Friday, February 14, 2020

Friday afternoon news bytes...

"Here are 20 of the most racist things Rush Limbaugh has ever said" ie...
"You just gotta be who you are, and I think it’s time to get rid of this whole National Basketball Association. Call it the TBA, the Thug Basketball Association, and stop calling them teams. Call ’em gangs."
"Joe Walsh pulls plug on presidential run and goes scorched earth on GOP: ‘It’s not a party — it’s a cult’"  

Quote from Walsh...
"the conservative Walsh admitted he would rather see a 'socialist' in the White House rather than Trump whom he called a 'danger to democracy.'”
"Lev Parnas hands Democrats a new treasure trove of photos and videos that go far beyond Trump impeachment: CNN"

The question, of course, is what will they do with it??? So far, the party has been totally ineffective in after-impeachment action. These are...
"unseen photographs and videos that bear out his contention that he was working closely with Donald Trump’s attorney despite disavowals."
 "Trump’s Jobs Record Is Weaker Than Everyone Thought"

Compare the job figures under Barack Obama with that of Donald Trump...
"In the end, the economy has added fewer jobs in every year of his presidency than it did during Obama’s final one. There never was much of a Trump bump."
"These 3 charts show how Trump’s ‘blue collar boom’ is more of a bust for US workers"

The latest data, adjusted for changes [in nominal growth] in the cost of living reveals...
"the picture changes drastically. And far from representing a 'blue collar boom' – as the president put it in his State of the Union address – the real, inflation-adjusted data show most U.S. workers have not benefited from the growing economy."

"Betsy DeVos’ approval rating is 28 percent as voters back investigations into student debt scandal: poll"

Trump's village idiot, Betsy DeVoss appears to be in trouble, that is in addition to her low approval rating by the public...
"A majority of voters support congressional investigations into Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ handling of student debt programs, according to the results of a new poll, which exposes how deeply unpopular the Trump Cabinet member is across the country."

"Democrats’ ‘worst nightmare’? Here’s the truth about the freakout over ‘Bernie or bust’"

The moderate Dems must get used to Bernie Sanders popularity among voters and stating riding with it...
"The take-away from all of this is that in every election cycle, a small share of primary voters won’t vote for their party’s nominee unless it’s their preferred candidate, and that’s true regardless of who wins the nomination."
Aside from the Bernie's surging ratings, he also has a considerable base...
'There are 71 million millennials in the United States ages 24 to 39. 26 millennials voted in 2018. Bernie Sanders is ahead in the Iowa Caucuses and he leads in the New Hampshire Primary. So, what does this say for the Bern.'
 Happy Valentine's Day!

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...