Sunday, April 5, 2020


Here's your COVID-19 news in brief...

"Coronavirus pandemic 'far from over' in Asia, WHO warns"...
"The Covid-19 pandemic is “far from over” in Asia, the World Health Organization has warned, as the number of coronavirus deaths in the US surpassed those in China for the first time."
"Trump accused of ‘fanatic cruelty’ after refusing to reopen Affordable Care Act enrollment to help uninsured during pandemic." This, as millions of people across the United States lose their jobs and insurance.

Trump won't reopen Obamacare...

"According to a report from the Washington Post, major media outlets are choosing to take a pass on attending Donald Trump’s daily press conferences because they have proven to be news-free and there is no sense exposing their reporters to the possibility of getting sick."
"New Jersey parents charged with child endangerment for holding party with around 50 guests..."
Police had to break up party of "40 and 50 people, including their children, who were outside their home Sunday despite a state ban on such gatherings, authorities said."


What alcoholics are doing in isolation...

"With Meetings Banned, Millions Struggle to Stay Sober On Their Own." Alcoholics must look elsewhere for help. READ THIS ARTICLE!

"Here's a look at what states are exempting religious gatherings from stay at home orders." Placing religion before people's lives. Freedom of religion does not include emergencies like this. Pray at home!

The religious who refuse to self-isolate...

"Trump’s tribe of wacko supporters have spiraled out of control — and now they’re a major threat to public health and safety." This just proves how many people in this country are fruitcake crackpots. Put 'em in concentration camps so they can kill each other.

"Experts warn as many as 1 in 3 coronavirus test results may be incorrectly negative." People are getting false negatives": "it means that people who've been reassured they are not contagious are likely going forth and spreading the disease to others." Just great, thanks again to Donald Trump.

"Secret Service places $45,000 ’emergency order’ for golf carts in town with Trump property during pandemic." This clearly points out where the White House maniac's priorities are.

Trump needs golf carts while people die...

"‘Deadly ignorance’: Georgia GOP governor slammed for falsely claiming ‘we didn’t know’ asymptomatic people can transmit coronavirus." Why are we surprised? He's a Republican.

"The American South has resisted social distancing measures — and we’ll all pay the price." Being from the South, I know they can be slow, but this time it's unacceptable.

"Maddow reports Florida governor is letting ‘coronavirus-denialist megachurch guy’ hold huge services." What do you expect? Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is a Republican.

"Coronavirus job losses likely cost 3.5 million people their health insurance too." At the same time, The Oval Office lunatic closes down new Obamacare signups. Pathetic!

The status of health insurance...

Insurance tied to a person's employment has taken a huge hit with the millions of layoffs. The system is in grave danger of collapsing altogether, if Congress doesn't step in to help. Yeah...sure. 
 "Experts warn of mental health fallout from mass US unemployment."...
With the "catastrophic rise in unemployment following the forced shutdown of businesses across the country to stop the spread of Covid-19 – and experts are warning it could trigger a severe mental health crisis." 
Donald Trump in denial over COVID-19 one month ago...

America has no federal response to this crisis."...
"In times of crisis — from wars to natural disasters to recessions — Americans have looked to the federal government to step up and lead the national effort to confront the challenge.
"In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, our federal government, led by Donald Trump, has essentially abdicated its traditional role of spearheading a coordinated response."
"Trump’s biggest 2020 pitch disintegrates." I read this as an assurance that no matter what Democrat runs against him in November, he or she will defeat T-rump.

"No, the coronavirus is not an ‘equalizer--Black people are being infected and dying at higher rates." This is due primarily to shelter-in-place orders and other painful government restrictions, including segregation and mass incarceration for black people.

You're on Progressive Street...Where Liberals Walk...

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...