Showing posts with label Dr. Fauci anti-body tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Fauci anti-body tests. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2020

What are coronavirus anti-body tests?

Not a way to initially detect the virus, but a way to determine if you were asymptomatic--had it but didn't know it--therefore, now immune to the disease...

Governments around the world are hopeful that serology tests can tell them which people are protected from reinfection and can safely go back to normal activities.
Anti-body test - A simple prick in the finger
Don't start striking up the band, nor don't panic over what you hear or read about anti-bodies; it is really very simple. Some people did not have any symptoms, but in fact did have a mild case of coronavirus they did not recognize at the time. Anti-bodies were created to give them an immunity to the disease. That's it. The CDC reports test results could be ready in a week, saying this group can go back to work if they are found non-infectious. Here's a sidebar...
"As officials begin discussing what it would take for the US to reopen, there could be "merit" to the idea of Americans carrying certificates of immunity that prove they have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies, Fauci said."
This is not a test to determine of you currently have COVID-19, something not yet available, but rather to find out if you have established an immunity. The New York Times reports...
"From 25 to 50 percent of people who become infected may never develop symptoms, and some may become only mildly ill. Others may have known they were sick, but could not get tested."
Dr. Fauci explains anti-body testing...

This could be a boon to putting healthcare workers back to work since they are no longer contagious and cannot themselves be reinfected. Here's the scenario...
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently announced that it would begin using antibody tests to see what proportion of the population has already been infected. On Friday [Apr. 10], the National Institutes of Health announced it would test 10,000 healthy volunteers around the country for the presence of antibodies.
It is unknown at this point how much Dr. Anthony Fauci had to fight Donald Trump to get this done.

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