A recent Rocky Mountain poll says that as of today, it would happen. President Obama leads Republican Mitt Romney by 45 percent to 40 percent. Herman Cain and rick Perry both come in at 38 percent. The way things are going in the GOP right now, and if the President continues his forceful support of his jobs bill, this could be a nationwide trend in the near future. Although the Occupy Phoenix turnout was only around 1,000, for the first time progressives have made themselves heard in Arizona .
Did you know that Arizona ’s legislature was considered the most conservative in the nation last year? Also the most farcical considering its political blunderings. But it looks like states east and north are putting Arizona to shame in 2011 with their conservative fanaticism. I am talking about Alabama and South Dakota . Arizona got its first place in 2010 with the rash of stupid gun laws and the bigoted anti-immigration bill SB1070, authored by State Sen. Russell Pearce.
Due to the 2010 election, state legislatures across the country had more Republicans than anytime since 1928. This esteemed body of racists produced a total of 1,592 bills connected to immigration. The granddaddy, of course, was passed in xenophobic Arizona . Other states like unenlightened Tennessee now prevents public school teachers from helping students understand theories such as evolution and global warming.
The conservatives have obviously had the momentum, but this radicalism, along with corporate greed and an inept Congress, has now awakened the progressives from their long sleep. The Occupy movement is the best example, and hopefully this will translates into votes in 2012. Michael Moore said Mr. Obama’s only hope for re-election was the Occupy Movement. I don’t agree, but Moore also said he must come out immediately in a more forceful way for the left and I agree with this 100 percent.