Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Monday, September 13, 2021

Climate deniers are just as bad or worse than anti-vaxxwes/maskers


Yes, the monkey is on our back to stop the devastating changes taking place in our atmosphere, and according to leading scientists we don't have much time. This is what the scientific experts have to say...

#1 Humans are causing rapid and widespread warming
#2 Extreme weather is on the rise and will keep getting worse

 #3 If humans cut emissions, the worst impacts are avoidable

It would seem that number one is a guide to how we can slow, then stop two and three. Greta Thunberg is only 19, but she was an activist against global warming in 2018 when she was only 15, and for her efforts was included in Time's 100 most influential people, the youngest Time Person of the Year, inclusion in the Forbes list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women (2019), and three consecutive nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize (2019–2021). All saving the environment.

It's not that the issue hasn't gained plenty of attention. In November of 2019...

"The Trump administration formally notified the United Nations on Monday that it would withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement on climate change..."

This stupid move by the ex-White House lunatic was quickly righted by President Joe Biden on his first day in office, January 20, 2021. Since then, "some 200 scientists convened by the United Nations all but demanded on Monday [Aug. 9] that the nations immediately band together to cut emissions." When this "ricocheted" around the world...
"it only underscored the challenge ahead: getting the world’s biggest polluters and its most vulnerable countries to cooperate against a grave global threat."

 Right now the West is on fire from conditions that stem from a heat wave that can only be said to result in an environmental fiasco culminating in disaster. Lake Tahoe was all but destroyed by fire and the Dixie fire north of Sacramento grew by 22,000 acres overnight on September 10, now a monstrous 950,591 acres. And, the lightning that expanded Dixie has also ignited new fires in the area. California abounds in wildfires with no chance yet of full containment.

"how a series of Atlantic Ocean currents have reached "an almost complete loss of stability over the last century" as the planet continues to warm."

It is the analysis of ocean temperature and salinity that confirms the weakening of circulation concluding...
"If current trends continue unabated, they may slow to a dangerous level or even shut down entirely."

Can you imagine the catastrophe in the complete shutting down of ocean currents? "The series of currents in question is known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC for short." And here is what was found...

"The study reinforces earlier scientific studies which found the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation system to be at its weakest in 1,600 years."

Unfortunately, the American public isn't as concerned about the climate change problem as scientists are...

Morning Consult's Lisa Martine Jenkins reports, "Since May, the share of adults who say they are 'very concerned' about climate change has fluctuated between 38% and 42%. In September 2020, 48% of U.S. adults said they were 'very concerned' about the impact of climate change on the environment, and 39% said the same of its impact on the economy. The share who say they are 'very concerned' about the impact of natural disasters on their own communities has hovered between 32% and 39% over the course of the summer."

The conclusion of anyone who has full control of all their senses and a rational

brain that points to all the disasters that are occurring right in front of them has to be immediate action! It is the deniers, however, that we must continue to worry about.

There are several recent articles on climate change worth reading. Here are some:

5 takeaways from the major new U.N. climate report.

Five Genuinely Useful Things You Can Do to Fight Climate Change

What part of the US is safest from climate change?


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Covid-19 and climate change both destroying the U.S


The coronavirus snuck up on us and established its unchallenging position that required the immediate actions of the healthcare community. There has been considerable success, even though Republicans, especially, governors like Florida's Ron DeSantis and Texas' Greg Abbott who oppose any precaution recommended by the CDC. These heads of states are responsible for horrific numbers of death and suffering in their states, yet they refuse to back down.

Climate change has also been creeping along at a slow yet enduring pace that has produced calamities of excessive rainfall and heat hardships like we are experiencing this summer. And then there are the dry areas that have spawned wildfires like those recently in California, particularly the one in Lake Tahoe currently threatening thousands of people and homes and the resort areas hotels. Republicans swear that climate change is a myth, refusing to address the problem.

Just recently there was the New York times headline: "Governors DeSantis and Abbott, ‘Undermining Public Health’" Now this is a mandate that should unravel the residents of Texas and Florida, but so far, very little from the ranks. School districts are defying DeSantis regularly on his ban of mask mandates, and Abbott has taken a few hits on his regulations from the courts. But new Covid-19 cases and deaths just keep piling up. Texas, as an example, had 257 deaths today.

