Showing posts with label Donald Trump madness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump madness. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Is there method to Donald Trump's madness?


More madness in the White House...  
The new Donald Trump campaign cap

This question could be answered in a number of ways. First, 'Of course, he always has been.' Second, 'Yes, the power usurped by the presidency has driven him over the edge.' Three, 'Although he seems crazy as a loon, it is really just a cover for the publicity and promotion he is receiving for his Trump brand.' I go with numbers one and two, for sure. Three has definitely been a benefit to the family in some ways, but not one of them has the IQ to pull it off. Plain luck.

The president is “batsh*t crazy,” according to a Republican operative Rick Wilson, and we'll have to wait until 2020 to do something about it. Wilson continued...
"Trump supporters, and much of the mainstream media, once believed the president’s outrageous and outlandish remarks were part of some psychological strategy to “own the libs,” wrote GOP strategist Rick Wilson for The Daily Beast, but 'only idiots and zealots believe that now.'”
That is very interesting that a major Republican, no less, political pundit would agree that Donald Trump supporters are both idiots and radicals. Just what this blog has been saying for months. And they are still talking about T-rump's most embarrassing performance at G-7, looking like he was coming off the spool spouting off...
dramatically escalating "the trade war with China, declared the whole world to be in recession — except the United States — wondered publicly whether the chairman of the Federal Reserve (whom he appointed) was a bigger enemy than the Chinese president, and “ordered” American companies to stop doing business with China. Oh, and he called American Jews who vote for Democrats either stupid or disloyal and canceled a state visit to Denmark after the Danish prime minister said that his proposal to buy Greenland was absurd."
There was a method to Donald Trump's madness...

If that isn't a plethora of madness, I don't know what is. But one of his biggest critics, Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC, says, "He’s almost self-imploding on the economy.” She's joined by Princeton Professor Eddie Glaude who remarks over Trump's tumbling polls...
"saying that this is a critical time of year for farmers, and they’re already hurting. If Trump destabilizes the economy, they’ll be hit even harder."
In other words, the more the Oval Office lunatic opens his mouth, the worse the U.S., and the world, becomes. The question is, can we wait until 2020?

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...