Thursday, March 24, 2016

Where are you older voters for Bernie Sanders?

Older folks vote and they vote early
It still astonishes me why the older voting crowd hasn't come around to Bernie Sanders side. Hillary Clinton is still drawing this group when all the negative factors like his Democratic Socialism have been explained in detail. It might be the recognition thing and as the Bern wins more states it will change for the better. Sanders' younger voters are a driving force for him but the older crowd voted 72% to 45% in the 2012 election.

Clinton used Tony Bennett and Jamie Lee Curtis in her promotion so Bernie should enlist Susan Sarandon, Danny DeVito and Steve Wozniak who have voiced support for his candidacy. Bernie Sanders is 74-years-young and as is evidenced by his campaign, well up to handling the White House. If he could capture at least a large portion of this base, his worries over delegates would be eased significantly.

The question is, are these older voters for Clinton also donors or are they just the result of polls? This headline makes one wonder, "Clinton claim on small donors is ‘mostly false,’ PolitiFact finds." According to federal disclosure data, small donors account for only 17 percent of the dollar amount of Hillary Clinton's campaign. When you spread this around several demographics Clinton claims in her camp, apparently the older voters aren't that excited over her candidacy.

Bernie Sanders raised raised $5.2 million in the 18 hours after the polls closed in New Hampshire. It's this kind of enthusiastic response he could generate with older voters who apparently are not reacting similarly to Clinton now. Since this group has a tendency to vote early, Bernie's campaign workers must get to them earlier making a strong case for their candidate. This age range is averse to radical change so the Bern needs to convince them he is actually mainstream.

Which when you look at all his issues, he really is.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...