Friday, February 28, 2020

Will Trump drag his feet on coronavirus until it is out of control in the U.S.?

In this case, these two heads are horribly alarming

Unintelligible, as usual, Donald Trump in a news conference...
"claimed he saved America by shutting down flights, appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a coronavirus task force despite having few qualifications to do so, suggesting his public health budget cuts are no big deal because he can just hire more doctors later, and insisting that it was Democrats, rather than the epidemic, that tanked the stock market this week. 
This is beyond unconscionable and borders on the hysterical kind of talk the psychiatrists say he should be committed for.   READ MORE...

Trump fired pandemic response team in 2018...

Cutting budgets, Trump eliminated funding to Obama-era disease security programs and...
"Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded."
There's more...
Overall in 2018, Trump called for $15 billion in reduced health spending that had previously been approved, as he looked at increasing budget deficits, cutting the global disease-fighting budgets of the CDC, National Security Council (NSC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Health and Human Services (HHS) in the process.
And now we are facing a possible worldwide coronavirus epidemic which could turn into a pandemic having already started in the United States and getting worse.   READ MORE...

Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic advisor, falsely claimed that the U.S. had successfully "contained" the Coronavirus...

Where does he get these idiots? Kudlow is on a level with Education Secretary, Betsy DeVoss. The CDC had just warned of the deadly virus' spread in the United States. The U.S. had 53 confirmed cases as of last Monday. Kudlow even used the term "pretty close to air-tight" to describe its containment. It is pretty obvious that the Oval Office lunatic ordered Kudlow to make the statement to try and stabilize the stock market.

Larry Kudlow
Another cover-up by the Trump administration, but, the most frightening thing is that the White House maniac is making similar statements while a killer virus spreads throughout the United States. The horror of it all is, now Donald Trump has placed Larry Kudlow on his task force to respond to the coronavirus epidemic.  What will it take?   READ MORE...

Trump says we're very close to a Coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's a year away...

According to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that a coronavirus vaccine is at least a year away, and that is because the Donald Trump administration has completely dropped the ball. Fauci, on CNN’s ” New Day,” was asked by host John Berman about the fact that Trump had made the statement, “We’re very close to a vaccine." the doctor replied...
“Well, the confusion is we’re close to starting a phase one trial to determine safety,” Fauci explained. “We’re going to do that in about one and a half to two months –but that doesn’t mean you have a vaccine. In order to get a vaccine, that’s practically deployable for people to use, it’s going to be at least a year to a year and a half at best.”
T-rump's confusion is that he is just completely confused, about everything he talks about, evidenced by the gibberish we hear every time he opens his mouth.  And it gets more pathetic every day.

Rachel Maddow exposes Donald Trump's anemic response to Coronavirus and reports on first U.S. case with no foreign source...

Trump silencing White House officials from talking about coronavirus to keep stock market up...

T-rump is scared to death the coronavirus epidemic and potential pandemic in the U.S. could lower his favorability ratings and lose the election for him in November. He doesn't give a shit about the American public and rants and raves from his self-appointed pedestal questioning the seriousness of the virus while we rack up 60 cases at home. And he's put the clamps on people who work for him...
"According to a report from the Washington Post, Donald Trump is trying to rein in officials in his own administration from talking about the spread of the coronavirus over fears that it will impact the stock market — and hurt his re-election prospects."
This idiot keeps saying it has been contained and cases will be at zero soon, as well as the fact--his fact--we will also shortly have a vaccine. All CDC officials have a resounding NO for each of these statements. When you watch the Oval Office lunatic, he appears to have complete belief in what he says. That is even more terrifying than the substance of his comments. It isn't the media's purpose to induce panic in the public, but it is their job to report the news accurately.


MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...