Monday, February 13, 2017

Political Satire: White House forced to take English 101

The dufus and his minions
Say what you want, but Donald Trump is supposed to have at least a modicum of intelligence; unfortunately that has never translated into common sense. But even the acumen of the glorious new leader of the greatest country in the world needs help. How do you spell honor? Not honer. The use of the word unprecedented, becomes unpresidented in Donald John's tweets, quite possibly the fact that he still can't believe he was elected, as many thousands more feel. How's this tweet, “I am honered to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States!”

The modern world already thinks the Trump administration is a conglomeration of racists, white nationalists, loose cannons, crackpots and full-fledged idiots. Its commander is the epitome of lunacy. The UK''s Independent said...
"The grammar used by Donald Trump in his speeches as he campaigned to become the Republican presidential candidate corresponds to that used by students aged 11 and under."
Here's how the Washington Post put it...
The English language was unprepared for the attak. It was destined to loose. And, inevitably, it chocked.
Apparently Donald John missed, or if he was there, failed, all the spelling bees in high school.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Political Satire: Anti-Trump followers flock to Mars

A NASA astronaut was asked if we should take the opportunity to colonize Mars. He said, "Nope." Ron Garan said this recently so it isn't like it was before Donald Trump was elected. Or maybe he is a supporter of Donald John. Probably not when you consider his letter to the new U.S. emperor. But I would like to propose a compromise to the idea. Establish a temporary haven for the anti-Trump folks, something like a Disneyland on Mars; they're everywhere else. Maybe even let Trump build it with, of course, staunch oversight.

Once Richard Branson has the kinks worked out of Virgin Galactic, he can start taking reservations and with the millions of takers, Branson should be able to reduce his fare of $250,000 a trip down to the typical cost of an airline ticket cross-country. It's only provisional accommodations, of course, and once Donald John is impeached or implodes and resigns, a happy group of anti-Trump devotees can return to earth and begin the process of getting rid of Mike Pence and the entire Republican Party. The last part will be the hardest but certainly the most fulfilling.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Political Satire: Kellyanne Conway...President?

The whip was concealed in her purse but everyone she passed in the hallway could see the fire in her eyes with the complete determination that was written on her face. Kellyanne Conway was on a mission and she would let nothing stand in her way. Just outside the Oval Office, she told the staff, including Vice President Pence who was waiting, 'no one enters until I am done.' She went in without knocking and locked the door behind her. Walking over to the great ruler's desk, she took the whip from her purse, threw it in front of Donald Trump and said, "See this, hope I don't have to use it."

"What the hell do you mean walking in here like..."

"Don't give me that shit, Donald John, I got you elected and I can get you un-elected, unless you change your ways."

DJ was at a loss for words for a few minutes until regaining his composure. "I could fire you for something like this."

"You could but you won't. What I know about you would fill three extra editions of the Washington Post. Now listen to me. I'm tired of you putting out all this bullshit and then I have to explain it. Makes me look like a dumb shit."

"Hold on a minute, need to tweet something on Jeff Sessions confirmation."

"No freakin' way until I approve it; all of those go through me from now on."

"No way," said a cranky but cowering DJ, and then he pushed back from his desk and started to get up.

As he did, KC yanked the whip up from his desk, cracking it just in front of DJ's nose. "Sit, she commanded," and he did. "From now on I'm running things around here. You sit in the chair but I give the orders. This country wanted a female president, well now they've got one." She rolled the whip up, put it back in her purse, and walked out of the Oval Office.

After KC had closed the door, DJ pulled out his smartphone and dialed a number. "Hey 'Fat Tony,' remember that favor you owe me?"


Political Satire: Will Bernie Sanders sue Donald Trump

A lawsuit might just work against loudmouth
If anyone knows a fraud it is Bernie Sanders, Democratic candidate for the 2016 Primary along with Hillary Clinton. The Bern says Donald John is a fraud because he wants to "...undo financial regulations enacted following the 2008 financial crisis as a betrayal of his campaign promises to stand up against Wall Street." If there is anyone who stands up to Wall Street, it is Bernie Sanders. He said Donald Trump is a good showman but a hypocrite by deserting the middle-class voters after campaigning heavily on this issue.

