Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Can the group Fix Our Senate dump Moscow Mitch

Moscow Mitch McConnell has done everything possible to thwart the Democratic agenda, starting with Barack Obama's administration to the impeachment of Donald Trump. He is running against Amy McGrath in Kentucky for his Senate seat and so far it is a close race with McGrath closing in on McConnell in rankings and fundraising. Now she is getting some help from a new group named, Fix Our Senate, which aims to unseat Moscow Mitch.

The organization provides facts on McConnell...
"McConnell is both extremely powerful and highly unpopular, with a favorability rating of 29.8% in the latest average of polls tracked by Real Clear Politics." He has an unfavorable rank of 48.
"McConnell is already the least popular politician in America — now, we’re going to shine a light on McConnell and every ally who supports him," the group's director, Joshua Karp, a Democratic strategist and communications consultant, tells us.
FOS says it will contend that Moscow Mitch...
"is disproportionately responsible for wealth inequality, rising drug prices, conservative judicial confirmations, hyper-partisanship, legislative gridlock and the likely acquittal of President Trump in the Senate trial."
Fix Our Senate is connected to SEIU, Demand Justice, Indivisible, Protect Our Care and For Our Future.

But here's what McConnell adviser Josh Holmes told Axios...
the group is "welcome to take a number and get in line" in order "to fleece donors into underwriting yet another expedition in search the left’s white whale."
Obviously, the blatant arrogance does not stop with Moscow Mitch. The FOS attack promises to expose...
"McConnell and his record and leadership strategies to share with activists and surrogates and shape opinion."
Bon Voyage and the best of luck!  

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...