Showing posts with label Republicans on anti-vaxxers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republicans on anti-vaxxers. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2019

Republicans support the anti-vaxxers

The incredible stupidity of the Republican Congress re. the urgent need to vaccinate our children is enough to amaze anyone and provoke most us to throw up. One person from this gang of idiots even denied the emergency of the measles outbreak. Politico reports...
"All states have mandatory vaccination laws, but they vary in how liberally they dispense exemptions on religious or philosophical grounds. That’s getting scrutiny as measles spreads.”
And the GOP wants to expand these exemptions even more, while "Democrats present bills tightening the loopholes as science-based and necessary to fight disease, while sometimes demeaning their foes as misguided or selfish “anti-vaxxers.“ I am one of the latter. This is how the dumbbells see it...
"Republicans portray themselves as equally enthusiastic about the life-saving virtues of vaccines, but many are loath to diminish the right of parental control over their children’s bodies, and yield that power to the government."
They forgot one important factor; as a Senior citizen I have absolutely no desire to mingle with unvaccinated children that might be carrying the measles virus, so these parents trample on my rights when they introduce their infected urchins in the marketplace. Here's another scenario...
“'What if God forbid someone dies?' said Jeff Dinowitz, a Bronx assemblyman whose bill to limit religious exemptions has nine Democratic co-sponsors — but no Republican backers — in the New York Assembly."
And the coup de grĂ¢ce is the fact that Donald Trump and two of his Republican 2016 primary foes, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) an ophthalmologist, and Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who is now HUD secretary, all three voiced support for disproven theories linking vaccine to autism during a 2016 debate. This is perhaps one of the most pathetic examples of all the anti-vaxxing movement.

Trump suck-ups coming out of the woodwork

It all started with Trump's cabinet selections circling the wagons, preparing their 'resumes' in readiness to pounce on their id...