This country has other problems like gun violence and immigration reform, both with figures like immigrant encounters are at a 21 year high, and 29,759 deaths using guns since the first of the year. There are more and with all the dilemma facing us, one might think we are approaching apocalypse. Study after study proves that masks prevent the spread of the virus, and environmental groups have shown the value of clean energy to stave of atmospheric nightmares. Go figure.

And then the NYT opinion page asks, "What if the Coronavirus Crisis Is Just a Trial Run?" After all, this country is wallowing in a good life that has recently lost sight of the future and what could happen to our children if we don't put the brakes on excesses of all kinds. But the children themselves are being taught they can have whatever they want with no consequences for their destiny. There is a certain amount of innocence here but there is also willful participation. 

In summation, if we are in as bad a shape as the media reports in fighting future viruses as well as stopping changing weather patterns that kill, as an example the recent Ida hurricane that hit Louisiana, are we, in fact, heading for an apocalypse?

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fighting climate change is killing the planet

At my age I remember hearing about how we were polluting the atmosphere back in my 50's; that was over thirty years ago. I believed it then and I believe it now. Scientists predicted how climate change will hurt health around the world and it's happened. It's not just here, look at the UK and China, plus over 2,100 cities globally exceeding safe levels. A temperature increase of only 1.5 degrees F threatens the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. As a "threat multiplier," climate change hits the most vulnerable and fuels disasters. Yet this administration refuses to acknowledge it.

Climate change around the world...

Pollution worldwide...

Disaster, disease and more...

Climate disasters and disease...

Friday, December 23, 2016

T-rump stupid things

“The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”

A trump meeting with Albert Gore recently was considered productive by Gore. But don't bank on it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Get an ark and be ready for global warming floods

Pres. Obama Leonardo Decaprio on climate change
Global warming is-global warming isn't. 97% of climate and earth scientists agree temperatures have increased in the past 100 years; 84% say they personally believe human-induced warming is occurring, and 74% agree that "currently available scientific evidence" substantiates its occurrence. NASA says:
"The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years."
"Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7 inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century."
"All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth has warmed since 1880. Most of this warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the past 12 years."
 There is a supposed hiatus of global warming for the last 19 years and Climate Depot calls it an embarrassing reality. The IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), established in 1988, and recognized by the Earth Summit, admits global warming has paused. Wikipedia attributes the pause to an unusual El Nino in 1998 but adds these references to weather patterns are measured in 15 year periods, possibly too small for accuracy, not accurate.

Watch this video with President Barack Obama with leading climate activist, Leonardo Dicaprio:

In other words, there may be a pause but climate change will get back to its old tricks in no time. Following are but a few in Congress that totally deny the existence of global warming, pointed out by President Obama. Visit this site and you can check your state.

Sen. Mitch McConnell from KY, Rep. Paul Ryan, WI, both a disgrace to Congress, and someone I seriously doubt if she even knows what climate means, much less climate change, Joni Ernst, from Iowa. And there are several more laughables.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Pope Francis took a stand on homosexuality, although not endorsing it, rather, lightening the load on the church's LGBT community. He acknowledged climate change and the need to do something now. And his latest cause is to support women's rights to be paid the same as men. The homosexuality issue is progressing through the Supreme Court right now, climate change seems to be getting more attention, even around the world, but a woman's right to make the same kind of money as her male counterpart is going nowhere. Despite the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women working full time earn only 77% as much as the guy in the next office doing exactly the same job. How do you justify that in a civilized nation? You don't, you just write it off to those insecure bubbas out there who apparently aren't too sure about their masculinity.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


California Gov. Jerry Brown said, “The man [Sen. Ted Cruz] betokens such a level of ignorance and a direct falsification of the existing scientific data, It’s shocking and I think that this man has rendered himself absolutely unfit to be running for office.”

Wednesday - 2/5/25: NO TIME FOR NEWS???

Sure you do...   The latest headlines... Ignoring accepted medical guidance, Texas governor tells agency heads to recognize only 2 genders.....