Showing posts with label Mitch McConnell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitch McConnell. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2021

UPDATE: If Austria can do it, why can't America?


Germany just joined Austria in a lockdown on the unvaccinated, initiating mandatory vaccines.

As CNN puts it, Austria took an extraordinary step by ordering Covid vaccinations for the entire population. No one thought it could be done, throughout the entire world. Various absurd enticements have been used, especially in the United States, to coerce citizens to do what they should do without any urging. Austria first...
"introduced a lockdown for the unvaccinated — a restriction that went farther than other European nations in singling out the people who have been driving a worrying surge in hospitalizations."

The virus is soaring across Europe; "The continent is once again ground zero for the global pandemic, despite the widespread availability of vaccines." So far, the U.S. isn't in dire straits, but we are again experiencing a surge in both cases and deaths from coronavirus, and the new, more powerful variant, Omicron, hasn't even taken hold yet. So far, the U.S, has experienced 49,677,021cases, 806,194 deaths. We are well ahead in the world on most of the vital statistics...

#1 Total Cases; New Cases; Total Deaths; and #2 in New Deaths... 

Austria protests vaccine mandate...

 As the world leader in all the above, doesn't that indicate some kind of preventive strategy is called for? The biggest obstacles are Republican governors like Texas' Greg Abbott, Florida's Ron DeSantis and So. Dakota's Kristi Noem. There are others, all Republicans, but these are the most vocal. Abbott and DeSantis are known as the leading Covid-19 killing machines. With no regard for their residents and constituents, Texas has 74,429 total deaths, Florida, 61,630.

And now Republicans, headed up by the moron Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)...

seized on a fast-approaching fiscal deadline to mount fresh opposition to President Biden’s coronavirus vaccine and testing mandates.

Even Moscow Mitch is against a government shutdown, and has made this known to other Republicans. But this idiot, Ron Johnson, is doing his best to use an attack against coronavirus vaccine mandates combined with a potential shutdown to put mandates in a negative light. Okay, it may not be the time, yet, for a lockdown for the unvaccinated in the U.S., but the current trend of cases is up with 82,360 daily, unfortunately probably headed for another 100,000 per day again.

We hope we don't have another Austria, but we must be ready. However, it is, sadly, the unvaccinated in this country who are causing the spikes in cases and deaths. It is this bunch of imbeciles that was targeted by Austria, and maybe we should be thinking about it here.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

This is what Progressives are all about

Barack Obama did a great job in the White House, considering he had the entire Republican Congress against him led by the scourge of the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell. Among his major accomplishments: The Affordable Care Act; doubled Pell grants; signed the Paris climate accords; negotiated a decent nuclear deal with Iran. On the other hand, Democrats have regularly maintained...
"right-wing policies with a friendlier face were the only way Democrats could win or maintain power, and prevent another Reagan-like figure from seizing control of the country."

In my mind, that is centrism at its worst. Salon sums up the last four years...

"Over the past few weeks, the Republican Party has proven itself hostile to freedom and democracy; its merciful incompetence the only thing saving whatever remains of our republic from the fascist insurrection of a con man. The absurdity of the cast members — from Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to their incoherent Michigan "witness" and of course Donald Trump himself — have made the entire fiasco seem more like a satirical film than political reality."

Now that's what we should have been fighting during the Donald Trump nightmare, not creating animosity among ourselves, denying a large faction of liberals an equal input, which could have well won bigger numbers last November. With Progressives branded as Socialists, and many Americans afraid of this political philosophy, the leftist movement has not had its chance. But it will, and it very well could be during Joe Biden's administration. 

This is what The Nation has to say...

"Too many congressional Democrats are making a potentially fatal political miscalculation about the reason the party lost several seats in this year’s elections. And those incorrect interpretations of why Democrats lost at least 12 seats could lead to grievous missteps that will imperil their majority in 2022."

According to Data for Progress, although the overall positive attitude toward Socialism is less than half that of negative approval, those neutral are almost equal to the negative. There are several more interesting data in this article that seem to illustrate that the U.S. public is warming up to Socialism. And I want to emphasize that this is Democratic Socialism that supports change through legislation, not Socialist change through revolution which advocates violence.

Some defeated centrists claim that their association with Progressives, or any of their causes like Black Lives Matter, "damaged their contests this year." Not so says The Nation...

