Monday, January 27, 2020

It's in the book: Trump told John Bolton Ukraine aid conditioned on Biden investigation

John Bolton

John Bolton is, of course, writing a book, and from the manuscript draft it is learned that, "Trump told him US security assistance to Ukraine was conditioned on investigations into Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden." It apparently brought the Senate trial to a screeching halt, momentarily, not to mention the tremendous publicity for Bolton's tome. Mitt Romney exclaimed that Bolton would probably have to testify.

Romney's comment is pretty cavalier over an issue that seems so obvious to Democrats, even the American public; a Reuters/Ipsos poll provided that about...
"72% agreed that the trial “should allow witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the impeachment charges to testify,” including 84% of Democrats and 69% of Republicans."
Yet both Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell still say no; Trump because he knows he's guilty and wants to cover up, and McConnell to protect Trump and himself and the power he wields over the Senate. Republican Senators are pissed since the White House has had a copy of Bolton's MS since the end of December and said nothing. Democrats are obviously demanding the former national security adviser testimony and now it looks inevitable. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Is Donald Trump mental state more dangerous now?

Donald Trump talking about Elon Musk, Tesla inventor, comparing him with Thomas Edison, as if he were alive...
“He’s one of our great geniuses, and we have to protect our genius,” Trump said. “You know, we have to protect Thomas Edison, and we have to protect all of these people that came up with originally the light bulb, and the wheel and all of these things. And he’s one of our very smart people, and we want to cherish those people.”
Maya Wiley, a former attorney for the ACLU and NAACP, recently talking to Brian Williams said that "she found Trump “both sad and disturbing.”  She added...
“I had a mother who had Alzheimer’s and passed away, and it’s not funny. We should be very concerned about his health.”
“To speak about Thomas Edison as if he is still alive is simply something that is scary,” Wiley said. Yale psychiatry professor Bandy X. Lee, the founder of the World Mental Health Coalition, commented...
“We must consider Donald Trump’s mental compromise as being threefold: emotional, cognitive and neurological — including potential substance misuse,” Lee said. “While it is not possible to come to a diagnosis from a distance, it is very possible to distinguish many things, such as abnormal symptoms and signs — whether these are patterns of strategic presentation or stereotypical disease over time, trends of decline and dangerousness.”
The man in question sits in the Oval Office, readily accessible to the button for the bomb, which makes his "dangerousness" even more critical. If the Republican Senate jurors can't see this, they also deserve to be removed from office. We must impeachment Donald Trump!   READ MORE...

Democrats can turn 2016 Electoral College loss around

A recent RawStory report shows "Not only has the president lost support among women, he’s lost support among his own loyalists, who admit that Trump is guilty." As Trump boasts of his approval rating, it turns out that "51 percent of Americans support removing Trump from office, a new CNN poll showed. In Trump's impeachment trial, while Moscow Mitch McConnell continues to throw up barriers protecting T-rump, 70% of the public want to see witnesses.

That would indicate to me that Americans are tired of the way Senate Republicans are handling the trial and would like to try the truth for a change. Here's the scenario...
“In both the CNN and Monmouth polls, we end up with a seemingly remarkable result,” wrote Phillip Bump for the Post. “There is more support for throwing Trump out of office than there is support for his administration. In what might seem alarming to the Trump reelection campaign, that holds both in battleground states (according to CNN) and in swing counties where the 2016 margin was 10 points or smaller (according to Monmouth).”
This should get Democrats off their butts and proceed to November with a strategy to lock up the states necessary to beat the Oval Office lunatic. 


Trump's leading impeachment lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, incompetent?

Alan Dershowitz has a big problem with the law and history

Alan Dershowitz

CNN's John Berman makes a solid case against Donald Trump's leading counsel in the impeachment proceedings that tends to question the competence of Alan Dershowitz. Berman, a Harvard graduate and Dershowitz a former Harvard law professor disagree about the law and about history. Here's the scenario...
“Professor Dershowitz is wrong about the law and wrong about the history here. Presidents have been impeached and tried for things that are not crimes. Judges have been impeached and tried for things that are not crimes, including drunkenness, by the way, which is not a crime.”
“And not only does Alan Dershowitz — and we played that [clip] — disagree with Alan Dershowitz, but so does Alexander Hamilton.” Here's the video...

