Showing posts with label Donald Trump racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump racism. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dump Trump along with GOP in 2020


Are we on the cusp of dumping the GOP along with Donald Trump?  

Veteran pollster Stanley B. Greenberg has predicted that 2020 will be a disaster for Republicans and in his new book, “R.I.P. GOP: How the New America Is Dooming the Republicans,” lays out the reasons why...
Dump the GOP along with Trump
"that the Republican Party — rather than building a broad coalition — has been defining itself in increasingly narrow terms. “McCain Republicans” and “moderates,” Greenberg stressed, have been “driven out” of the GOP — whose base, he stressed, now consists primarily of Trumpistas, Tea Party members and Christian fundamentalist white evangelicals."
In my opinion, Republicans can thank the fact that lowlife Moscow Mitch decided to latch on to the coattails of Donald Trump in the early stages of his administration and has ridden out the comet through the most egregious behavior of any president in history. Just so the Senate head could maintain his power and line his pockets and those of his Sec. of Transportation wife, Elaine Chao. Here's an example: "Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao's empire of corruption."

Rachel Maddow illustrates Moscow Mitch/Elaine Chao corruption...

AlterNet's Alex Henderson says, the GOP is shrinking itself while Democrats are appealing to a much more diverse base. Another turnaround for Trump is that he "isn’t reaching female voters in sufficient numbers," unlike 2016. This I have never understood with the kind of rhetoric T-rump uses in describing women. Here's a scenario with the wife of one of the general's he had met with during his campaign...
We were on a river boat cruise and my wife and I happened to be at the dinner table with the pair when Donald Trump's candidacy came up. I quickly stated my position that I thought he was a lunatic, even this early in the campaign. The general's wife defended him and I asked how she could after the things he had said about women. I mentioned the Billy Bush "Access Hollywood" tape where Trump talks about grabbing women. Her reply was to skirt the issue by blaming it on "locker room talk." The general didn't sound much smarter so I gave up.
And here's a surprise from the Daily Beast on the current feelings of a particular group, working class white women. "It turns out the racism may actually be more distasteful than the numerous sexual assault allegations." WOW! That is a huge tribute to the women of this country, in a time when the person sitting in the White House is an avowed white nationalist racist bigot. This, at a time when the nation is experiencing a resurgence of racial bigotry, all because of Donald Trump.

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni said Trump voters turned to him in 2016 because they were tired of Washington politics. That's then. “I think people are tired of it [Trump's Twitter rants] and I think they realize that, however you align or don’t align with him ideologically, this is a degree of constant turmoil, that can’t be good for the country and is not good for themselves.” That's now. His campaign claim of "draining the swamp' has now become laughable.

One of the reasons women have turned on Trump bigotry...

The Hill reports, "The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has reportedly built a trove of opposition research against President Trump in advance of the 2020 election." This includes 7,000 lawsuits from all 50 states, plus "a comprehensive document of every time Trump told supporters when campaigning in 2016 that Mexico would pay for a wall along the southern border." It will be distributed according to Trump campaigning, as follows...
"Let’s say [Trump] goes to Youngstown, Ohio. We have everything he said, what he promised in 2016 to that community — maybe it’s 'that bridge will be fixed' — then we’ll show what’s actually happened since," a source told the news outlet.
That sounds like a plan, but you can bet the staunch double-digit supporters of the Oval Office lunatic will continue to grovel around their idol until he is finally run out of office. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Racism incidents accelerating: REPORT

September 4, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES...Where Liberals Walk

This sign says it all
Latest wrap up on racist incidents  

There have been 7 more racism incident in less than two weeks after my last report on August 23rd. That's close to one a day, and I am sure my research does not reveal the full extent of this problem. What the hell is wrong with these people? They must have little or no self-esteem, certainly a double-digit IQ, and are extremely insecure. Probably don't really like themselves, and rightfully so since they must be the dregs of humanity. Hard not to rant on but here are the events.

"Texas governor busted sending racist call-to-arms a day before El Paso attack." AFTER: "Promised to work to reduce violence in his state, in the wake of the shooting in El Paso that left 22 dead and dozens more injured." BEFORE: "Sent out a letter peppered with racist attacks on Hispanic immigrants — and a menacing, violent suggestion that Texans “take matters into our own hands.” Just how pathetic can these Republicans get?

"A white Florida man cited ‘stand your ground’ for shooting a black man. A jury found him guilty." Didn't work this time - Take that Marion Hammer and your NRA. Michael Drejka, 49, was convicted of manslaughter based on his shooting of Markeis McGlockton, after McGlockton pushed Drejka. Jury decided McGlockton's action did not justify his death. Watch it on the video.

Stephen Colbert on Trump racism and The Squad...

"‘Go back to China’: Racist white woman goes berserk after she allegedly hits ‘chinky’ Asian woman’s car." A racist white woman who was identified as Carla Waldman tells woman to go back to China for parking next to her when it was Waldman's car that was parked incorrectly. Looks like a double-digit IQ case for sure. And this was in Canada.