"The truth behind the unexpected losses, however, is exactly the opposite of what those members believe."

And the real reason is that...

"It was their failure to inspire progressive and Democratic voters to the same extent that Donald Trump galvanized his supporters to turn out in extraordinarily large numbers to defend him and his race-baiting presidency."

Progressives will not give up and the sooner Democrats learn this, the better off the Party will be.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

The Donald Trump Senate impeachment trial makes a mockery of the justice system

Of course there is the big mouth Oval Office lunatic and then there is the lowest of life Moscow Mitch McConnell rejoicing over their win in the Senate with the close vote of 51 to 49 against calling any witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial against Donald Trump. All the legal and political experts confirmed that a trial is not a trial without witnesses. Yet, a partisan vote of Republicans voted no, knowing full well they were bastardizing their oath.

David Atkins of the Washington Monthly put it like this...
"The few GOP senators who pretended at a conscience toward the end have predictably decided to throw in their lot with the majority of their conservative colleagues cravenly engaging in a coverup for the president, while pretending to be deeply offended at the suggestion that that is exactly what they are doing."
Atkins continued...
"And why? Because they fear the wrath of Trump’s base and his twitter feed more than they fear the voters or the judgment of history. And because they simply don’t care."
That says it all but there is no doubt that historians will document this moment, plus when this GOP Senate votes to acquit Donald Trump as one of the most egregious acts in the antiquity of Washington politics. And you can also count on the fact that the American public will remember this come the November election. Those that count on the left will go to the polls in numbers never before seen and fulfill the dream of dumping Trump.   READ MORE...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Ukrainegate will doom Donald Trump's administration


Ukrainegate is taking its toll...   

Rudy Giuliani should be concerned
In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, Paul Waldman said acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire in his opening statement to the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, "perhaps unintentionally," may have dumped on Donald Trump. Waldman felt Maguire's implication was, " just how thoroughly infected with corruption the entire executive branch has become under President Trump." Intentional or not, it is a true statement.

Waldman feels Magure is not an "amoral conspiracy theorist like Michael Flynn," or "not willing to brazenly deceive the public and twist government to the president’s purposes like Attorney General William P. Barr." It's amazing the acting director is still where he is. But, "Maguire’s first stop, upon receiving a breathtaking set of accusations about Trump and his White House, was … Donald Trump’s White House."

And in a refute to Trump's accusations against the Bidens re. son Hunter's Ukrainian dealings with the gas company there...
"A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity."
"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko said.
Hunter Biden and Ukrainegate...

Lutsenko made this statement way back in May, but T-rump keeps renewing the accusation. And anyway, “Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko added. If you are really interested, here are four false claims by the Oval Office lunatic that show his concern with winning in 2020...
False: Biden pushed out a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating his son
False: Hunter Biden made a killing on a China deal
False: Biden lied about talking to his son
False: Democratic senators also threatened Ukraine’s aid
Based on Donald Trump's administration, the Republic Party will be known in the future as the party that refined and improved lying in politics. Now, poor baby...Salon portrays T-rump as, "consumed with self-pitying paranoia as the Ukraine scandal spirals out of his control." The scenario...
"The fact that this material was released so quickly indicates that the White House expects to lose the impeachment vote in the House and are counting on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the “gravedigger of democracy” himself, either to refuse to hold a trial at all or to ensure that no such trial produces a two-thirds majority for conviction."
Here's lowlife Mitch McConnell on impeachment...disgusting...

Not sure Trump can be so sure about the senate with public opinion fast turning in favor of impeachment, and members of Congress finally realizing that country is more important than their reelection or the Party. I don't believe anything could raise the opinion of the American public about Congress, but as they say, it's time to do the right thing. Heather Digby Parton of Salon comments...
"Rudy Giuliani is on the verge of some kind of breakdown, acting like a wild man on television on a nightly basis?"
Here's a Giuliani quote...
“It is impossible that the whistle-blower is a hero and I’m not. And I will be the hero! These morons — when this is over, I will be the hero. I’m not acting as a lawyer. I’m acting as someone who has devoted most of his life to straightening out government. Anything I did should be praised.”
Well, that pretty much seals the deal. Donald Trump's impeachment is just around the corner.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mitch McConnell is a scum bag

August 30, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell: The epitome of corruption  

uh oh...What will Donald Trump say?
Here's a monumental laugh: Mitch McConnell to Supreme Court: We won’t let Dems 'pack the court,' said, no doubt, with a straight face. This slimeball appears to be almost as out of touch with reality as Donald Trump. Mitch McConnell has done more to destroy the U.S. Congress than all of the other members combined. His mission is to block anything the left proposes, no matter the value or urgency. Election security bills and gun control legislation most recently.

