Saturday, February 29, 2020


STUPID NEWS from Donald Trump's collection of administration idiots...

U.S. intelligence agencies have known since 2017...
"that a pandemic could strain resources and harm the global economy, but they agreed not to release a public warning so far this year because they’re reluctant to discuss intelligence that might displease the president."
So, look what happened. We now have 62 confirmed cases in the U.S., still rising, one in California with no known origin, and the Trump gang just wagging their tongues with no idea what the hell to do. There's more...
"The intelligence analysis found that outbreaks are being spread from animals to humans, just as COVID-19 is believed to have originated — and analysts even mentioned a close cousin to the coronavirus strain in one report."
My take is to prosecute these people, along with Trump and Pence for murder if anyone dies from coronavirus in the United States. What they are saying is that Donald Trump is such a malignant tyrant, that they would jeopardize this country's health to prevent a backlash. You've heard the saying, "How much is too much?" Well, how many times have we arrived at this juncture with Trump and simply backed off and let it drop?

One of those days it may be too much, and this may very well be that day. Think about it.

Friday, February 28, 2020

More "Well Duh" news from Donald Trump on Coronavirus, this time via Mick Mulvaney...

The headline is Mulvaney said Media is using coronavirus coverage to ‘take down’ Trump. In an earlier statement, this dufus told everyone to just turn off their TV sets and ignore warnings. This after WHO just raised coronavirus threat assessment to its highest level.

Will this ever end? Have a ludicrous day!


Trump administration does the stupidist things...

Second in command Mike Pence was just put in charge of controlling the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. With 62 confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S., one California case with unknown source, and a stock market tumbling daily over the issue, where does Mike pence direct his attention?...
"He is heading to Florida to raise money for the Republican Party.
Now where else would he go? Have a ludicrous day! 

Donald Trump's US health department sent unprepared workers to assist Americans evacuated from China...
"without proper training or appropriate protective gear, according to a whistleblower complaint filed by a senior department official who said she faced retaliation." 
It was at the two California military bases "where Americans who had been in the center of the outbreak, Wuhan in China, were being processed." The "whistleblowers" attorney filed the complaint in...
"the US Office of Special Counsel (OSC) and said his law firm was hopeful the case would be investigated in a “timely and comprehensive manner."
Good luck on that one with Wm. Barr as Attorney General...READ MORE... 

Will Trump drag his feet on coronavirus until it is out of control in the U.S.?

In this case, these two heads are horribly alarming

Unintelligible, as usual, Donald Trump in a news conference...
"claimed he saved America by shutting down flights, appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a coronavirus task force despite having few qualifications to do so, suggesting his public health budget cuts are no big deal because he can just hire more doctors later, and insisting that it was Democrats, rather than the epidemic, that tanked the stock market this week. 
This is beyond unconscionable and borders on the hysterical kind of talk the psychiatrists say he should be committed for.   READ MORE...

Trump fired pandemic response team in 2018...

Cutting budgets, Trump eliminated funding to Obama-era disease security programs and...
"Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded."
There's more...
Overall in 2018, Trump called for $15 billion in reduced health spending that had previously been approved, as he looked at increasing budget deficits, cutting the global disease-fighting budgets of the CDC, National Security Council (NSC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Health and Human Services (HHS) in the process.
And now we are facing a possible worldwide coronavirus epidemic which could turn into a pandemic having already started in the United States and getting worse.   READ MORE...

Larry Kudlow, Trump’s top economic advisor, falsely claimed that the U.S. had successfully "contained" the Coronavirus...

Where does he get these idiots? Kudlow is on a level with Education Secretary, Betsy DeVoss. The CDC had just warned of the deadly virus' spread in the United States. The U.S. had 53 confirmed cases as of last Monday. Kudlow even used the term "pretty close to air-tight" to describe its containment. It is pretty obvious that the Oval Office lunatic ordered Kudlow to make the statement to try and stabilize the stock market.

Larry Kudlow
Another cover-up by the Trump administration, but, the most frightening thing is that the White House maniac is making similar statements while a killer virus spreads throughout the United States. The horror of it all is, now Donald Trump has placed Larry Kudlow on his task force to respond to the coronavirus epidemic.  What will it take?   READ MORE...