Sanders sued the DNC so why not the President of the United States. The Bern would sue Donald John, on behalf of the workers of America, for breach of contract, citing his promises to them in his presidential campaign to stand his ground against the financial giants. The courts recognize some promises as legally sound for litigation, and considering the number of pledges Trump has already broken along with the numbers of lies uttered to prove his points, there is a natural precedent for the broken promise charge filing. I can see it now...
They probably wouldn't jail a sitting President but can't you see Donald John confined to the White House wearing an ankle bracelet monitoring his every move. At least Melania would know where he is then.
Read more... 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Political Satire: Even foreign restauranteurs repelled by Donald Trump

Cafe ZeeZicht with Trump antagonists
Cafe ZeeZicht in Antwerp, Belgium, will start a boycott this Friday against all American products. “The language Mr. Trump speaks is the language of economics, so in that language we want to reply,” says the bar's owner, David Joris . "So, that’s why we are not selling American products at the moment.” Thanks to Donald John, we might have a trend starting in Europe that could have a huge impact on America's foreign trade. Joris has replaced Lay's chips with Belgian-made Croky chips, Coke has been substituted by a Belgian-made cola. What will be next?
The UK's Telegraph reports that Donald Trump's trade policies are driving Latin America into China's arms; will it drive countries like Belgium into Russia's? Maybe this is the deal going on between Putin and Trump, to build up the Russian economy. A few more like this and Vlad will let Donald John build his luxury hotel in Moscow. But the best part is Joris's idea of boycotting. How about Trump hotels in Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and into Canada, Toronto and Vancouver. Go to for substitutes. That's my Trump shot for the day.

Political Satire: Trump a "Second Coming" for Iran

The two Supreme Leaders???
There can't be any foreign nation that the U.S. has had more complex dealings with than Iran. Okay, maybe, North Korea but in that case we are dealing with a lunatic comparable to what is in the White House today. Iran, however, has really hit the mark in its appraisal of Donald Trump's ascendancy to the presidency of the U.S. with these comments from Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei...
"We are grateful to this gentleman who has come."
Remind you of something that is dear to a number of people? Pitifully, the Supreme Leader thanked trump for revealing the true face of America. According to Donald John that would be a look of racism, white nationalism, abused women, all along with an environment of hate. Don't get me wrong, the U.S. isn't looked on by the world as a perfect and benevolent nation, but we were never seen with the bleakness reflected by a Donald Trump profile. What is worse, Trump's followers, many of whom are Christians, woefully no doubt believe he is the second coming.

The question is when will this all implode and this country can return to normalcy?

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Political Satire: Steve Bannon becomes President by Executive Order

Steve Bannonn
Donald Trump was sitting in the Oval Office looking at reruns of "The Apprentice" reality show when his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, walked in with papers in his hand. "I have something here that needs your signature oh great one."

"Don't bother me now, Stevo, can't you see I am tied up with something of grave importance to the future of this great country?"

"I realize the gravity of your most presidential effort, our sultan, but this too is something that will benefit our country, beyond what you might ever imagine."

"Okay, Stevo, if you insist, but just wait for this scene, here it comes, 'Your're fired,'" God, can't get enough of it. Put the paper down here (which he signs still looking at his image on TV). There, it's signed." Steve Bannon leaves the Oval Office with a huge grin on his face.

The Washington Post puts out an extra edition the next morning:
Donald Trump signs Executive Order making Steve Bannon President of the United States. No one has seen Donald John since, but three men dressed in white robes with hoods were seen leaving the White House late last evening in a pickup truck with Louisiana plates and something wrapped in a Confederate flag. No comment from the Oval Office.
Read more... 

Political Satire: Trump Executive Order for Nordstrom to do what?

Donald Trump was working late in the Oval Office on a secret Executive Order that had him fired up and obviously something he was indignant about. All the doors were locked and he wouldn't even acknowledge the Secret Service agent checking on him. Go away, he boomed, and returned to work on the order. It was 2 AM and he had just tweeted that Bernie Sanders just announced that he had switched his allegiance to the Republican Party backing its new CEO. He liked that title rather than party head. He had labeled his tweet Alternative News just in case.

By 3 Am he had finished his work and decided to turn in. On his way to the master bedroom, he passed Melania coming out of the Lincoln bedroom on her way to the kitchen for some warm milk. Donald John continued on, stopping momentarily at his secretary's office to drop off his rough draft of the Executive Order. The next morning, he finally showed up close to noon. His secretary came into the Oval Office and placed the EO on his desk and, turning, returned to her office shaking her head. "Now, that'll teach those losers," he said.