"Racist woman gets probation for insane and relentless campaign of harassment against neighbors." This has been going on for years. Roberta Madison finally admitted to one count of violating a harassment restraining order and was sentenced to one year of probation. "Neighbors have complained for years that Madison has subjected them to various and bizarre forms of harassment."

MSNBC does Donald Trump racism...

"‘I can’t breathe’: Officers caught on video applying chokehold to black man while they Taser him." There has to be a better way of taking a suspect down and the police had better find it fast. This has become much too common, especially with blacks. This happened in DeKalb County, Illinois where police officers were caught on camera using a Taser to shock a black man before putting him in what appeared to be a choke hold.

And, finally, this one takes the cake. "American Airlines booted allergic black man from plane so dog could fly first class: lawsuit." This reminds me of signs in yards in Norfolk, VA, during the Korean War: Sailors and dogs, keep off the grass. The black man was complaining he was allergic to the dog sitting close by, and it was a support dog. You decide.

Once again you are updated on the rampant racism going on in our country, but just hang around, there will be plenty more.

My last two posts on racism:
Racism at its worst in the documented
Wrapping up the worst of.racism documented

Friday, August 23, 2019

Wrapping up the worst of.racism documented

August 23, 2019: PROGRESSIVE STREET NEWS BYTES, Where Liberals Walk

More on today's racism fostered by Donald Trump  

Racism" NOT
This is a continuation of my post yesterday with 10 examples of flagrant racism that occurs daily in this free nation. I say free because with bigots abounding and becoming more unabashed with each incident, those people of color could be on the way to something similar to neo-slavery, only with racism as its common denominator. So, it is time to focus on the source of the problem. And that would be Donald Trump. Here's more shameless racism...

"Explosion totally destroys interracial family’s home in what appears to be a shocking racist attack." An interracial couple’s northeast Ohio home was blown up and vandalized with swastikas in an apparent hate crime.

"Texas Cops Paraded a Black Man Through the Streets by a Rope." Texas once again has renewed its bid for Most Racist State in the U.S. after a pair of Galveston, TX, police officers on horseback arrested a black man and walked him through the town to the station by a rope. The department’s officers, identified only as P. Brosch and A. Smith, were not disciplined.

It can be done
Some of my posts on racism...

"Arkansas jailer’s wife pulls gun and detains four black children going door-to-door for school fundraiser." A jail administrator’s wife in Arkansas was arrested this week after she allegedly pulled a gun and detained four black students who were going door-to-door for a school fundraiser. Kelly was arrested “on four counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and endangering the welfare of a minor.” Sweet justice!

"WATCH: Michigan police stop black man for ‘looking suspiciously’ at white woman." Police in Royal Oak, Michigan were caught on video stopping a black man for allegedly “looking suspiciously” at a white woman.

"Mother and daughter arrested after ‘insane’ racist rampage leaves several people injured at Indiana beach." A mother and daughter are facing a wide array of charges after the pair were arrested for initiating a brawl that police say was racially motivated.

"Tennessee priest bans black housekeeper from his property — then blames his ‘racist dog’" According to a report from WHBQ, a Collierville, [Memphis] Tennessee priest is under fire for banning a black housekeeper in the employ of the diocese from entering his church-provided home because he claims his dog is racist.

"GOP lawmaker cut the mic on black woman’s facts — but let white men spew ‘lunacy and lies.’" The Republican chair of a Tennessee legislative committee is under fire for cutting off the microphone while a woman of color was speaking — but allowing white men to spew “lunacy.”

Some of my posts on Donald Trump racism...
Racism of yesteryear is back

"Black woman reveals how Trump is ruining her marriage: ‘My white Republican husband is starting to hate me.’" A black woman revealed over the weekend how President Donald Trump and right-wing media are straining her marriage. “My white Republican husband is starting to hate me because the longer we live through this administration the ‘BLACKER’ I become,” she revealed. Now, that is true bigotry.

"‘Go back to Harlem!’: Florida woman has n-word laced meltdown after bumping black woman’s shopping cart." On Saturday, the Atlanta Black Star reported an incident in Florida, in which a white woman screamed racial slurs at a black woman at a Publix supermarket in Miami after their shopping carts jostled each other. After the woman allegedly banged into Nicki Johnson’s cart, she refused to apologize, saying, “I didn’t hit you with my cart, and f**k you, you f**king n****r.”

"WATCH: Gang of white people release dog to viciously attack black man during fistfight." A black man in Roseville, Michigan is recovering from multiple injuries after what appeared to be a gang of white men ordered a dog to attack him last Wednesday. The 32-year-old William Lafave admitted to fighting the 20-year-old victim. The fight escalated when Lafave’s stepson released a dog to attack the victim who they alleged had a knife.