Berman quotes John Hamilton on the issue...
"‘Those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men or in other words the abuse or violation of some public trust.'”
But Berman also believes this won't deter Dershowitz in the least in the proceedings.   READ MORE...

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Michael Cohen warned us about Donald Trump-He was so right

Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen was Donald Trump's personal lawyer for twelve years, a vice president of the Trump organization, dubbed by many as Trump's "fixer." Perhaps few people knew T-rump better. AlterNet reported Adam Schiff's closing remarks in the Senate impeachment trial...
"stating the obvious: the facts prove that Donald Trump is guilty as charged. We all know it. But the question remains as to whether he should be removed from office. Schiff makes the case that Trump should be removed because he has demonstrated that he will choose his own personal interests over protecting our national interests—which makes him dangerous."
And then he spoke of Michael Cohen's warning...
“the more people that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I’m suffering.”
He was in jail, a convicted felon for fraud and perjury. Others followed as he had cautioned. Even though Adam Schiff had done a momentous job of making his impeachment case against the Oval Office lunatic, it was obvious sitting Senate Republicans would do anything possible to protect Trump. AlterNet describes the close...
"Schiff ended on Thursday night by composing “a love letter to democracy and truth” that will go down in history as proof that we refused to become collaborators in the assault against what is right and true."
It is worth your time to read this article and listen to the nine-minute video of Schiff. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Trump lies again big time, about former Ukraine Ambassador 

Parnas, Fruman, Trump
Donald Trump's lies are, well, historic, momentous, something that will go down in history as perhaps the largest source of double-dealing falsification we have ever experienced. Now, apparently a Giuliani/Parmas pal by the name of Igor Fruman taped Trump calling for the firing of Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. T-rump disclaimed even knowing Parnas, although...
"ABC News reported Friday morning that it reviewed audio of a dinner attended by Trump, Parnas, Fruman, and others. A voice that appears to be the president’s tells the group that he wanted to “get rid of” Yovanovitch, per ABC, an apparent contradiction to Trump’s claim that he does not know Parnas."
As of December of 2019, the Oval Office lunatic had delivered 15,413 lies to the American people, all of which have apparently been absorbed by Trump supporters as the truth, which speaks to the level of their mental state. There's more re. the Fruman, Parnas, Giuliani meeting with Trump...
"Parnas has previously described a dinner at Trump Hotel with supporters of the president in April 2018 that he and Fruman attended. He said that he raised concerns about Yovanovitch to Trump, and that the president then turned to an aide and told him she should be fired. At the time, Yovanovitch was the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Giuliani, Fruman, and Parnas were trying to have her fired."
Good God, can there be any doubt left that Donald Trump deserves impeachment?   READ MORE...

Chief Justice John Roberts so far a "potted plant"

Apparently Chief Justice John Roberts, who is supposed to be the referee in Donald Trump's impeachment trial, has decided to side with his Republican colleagues in overseeing the proceedings. AlterNet reports...
"He is presiding over this trial, which is supposed to mean enforcing the rules, not acting like a potted plant and doing whatever it is he’s been doing—catching up on reading? Crossword puzzles? We don’t know that either, because Mitch McConnell didn’t let any cameras in besides the ones controlled by him."
This all looks good now but how will it play in November when those 50% of the American public who want Trump impeached go to the polls? Democrats overwhelmingly support his ouster, "as of January 20, 84 percent of Democrats want Trump removed from office." The Vox article, above, also provides a look into the total fairness of the trial...
"On the issue of fairness, 53 percent of respondents said Republicans will hold a fair trial, and 50 percent said Democrats are advocating for the inclusion of witnesses and additional evidence only because doing so will make the trial more fair. Similarly, 54 percent said they disapprove of how Republicans are handling the trial, and 50 percent said they disapprove of the Democrats’ approach."
So far, the major unfairness of the Senate impeachment trial appears to be Moscow Mitch McConnell. 