That morning's Washington Post (yes, already leaked) had a spread on the front page:
"Donald Trump issues Executive Order to Nordstrom's Dept. Store to reinstate his daughter, Ivanka Trump's line of clothes. Failure to comply immediately will result in a 20% Trump tax on everything else sold in the store. Nordstrom did not reply for a request for comments."

Monday, February 6, 2017

Political Satire: Kellyanne Conway spoofs Donald Trump

Kellyanne Conway with...admirer
It is a known fact that Donald Trump doesn't listen to things until he sees them on the media. And it is also known from a recent PunditFact study that the Fox Network news is true only 17% of the time and is false or mostly false 59% of the time. That is the conservative news network and probably the one Donald John watches most. This seems logical since most of his utterances are not accurate, some not even close. Kellyanne Conway knew this so she decided to see just how far the Oval Office potentate would go. She leaked a news story that Steve Bannon was the White House leak.

The next morning the story broke on Fox, without a confirmation, of course. The White House mouth waited quietly in her office for her leader to call to tell her he would raise hell with Bannon. Nothing. Lunch passed and still no word from the great room. Conway was in a terrible fluster, asking her assistant every few minutes if she had a call. Then she was told there was one from the administration white nationalist. She answered.

"Thanks for the leak," said Stevo, "know it was you, had your imprint all over it. The Don was elated. Some of the leaks raised his popularity rating 10 points. He has put me in charge of the entire White House staff...including you."


Political Satire: Donald Trump fights wall of kangaroos

You know, you would think that even a mentally challenged President would know which side his toast is burned on. There are world leaders who have always hated the United States and make sure we know this by their actions, Australia isn't one of the latter, but may soon become one after Donald John kicked their Prime Minister in the balls several times by phone. Donald Trump doesn't want 1,250 refugees from their detention centers, agreed on by former President Obama. If Obama made this agreement, there must have been a good humanitarian reason.

Later that day Australia's PM Malcolm Turnbull, called Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto, who had also fought with the new monarch over a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. They agreed that Turnbull would supply Peña Nieto with several hundred kangaroos, enough that there would be one about every one-hundred feet. They would fight off all Mexican workers going into the U.S., cutting off America's labor force in the fields, restaurants, gardening, housecleaning and more. Turnbull welcomed these workers to Australia's thriving economy.

It was only two months later. All fast food businesses had shut down in the U.S. There were no landscape centers. The fields were overgrown with unpicked crops. Trash was piling up everywhere. The U.S. economy was spiraling down. From the White House Donald John sat back in his Oval Office chair and tweeted, 'Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down.' Mike Pence clapped dutifully.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Political Satire: Infirm President-Loose cannon adviser contemplate war

The two of them were sitting in the White House Situation Room located in the basement of the West Wing. President Donald Trump and national security adviser ­Michael Flynn, sitting across the table from each other, just staring.

Donald John: What the hell are we doing here, Mike?

Flynn: Your greatness, I've heard so much about this place, I just had to see it.

Donald John: Jesus Christ, you pulled me out of my Oval Office just for that. I was busy talking to the White House designer about a new gold inlaid rug to replace that thing with a design on it.

Flynn: But that's your official seal of President of the United States.

Donald John: Mike, don't need that. I know I'm the most powerful person in the world now. What the hell's wrong with you, everyone knows that.

Flynn: Okay, then why don't we talk about starting a war while we're here. You already put sanctions on Iran for doing those nuclear tests. Let me take a few good men, sneak into the country, and bomb a Tehran night club. Then I can go right over to the Tehran News, take credit for it in the name of the United State and, bingo, we've got a war.

Donald John: Sounds good to me but, Mike, how do you plan to get out of Iran then?

Flynn: Your illustriousness, you will then wage the global war I have always dreamed of and rescue me.

Donald John: You just might work.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Political Satire: Kellyanne Conway-Definitely from another planet

Kellyanne Conway and...?
The Oval Office mouth is at it again, spouting off more disinformation that has become a staple of the Donald Trump administration. Kellyanne Conway, one of Donald John's top advisers claimed that there had been a terrorist attack in Kentucky which she described as the Bowling Green massacre. Here's the way I see it coming down.
Kellyanne: Your highness, you sorely need a good reason for the immigration ban you have issued in your executive order. The peasants, especially those poor pathetic souls who voted for you, need a thorough explanation for their double-digit IQs,

Donald John: Okay, Kel, what kind of absurdity can you come up with?