And that's the latest on nationwide racism and the miscreants who foster their hate on anyone who isn't like them. I am like them in color only, because I would not want to be compared with the scum of the earth. Racists. But can you even envision what it's like to be the target of these people who must certainly be at the bottom of the IQ scale. Hopefully this and my earlier post will open a few eyes and watch me for future coverage of racism.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Presidential administration of a racist

July 23, 2019: TODAY'S NEWS BYTES  

Robert Mueller between a rock and a hard place

4 Congresswomen who will bring down Donald Trump 
Robert Mueller requested guidance from the Dept. of Justice on his Wednesday testimony to Congress. Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer answered stating whatever he said must be within the boundaries of the now public report. Weinsheimer added...
"matters within the scope of your investigation were covered by executive privilege."
In case you are interested, the hearing is scheduled to start at 8:30 AM ET, Wednesday, and several TV networks will cover it. The Democrats plan...
"to push Mueller on several aspects of his investigation as well as the question if he would recommend charges against President Donald Trump were he not the President."
As an observer of Robert Mueller's actions from the beginning to the end of this whole frolic in Donald Trump stupidity and incompetence, but more significantly at the end, I got the feeling Mueller secretly wants to testify, and hopes Democrats will ask some very pointed questions he must answer under oath. If I am wrong, the hearing won't be worth wasting your time on. The testimony starts where I live at 5:30 AM and at this point I'm thinking I'd rather sleep.


4 Congresswomen who could beat Donald Trump in 2020

Donald Trump is all about racism

The smug, pompous Oval office lunatic first defended those who chanted “send her back” to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Later, he even called Omar a "disgrace," then he attempted to renege on support for the crowd chants, next he returned to "a full-throated defense of the people who participated in it while talking with reporters in the Oval Office just one day later." Now this is the moron that was elected by his double-digit followers to run this country. Go figure.

He called these poor souls in No. Carolina "incredible people -incredible patriots.” Back to Trump attacking Omar...
“I’m unhappy when a congresswoman goes, ‘I’m going to be the president’s nightmare,'” Trump said, referring to remarks that Omar made during a town hall in Minnesota Thursday night. “She’s lucky to be where she is, let me tell you. And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”
Well, not only has Ilhan Omar committed to making T-rump's life a nightmare, but so have her three colleagues, also racially violated by Trump. They are Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Talib of Michigan. It has been said by someone recently that the best way to bring down Donald Trump is to keep pushing his buttons until he finally breaks. Have a feeling these four women of color can do the job.

If only that could happen before the 2020 election. Proof that the White House moron doesn't learn, there is word that he will use racism as part of an election strategy to appeal to the same lowlifes that cheered him on in No. Carolina. But get this, by doing so...
"he is writing off 45.9 percent of the American population and implying that because they are not sufficiently white or native-born, they are not part of the “America” he represents."
Here's the breakdown...
"14.1 percent of Americans are either black or mixed race, including African-American, like Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar. 18.1 percent of Americans are of Hispanic descent like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. And 13.7 percent of Americans are foreign-born, like Ilhan Omar."
Either Donald Trump can't count, or his ego has grown so big that he believes he can regularly debase people of color and they will forgive all and still vote for him. I think it is a little of both. The No. Carolina rally consisted of mostly white, elderly people but T-rump thinks...
"he’s looking at the United States of America. He’s wrong. As apparently everyone but Trump knows, the population of this country is getting browner, blacker, younger, and more foreign, in the sense of being from recent immigrant stock."
 Here's a depressing statement by Lucian Truscott of Salon...
"The kind of racist hatred that used to be hidden away in backwaters like Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana and practiced by the likes of David Duke is now part of our national conversation."
I moved away from that years ago when I left the South. Not in a million years did I ever think it would come back to haunt me right out of the White House. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Lowlife Donald Trump supporter replies to my blog

They are really coming out from under the rocks since Donald Trump's win and they are doing it with the kind of vitriolic spume you would expect from the scum of the earth. I am, of course, talking about the supporters of the President-elect, Donald Trump, this particular one being a rabid racist. I must warn you because the language is not only heinous but it reflects the double-digit IQs of Trump followers. Read the following comment on my blog, if you dare...
What a joke,the market is breaking records every day since we elected a real President, your buckwheat nigger "president" was and is the biggest failure of all time
You can see the post this refers to: "Donald Trump becomes President-elect...Stocks take a dive" I have to admit that stocks in general have soared back--primarily because it looks like Trump will favor the business world over consumers--but my point in the diving stocks referred to in the above post, were those concerned with globalization, which isn't something Donald Trump favors. At least today.

But what really stands out here is the ignorant racist approach of a supposed human being, the latter of course in question. His or her ignorance is definitely akin to what Trump has spewed from the beginning, and attracted ignoramuses like this commenter.

Some background. He posts as "Ellis" and lists his home as Tucson, AZ. This is how he describes himself: "Right Wing Conservative American exceedingly tired of the liberal left and the damage they are doing to this country." "...the damage 'they' are doing to this country." The person is obviously mentally impaired and needs help so if anyone in Tucson knows this individual, helping them get to the nearest mental hospital would be nice.

If DOGE is illegal then Elon Musk must be illegal

The “department of government efficiency” (Doge), headed up by billionaire Elon Musk, has grabbed the governmental infrastructure by the bal...