Trump can be beat in November on the economy

If you think Donald Trump can just breeze on back to the White House in November, think again. Here's a recent headline: "Trump boasts the US economy is the best it's ever been under his watch." This article continues with several charts proving this isn't true. But Columbia University economist Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, also a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, comments in Common Dreams...
"It is becoming conventional wisdom that US President Donald Trump will be tough to beat in November, because, whatever reservations about him voters may have, he has been good for the American economy. Nothing could be further from the truth."
Although corporate America raves about Trump's tax cuts that primarily benefited the rich and the current high stock prices, this no barometer of  "ordinary citizens’ living standards or anything about sustainability." Stiglitz continues...
"In fact, US economic performance over the past four years is Exhibit A in the indictment against relying on these indicators. The lion’s share of the increase in GDP is also going to those at the top."
The economist adds...
"Trump may be a good president for the top 1%—and especially for the top 0.1%—but he has not been good for everyone else. If fully implemented, the 2017 tax cut will result in tax increases for most households in the second, third, and fourth income quintiles."
It is all beginning to unravel as it becomes obvious that everything the White House does, and the Republicans behind Donald Trump, is to heap the rewards on wealthy Americans and corporate America. Read this article through to the end and you will learn how us average Americans have lost out to the upper elite.

Why Parnas and Bolton must testify

Lev Parnas and associate

Rudy Giuliani's henchman Lev Parnas has been lurking in the background of Donald Trump's impeachment for several weeks, willing to testify, but nothing happening. First the White House blocked testimony, and now Moscow Mitch is fighting against any Democrat's witnesses in the Senate trial. They know what Parnas knows as well as John Bolton and that is is why Republicans are doing everything possible to keep them away.

Parnas has also implicated Mike Pence after the vice president said he didn't even know Pence. Parnas then produced a photo of him and Mike Pence together. And the lies keep coming. AlterNet reports...
"Parnas is the reason Republicans are so scared of opening the Senate trial of Trump to witness testimony. According to Parnas, everyone was in on the Ukraine scheme. Trump himself, of course, but also Vice President Mike Pence was in on it. So was Attorney General William Barr, so was Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and so were Secretary of Energy Rick Perry and national security adviser John Bolton."
So, what we are saying here is that all these political hacks had something to do with the charges that have been verified to impeach T-rump, which would lead one to the conclusion they should give sworn testimony to their involvement. Here's more reason for Parnas' testimony...
"Parnas has letters, text messages, contemporaneous notes, travel documents and more to back up his recollections of what happened as Trump tried to muscle Ukraine into aiding his re-election campaign by announcing an investigation of Biden. Trump was obviously getting ready to pound Biden with Ukraine conspiracy allegations the same way he pounded Hillary Clinton about her emails in 2016."
There is a clear path of obstruction by Republicans of these witnesses, above, supported by Senate head, Moscow Mitch. There have been recent whimpers of softening on the issue by some in the GOP, particularly moderates. It's time to do the right thing or go down in flames with the Oval Office lunatic. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

80% of Black America labels Trump a racist

It is disconcerting enough when the bubbas out there use the N word, but when it is the President of the United States, well, it hurts a little more. And that is the understatement of the year. But were we ever at the point where racism was actually subsiding, or have these niceties over the year just been a facade for a deep seated nationwide racism? I think the latter, and although not an expert on the issue, I grew up in the deep South and can recognize signals.

The RawStory reports the optimism among blacks when Barack Obama was elected President in 2008 , rejoicing again when he was reelected in 2012. I felt the same about Obama's election as I did when John F. Kennedy went to the White House. Kennedy was stopped by an assassin's bullet, Obama by a political assassin by the name of Moscow Mitch McConnell. Moscow Mitch is as much of a racist as is Donald Trump and both need to go.  READ MORE...

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Who says nobody likes Bernie Sanders?

Hillary Clinton statement "Nobody likes Bernie Sanders" backfires

Here is Newsweek's headline: "#ILIKEBERNIE TRENDS AFTER HILLARY CLINTON SAYS 'NOBODY LIKES' BERNIE SANDERS." This sent Bernie's supporters to the Internet in the thousands to show just how much they do like Bernie Sanders. And you would think someone as disliked as Clinton was in 2016, when she and Debbie Wasserman Schultz colluded to secretly give the Democratic nomination to Hillary, would keep her mouth shut. But she didn't, and now it is clear who the most liked of the two is.

