Monday, April 27, 2020

What's wrong with America?-Donald Trump...What's wrong with Donald Trump?-Mitch McConnell...

Trump latest from The New Yorker: Mitch McConnell is still refusing to rein in Trump — and things are getting worse for Americans...

Image result for trump mcconnell relationship
The relationship is bending
And folks it is Moscow Mitch that has allowed the Oval Office lunatic the freedom to do what he pleases from the White House, most recently screw up the response to the coronavirus pandemic and fight with the scientific experts for who knows the best about the clinical approach to the disease. On some fronts this moron has won, like the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine, in which he has a financial interest along with his cronies.

Here's the scenario...
"New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer explained that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is enabling President Donald Trump’s bad behavior at a time that Americans need a leader the most."
 There's more...
"The New Yorker explained that McConnell’s worship for Trump is really a kind of 'cynical political genius.' He’s both protecting his caucus and covering himself in a deeply red state where Trump is more popular than even he is. "It is well known that McConnell interfered with witnesses against Donald Trump at his impeachment trial, a move thought by many to have turned the trial in T-rump's favor. 
Columnists and Gov. Cuomo on Mitch McConnell...

"Columnist and journalism professor Al Cross called McConnell’s partnership with Trump 'the most important political relationship in the country.'” And with McConnell in control of the Senate, this lowlife, with absolutely no ethics and no concern for what happens to this country as long as he maintains his power, it will never get better until we get him out of Congress, out of Washington. Here's what a Common dreams writer had to say...
"A decade ago, in my first public writing since leaving Capitol Hill, I warned that the Republican Party, in its evolution towards an extremist conservative movement allied with extremist Christian fundamentalism, was becoming like 'one of the intensely ideological authoritarian parties of 20th century Europe.'”
His conclusion: "They value only absolute power or ruin." Changed to "He valued only absolute power or ruin," should be on Mitch McConnell's tombstone. The author professes a more simplistic approach and...
"simply call the Republicans and their religious and secular conservative allies what they are, and in unadorned English: a death cult."
Now that's heavy and perfectly corresponds to earlier GOP talk during the Obamacare hassle where the Republicans recommended death panels for citizens age seventy-four and over, today it's...
"cheerfully suggesting that a few dead elderly people would be a small price to pay to protect the U.S. economy in the coming weeks."
A year ago but still appropriate on McConnell's destruction of the Senate...

It is obvious how far this Grand Old Party has gone to shore up its power and what it will do to get it and keep it. It is why Progressives find Republicans so disgusting. And there is yet one more idiot Congressman from Indiana, Trey Hollingsworth, who made the comment...
“it is always the American government’s position to say, in the choice between the loss of our way of life as Americans and the loss of life, of American lives, we have to always choose the latter.”
But this blockhead took it even further with this comment...
“'It is policymakers’ decision to put on our big boy and big girl pants and say it is the lesser of these two evils.' This encapsulates the stereotype of the economic conservative: Dickens’s Thomas Gradgrind, the rigid, condescending, and heartless pedagogue."
And this is the kind of Republican that is running this country today, and a primary reason the White House maniac can get away with what he does. But the latest play of Moscow Mitch is his latest position re. the plight of U.S. states during the COVID-19 pandemic. His attitude is there will be no more federal aid and as far as he is concerned, they can just go bankrupt. Since the Democrats in Congress are all wimps, there is no choice but to dump them with the GOP.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...