Kellyanne: Since Mitch McConnell was such a jerk in supporting you, let's say something happened in Kentucky to make him look bad.

Donald John: Right on, Kel, we'll put the old fart in his place and dig up some terrorists no one thought was there. If anyone can come up with alternative facts it's you. Go, go!

Next Day

Kellyanne: Oh hallowed one, I have an idea. Rand Paul said something about Iraqi refugees in Bowling Green who were bad boys, I'll just fabricate that into a terrorist massacre and announce it on the Chris Matthews Show.

Donald John: Perfect, Kel. Now run with it.

Well after midnight the same day in the Oval Office

Donald John: Well, Kel, you did it again. That, what the hell do you call it, Alternative News, works every time.

Kellyanne: Yes it does, your eminence, but when are you going to complete that luxury hotel deal with Vlad so I can quit worrying about these cover ups?


Friday, February 3, 2017

Political Satire: Mitch McConnell loves Obamcare

Elaine Chou had just been approved as Donald Trump's Transportation Secretary and her husband, Mitch McConnell was elated; along with a GOP Congress and a new figurehead in the White House he was sure he could control. Yes, Donald John was elected to the office but McConnell knew he was the real savior of the Republican Party now. He had never had this kind of power, and was just glad that he had found his source of long term stamina in the last few years to keep him going. It was the only way he had had the drive to fight against Barack Obama's second term. Damn those blacks.

McConnell grabbed his bottle of Mexican vitamins and took two; the dosage was six a day. God forbid anything happen to the doctor in Mexico City who supplied him. Heading back to the Senate chamber, his cell phone rang and it was doctor Gonzales who was excited, exclaiming that he wouldn't be able to supply the Senator any longer with his precious supplement.

"What do you mean? I pay you a fortune for the capsules. Do you need more money? I can always call the Koch brothers for a loan."

"No, no, something called Obamacare. Federales just raided my shop and took everything. I am ruined and all because of you."

"What did I do," he was desperate now.

"The Mexican President is a good friend of Barack Obama and when he found out what I was doing, he had me raided."

McConnell knew he would waste away and be unable to fulfill his duties of Majority Leader without his beloved Mexican vitamins. Even his wife didn't know. "Just sit tight. I'll take of this."

As he strode onto the Senate floor, he approached the podium and called for order. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate." Only a handful were there, all Democrats. "After a long discussion with my staff, I have decided that this body will vote to continue Obamacare, and I would heartily recommend to Speaker Ryan that the House do the same." Obamacare was kept by both houses.

That night he heard the sound of a text on his phone and when he checked, former President Obama said, "Now we're even. Any more of your crap and I'll tell Elaine."


Political Satire: Trump and Putin start World War III on Twitter

It was 2 AM at the White house but the new U.S. sovereign was still awake with smart phone in hand tuned to Twitter. Melania had finally decided to move to the Lincoln bedroom to get some sleep. But Donald Trump had decided to challenge Vladimir Putin to a game of 'World Leader Psychopaths,' where you challenge each other to see who can be the biggest nutcase leading a country. The two had been playing this for years and Putin agreed that if Donald John ever won a game (he hadn't)) he could build as many luxury hotels in Moscow as he wanted. 

It was 10 AM in Russia's capital city and Vlad was busy in his office admiring the Putin coffee mug he was drinking from as his smartphone rang on Twitter. "Hello Big D," it was obvious who it was. "How's it hangin'?" He often wondered how Donald John had time to stay on Twitter all night when he had such a gorgeous wife.

"Okay, Vlad, it's time for our regular game of World Leader Psychopaths and tonight I'm going to beat your ass."

"First of all, it's not night here, and second, I'm tired of playing games with you."

"What the hell do you mean? This is a tradition and we have to play. Nobody else here will play games with me."

"I'm bored with the game and since you've lost every time so far, it's pretty obvious you are the world's leading psychopathic leader."

"What the hell, you're calling me a psychopath?"

"Why not, that's what all of your countrymen call you."