Clinton even indicated the possibility that she might not support Sanders if he receives the nomination for this November's election. This at a time when Bernie is surging in the polls...
"Overall, 27% of registered voters who are Democrats or Democratic-leaning independents back Sanders, while 24% favor Biden."
It is clear moderate Democrats are hell-bound to knock Bernie Sanders out of the race simply because he is both Progressive and an Independent. It isn't working because there are 57.7 million Progressives out there and of the 137.4 million Independents, 52% are Progressive, Get used to it old line Democrats.   READ MORE...

Trump stoops low...again

Donald Trump is just...unconscionable

Donald Trump

Once again the Oval Office lunatic takes his misinformation abroad and spews it on the folks at Davos, Switzerland. He was asked...
"about the clear discrepancy between his initial claim that no Americans had been harmed in Iran's retaliatory strikes against a US base in Iraq and reports of 11 military personnel diagnosed with concussions and an unnamed number of others also being treated in the wake of the attack."
Trump replied...
"No, I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious."
He dismisses the injuries of American soldiers as if it is nothing, as much as calling anyone who complains a crybaby. This idiot is beyond comparison with any human being in my lifetime. CNN's Barbara Starr comments...
"the military has made a significant push in recent years to identify and treat traumatic brain injury associated with combat roles, making Trump's downplaying of the injuries suffered by the troops all the more problematic."
CNN reminds us that Trump was draft age for the Vietnam War but received five deferments that kept him at home; one for being a student and four more for medical reasons, the latter of which have become doutbful upon investigation. Afraid to fight but willing to question those who do. It doesn't get any worse. Or...will it?

Monday, January 20, 2020

.Richmond pro-gun rally on Martin Luther King Day

MLK was killed with a gun and gun nuts are celebrating their toys today in Richmond

Richmond at its worst

NPR reports...
"The city of Richmond, Va., is under a state of emergency Monday morning as thousands of gun ownership enthusiasts and armed militia members gather at the Virginia State Capitol for a large rally aimed at quashing new gun laws."
This is in retaliation to Virginia's Gov. Ralph Northam temporarily banning firearms from Capitol grounds and a number of gun control laws passed recently in the state. This all coincides with the fact that today is Martin Luther King's birthday and he died from gun violence, which rings alarm bells with locals it could turn into a white supremacist incident like Charlottesville. It was here anti-racism protesters left protester Heather Heyer dead and 19 others injured.

Racism and guns definitely don't mix and it is those two issues that are the number one problems in this country today,  especially fostered by the maniac in the White House.   READ MORE...

Moscow Mitch perjurer before impeachment trial starts

McConnell perjured himself taking impeachment oath

Mitch McConnell
The miserable Moscow Mitch

Former President George W. Bush's ethics chief branded Moscow Mitch a perjurer after the Senator took the impeachment ethics vote knowing full well he would not be impartial in the trial. Moscow Mitch has no ethics, never has, except to himself and the Republican Party. Power is his middle name and he will do anything to achieve his goals. He is ruthless but smart after years in the upper House and with the impeachment hearings starting, many think he will be at his miserable best.

Here's the take from Aila Slisco of Newsweek...
"McConnell has explicitly indicated he has no intention of being impartial, vowing to work closely with White House counsel and Trump as the trial approached. Richard Painter, Bush's chief ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, denounced the senator on Twitter for contradicting himself by taking the oath."
Painter tweeted...
"This man just swore an oath saying the exact opposite. This man is a perjurer."
 As further proof, there was this NPR headline...
McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment
It is perfectly clear where Moscow Mitch is going with the Senate impeachment trial, and, of course, he has his nimrod assistant, Lindsey Graham. And folks, these are the imbeciles running our government.   READ MORE...

