Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Donald Trump still doesn't get it for COVID-19 testing

Italy has almost double the coronavirus testing, per capita, than the United States...

Donald Trump
One of the muddled Donald Trump coronavirus briefings
But on early March the United States was dead last with only 5 tests per capita compared to seven other major countries like Italy, the U.K. and So. Korea. We should have been number one then and should be on the top now with our lead in technology and financial status in the world. It is pathetic and the total cause for the delay can be placed at the feet of Donald Trump. He first called the virus a hoax, then blamed it on the Democrats.

Not only is it his over two month wait to do something (early January notification to action March 15), but it is clear that he still doesn't have a clue how to get major testing going as reported by Politico...
"The president and his team in the White House are rushing to counter perceptions and develop a coherent message about the nation’s ability to test Americans for the coronavirus quickly and broadly, a prerequisite governors and business leaders have outlined to successfully get the economy back on track."
The Oval Office lunatic changes his mind regularly from claiming complete control over states for COVID-19 response to telling governors it is their responsibility to come up with disease testing. The result continues to be delayed testing which increases deaths from the virus. As of today there are 45,013 fatalities caused by coronavirus. It's been over three months since China had its first case and Donald Trump continues to blame others rather than act.

Interested in democratic Socialism?

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...