And then the Twitter line went silent and stayed that way for several minutes. All of a sudden Vlad cried out, "Holy shit," and went racing down the hall of the Kremlin with the phone in his hand, still on Twitter. As he entered the special security room and headed for the launch console, he heard an alert from Twitter.

"Too late, Vlad, I already hit the button."

Political Satire: Legal Godfather gives his blessings

Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions had just been confirmed as Attorney General of the United States under the new American Sultan Donald Trump. He was about to take his place at the conference table in his new office at Justice. But first he went to the medicine cabinet in his private bathroom and took out two cotton balls and stuffed one in each side of his mouth. Then he went back to the conference table where several of his new deputies were assembled. Sessions sat down and said, "We'll make those Muslims an offer they can't refuse." Everyone raised their hands in triumph and waited for the next great utterance. That is, all but one.

It was a black woman left over from the Obama administration. She was in Alabama when the Ku Klux Klan slit the throat of a black man and hung him from a tree. She questioned Sessions about how he felt about this. Sessions said, 'I thought the KKK was OK until I found out they smoked pot.' Soon after he became attorney general of Alabama. But now the other deputies were crowded around the new AG, kissing his hand and sucking up hoping to become his consigliere.

The black woman, still in her chair, asked Sessions one more question, "Doesn't what the KKK did bother you?"

To which the great new legal head replied, "Forgive. Forget. Life is full of misfortunes." With that he stood up, took the two cotton balls from his mouth, and threw them on the table for his deputy minions to fight over.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Political Satire: a bullet in the head means a gun in the air

Arizona, the state of no gun laws, where all it takes to buy a firearm is a warm body, decided it wanted more non-protection than nothing. State Rep., Bubba Tony Rivero, told the House Judiciary and Public Safety Committee, "Accidents are an unfortunate fact of life." Referring to the death of
Wayne LaPierre
Shannon Smith, fourteen years old, shot in the head by a gun nut who fired his or her weapon in the air half a mile away. Tough luck, kid. Shit happens in a state where guns are valued over the life of children. And your grieving parents should know that and support my new bill, says Rivero, to let killers like the one that killed your daughter go free by simply saying, 'It was an accident." That's if they are even caught.

Rivero, satisfied now that his new law, once in place, would protect his gun hugger friends and hopefully not kill more than a couple hundred kids, strode to his car in the parking lot. As he got behind the wheel, his cell phone rang and it was Wayne LaPierre, head of the National Rifle Assn. "Hey Tony, good job. My big gun guys like it when we dismantle the gun laws. But, I have another assignment for you. We need a law protecting gun loving husbands in Arizona who shoot their wives or girlfriends. You know, more of that accident stuff. Keep me posted."


Political Satire: The adventures of Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sitting in her Sunrise, Florida, office thinking about how she could revive her political career by switching to the Republican Party and becoming Donald Trump's Secretary of Holocaust Education. At least it would be a Cabinet post after she was deprived of her DNC chair. That brought back memories of how she had led her staff through the arduous task of disparaging Bernie Sanders with emails and word of mouth so Hillary Clinton would win the Primary. She did but was beaten by Donald Trump in the 2016 Election. Then she got caught.

Wasserman Schultz couldn't understand why the Democrats were so pissed. During her tenure as the DNC Chairman, they had lost only 10.2% of the Senate, 19.3% of the House, 20.3% of State Legislatures and 35.7% of Governors' offices. But, it might've been worse. Hell, Joni Ernst could have been elected President. Hey, if I had switched Parties, she might have chosen me for Vice President, she thought. And then looking at a mirror she took from her purse, she said to herself, 'Maybe it's my hair.' Then the phone rang and she had to pick it up since everyone else was gone.


On the other end, "I want my campaign data back."

To which she replied, "C'mon, Bernie, you know I can't do that. Besides, Hillary still has it...whoops!"


Political Satire: Political scientists make startling discovery

Forerunner to Donald Trump
The earliest known politician has now been acknowledged to have had a gigantic cavity used for eating and excreting. Through all the years, and with all the evolution of the art of politics, this creature's huge opening began to spew a regular progression of invectives designed to out-dumb its opponent and win the competition at hand. The typical politician was born. Political scientists studied this critter for years, trying to attach their findings to a living human being. And then came the election of 2016, and Donald John Trump was elected President of the United States. The amoeba will never be the same.

