Showing posts with label Sean Hannity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sean Hannity. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Trump's self appraisal gets support from his bootlickers

Why coronavirus will go out of control in the United States...

Sean Hannity, one of Fox News' biggest sources of misinformation

The Russians are coming - The Russians are spread coronavirus propaganda like...
"conspiracy theories — suggesting, for example, that the coronavirus had been created by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or was the result of a bioweapon."
Not so far-fetched when you consider they helped spread hoaxes in 2016 that the Democrats wanted to "destroy T-rump's presidency." Now Putin's gang is fast at work again, this time on the coronavirus to lay the blame anywhere but at Donald Trump's feet, where it belongs. If you can believe anything from Trump's Cabinet...
"A top State Department official said Thursday that Russia is behind 'swarms of online, false personas' that sought to spread misinformation about coronavirus on social-media sites, stressing the 'entire ecosystem of Russian disinformation is at play.'" 
Dumbo Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton is at it again when he went on TV to advance the theory of Chinese bioweapon conspiracy, not backing down when questioned over his remark. Here's the real skinny...
Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told the Washington Post, “There’s absolutely nothing in the genome sequence of this virus that indicates the virus was engineered. The possibility this was a deliberately released bioweapon can be firmly excluded.”
The master moron of misinformation speaks on coronavirus...

So back to ground zero where Trump, Pence and the whole lot of misfits and incompetents charge ahead with more cover-up propaganda, rather than pay attention to the crisis at hand. And, that's not good since Fox News' Maria Bartiromo predicts there will be ‘hundreds of thousands’ of US coronavirus cases,' as I reported in yesterday's post. But Salon's Digby Parton cautions...
"If these rumors and lies were started by the Russian government it just proves, once again, that they know their targets. But the truth is that Americans don’t really need their help. The right-wing media is doing a great job of misleading half the country all by themselves."
And Maria Bartiromo is one of the few Fox staff who can be trusted.
Rush Limbaugh

It is beyond frightening that an unbridled GOP can get away with this in modern day America. But this is what it has come down to today and if the American public decides to reelect Donald Trump to a second term. Salon reminded us, "Rush Limbaugh insisted that the coronavirus was just a common cold and it was being 'weaponized' to use against the president." With world-class morons like this in our own country, we don't need any enemies.

And then there is another delusion from Fox News dimwits. They have...
"blamed the homeless population for spreading the disease, despite absolutely no evidence that has happened. This fits with their evident programming directive to demean and degrade the homeless population as often as possible, particularly in states that didn’t vote for Donald Trump."
Now this exceeds the unconscionable when these displaced folks are trying their best to just survive in some cases. And this is the first time I have heard this one, Digby Parton contends that Donald Trump has a "fake reputation," throwing the term back in the face of the blockhead that originated it with "fake news." But here's an unbelievable comment that Trump made to the king of misinformation, Fox News Sean Hannity...
"We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better."
Many of the mild cases have experienced some improvement and will continue to do so. But another implication they should go to work is asinine and potentially dangerous for those with more serious conditions. There have been 3,570 coronavirus deaths worldwide, 19 in the U.S. There are a number of factors that affect the immunity to this virus and only the experienced medical community should be giving advice, not some dufus sitting in the Oval Office.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sean Hannity wishes Donald Trump beddy bye every night

I don't know if Hannity says 'cuddle up and sleep nice,' but he does place a call each evening at 10PM following his Fox News show at nine in New York. The Independent News calls this, "both laughable and worrying, considering the crazy stuff that pours out of Hannity’s mouth constantly, and undoubtedly into Trump’s empty head." This could account for some of T-rump's middle-of-the-night tweets that are completely off the grid. Apparently even Trump calls Hannity back sometimes holding conversations that don't disturb Melania since she sleeps in another bedroom.

Here's what Rob Reiner tweeted...
"We’re told that Trump whisperer Sean Hannity and the pathological liar engage in pillow talk every night. Comforting to know that the fate of democracy and the free world rests in the hands of a ventriloquist and his dummy."
Another said...
"I wouldn't be shocked to learn Trump's first question to Hannity every night is, 'What are you wearing?'"
Only a bunch of uninformed morons would support a president that pulls the crap that this man does. But the tragedy of it all is the idiots in Congress that allow it to continue. I no longer think November will be a landslide to the left, but I cannot believe there won't be a reckoning. I'll leave you with this commentary by Stephen Colbert you find here on Salon.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Some conservative talk radio features and caters to idiots

Almost everyone has heard of the Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannitys and Glenn Becks, but how many of you progressives out there take the time to listen to your local gaggle of conservative talk radio misfits?  I do.  As a matter of fact, I was actually disappointed when Glenn Beck was removed from one of our local stations.  Someone counseled me years ago; as long as you know what the opposition is doing you can plan your strategy to defeat them.  Good advice.

Rush Limbaugh on the air
We are often in the car on the way to and from errands and appointments mid-afternoons and I am hooked on the news.  Unfortunately, the best is available on the local Phoenix station of KTAR-Radio, which is very conservative; what else, this is Arizona?  It was following the ABC newscast one day that I heard the “comedy team” of Mac and Gaydos and since then, have listened off and on to see just how stupid this pair of dropouts can get.  It is truly pathetic.

These two political amateurs try their best to sound “Limbaugh” or “Beck” but the result is a combination of moronic bantering back and forth with trumped up issues that only a conservative simpleton would accept.  Like, arguing that V.P. Joe Biden’s comment that Romney would “”unchain Wall Street” is racist.  Only two baboons—I apologize to all apes—like this couple of bush leaguers, or other like simple minded conservatives, could come up with this kind of reasoning.

And then they compound their brainlessness by having lightweight Meghan McCain, daughter of our illustrious U.S. Senator, John McCain, come on their show and call Biden an “idiot.”  Of course, any thinking American would likely place these three (Mac, Gados and Meghan McCain) in the same category with other lost souls on the far right.  John McCain is a has-been who just doesn’t know when to quit. 

Now, I am fully aware of just how this conservative talk radio thing works.  You say harebrained things that are supposedly funny or entertaining because it is this kind of mindless audience that you are pandering to.  Rush Limbaugh has been doing it for years and the size of his captive audience is chilling if you think about it.  These people are always in the attack mode, but rarely have their facts right or make sense due to the lack of substance in their rants.

Glenn Beck
As in the case of this crackbrained Mac and Gaydos team on KTAR in Phoenix which tied Biden’s “unchained” comment into racism.  It was obviously a result of Republican remarks that Obama should “unshackle” small business and the economy, and they probably knew this but preferred to play the “race card.”  When you have a couple of greenhorn hosts like these two, you simply consider the source and go on.  But it’s different in the case of KTAR.

The station is well known for its conservative talk radio programs in the area, and if anyone in programming is listening to these two clowns, you’d think they would steer them back to something of substance and reality.  Unless the audience is so strong and it supports their daily afternoon gibbering, then I have another explanation.  It is the typical ultra conservative, double-digit IQs that seem to thrive in this state.  Probably led by the Surprise, Arizona Tea Party.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...