 2014 and a more progressive House and Senate to add more to
the list. Here’s my want list on gun
control from an earlier January post:1. Ban all assault or assault-type weapons
2. Ban all high-capacity magazines over 5 rounds
3. Close gun show loophole
4. Background checks for all gun purchases
5. Mandatory training for anyone owning a gun
6. Mandatory state reporting of the mentally ill
It’s like a Christmas list. You just keep asking for what you want until you get it. The NRA should be on notice that the gun control advocates won’t give up this time.
Tell you congressional representatives what you want done about gun control; Senate here; House of Representatives here.
Monday, July 30, 2012
The real American terrorist and the war over guns
There are two distinct issues here. The new American terrorists are the James Holmes, the Jared Loughners, the Seung-Hui Chos and the other gun massacre artists that came before them and those who will follow. Yes, many will continue the trend because they are given the means so readily to accomplish their goals. Any kind of mass killing device their heart desires, compliments of the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) and its leader, Wayne LaPierre.
And the war over guns will continue, not just on the street, but also at the White House, the U.S. Congress, and in the minds and hearts of the American people. It is a battle that has been going on since the late 1970s when wacky Wayne took over the NRA and made a fight for the 2nd Amendment his platform to power and riches for himself and his organization. He has amassed a claimed 4.3 million membership that has in the past literally licked the man’s boots.
In this war the American public is losing, as is the case in Aurora , Colorado most recently.
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James Holmes the terrorist that no one knew |
Bill Schneider writing for Politico says in his glaring headline, “NRA is real winner on gun laws,” continuing, “Nothing will happen. That seems to be the consensus among policy experts after the senseless tragedy in Aurora , Colo. , last week.” That line of thought pretty much follows the overall atmosphere of two presidential contenders and the chicken-hearted Congress we have been left with. But I do see an inkling of hope, which I will cover in a later post.
The author says Americans have lost confidence in gun control measures. In 1959, a Gallup poll said 60 percent wanted it; in 2011 26 percent were in favor. And in the fight to re-ban assault weapons, just last year a majority in the U.S. said no. What we don’t hear from these polls is “why” these respondents reply as they do. I am no expert in polling but my gut tells me all the NRA propaganda has thoroughly confused the American public, in their favor.
Schneider believes the opposition to gun control is due to the fact that people see no evidence that it works. And why is that? Because there are no valid statistics available to prove that regulations on firearms do work. And why is that? Because the NRA and its leadership have made sure that a minimum of records are kept on guns in this country simply to cover up their lies and brazen and flawed doctrine on gun rights. All thanks to a cowardly Congress.
John Horgan in Scientific American wonders "How many massacres will it take for politicians to stand up to gun nuts?" He uses the term “gun nut,” which I also use frequently, to describe the kind of person that loves his or her guns more than they do life. He describes Obama, the Illinois Senator in favor of some gun control, to the presidential candidate who came out strong for defending the 2nd Amendment. A fact that has soured many progressives.
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Easily available weapon of choice |
The Brady Center reports a total of 100,000 Americans are wounded by firearms each year in the U.S. Of those, 31,347 are deaths according to the CDC, and Brady adds that more than a million Americans have been shot to death since 1968. The gun nuts cry that self defense makes a gun necessary; the fact is that “a gun is 22 times more likely to be used in a suicide attempt; criminal assault or homicide; or unintentional shooting death or injury than for self-defense.”
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
More…gun insanity…state by state
ARIZONA : Add animal abuse to the charges against this suspected gun freak. It seems that Mark Donald Arneson gave his pit bull “Buddy” to another man and somehow the animal ended up with two rounds in his head. Arneson has a criminal history which makes it illegal for him to have a gun, if in fact he did. Arneson said Buddy had become aggressive and he decided to unload him on this other man. The cops say at the least, he facilitated the dog’s death.
WASHINGTON : Another school shooting of an 8-year-old girl in an elementary school in Bremerton , Washington . They had the shooter in custody but there was no report as to whether he or she was also a student. School shootings are becoming more and more prevalent, but some states still want to legalize bringing a gun on college campuses.
ARIZONA : In a “Walmart Special” recently, a man from Mesa , Arizona dropped his Ruger .357-caliber Western-style revolver in the restroom as he started to sit for his constitutional. The gun went off when it fell out of his holster and hit the floor, the bullet passing through the stall door, ricocheting off the wall into a light on the ceiling then back at the floor almost hitting a man at a urinal. It wasn’t clear whether Andrew Seals would be prosecuted for endangerment. In Arizona ? HA!
PENNSYLVANIA : Tyrirk Harris is accused of killing his neighbor, Franklin Manuel Santana, in Philadelphia over his dogs running free and making a mess. Police say it was an ongoing dispute that eventually prompted Harris to pull out his 9-mm handgun and shoot Santana several times. The victim left a wife and 2-month-old baby. Harris was charged with murder and was not licensed to carry a gun at the time.
ARIZONA : A 42-year-old man, from Mesa again, was arrested on suspicion of threatening his 19-year-old son at gunpoint. Jeffrey Higgins is a Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office detention officer; one of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s boys. He was booked into jail on suspicion of aggravated assault and criminal damage and was placed on administrative leave by the Sheriff’s office. Higgins has a history of threatening his son with guns but the incidents have been unreported.
MISSOURI : Several Democratic state lawmakers found stickers on their office doors with rifle crosshairs on them. Shades of Sarah Palin and her 2010 crosshairs on Gabby Giffords Arizona district. Coincidentally, it was just one day before Giffords announced on Capitol Hill that she would resign to concentrate on her recovery from being shot at the 2011 Tucson massacre. Some lawmakers removed the stickers only to return later and find even larger ones.