Here's the scenario...
"McConnell blocked President Barack Obama from filling a vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, then confirmed President Donald Trump’s replacement Neil Gorsuch a year later after eliminating the filibuster for the Supreme Court nominees."
There's more...
"Last year, McConnell pushed through the controversial confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, who faced allegations of sexual assault. Kavanaugh is widely viewed as more conservative than his predecessor, Anthony Kennedy. McConnell has also said he would consider filling any vacancies ahead of the 2020 election as well, despite having blocked Obama’s pick in an election year."
Bernie Sanders Goes After Mitch McConnell on His Home Turf...

 He has been called Moscow Mitch and a Russian asset, both of which are appropriate for someone who has made sure the 2020 election is wide open to Soviet hacking due to the lack of new protection laws that he opposed. With any luck at all, McConnell will lose his seat in Kentucky. We can then wipe this most dismal of experiences clean with a Democratic majority in the Senate and be rid of perhaps the most corrupt politician that has ever come to Washington.

And to further encourage Russian meddling in the 2020 elections, McConnell has delayed filling seats on the Federal Election Commission...
"The Federal Election Commission (FEC) — intended to be a group of no more than three Democrats and no more than three Republicans overseeing the federal campaign finance system — has been operating with just a bare quorum of four for the past 18 months. With the resignation of Vice Chairman Matthew Petersen, at the end of the week, the commission will be virtually paralyzed."
The FEC has two important functions that are sorely needed, especially with Donald Trump in the White House: auditing campaign filings, and investigating corruption. With just three active members, it will be able to do none of that. Eleanor Clift of The Daily Beast said: "For the Sake of Our Democracy, We Must Ditch Mitch McConnell"...
What to do? All roads lead to Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, who won’t allow debate on remedies for gun violence and refuses to take up gun-control legislation passed by the House to expand background checks.
Can Amy McGrath unseat Mitch McConnell...

He was heckled recently on home turf at a church picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky, where he was called, "Moscow Mitch," "Murder Turtle," and "Massacre Mitch." As with Donald Trump, the more the screws are turned, the more McConnell climbs the walls. Here's an example of Mitch McConnell supporters that seem to closely mirror those of Donald Trump...
"At Team Mitch, it's been business as usual. Just hours after the El Paso shooting, the campaign tweeted a photo of a single tombstone bearing the name of McConnell’s Democratic challenger. Another tweet shows seven grinning young white men in “Team Mitch” T-shirts pawing a cardboard cutout of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez with the caption, 'break me off a piece of that.'”
This prompts repeating, " The dregs of humanity: Mitch McConnell."

You can read several of my posts on McConnell here.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Moscow Mitch welcomes Putin into 2020 election


Mitch McConnell wish-list for 2020 election
Mitch McConnell welcomes 2020 Russian election meddling

It is pretty much agreed from Congress to the American public, even the people of Kentucky where he is from, that Mitch McConnell is the lowest of lowlifes. With absolutely no qualms about what came out in the Mueller Report, and recent Robert Mueller testimony, this slimeball "blocked the advancement of legislation to secure the nation's election system." In other words, he laid out a welcome mat for Russian interference, and, any other foreign country interested.

This should be so obvious to the people of Kentucky, even Republicans, that they dump him from the Senate in 2020. Here's the scenario...
"McConnell declared the effort partisan and insisted the Trump administration has already done much to secure the nation's elections."
All pure BS, of course, but nothing can be done as long as this political tyrant is in office. He barely won in his last election, but this time think Amy McGrath will pull off a win, not an upset since all polls indicate that Mitch McConnell is despised almost as much as Donald Trump. And that's pretty bad. U.S. elections are far from being secure; experts have been warning of foreign meddling for years. 2020 could be a landmine for this epitome of democracy.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Mitch McConnell in Amy McGrath's sights

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk  

July 12, 2019: ‘Everything that’s wrong with Washington started with him,’ a headline from Raw Story refers to Mitch McConnell. But now he has a credible candidate challenging him in 2020. It is Amy McGrath, "a former Marine Lieutenant Colonel fighter pilot with a Masters from Johns Hopkins. A BS in political science from the U.S. Naval Academy. She’s 44. A Democrat. The mother of three and married to a life-long Republican."