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Donald Trump's corruption, sexism, cruelty and bigotry for 2020

That's how to beat Donald Trump in November says noted conservative strategist Rick Wilson

Rick Wilson

He has advised successful Republican candidates for years, but recently has made it his life's work to defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election. He even takes credit for some of the undesirables in the GOP today. Wilson describes it that he has "contributed to the hyper-partisan, zero-sum political world that we live in today." He has a new book out,  Running Against the Devil: A Plot to Save America from Trump — and Democrats from Themselves.”

The book isn't about ideology, according to Wilson "it’s about how to defeat the racist, sexist, grifter who threatens the future of our nation. It’s truly that simple." Knowing the ins and outs of the GOP, my hunch is we will glean some excellent strategy from his book, Here's his approach...
"To beat Trump, make the entire election about his corruption, sexism, cruelty and bigotry. Wilson believes that if the 2020 election is framed as a choice between four more years of toxic Trump or another person — virtually any person — Americans will pick the non-Trump on the ballot."
Here's the clincher, forget national polls and focus on winning the Electoral College. That's what Hillary didn't do and what the soon to be nominated Democratic candidate must do. 

How high can Trump lies soar?

How do you explain 81 Donald Trump lies in one week to your children? You can't.

By the CNN count last week's Donald Trump lies "tied for the fifth-highest total in the 27 weeks we have counted at CNN. He lied 81 times with the usual arrogance of someone who is completely comfortable as a narcissist buffoon. No one can blame Trudeau and company plus Putin and Assad for making fun of him behind his back. Trump's idiocy is universal and could be sold for a brand as equal to Holiday Inns or Proctor & Gamble. The whole world recognizes it.

CNN commented...
"It was an eclectic batch of dishonesty. Among other things, Trump took unearned credit for both the Ethiopia-Eritrea peace agreement and for the drop in the US cancer death rate, absurdly claimed that NATO "had no money" before his presidency, wrongly denied that his golf excursions cost taxpayers any money, and repeated his usual varied inaccuracies about impeachment, immigration and the nuclear agreement with Iran."
After the 81 record false claims last week, his average was around 61 per week, and shows no signs of slowing down. Trump is dying for a Nobel, something that would lower this award to something less than imaginable. At a recent rally, "he claimed that he was a more deserving recipient than Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed." Ahmed received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his part making a peace deal with neighboring Eritrea.

It was for settling a border dispute with this neighboring country, something Donald Trump could learn from rather than criticizing Ahmed's award. Pathetic!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Trump Is a Remorseless and more

"Trump Is a Remorseless Advocate of Crimes Against Humanity"

Donald Trump sitting at a desk pointing

I used this Slate headline twice because it is so forceful and so expressive of the facts that it is almost impossible to duplicate. And the article that follows is equally commanding, a MUST READ. In these times of a maniac in the White House, disparaging our country to the extent that we are the laughingstock of the world, it is reporting like this that is so necessary to prove that the United States is really still a great nation. Here's an example...
"One day he’s covering up taxpayer-funded travel expenses for his family. The next, he’s stealing money for his border wall. The next, he’s being implicated by an accomplice in the extortion of Ukraine."
Slate follows this with...
"But one horror is right out in the open: Trump is a remorseless advocate of crimes against humanity. His latest threats against Iran, Iraq, and Syria are a reminder that he’s as ruthless as any foreign dictator. He’s just more constrained."
Then it's on to more Trump remorseless blunders...
Slate digs into the past on Muslim and immigration issues, Syria's mistake, refused to leave Iraq, after requesting to do so, until they paid us back for the war, the Soleimani assassination and more stupid moves than most all past presidents together have committed. I would add to this the perpetual lies that come out of T-rump's mouth non-stop. And of course, now the U.S. House has impeached Trump and the GOP Senate whines that Dems have no basis for this. 


National Archive protects Trump

Nat'l Archives changes photos to make Trump look good

A close up on the altered sign in the photograph from Women's March in 2017 is seen on display at the National Archives Research Center on Friday, January 17, 2020 in Washington, DC.

The rampant disfavor with Donald Trump spewed out at the Women's March in 2017 in the above sign that actually said, "God Hates Trump."  The National Archives blurred the name, "Trump," in their words, "to avoid engaging in 'current political controversy.'" There were several more changes. National Archives said this was customary but...
"National Archive officials did not respond to the newspaper's [Washington Post] request for any examples of previous times when the museum edited photos or documents to avoid political controversy."
It would seem the Oval Office lunatic's tentacles reach every part of the U.S. Government.   READ MORE... 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Will gun nuts ever learn?

