The conservative Rick Wilson who has spent much of his time recently criticizing Republicans and their tactics has taken on Moscow Mitch, Senate head who is ramrodding the impeachment trial. Here's how RawStory described it...
"The ex-Republican compared the GOP majority’s attempt to cover for President Donald Trump to a weekend bender gone horribly wrong."Here were Wilson's actual words...
“On Friday night, it’s a lot of fun and you’re having a great time. On Saturday, you’re starting to feel it, and on Sunday there’s a dead hooker in the trunk.”McConnell's "dead hooker" is a very live NancyPelosi who appears to be conjuring up the last laugh on Moscow Mitch as bombshell developments keep exploding like Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas'recent testimony. And the General Accountability Office's (GAO) recent decree that...
"the Trump administration broke a law that governs how the White House disburses money approved by Congress by withholding $214 million worth of equipment, training and other support to help Ukraine in its battle against Russian-backed forces."Chief Justice John Roberts administered an oath to all 100 senators on Thursday, swearing them to "do impartial justice" Is that possible when you are talking about this gang? We'll see. READ MORE...