Sunday, April 5, 2020

Iowa Governor an idiot-A black eye for this state

Iowa's normal common sense vanishes in the case of Gov. Reynolds...

Gov. Reynolds, the culprit
Iowa's Governor Kim Reynolds isn't alone in resisting Dr. Fauci's recommendation that with the recent activity in COVID-19, the public should consider self-isolating for the sake of protecting themselves and others, Other states deciding against are, in the South and Midwest...
"Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota have all resisted issuing any kind of stay at home orders, while Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina have only issued orders in part of their states."
She is no doubt following the lead of her leader, Donald Trump, as the ring in her nose is tightened regularly. Here's Reynolds reasoning in answer to Fauci...
“I would say to him, does he recognize the fact that we have closed down schools and we’ve actually done that through (April) 30?” Reynolds said. “Is he aware of the various businesses that have been closed, restaurants and bars, through April 30 that we have implemented and no social gatherings of more than 10 people? That we have added additional closures to the orders that I have put in place based on data and metrics that we daily look at and move forward.”
I would say to her, it is downright dumb to think limiting congregating groups to ten will help when it only takes one with the virus to infect others. Reynolds has poor judgment and should not be running a state. Iowa should get rid of her along with Sen. Joni Ernst ASAP!   READ MORE...

You're on Progressive Street...Where liberals Walk

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...