Monday, June 11, 2018

Donald Trump has 1,655 false far

This is my new series focusing on the lies and misstatements Donald Trump has made since entering office.

His presidency has been one consisting of a common denominator...lies. The Oval office lunatic has made 1,655 false statements to date. And, we are still counting. The Toronto Star is keeping track of every false claim because...
"We think dishonesty should be challenged. We think inaccurate information should be corrected. And we think the sheer frequency of Trump’s inaccuracy is a central story of his presidency."
And so far, it hasn't been grounds for impeachment by a U.S. Congress that doesn't have a clue how much damage this idiot is doing to our country. It is as if T-rump is seriously on a rampage to sabotage America. But, back to the lies and misstatements now, starting with Canada...
"We lose a lot with Canada. People don't know it. Canada is very smooth. They have you believe that it's wonderful. And it is -- for them. Not wonderful for us; it's wonderful for them."     But...
"The U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada when trade in goods and trade in services are both counted. Trump's own Council of Economic Advisers said as much in its annual report."
Re. guns...
T-rump said, "But when the press covered it, the headline was, 'Trump wants all teachers to have guns.'"
Not true! "in fact: No major news outlet, and possibly no news outlet at all, ran a headline saying Trump wanted "all" teachers to have guns. Media outlets correctly reported that he wants some teachers to have guns."
Re. Barack Obama...
"The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who worked 8 years for Obama) working on the rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections, especially now that Republicans (stay tough!) are taking the lead in Polls."
"in fact: No part of this claim is fully accurate. There is no indication that people involved with the probe (Robert Mueller) will be nefariously "meddling" with the midterms. Republicans do not lead in a single one of the credible "generic ballot" polls of midterm voting intentions. They briefly led in one, but it promptly bounced back to a Democratic lead."
Re. immigration...
"So they go. And they take this man (Sayfullo Saipov), right? And he got here and he's got 22 people that came in -- his mother, his father, his grandmother, his uncle, his brother, his sister. He got -- 22 people come in for this one guy. That's called chain migration -- 22 people."
This is completely false. "in fact: There is no indication that Saipov, the alleged perpetrator of the terror attack in 2017 on Manhattan's West Side Highway, brought 22 relatives into the U.S. Even Trump's own aides have declined to endorse this claim, and even anti-immigration advocates say it is wildly improbable that one man with a green card could have sponsored 22 people."
Folks, there are over 1,600 of these and some of the best are yet to come. For the first time in the history of the United States, there is someone in the White House that has based his entire presidency on dishonesty and misleading the American public. Stay tuned.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...