Trump says we're very close to a Coronavirus vaccine. Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's a year away...

According to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that a coronavirus vaccine is at least a year away, and that is because the Donald Trump administration has completely dropped the ball. Fauci, on CNN’s ” New Day,” was asked by host John Berman about the fact that Trump had made the statement, “We’re very close to a vaccine." the doctor replied...
“Well, the confusion is we’re close to starting a phase one trial to determine safety,” Fauci explained. “We’re going to do that in about one and a half to two months –but that doesn’t mean you have a vaccine. In order to get a vaccine, that’s practically deployable for people to use, it’s going to be at least a year to a year and a half at best.”
T-rump's confusion is that he is just completely confused, about everything he talks about, evidenced by the gibberish we hear every time he opens his mouth.  And it gets more pathetic every day.

Rachel Maddow exposes Donald Trump's anemic response to Coronavirus and reports on first U.S. case with no foreign source...

Trump silencing White House officials from talking about coronavirus to keep stock market up...

T-rump is scared to death the coronavirus epidemic and potential pandemic in the U.S. could lower his favorability ratings and lose the election for him in November. He doesn't give a shit about the American public and rants and raves from his self-appointed pedestal questioning the seriousness of the virus while we rack up 60 cases at home. And he's put the clamps on people who work for him...
"According to a report from the Washington Post, Donald Trump is trying to rein in officials in his own administration from talking about the spread of the coronavirus over fears that it will impact the stock market — and hurt his re-election prospects."
This idiot keeps saying it has been contained and cases will be at zero soon, as well as the fact--his fact--we will also shortly have a vaccine. All CDC officials have a resounding NO for each of these statements. When you watch the Oval Office lunatic, he appears to have complete belief in what he says. That is even more terrifying than the substance of his comments. It isn't the media's purpose to induce panic in the public, but it is their job to report the news accurately.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mike Pence in charge of coronavirus is beyond laughable'''

Mike Pence bungled Indiana's HIV outbreak in 2015 when Governor of Indiana. So, Donald Trump is putting him in charge of controlling the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. Here's the scenario...
The worst HIV outbreak in the state’s [Indiana] history happened on his watch in 2015, which critics blamed on Pence’s belated response and his opposition to authorizing a needle-exchange program.
But Trump said, "that Vice President Pence would lead federal efforts against the spread of the coronavirus, he said Pence was the right person for the task because of his experience." Don't know how many people he ended up killing in Indiana, but you can bet it will be a hell of a lot more nationwide. The potential of a coronavirus pandemic is dreadful enough but having the Trump/Pence team to solve the problem is downright terrifying.   READ MORE...
Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialism is good for the country...Here's why...

There is a huge difference between traditional Socialism and Democratic Socialism. The former can employ violence to implement revolution and could border on Communism. The latter invokes only legislative efforts for its revolution and is in no way connected to Communism. As the above illustrates, Democratic Socialism is a return from emphasis on the upper class of this country, namely the wealthy and large corporations, to the people.

Here is a short definition of Democratic Socialism...
"Democratic socialism is a political philosophy supporting political democracy within a socially owned economy, with a particular emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market socialist economy or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy."
If you want a complete explanation of the ideology, go to the Democratic Socialists of America site HERE. If Bernie gets the nomination and ends up running against Donald Trump, the Oval Office lunatic will do everything he can to paint the Bern as a full-blown Socialist with the elements of hostility and violence that go with this political theory in places like China and Russia. Not so. Here's Business Insider's take...
"'Socialist' remains a dirty, and often misunderstood, term in the realm of US politics. The Cold War, in which animosity and paranoia toward the Soviet Union was pervasive in the US, is largely to thank for that. Nearly 21% of Americans consider socialism to be a threat to the US, according to Insider polling from last summer."
Bernie Sanders talks about Democratic Socialism...