RS reports...
"McConnell is not liked in Kentucky. His average approval rating is just 25%, and his unfavorable is 46.7%, according to Real Clear Politics."
Here's a tweet from McGrath...
"I’m running to replace Mitch McConnell in the U.S. Senate. Everything that’s wrong with Washington had to start somewhere—it started with him. With your help, we can defeat Mitch and defend democracy. Join us: (link:"
McGrath lost a close election for Congress in 2018, by less than 10,000 votes, 51% to 47.8%. But "McConnell is not liked in Kentucky. His average approval rating is just 25%, and his unfavorable is 46.7%, according to Real Clear Politics." Amy McGrath wrote McConnell a letter at age 13, which he never answered, provoking the comment, “I’ve often wondered how many other people did Mitch McConnell never take the time to write back, or even think about.”

Robert Reich exposes the loathsome Mitch McConnell...

In a Politico piece, McConnell is called  “Cocaine Mitch,” “Nuclear Mitch” or the steward of the “legislative graveyard,” admitting,  he’s the “Grim Reaper” anyway, so he’s loving every minute of it. Mitch the misrule mechanic, thinks all this is funny, stonewalling anything that comes from Democrats, no matter how good or important the legislation is. The racist in this lowlife proclaimed, "my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president." He didn't.

If Kentucky voters dislike Mitch McConnell as the above figures would indicate, an approval of only 25%, unfavorable 46.7%, and Kentucky voters continue to reelect the man, then I would place these poor souls in the same category as the clueless, double-digit Donald Trump supporters. Amy McGrath raised $2.5 million in the first 24 hours of her campaign eclipsing presidential contenders Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Want to be beat Mitch McConnell? Make a contribution to Amy McGrath here.

Friday, June 28, 2019

The most despicable U.S. politician ever: Mitch McConnell

PROGRESSIVE STREET...Where Liberals Walk

And no less a U.S. Senator. Who would re-elect this sleazebag repeatedly? Could only be the same morons who vote for Donald Trump. Raw Story says, "Gallons of ink have been spilled about how he [Mitch McConnell] is a worse threat to democratic institutions than Trump." This pariah of politics has served as a concrete wall against anything the left has tried to accomplish, dating back to before the Obama administration.

One of my passions is reasonable gun control. In June of 2018, McConnell used his power to prevent legislation to prevent terrorists from buying guns. (It should be noted that he is one of the largest recipients of donations from the National Rifle Assn.) and as The Hill put it...
"provided cover for vulnerable Republicans who wanted to be seen as supporting the effort but did not want to cross the National Rifle Association."
It is all about power and that is what the man demands, no matter its expense to the American public and the country.

In an opinion piece for The Guardian this past April, Robert Reich wrote...
"No person has done more in living memory to undermine the functioning of the US government than the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell."
The sooner, the better
Now that's a pretty strong statement when you have Donald Trump in the White House in the process of using his corrupt administration to line his and his minions' pockets. "But McConnell is actively and willfully destroying the Senate," Reich says, resulting in the following...
"Last Wednesday he used his Republican majority to cut the time for debating Trump’s court appointees from 30 hours to two – thereby enabling Republicans to ram through even more Trump judges."
There's more from Reich...
"McConnell doesn’t give a fig about the Senate, or about democracy. He cares only about winning. On the eve of the 2010 midterm elections he famously declared that his top priority was for Barack Obama 'to be a one-term president.'”
Mitch McConnell, who was almost a single force in stonewalling anything Obama did in his two terms, is a confirmed racist who hated Barack Obama because he was black, and also since he was a Democrat. McConnell even vowed to make Obama a one-term president. He failed. Mitch McConnell is a complete fraud but as long as he gets things done for the GOP he'll stay head of the Senate. Unless...the people of Kentucky wise up and blow him away in 2020.

Here's an example of McConnell's stupidity, punctuated by racism...

Here's a headline that every Kentuckian should take into consideration before voting in 2020: "Mitch McConnell Will Not Act in Good Faith, Even When the Security of the Country Is at Stake." It refers to McConnell's blaming of Barack Obama for the Russians meddling in the 2016 election, thus prompting the Mueller Report. Although Obama may have been negligent in handling the intelligence, Mueller's Report clearly holds Donald Trump guilty of collusion.

