Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Protecting yourself from the unknown coronavirus?

HEADLINE: "Infected people without symptoms might be driving the spread of coronavirus more than we realized"...

Image result for people seated in doctor's office
Okay, which one has it?

Is it impossible to know that the person you are sitting or standing next to you, the one who is coughing without covering his or her mouth, has coronavirus? First of all, with all the ordered shutdowns and curfews, most of us wouldn't even be out. But let's say you have a doctor's visit that you can't cancel and you are there sitting in the office. here's the scenario...
"Officials have emphasized that the virus is spread mainly by people who are already showing symptoms, such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing. If that's true, it's good news, since people who are obviously ill can be identified and isolated, making it easier to control an outbreak."
But there is another side...
"It appears that a Massachusetts coronavirus cluster with at least 82 cases was started by people who were not yet showing symptoms, and more than half a dozen studies have shown that people without symptoms are causing substantial amounts of infection."
And that's the person sitting next to you in the doctor's office. "You really need to just focus on the individuals that are symptomatic," US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar said. "It [the containment strategy] really does depend on symptomatic presentation." The CDC agrees. The administration's coronavirus response coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx doesn't exactly agree...
"Until you really understand how many people are asymptomatic and asymptomatically passing the virus on, we think it's better for the entire American public to know that the risk of serious illness may be low, but they could be potentially spreading the virus to others."
Normally I wouldn't quote anything coming from the White House but for once this makes sense...READ MORE... 

You're on Progressive Street...Where Liberals Walk

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...