Hey, folks, you've heard this before. We already have our versions of Socialism in Medicare, the Post Office and Social Security, to name a few. Bernie is suggesting a modern version, but things like Medicare for All, free college and an equality in wages don't sound so bad to me. Here's a headline with an article following that does a good job of separating the two...
"Letters to the Editor: I escaped communism. Bernie Sanders’ democratic socialism isn’t communism"
This is a direct quote from the author...
"I lived under socialism in the 1950s and escaped from it during the bloody Hungarian Revolution in 1956. Socialism in that form stinks."
That's the kind of Socialism Trump would like for us to think Bernie Sanders espouses, but it couldn't be further from the truth. Bernie's attack on our democracy is just to level the playing field, turning all the emphasis from the wealthy and large corporations to the people. The Bern is the current Robin Hood of politics, wanting to take what is fair from the rich and give it to the poor. If you think that is wrong, then you are probably a billionaire or big business.

Here's advice from the LA Times...
"If the self-described democratic socialist secures the nomination, he should do everything he can to distance himself from the concept of “socialism” as opposed to “democratic socialism.” Sanders’ plan of increased spending on healthcare, infrastructure and education (supported by practically all European governments) is not the same as Soviet-style (or Venezuelan or Cuban) socialism."
Remember John F. Kennedy, a Catholic who won the presidency, with a public afraid he would let the church sway his decisions in governing? Well, it didn't, and his assassination probably preempted one of the potentially best presidential  administrations we might ever have had. Don't "assassinate" Bernie Sanders likelihood of changing this country back to one that is by the people and for the people. Give it a chance, folks.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

More gun violence, this time in Milkaukee

Five reported dead in shooting at Molson Coors complex in Milwaukee. The shooter was killed. Developing story. 

Coronavirus will only get worse in  U.S. with Trump's inept approach

First he predicted that warmer weather would rid us of Coronavirus, now saying, "I think that's a problem that's going to go away," during his India trip. It isn't going away and this WHO official says, "World is ‘simply not ready’ for coronavirus pandemic." This could be Donald Trump's first real challenge since moving into the White House, and he already approaches it with the same denial as anything else that doesn't agree with his agenda. Pathetic!

See inside corrupt Trump administration with "A Warning - Anonymous" book

"A Warning - Anonymous" is a revealing expose of Donald Trump's administration, written by someone inside the White House at the top of the pecking order with privileged information that he is able to share with the American public. It is as frightening as any of Stephen King's novels, who is, by the way, an extreme critic of T-rump. This book is a MUST READ!

Chapter one starts with, "Collapse of the Steady State," actually the "deep state," AKA the steady state. Its purpose is to counter Donald Trump policies and is at work underground in the White House, viewed by the Oval Office lunatic with this meaning...
"The frequent invocations of the 'deep state' by President Donald Trump and those around him are generally meant to cast blame when his administration doesn't get its way."
Here is how Business Insider describes the "deep state"...
"The expression is actually a translation of the Turkish phrase derin devlet. As historian Ryan Gingeras has explained, it arose as a way of describing 'a kind of shadow or parallel system of government in which unofficial or publicly unacknowledged individuals play important roles in defining and implementing state policy.' 
In the Turkish case, those 'unacknowledged persons' were, in fact, agents of organized criminal enterprises working within the government."
Perhaps this element is always at work in other administrations, but, as Anonymous put it, not with the urgency it does under Donald Trump. Chapter two is "The Character of a Man," which anyone would anticipate in Trump's case goes downhill. The chapter starts with a quote from George Washington...
"A good moral character is the first essential in a man...It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor to be not only learned but virtuous."

 Donald Trump is neither learned nor virtuous. By contrast, he is downright stupid and his morals are in the sewer. He confirms this each time he opens his mouth. Anonymous does an excellent job of tearing Donald Trump to shreds, but don't expect the viewpoint from someone to the left. He or she is definitely a conservative, and in many cases protects those on the right I believe have a heavy guilt themselves. Like Jim Jordan.

