August 20, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk
Donald Trump con artist extraordinaire
Donald Trump con artist extraordinaire |
Jennifer Rubin, a conservative writer for The Washington Post, says, "Trump’s economic record is one big con." She follows with...
"President Trump came into office promising some fabulous yet unspecified health-care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act. No plan existed..."In fact every Republican plan reduced the rolls of Obamacare. There's more...
"Trump said he’d bring back manufacturing.""Actually, it slowed and now has slumped. That’s one of the reasons the Federal Reserve gave for cutting interest rates this week." Rubin continued...
"Trump said he’d get tough on drug companies. He hasn’t. He said his tax cut would be aimed at the middle class, deliver $4,000 a year to the average American family and permanently boost business investment, pushing growth above 3 percent. Nope, nope and nope."Most of the American public by now knows that the tax cut was in the beginning and continues to be for the wealthy and corporations, and there is no way the middle class or less will ever realize any benefits. Anyone in the White House embarrassed over all these failures? Not on your life. More than likely they are shouting their success to those who stood to gain. John Harwood of CNBC said...
“Benefits from what President Donald Trump called ‘the biggest reform of all time’ to the tax code have dwindled to a faint breeze just 20 months after its enactment. Half of corporate chief financial officers surveyed by Duke University expect the economy to shrink by the second quarter of 2020. Two-thirds expect a recession by the end of next year.”MSNBC's Chris Hayes, NY Times dubs Trump a con man...
Rubin says this is Trump's biggie...
"The biggest economic lie was Trump’s declaration that trade wars are quickly and easily won, American consumers and farmers wouldn’t be hurt and we somehow would get richer by making Americans pay more at stores. Actually, they are paying a lot."And even more...
The conservative American Action Forum’s recent study found, “Altogether, the president’s tariffs could increase nationwide consumer costs by nearly $100 billion annually.”So, with all of the above, economists have come to the conclusion that a recession is very likely in 2020, brought to us compliments of Donald Trump. If that doesn't dump Trump in 2020, I don't know what could.
Read more here: "Conservatives are a fraud? We knew that"