Only an idiot would try to get an unchecked gun through the airport today

In the TSA's eighteen-year history, 2019 was its worst as far as passengers trying to slip their weapons through security onto a plane. 4,432 guns were confiscated, 3,855 of which were loaded. That 87%, and you have to wonder what can be going through someone's head when they do something like this. It is firearms responsibility at its lowest. Doogie dumbhead walks right up to security thinking what? To me there is no reasonable answer to this.

TSA Administrator David Pekoske said, "The continued increase in the number of firearms that travelers bring to airport checkpoints is deeply troubling." He continued...
"There is a proper way to travel safely with a firearm. First and foremost, it should be unloaded," Pekoske said. "Then it should be packed in a hard-sided locked case, taken to the airline check-in counter to be declared, and checked."
Do these people think they are privileged? Possible, with the propaganda NRA head Wayne LaPierre has drilled into the minds of gun owners for years. It is the 2nd Amendment run amok and must be stopped immediately, beginning with the demise of the National Rifle Assn. They actually found a missile launcher in a Texas man's luggage at the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.

"Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport had the most guns seized: 323 firearms." Dallas/Fort Worth International had 217, Denver International 140, George Bush Intercontinental in the Houston 138, and Phoenix Sky Harbor International had 132, according to the TSA. The overall average of firearms confiscated comes up to 12 per day. This has increased every year since 2009. There is no other way to say it, 'Gun nuts never learn!'   READ MORE...

New impeachment evidence requires new action

Why aren't Dems reopening impeachment hearings with new exhibits?

Adam Schiff, above, claims seven "stunning new pieces of impeachment evidence" that were recently released by the House. Among them are...
"Rudy Giuliani told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky he’s working with Trump’s 'knowledge and consent.'”
"In the same letter, Giuliani says he is acting in his 'capacity as personal counsel to President Trump.'”
[Lev] "Parnas wrote notes on Ritz-Carlton stationery suggesting he was directly involved with the Ukraine scheme."
"Parnas was also communicating with Ukrainian officials which, Schiff argued, demonstrated 'that Mr. Parnas served as a direct channel between President Trump’s agent, Mr. Giuliani, and individuals close to President Volodymyr Zelensky.'”
Kushner, Parnas, Ivanka

All of this points out just how closely connected to the Ukraine incident Giuliani was, and makes it clear how involved Giuliani associate, Lev Parnas, was. At the same time, Parnas has now released documents guaranteed to scare T-rump to death, which AlterNet says will destroy his 3 key impeachment defenses. Okay, Democrats, why aren't we running with this?   READ MORE...

Not the time for Progressives to fight

Get over it Bernie and Warren

Bernie's hand is clearly out there, repelled by Elizabeth Warren, so what does that mean? Whatever happened, these two sophisticated politicians must mend fences and put this crap behind them. Bernie has just tied Biden with registered voters, putting him at the top for the nomination. Now is not the time to start a party brawl, but also not the time to ignore a gender conflict in the matter. Warren says Sanders said a woman couldn't win in 2020. Sanders says otherwise.

A former Vermont governor says Bernie will play dirty, if necessary, but I don't see the Bern in that kind of character. But this is the sort of thing that can knock a campaign off-course for both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, something the left does not need right now. Jane O’Meara Sanders, Bernie's wife, says...
“Our campaign has always been about bringing people together. Not dividing them up like Trump does by gender, race or ethnicity.”
RealClearPolitics' recent poll pits Bernie against Trump averaging several polls, both liberal and conservative. The Bern comes out three points ahead. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Rick Wilson mocks Moscow Mitch on impeachment moves