The book is terrifying because it lays bare the complete psycho of the man who is supposedly running our country, the leader of the free world, and he has access to the button. The next six chapters are as impelling as the first two. Here are some reviews:

  • "A scathing portrait of a president and administration in chaos."―Susan Page, USA Today
  • "This slim volume is...the sounding of a national alarm."― Ron Elving, NPR
  • "Explosive."―Alexandra Alter, The New York Times
READ IT! You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

So. Carolina black voters switching to Bernie Sanders from Joe Biden

Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden's So. Carolina insurance to victory in this state's primary has suddenly taken a turn for the worse. The New York Post says, "Now he’s hanging on by a thread." Here's the scenario...
"The latest polls of Democrats in the Palmetto State show Biden’s once-commanding 28-point lead in November has shrunken to just five percentage points over a now surging Bernie Sanders in the same CBS News/YouGov poll released Saturday."
That's right, Biden polling 28% with Bernie now at 23% while continuing to sure here as well as in national polls. And that's after a landslide win for the Bern in Nevada caucuses. Looks like the Vermont Senator's "socialism" doesn't matter as much as the pundits think.

Heaven can't wait according to Trump's religious grifter

Here's the latest...Paula White, Donald Trump’s religious adviser, and on the White House payroll paid with taxpayer money, just returned from Heaven where she was lucky enough to get an audience with God. No, not her boss, the Trump god, but the real one upstairs. Here's the scenario...
““My spirit went up, and I literally went to the throne room of God. I won’t say much, but I’ll say something that’s important for me to teach you here today. So in that divine encounter, I don’t know how long I was there, I just know that kind of power is almost impossible for a natural body to contain. And as I went to the throne room of God, first I saw there was a mist that was coming off the water, and I went to the throne of God, and I didn’t see God’s face clearly, but I saw the face of God. It wasn’t a clear, like … I could see your face clearly, but I knew it was the face of God.
“And as God begin [sic], he put a mantle [on me] and it was a very distinct mantle. … There was a mantle, and I saw it very distinctly, the color was like a goldish, it was a yellowish goldish, a little bit different than your scarf, a little bit brighter than your scarf there. And then I saw the Earth for a moment, and he brought me back, and he put me in certain places, one being the White House, one being certain continents. … I didn’t come out of that really until the next morning.”
This noodle-head can't even spell, but the reality of this incident illustrates that one religious psycho is advising another political psycho, the Oval Office lunatic, and the outcome is that they are both way off on another planet. Does it get any more bizarre? Do you realize what the world is saying today about the White House maniac? He listens to some spiritual kook who thinks she went to Heaven, so what keeps her from advising him to just get rid of all those nasty people who make fun of him, like Canada and France?

But this phony pious huckster didn't miss the chance to hit her double-digit followers to dump more money into her cash barrel. She "claims one of the key messages in the Bible is that people watching her should send her a month’s worth of their grocery and rent money." It is beyond me how anyone can believe this crap, but it was also unbelievable that Donald Trump won the White House in 2016. But he did, and he brought along whackos like this one and others in the administration.

I watched the above video of Paula White's appeal for money and have seen predators work their skill on prey before, but this carnivore of greed takes the cake. I want to say there is something illegal about it but at the same time, in seeing the video, assume law enforcement would be as confused as me with the conniving collection of rhetoric used. But at the same time, as with her student, T-rump, there is pure genius in the conceiving of people.

Evangelicals worship Donald Trump, with the inference that he, himself, is some kind of god. And Trump has also indicated that he is holier than thou, which I posted back in August of 2019,  "Donald Trump and his new Jesus Christ complex," His then Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, even said, God wanted Donald Trump, and the UK Independent says, "Donald Trump has promoted a post claiming he is “heaven sent” and suggesting Barack Obama 'kicked' Jesus out of the US in a string of tweets just days after Christmas, 2019.

So, where do we go from here? You almost expect to see T-rump turn Trump Tower into a cathedral, so people can come to New York regularly to worship at his feet. That is, of course, if he willingly leaves Washington after being beaten by Bernie Sanders in November. I am currently just finishing the book by the White House insider, "Anonymous," where the author indicates "Trump 'will not exit quietly,' even if defeated or impeached."

The new administration under the Bern must be very careful in how it handles this situation. There would be nothing worse than the white coats dragging Trump from the Oval Office kicking and screaming for the world to see. This idiot has caused us enough embarrassment as a country than to have a finale like that. I frankly don't have a clue. Does anyone out there have an idea??? Please comment.   