And finally Mitch McConnell's dark side, in my estimation, the only side he has. Politico calls him,  “Cocaine Mitch,” “Nuclear Mitch” or the steward of the “legislative graveyard.” Would anyone question why Congress has such a low rating with the American public with a mad man like this in control of the Senate? I think not, and according to Raw Story, the Democrats should be able to use Mitch McConnell to sweep the 2020 elections. One can only hope!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Biden depends on unity to beat Trump's "divider in chief"

Joe Biden-Unity in 2020
It's not enough that Democrats are angry with Donald Trump's election and the direction he has taken the country in. There also has to be an influx of Republicans who have made a left turn and feel the same way. In a former blog I quoted a reliable source that said 20% of Trump's 2016 voters have soured on him. I closed the post saying, 'Hold that thought.' Joe Biden avoids the anger for Trump approach with an appeal for unity in America. Will it win in 2020?

Joe Biden doesn't believe anger will win in 2020, even when T-rump used " it to win over the Republican base in 2016, saying he gladly carries the 'mantle of anger.'" He's been mad ever since and just look at what shape he has put the country in. A good economy does not excuse the Oval Office lunatic's white nationalism, bigotry, blatant racism and women's abuse, to name only a few. I did a post yesterday that explains it: "Less than half of Trump supporters like him."

Rebecca Traister, author of the book "Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women's Anger," retorted, "Biden is 'deeply wrong' that 'Anger at injustice has catalyzed transformative change; 'unity' has not.'" Another voice...this a writer from Rolling Stone, Jamil Smith added, "Women, people of color, and other Democratic constituencies aren't angry like Trump and his followers. They've been pissed off in a whole different way. "She doesn't explain how.

Biden also mentions reaching across the aisle as an approach to unifying Congress, something that many Democrats have criticized. With people like Senate head, Mitch McConnell, sitting on the other side of the aisle, I can understand the reluctance of the Dems. And then there's Barack Obama, to back or not to back. To begin with, the former president hasn't offered and second is whether this would help or hurt Biden.

Lee Drutman of Vox speaks of the Joe Biden “epiphany” theory "that Republicans will have an epiphany about the power of bipartisanship once Trump is gone and start working with Democrats again." Drutman says no way, and I wholeheartedly agree, at least as long as the ogre of the Senate is still around. Drutman argues...
"The problem with Biden’s theory is that Republicans’ hostility to Democrats did not begin with Donald Trump (see, the Obama administration). 
Today, as in 2012, the partisan hostility is highly transferable. It is based neither in opposition to one president nor loyalty to another. It is based in the underlying zero-sum electoral logic that defines the American two-party system and the winner-take-all elections that make the two-party system possible."
Not said, but certainly not forgotten, is racist Mitch McConnell's hatred of President Barack Obama, with his vow that he would make Obama a one-term president if it was the last thing he ever did. He didn't, which shows what a lowlife this jerk is, and the fact that he may not be as powerful as he thinks he is, perhaps just a fat blowhard. Biden talks about Trump's divisiveness while we regularly see the maniac's favorability improve, still holding on to his loyalists.

In one case in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden jumps back and forth between his unity issue and the put-down of Donald Trump. This state is important to Biden in 2020, where Trump barely won in 2016; part of the "blue wall" of Democratic industrial states. The former V.P. is headquartered in Philadelphia and in rallies continued to call Trump the 'divider in chief.' Biden spent time on the issues, including climate change and health care, making comparisons with Obama.

If there is anything this country needs it is unity, something we haven't seen for years, back through many presidents. We need it on the local level, between states, and most of all in Washington. The U.S. Congress is in a complete state of diversity, inconsistency, division, discord, strife, disarray, hostility, almost all-out warfare. There aren't enough antonyms of unity to show the disunion of that body of outright incompetent morons. Maybe Joe has the right idea.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The disgraceful Mitch McConnell lies to Congress

