Showing posts with label Ivanks Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ivanks Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Is someone in the White House selling security clearances?

Here's the scenario. With the White House run by a maniac, everybody wants to get a front row seat for the performance. But government policy says you must have a security clearance which is: a determination by the United States Government that a person or company is eligible for access to classified information. No problem, the Trump family has used this administration to promote everything from beauty products to Trump Towers, why not security clearances? Let's see, they should go for at least 500 big ones.

OK, here's the real scenario...
"An 18-year White House employee told congressional investigators that she and other career staffers denied security clearances for 25 Trump administration officials, including three 'very senior' officials, only to see most of those recommendations overturned."
The employee was Tricia Newbold, and she was interviewed by the staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Here's a summary of her interview. The leading suspect seems to be Jared Kushner, and here is what Newbold said...
"in the case of one official, named only as Senior White House Official 1, staff denied the security clearance request after a background investigation revealed 'significant disqualifying factors, including foreign influence, outside activities ... and personal conduct.'"
And at that point, Ivanka said, 'Don't worry, hon, Daddy will fix it,' and he did.

Donald Trump is Satan struck

Just like with Elon Musk, who was hugely responsible for T-rump winning the 2024 election, the Oval Office lunatic is enamored with Satan be...