There are twenty-four Democratic governors in the U.S. I would place my trust in far more than depending on Donald Trump to act in opening this country from the coronavirus shutdown...

Democrats like Washington's Jay Inslee of Washington, Andrew Cuomo of New York. Then you have those deadbeat Republican governors like Arizona's Doug Ducey and Florida's Ron DeSantis, who grovel in Trump's demands that determine every move they make. The entire right is scared to death of the Oval Office lunatic, therefore, no confidence can be placed in their decisions. But the Democrats, while screwed up in Congress, seem competent at the state level.
Here's the Washington Post's evaluation of how a Republican government is handling the dilemma...
“It’s mind-boggling, actually, the degree of disorganization,” said Tom Frieden, former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director. The federal government has already squandered February and March, he noted, committing “epic failures” on testing kits, ventilator supply, protective equipment for health workers and contradictory public health communication. The next failure is already on its way, Frieden said, because “we’re not doing the things we need to be doing in April.”Watch Trump wiggle and squirm for the truth that eludes him...
Meanwhile, the White House maniac, feeling deprived of his tyrannical powers, has begun to spew a new litany of rules that could only be contrived in a mentally handicapped mind like his...
"President Donald Trump insisted Monday that he alone could declare the United States reopen for business, continuing a contradictory line of messaging toward the nation’s governors as they have taken on greater responsibilities to combat the coronavirus pandemic in the face of federal inaction."
“For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect,” Trump wrote on Twitter.
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Governors to reopen economy |
“It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue,” he added in another tweet, previewing that a “decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!”He and his administration aren't doing crap, and this is obvious from where we stand today as the country with the highest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the entire world. Donald Trump was told of the threat of the disease by Health Secretary Alex Azar on January 18, of this year. He was dismissed by the top idiot as an alarmist. And this is why our country is in such a chaotic condition because Trump won't listen to anyone.
But he will announce "his second coronavirus task force" after the first obviously didn't work. In the meantime, legal scholars, the experts this dufus won't listen to, say "the federal government lacks the power to directly order states to reopen their economies." The Democratic governors most likely have had this advice from their legal team, thus, will act as a group and get the job done while the moron muddles in the disorder of his anarchy.
Former president Barack Obama warned of pandemic back in 2014...
Here's our former president's take...
On Wednesday, former president Barack Obama weighed in, tweeting, “Social distancing bends the curve and relieves some pressure … But in order to shift off current policies, the key will be a robust system of testing and monitoring — something we have yet to put in place nationwide.”

"conducted far fewer tests per capita given the US population is more than six times larger than South Korea's."The question is what's going on in the Trump administration?...
"A investigation of several university labs certified to test for the virus finds that they have been held up by regulatory, logistic and administrative obstacles, and stymied by the fragmented US health-care system."Anywhere you go looking for reasons or ant logic to why the COVID-19 situation is so screwed up in the United States, the arrow always points to Donald Trump in the White House and his also incompetent minions who continue to adore this blockhead. Pathetic!
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