Who the hell does Mitch McConnell think he is by assuming that he has the right to close the Mueller probe with a quick statement and a wave of the hand? This arrogant and obnoxious oaf is described in an Esquire article by Charles P. Pierce as a person who...
So he thinks
"Will Not Act in Good Faith, Even When the Security of the Country Is at Stake."
That's heavy but not unexpected. The Senate dictator has performed feats of unbelievable proportions solely for the sake of his ego and the Republican Party in the past, while completely ignoring the good of the country. But getting back to the headline and the fact that McConnell lied on the Senate floor, ThinkProgress says...
"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke from the floor Tuesday and lied about several aspects of special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election."
He stated emphatically that the investigation (Mueller probe) was finally over so the Democrats should accept that fact and move on. He then rambled on...
“What we’ve seen is a meltdown, an absolute meltdown. An absolute inability to accept the bottom-line conclusion from the special counsel’s report, which said the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities. That’s the conclusion.”
A bare-faced lie since Robert Mueller's report did not draw any conclusions, and over 450 ex-prosecutors have stated "special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s findings would have produced obstruction charges against President Trump — if not for the office he holds." The maniac continues...
“Two years of exhaustive investigation and nothing to establish the fanciful conspiracy theory that Democratic politicians and TV talking heads had treated like a foregone conclusion. They told everyone there had been a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign. Yet … the special counsel’s finding is clear. Case closed.”
Well, it isn't, and nothing this moron can say will change the fact that it is pretty much universal that Donald Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, protected only by the chair he sits in. Now "the Democratic controlled-House Judiciary Committee has requested Mueller testify as early as next week to discuss the report and investigation," according to CNN. Schumer rebuked McConnell...
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer responded to McConnell, saying 'it's not done' and accused the majority leader of 'whitewashing' Trump's conduct and attempting to protect the President from accountability." 
"The leader says, 'Let's move on. It's sort of like Richard Nixon saying let's move on at the height of the investigation of his wrongdoing."
The comparison with Nixon is highly appropriate, but just wish Chuck Schumer had been more critical of his mentally challenged colleague.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

ROBERT REICH: Mitch McConnell is destroying the Senate – and American government

I have been saying the exact same thing in this blog for years that Robert Reich is saying in the above headline. Reich goes on...
A smug Mitch McConnell
"The majority leader cares only for winning, not rules or democracy itself. He is doing more damage than Trump"
Bingo, my thoughts replayed, and maybe with this international utterance (source is the UK's Guardian) coming from a leading political figure of the past (served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton and was Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997) a witless Senate will realize what a jerk they have leading this body. More from Reich...
"No person has done more in living memory to undermine the functioning of the US government than the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell."
He compares Donald Trump's stupidity in the Oval Office with Senate Head Mitch McConnell but qualifies his statement with the fact that McConnell is, "actively and willfully destroying the Senate."

It remains to be seen just how far Robert Reich's comments go, or if they just fall on deaf ears. If it's the latter, we're back to a half-baked Senate that does nothing.

My favorite post on Mitch McConnell

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

McConnell rebukes Trump on healthcare

The two pariahs of politics have locked horns over healthcare, and so far the Senate leper is winning. McConnell said flatly...
"that the Senate will not be moving comprehensive health care legislation before the 2020 election, despite the president asking Senate Republicans to do that in a meeting last week."
McConnell is afraid to screw with Obamacare before the 2020 election after so many failures in trying to repeal the act. Then it sounded like he blindsided Trump in a Tweet saying that...
"he would be developing a plan that he would take to the American people during the 2020 campaign.”
McConnell is no fool, at least politically, and would love to get the upper hand on T-rump in this issue. Don't know if he hates Trump as much as he hated Obama, but at least Donald Trump is white so for the Senate dullard, that is at least in his favor.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Senate lowlife at it again

There will come a day when Senate head Mitch McConnell will do something that no one, Democrats or Republicans, can stomach. The Senate floor will open in a chasm that will devour this contemptible despot and the country will be rid of the worst politician it has ever experienced. McConnell is at it again, fully blocking everything House Speaker Nancy Pelosi brings to the floor. A health care package, proposals on gun safety, climate change and voting reforms.
“I’m not sure that anything we do is going to reach the floor of the Senate,” said House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.). “That’s the reality.”
McConnell is up for reelection in 2020--he barely made it last time--and I hope the people of Kentucky have the guts to force him out. This man has single-handedly wreaked more havoc in the Senate than any other politician has in years. As a confirmed racist, McConnell hated Barack Obama and blocked all of the programs he proposed. Maybe we won't have to wait for 2020, perhaps that Senate floor chasm is in the making as we speak.