Former GOP strategist goes after Moscow Mitch over impeachment

The conservative Rick Wilson who has spent much of his time recently criticizing Republicans and their tactics has taken on Moscow Mitch, Senate head who is ramrodding the impeachment trial. Here's how RawStory described it...
"The ex-Republican compared the GOP majority’s attempt to cover for President Donald Trump to a weekend bender gone horribly wrong."
Here were Wilson's actual words...
“On Friday night, it’s a lot of fun and you’re having a great time. On Saturday, you’re starting to feel it, and on Sunday there’s a dead hooker in the trunk.”
 McConnell's "dead hooker" is a very live NancyPelosi who appears to be conjuring up the last laugh on Moscow Mitch as bombshell developments keep exploding like Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas'recent testimony. And the General Accountability Office's (GAO) recent decree that...
"the Trump administration broke a law that governs how the White House disburses money approved by Congress by withholding $214 million worth of equipment, training and other support to help Ukraine in its battle against Russian-backed forces."
Chief Justice John Roberts administered an oath to all 100 senators on Thursday, swearing them to "do impartial justice" Is that possible when you are talking about this gang? We'll see.   READ MORE...

Witness: Bernie didn't actually say woman couldn't win in 2020

Witness confirms Sanders side of "Woman can't win" story

Democratic debate

Let's get 'he said,' 'she said,' debacle out of the way for good. My earlier post on this today half explains some of what was actually going on, but a later report sheds even more light. Bernie said this...
“It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn’t win.”
Everyone is aware of the honesty of Senator Sanders, but, then, neither does Elizabeth Warren lie. So, this was the statement from witnesses...
"Two people with knowledge of the conversation at the 2018 dinner at Warren’s home told The Washington Post that Warren brought up the issue by asking Sanders whether he believed a woman could win. One of the people with knowledge of the conversation said Sanders did not say a woman couldn’t win but rather that Trump would use nefarious tactics against the Democratic nominee.
The Bern continued...
“What I did say that night was that Donald Trump is a sexist, a racist and a liar who would weaponize whatever he could.” Do I believe a woman can win in 2020? Of course! After all Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes in 2016.”
Let's finally put this to bed!   READ MORE... 

What about Sanders/Warren confrontation AFTER debate

Media mysteriously quiet about Sanders/Warren post debate confrontation

Democratic debate

I saw it, my wife saw it, the audience of CNN saw it, and the network commentators following the debate played it over and over with the question of just what was happening. In a post-debate Tom Steyer interview he said he didn't hear what they were saying, obviously questionable considering his positioning above. The most dramatic part is Warren rejecting Sanders' handshake and Bernie's exit from the affair. Here's the video...

CNN cuts off the video just before Sanders waves off Warren and walks away. Not sure what their reasoning was on this because it clearly shows the Bern is irked about something. Reasoning: The 'he said,' 'she said' part is up for grabs as to who really said what. And in both cases neither Sanders nor Warren is given to lying. One thing is clear, what you don't see on the video is an unhappy Bernie Sanders quickly turning away leaving the conversation with Warren.   

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Bernie Sanders v. Elizabeth Warren

He said...She said...There is much to explain in Tuesday night's debate

Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders

Elizabeth Warren's campaign has accused Bernie Sanders' campaign of sending volunteers out door-to-door trashing her. Bernie, of course, said he had nothing to do with it and apparently the cause was some over-zealous volunteers. We are talking about in Des Moines, where the Iowa Caucuses will be held on February 3, and a Democratic debate was held last night. More on that later today. The script in question "described Warren's appeal as limited to the highly educated and financially well off."

Bernie's press aids never denied that the document existed and the candidate commented...
“We have hundreds of employees. Elizabeth Warren has hundreds of employees. And people sometimes say things that they shouldn’t.”
First of all, is the statement in the realm of being accurate. If there is any accuracy to it, Warren's campaign may be pushing the envelope. She has been dropping in national polls of late. One page actually "included attacks on the electability of Warren, as well as Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg." If Bernie is playing tough now against his own people, it will hopefully prepare him to deal with Donald Trump in the coming election.

And then, there is a meeting that occurred around a year ago when Warren accuses of Sanders saying a woman couldn't win the election in 2020. My immediate thought is why it is just now coming to light now. Bernie denies saying it but Warren says there were witnesses. Here's Bernie's actual statement...
"It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn't win.”
Tuesday night in Des Moines was probably very interesting.   READ MORE... 

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...