ARIZONA : In Mesa , once again, a 7-year-old boy brought a handgun on a loaded school bus and discharged it. There were about 30 students on board when the boy manipulated the gun in his backpack, firing a single shot. His father, Mike Place , was “grateful nobody was hurt.” The kid found the weapon in a closet at home and had carried it around school all day. What kind of moron gun owner leaves his handgun unsecured in a closet? One from Arizona , of course.
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Gun insanity |
This is a continuation in my series to point out that there is gun insanity all over the country that needs to be corrected with sane gun control. Of course, there is no better place to start than Arizona .
Following is a must-see video on Arizona gun laws:
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Sarah Palin with best pal |
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Jared Loughner, Tucson shooter |
From accidents to intent to harm, there are too many guns on the streets and too many of those guns are in the hands of those who either legally should not possess a weapon or are not educated well enough to carry a gun. More coming up on the lack of gun education later.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
U.S. open carry bill, HR 822, more of the same insane gun legislation
And the NRA wants to turn more of these lunatics loose across the country with guns hidden their pockets. HR 822 is designed to do just that and it must be stopped now.
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Typical squirrely NRA member |
The National Rifle Assn. (NRA) must be stopped and whoever accomplishes this feat will be a hero, at least in my book. They have ramrodded a new law through the House, HR 822, that would allow anyone in a state with loose concealed carry laws (like Arizona) to carry their handgun in any other state in the country, no matter what the laws of that state are. This is the first piece of legislation this inept Congress has come up with since the Giffords shooting.
That means other wackos like Jared Loughner from the Tucson massacre and Seung-Hui Cho from the similar disaster at Virginia Tech—and they are walking around out there with guns in their pockets—could take their firearms to a state with stricter laws and hold their own massacre. Pure idiocy. “The Second Amendment is a fundamental right to bear arms that should not be constrained by state boundary lines," said GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas , chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in the Huff Post.
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My 2nd Amendment right |
Bullshit. I am not even convinced that the 2nd Amendment literally includes the right to carry a concealed weapon and I think with the recent momentum of gun control advocates, this very point may be up for consideration. It is sheer insanity to pass a law that makes one state law—especially one passed by deranged legislators like those in Arizona —a national law. The latter are now trying to push guns on college campuses; you can already take them into bars.
Video on bullet hits White House, below:
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report tells us that 8,775 people were killed in shooting incidents in 2010. Barry Krisberg, a criminalist from Berkeley ’s School of Law , says we can expect an increase in 2011. He adds, in an article from The Telegraph in the United Kingdom , “Overall violent crime rates in the US are going down but comparatively, shootings and homicides are going up a little bit. Last year we had both an increase in police officers shot and killed and also an uptake in citizens being shot and killed.”
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The gun show loophole |
Krisberg also said that a dilution of weapons legislation has led to people who are mentally ill and who have criminal convictions being able to go out and freely buy guns. This is a result of the lack of background checks and the gun show private sale loophole.
In another example of a deranged gunman that shouldn’t have had a firearm, he ended up shooting and killing a park ranger in Washington state. According to the mother of his toddler daughter, he “was a former soldier who owned many knives and guns despite an emotionally unstable, vindictive and anger-prone mind-set.”
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
More…gun sense and nonsense
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TSA gun inspection |
Here’s the latest. The gun freaks now want to be able to extend their concealed right-to-carry privileges to airplanes. J.D. Schechter from, where else but gun-totin’ Arizona, who runs the Arizona Citizens Defense League, says some of his readers think, because of the relaxing of guns laws in many states, this could become a reality.
Just what we need. Some yahoo from Arizona where anyone can own a gun and who probably has absolutely no training in firearms, to protect us on an airplane. I’ll take the train. Some lame brain gun owners still continue to end up at the airport daily with guns packed in carry-ons that they claim they forgot were there. In the week before Christmas, the T.S.A. discovered 31 guns with rounds actually in the chamber. National Rifle Assn. (NRA) education at its best.
And what happened to the uproar over improved gun control following the shooting of U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords. The one year anniversary was last Sunday and immediately following the incident a year ago President Obama sounded as if he might be willing to move forward on the issue. We also have heard nothing from Giffords herself.
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Jared Loughner |
Jared Loughner, the shooter in the Tucson massacre has been judged mentally ill by many and at least we should be addressing that part of the problem. But over one year later only a small number of states pass along records of those judged to be mentally ill. Loughner killed six in Tucson , and another mentally unbalanced gunman Seung Hui Cho killed 32 at Virginia Tech U. in 2007. Why doesn’t the NRA, which supports reporting, lobby for more state participation?
But there is definitely a wave in this country toward looser weapons laws, and gun control advocates like me are fast becoming the minority. It makes sense that the more guns that are available, the more likely they are to get in the hands of the Loughners and Chos. Having a gun in the home as a means of protection for an emergency is one thing, but some rube walking around on the streets with a gun in his pocket with no training or background check is preposterous.
If you think these relaxed gun laws is what has reduced violence across the U.S. , think again. Although it isn’t completely clear, the experts say it is due in part to higher rates of incarceration, and a decrease in the number of teenagers who commit a disproportionate share of offenses. In New York City , as an example, their gun laws have not changed and there are still problems such as oppressive poverty, but murders have declined to 1950’s levels.
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Old West cowboy |
No matter how you view the loose weapons issue, Arizona is the leader in making guns available to anyone who wants them. During a very somber period this past Sunday when a vigil was being held in Tucson for those killed in the Arizona shooting, the Tucson Gun Show decided to hold its annual event at the Pima County Fairgrounds. This can only be described as tasteless beyond reasoning, devised by a bunch of double-digit IQs that have absolutely no feelings for the six dead. Next, same state, the Republican legislature has renewed its push for legalizing guns on campus.
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