Friday, March 29, 2019

From one dimwit (Sen. head) to another dimwit (Oval Office)

Trump makes McConnell look like the dolt he is
Congress' leading lowlife, Mitch McConnell, has told this country's leading despot, Donald Trump, you're on your own when it comes to health care adding, “I am focusing on stopping the ‘Democrats’ Medicare for none’ scheme.” Cute, considering McConnell couldn't give a damn if any American has access to health care. But when the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, they couldn't repeal Obamacare and both T-rump and McConnell are still pissed.

McConnell is running for reelection, and I would do anything and will do, to keep this reprehensible person from going back to the Senate. A Senate without McConnell and without a Republican majority is the goal of all Progressives and Democrats. In 2020, the GOP will be defending 22 Senate seats to the Democrats' 12. In the last cycle, Democrats were defending 26 Senate seats compared to just nine for the Republicans.

Some pundits call it political instincts, but my opinion of Mitch McConnell is
one where this sleazebag doesn't make a move unless he feels relatively sure he will win, and that whatever he is pushing, it has to be GOP oriented. This man cares nothing about this country, only himself and his Party. To all this Trump stated...
“The Republican Party will become the Party of Great HealthCare!” Trump tweeted on Thursday afternoon. “Moving forward in Courts and Legislatively!”

There is no way any Republican will propose a health care bill that is in the best interest of the American public.   

Thursday, March 28, 2019

There is nothing lower than this man

Definitely Mitch McConnell
MITCH MCCONNELL. He is the most underhanded politician that has ever been in Congress using his power as head of the Senate to stymie or completely block anything with a liberal tag, even if it's good for the country. McConnell doesn't give a shit about this country, he cares only about pushing a Republican agenda. His latest ploy is to block release of the Mueller Report to the public, having opposed it two times now. A majority of the public wants it and most of Congress, including several Republicans, want it. Yet this lowlife takes it upon himself to decide to keep it a secret. Hopefully the courts will decide to take it out of the hands of this mentally challenged Congress.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Who wins 2018 U.S. Mid-terms?: Mitch McConnell


This is but one reason that Progressives and Democrats MUST take over Congress next month!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Time for Obama to teach Mitch McConnell something

I get it...I'm back
Barack Obama has been relatively quiet since leaving office after eight years of dealing with Republicans led by Mitch McConnell with only one intent: to sabotage anything that President Obama presented. Not to consider what was best for the country, just to subvert whatever he advanced. We'll never know just how much could have been accomplished for the good of the American people in those eight years, but we could find out soon how effective Barack Obama can be as a former president, who still heads his party, and who wants to fight the GOP plague.

As one Democratic pundit put it...
“He’s been way too quiet. There are a lot of people who think he’s played too little a role or almost no role in endorsing or fundraising and he’s done jack shit in getting people to donate to the party.”
Maybe the man wasn't really sure how much of his participation was wanted since he received so little support when in office, even by his own party. Bernie Sanders, who may run in 2020, cannot carry the banner because he is an Independent. Other possible 2020 candidates are former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), but it is Barack Obama in 2008 who trounced John McCain in the popular vote and the Electoral College. The key will be to resurrect the magic of Obama's 2008 campaign and turn it into a win for Democrats in November.

Another point of view on the former president's hushed approach was...
"Former aides and Democratic strategists said Obama has sought to maintain a lower profile not only for his party to find new life, but also to avoid playing a foil to President Trump and Republicans."
Obama's two top priorities are, “recapturing the House and helping Democrats gain more influence in the redistricting process.”

At the same time, Democrats plan to make Washington corruption the focus of their campaign in 2020. They had earlier announced targeting their economic agenda to combat big money through campaign finance reform. Without a Democratic Congress this will be an uphill battle, but the odds are still out that Dems can take over the House and Senate. Nancy Pelosi, former House leader said, “President Trump has become the swamp and Americans are paying the price. The American people deserve better.”

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer added, “The swamp has never been more foul than under this president.” And targeting corruption did work in the 2006 elections when Democrats took control of the House and Senate from Republicans. They hammered away at the GOP’s “culture of corruption, cronyism and incompetence.” Pelosi is testing the corruption theme on Scott Pruitt who "repeatedly used his position to seek employment and business opportunities for his wife, and had agency staffers doing personal errands on his behalf."