Read more about the amoeba...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Political Satire: Charles Koch sneaks into White House and...

The Koch brothers laughing at us poor 99% schmucks
Charles Koch of the lurid team of Donald and Charles Koch refused to endorse Donald Trump for the 2016 election, instead, using the dark money underground to funnel money into the Republican presidency. It worked, but when the Kochs expected the admiration of the newly elected U.S. overlord, its majesty snubbed them simply because they had announced publicly earlier they didn't particularly cotton to Donald John.

So old Charley of the Koch pipeline that exploded and burned two teenagers alive, decided to sneak in to the White House one evening and mess up Donald John's hair. He could do that because of the $400 million he has committed for election 2018. But once inside, Bill Clinton, who had a secret door to a hidden room, popped out and tackled Charlie, thinking he was Trump. Melania rushed from the Lincoln bedroom to thank Bill with hugs and kisses in her Frederick's of Hollywood crotchless nightie. Donald John looked on from the door of the WH master bedroom and commented, “Hey, Bill, when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” which immediately brought back memories of his Oval Office.


Political Satire: World airports shut down-Economy plummets

The Dow Jones average lost 18,800 points today, closing at only 64. The German, Chinese and Japanese exchanges also dived precipitously. All of them blame this on the fact that Donald Trump has done them the honor of shutting down airports around the world by temporarily banning entry into the United States for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from around the world. It is unclear why only these seven countries when Turkey clearly has had terrorist incidents directed against the U.S. Oh, hell, forgot, Donald John has hotel interests there. When questioned about this move, the newly elected czar blamed it on Hillary Clinton's foundation and Bill's recent trip to Little Rock, Arkansas.

Political Satire:Trump revives modified "The Apprentice"

We now have a clone to Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" show with a new cast of characters...government employees. The candidates are selected based on their refusal to agree with the newly elected emperor. The first victim is acting Attorney General, Sally Yates. She dared to question the legality of Donald John's closing of the nation's borders to refugees  and people from predominantly Muslim countries. A federal judge has already blocked the order last week. Other government workers are standing in line to receive this same honor.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Donald Trump, new U.S. monarch, being sued...again

Donald John is being sued over his immigration order by the Committee on American-Islamic Relations in a Virginia federal court on Monday. Suppose to be the biggest one yet, but that doesn't bother America's newly anointed potentate. He's working on a new reality show for TV for when he leaves the White House. It's called, 'How to Sue a Billionaire...on Twitter.'


Steve Bannon will only add to more chaos

The new Bobbsey twins
The lack of decision-making skills on the part of Donald John is almost as laughable as his lack of knowledge about what he is doing as the new President of the United States. The Chicago Tribune said during the 2016 campaign, "It is almost impossible to underestimate his knowledge about issues, including the ones he talks most about in his campaign." It has gotten no better, only worse. So what does the new inept President do? He selects a Cabinet that knows almost as little as he does.  But the height of his stupid decision-making process is his choice of Steve Bannon, who appears to be against everything but himself. What's worse, "... the president decided to give a permanent seat at the National Security Council table to his chief strategist and senior counselor, Stephen Bannon."

Read more here...

Trump lack of judgment frightening

A man without a plan, only bullshit
In his first week in office, Donald John has shown no organizational skills in the government-wide decision-making process. That, in itself, is scary enough, but this assessment is even more alarming.
"...since the election, there is reason to believe that his White House is going to be a place of unusual uncertainty, perhaps even chaos, as a president who has no idea what he is doing is served by people who have no idea what their boss wants."
Donald John has elected to almost ignore the "Presidential Daily Brief, the intelligence report the president gets every day to apprise him of threats to the United States." Such a comforting thought, this maniac sitting in the Oval Office quietly planning his next business move while missiles fly from God knows what country. Read more...

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump favors his business interests in travel ban

Psst, can I get in on the deal?
He might call it coincidence but I call it strategic planning for Donald John's investments in Turkey. The country was left out of the travel bans even after it has "...faced several terrorist attacks in recent months. On Wednesday, the State Department updated a travel warning for Americans visiting Turkey." And why would he exclude Turkey? Because of the two luxury towers he has licensed his name to in Istanbul, plus the fact a Turkish company "...manufactures a line of Trump-branded home furnishings."

Con artist of the century strikes again.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...