Showing posts with label Anti-Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anti-Science. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

More on the Destroying of American Democracy


Tucker Carlson, who admits to being a liar on the air, appears to have taken up the mantle of Donald Trump whose social media accounts have been canceled. Without a mouth, the number two misinformation mouth has taken over. Here's the scenario...
"The power balance was on vivid display just last week on the night of Jan. 6, when Sen. Ted Cruz, the Texas Republican who finished second to Trump in the 2016 GOP presidential primary, essentially apologized to Carlson as he tried to explain why he had described the attack on the Capitol a year earlier as “terrorism,” a description Carlson and his audience didn’t like."


And here is an issue we all would like some conclusion for. When is Donald

Trump going to be indicted? Charlie Sykes, conservative Bulwark founder, has concluded...
"there is more than enough proof that Donald Trump and his inner circle made a provable attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election through fraud."

And folks, this is an ultra-conservative. But there's more...

"Sykes pointed to a CNN report that stated, "...then-President Donald Trump's allies sent fake certificates to the National Archives declaring that Trump won seven states that he actually lost," which have also been labeled forgeries."


Carl Bernstein says we were losing our democracy before Trump went to the White House. I would say its exodus started around the period when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House (1995-1999) and when Karl Rove was Geo. W. Bush's top adviser (2001-2009). The damage incurred during these years was enough to rattle the foundations of democracy, leading to open warfare on American justice. Bernstein says...
"the United States had not been functioning smoothly for several decades. He said it would take an extraordinary event in the coming years to unify the country."

The author also says...

"Our democracy, before Trump, had ceased to be working well and for 25, 30, 35 years we were in what I've called 'a cold civil war' in this country," he told the news outlet. "Trump ignited it and we're not going to go back from this place unless there's some great event that somehow unites this country."


One of the leading threats to our nation today is the anti-science gang; against

social distancing, wearing masks, and the most dangerous, against vaccines. They walk around spewing garbage about their freedom while at the same time infecting friends and family with the coronavirus. They call the pandemic a hoax, something created by the left that is a falsehood. False to the fact we have 75,715,662 cases of the virus in the United States, 907,956 deaths.

These non-believers in true science have put rogue governors like Florida's Ron DeSantis and Texas' Greg Abbott in motion to deny federal laws and regulations, acting as dictators on a state level. Other Republican state heads have followed their lead nationwide. We are at the mercy of a conservative gang of despots who are urged on by a constituency of double-digits who voted them into office. The latter is very scary when you consider we are coming up on a midterm election.

The following is frightening...

"Lee Haywood got the COVID-19 vaccine. He’s seen friends lose their lives to the virus, and watched others struggle to recover. A smoker for 37 years, he believes the medical evidence showing that the vaccine sharply reduces his chances of a severe infection.

"Yet on the frigid afternoon of Jan. 23, Haywood, a 61-year-old Republican running for a North Carolina congressional seat, was near the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, standing among signs that read “Vaccines kill” and “Stop the Vaccine Holocaust.” He had helped organize a bus carrying 35 people from Greensboro to the capital."

This is what Haywood said...

“I’m against the forced vaccinations or forced wearing of these masks by these bureaucrats deep in the bowels of the government,” Haywood says. “This country was founded on liberty, and these mandates just slap everybody in the face.”


But what I am most afraid of are morons in the Republican state legislatures across the country with bills like this one from Arizona state Rep. John Fillmore (R), which would allow the state legislature to overturn results of a primary or general election they (Republicans) don't like. The bill...
"would substantially change the way Arizonans vote by eliminating most early and absentee voting and requiring people to vote in their home precincts, rather than at vote centers set up around the state.
Most dramatically, Fillmore’s bill would require the legislature to hold a special session after an election to review election processes and results, and to “accept or reject the election results.”

This idiot, Filmore, is effectively taking away the vote for anyone unable to leave their home, and the dufus still doesn't believe the results of the 2020 election. And, unfortunately this is the kind of imbeciles we have running the state of Arizona. 


Earlier Post: "America is Destroying its Democracy -The Experts Agree"



Monday, December 13, 2021

Anti-vaxxers will not be "coddled"


Charles M. Blow is a well-known columnist with the New York Times and he has finally had enough. With anti-vaxxers. Like many of us in the U.S., Blow says, "I am furious at the unvaccinated." The understatement of the year. A personal incident fueled his reaction against a friend who, unvaccinated, could have endangered himself and others around his buddy, Charles Blow. What happened next was typical of a group well defined as anti-science...

"I recently found out that a friend of mine — a smart guy — was not vaccinated, and I confronted him about it.

"How could he have not gotten his vaccination? And how had he not seen fit to tell me and our other mutual friends? Wasn’t he worried about the risk he was posing not just to himself, but to the rest of us?

"He tried to laugh it off, offering up a bunch of concerns rooted in conspiracy theories. But I told him that he had to get vaccinated, period."

Blow also commented, "I will not coddle willful ignorance of the unvaccinated anymore." Well said! Don't you love the word, "coddle?" It means, "to treat tenderly; nurse or tend indulgently; pamper." Not that I think we have had an overabundance of coddling of the anti-science bunch, but there has been more than enough of mutual concession and compromise between those of us who believe that the scientific community knows what it is doing and "those" who don't.

The Story Behind The Anti-Vaxx Movement In America | Rise And Fall...

Charles Blow has more...
"The next time I saw him, he was worried about the omicron variant and asked if I would go with him to get the jab. I texted him a site where he could register and told him to let me know once he had. That was Saturday. He still hasn’t signed up.
"I am disappointed, and I am angry, not just with my friend but with all the people who are choosing not to get vaccinated."

And yes, most of us have tried our best to be "tolerant" with those who sometime challenge the IQ system to its limits. I remember when I was in school, all the way through college, not only in science classes, but any curriculum where you can arrive at a solution by establishing facts that substantiate your problem. The teacher decided we had solved the issue, and we accepted this, not just because the teacher said so, but because we had scientifically determined our results.

I don't like concluding a post by calling names, unfortunately anti-vaxxers have forced this ploy repeatedly in the last two-plus years, and once again I must say it with enthusiasm... the anti-science bunch are IDIOTS.


The two sides to life and living

Maybe you haven't noticed, because of all the hostility in today's politics and this country in general, but there are many good thi...