If ever there was an administration where corruption would be the central problem, and one to explore by the opposition, it would be Donald Trump's.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mitch McConnell has built a Senate cesspool

CNN's Byron Wolf calls it devilish, brilliant politics. I call it typical Mitch McConnell and this is what I had to say about him in a post June 7, 2015...
Don't tell me U.S. Senators deserve respect when they are the low life of Congress. If there was a barrel, the downside would have to be bottomless to accommodate Mitch McConnell.
The post was my reaction to McConnell's perpetual demeaning of Barack Obama, and his insistence that nothing he did would ever get anywhere in his Senate. These were his words when Obama was inaugurated...
“When I first came into office my number one priority is making sure president Obama’s a one-term president."
That, of course, didn't happen, when Obama handily won his second term. McConnell has a deep-seated hatred for Barack Obama, primarily based on the lowlife Senator's racism, a known fact for years. But, this scumbag now leads the U.S. Senate. He's blaming the August recess cancellation on obstructionism by Democrats, the kind of excuse a jerk like McConnell would use. The idea, of course, is to prevent Democratic Senators who are running in November, but my gut tells me there will be provisions made for Republicans.

There are 26 Democrat-held Senate seats and only seven Republican-held seats on the ballot in November. The latest poll shows a tightening of voting preference with the Democrats holding just a 4-point lead. In the House, however, where Republicans are defending more seats, they haven't announced plans to cancel the August recess. This all may be called strategy and, perhaps, the Dems would do the same if they were in control. The bottom line here is that the Republicans are using their power to win the November election. What they don't know is, it won't work.

Read more: Mitch McConnell plays a little dirty to keep his majority

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Is Steve Bannon runnnig for President?

That's Steve Bannon
Steve Bannon appears to be on a breakneck path to the White House leaving leaving Republicans in more disarray, wondering what's going on. Trump's former top adviser, a white nationalist, anti-semitist and racist, seems intent on overthrowing the GOP. Who cares about the Republicans but not with this in their place. Mitch McConnell and his gang have declared open warfare on Bannon with a year before the 2018 elections. Right-wing billionaire Robert Mercer is Bannon's banker and the scary part of all this is many of Trump's supporters are also behind Bannon.

Steve Bannon on Oval Office highway...

Mitch McConnell says no to Steve Bannon...

What is a Steve Bannon?...

More about the white nationalist who would be President...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Mitch McConnell deserves the firing squad

The McConnell maniac at work
Can you imagine the line that would form to take up a gun in the shooting party? There's Chuck Schumer to start with, then Elizabeth Warren followed by Barack Obama, most recently John McCain, and most notably himself, if he could be two places at once. There are more, many that hide their real feeling for this political mutant, because he is so powerful and has absolutely no qualms about what he does. As long as it furthers Mitch McConnell's sick agenda. I realize my proposal is cold-heartened, of course undoable, but I wonder how many Americans would join me in this?

Most of you know that I am an advocate of gun control and solidly against gun violence, but this scenario seems fitting for McConnell who in 2016, "...cut the legs out from a bipartisan effort to keep suspected terrorists from buying guns." Meaning simply that U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, is in favor of terrorists being able to acquire guns in this country. Say what you want, but that's the only way to define it. I know it all sounds bizarre but this is the way the mind of this deranged individual works. To take it even further, you wonder how long before he just becomes fruit loops.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “No majority leader wants written on his tombstone that he presided over the end of the Senate.” He added...
“Breaking the rules to change the rules is un-American. I just hope the majority leader thinks about his legacy, the future of his party, and, most importantly, the future of our country before he acts.”
But these aren't the words of Chuck Schumer. They were delivered " 2013, by then-Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), when Democrats pushed through a similar filibuster change for lesser nominations." It just illustrates once again how muttonhead McConnell will do anything, no matter its damage to the country, to get what he wants. Washington Post writer Dana Milbank wants Mitch McConnell's tombstone to read, "...that he presided over the end of the Senate." Milbank wants to also say this...
“'He broke America.' No man has done more in recent years to undermine the functioning of U.S. government. His has been the epitome of unprincipled leadership, the triumph of tactics in service of short-term power."
I'm just waiting to see his tombstone. 

Trump suck-ups coming out of the woodwork

It all started with Trump's cabinet selections circling the wagons, preparing their 'resumes' in readiness to pounce on their id...