Monday, February 24, 2020

Republicans are flooding this red state with cash over panic state may flip on Trump: report"

This is Arizona they are talking about where Democrat Mark Kelly leads Republican Martha McSally by 2.6 points. The state has been heavily for the GOP since I moved here 25 years ago, but appears to be turning at least purple, perhaps, fully blue. Also hopes that the Progressives here will help defeat Donald Trump in November.   READ MORE...

HEADLINE: After Bernie Sanders' landslide Nevada win, it's time for Democrats to unite behind him

If the Democratic establishment doesn't get behind Bernie Sanders soon, we are looking at four more years of Donald Trump. It is as if the old die-hards are saying, we'd rather see the Oval Office lunatic re-elected than give in to a Progressive. Are they jealous of the Bern's squeaky clean record, when most of them can't boast anything of the same. The leaders of the left, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi must start the ball rolling and do it now.  

The Guardian says...
"No other Democrats can beat him at this point. But, the liberal establishment is still struggling to come to terms with Sanders’ inevitable nomination."
The word has been out for some time that Bernie "could attract left-leaning young white people, but was incapable of drawing in a diverse coalition." Not so. One of the candidate's major sources of support in Nevada was people of color. In fact...
"he received the majority of Latino votes. Entrance polls showed Sanders winning “men and women, whites and Latinos, voters 17-29, 30-44 and 45-65, those with college degrees and those without, liberal Democrats (by a lot) and moderate/conservatives (narrowly), union and non-union households.”

Here is a long, but very accurate description of the current status of the Democratic Primary...
"Michael Bloomberg fizzled completely in his big debut, and Democrats would be out of their minds to enrage every Sanders supporter by nominating a Republican billionaire. Joe Biden has lost badly in all of the first three contests, and it’s very clear that he can’t run an effective campaign. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign has nearly gone broke and in desperation she has resorted to relying on the Super PACs that she previously shunned. Pete Buttigieg can’t win voters of color or young people (and has accurately been described as sounding like 'a neural network trained on West Wing episodes')."
The media was so sure with Sanders' avalanche of votes that he was predicted to win with only 4% of the vote in. If this is any indication of the Bern's attraction, the skeptics can rest assured of his strength. Chris Matthews of MSNBC declared the primary "over." Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post commented that it might be too late to do anything about him. This is the kind of language that pisses me off...why would we want to do anything about a winner?

Look, Bernie has built a solid grassroots organization with known ability to bring in plenty of money; he raised a massive amount of $25 million in January alone. Just think what he can expect now with the Nevada win. And, RealClearPolitics currently shows Bernie Sanders ahead of Donald Trump 49.7% to 45.3. On the socialism issue, American do consider it unfavorable by 58% to 28%. However...
"Democrats and, more specifically, progressives view socialism favorably. Half of Democrats said so, while more than two-thirds of progressives did."
The Nevada strong win by Sanders will be considered by many Democrats as a disaster for the party, as it continues to lean farther to the left. But that's where the new Democratic Party is and these old hands had better get used to it. The Guardian exclaims...
"All in all, Nevada was an inspiring moment for American democracy, proof that ordinary working people of all races and incomes and genders can come together around a robust progressive agenda."
The people have spoken. Now it's time to listen!   READ MORE...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

This is why Pelosi must be replaced - She is anti-Progressive

HEADLINE: Pelosi ripped for boosting Koch-backed Texas Democrat over progressive 


There is nothing worse than someone associated with the Koch Brothers, except the brothers themselves. Nancy Pelosi should know this, and if she does, it is further proof that she will stand in the way of anything Progressive. I have blogged on the Kochs repeatedly over the years and these two brothers, one of which is thankfully dead, are the bottom of the barrel. Looks like the Koch-backed, anti-choice Democrat will win. Now it's time to dump Pelosi.  

Is there anyone who didn't think the Supreme Court conservatives weren't biased toward Donald Trump? I think not...

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

We knew we had a one-sided SCOTUS, to the right, of course, some recent decisions pointing to what we might expect in the future. The recent immigrants wealth test apparently did it for Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Here's the scenario...
"On Friday evening, by a 5–4 vote, the Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration’s wealth test for immigrants to take effect in Illinois. All four liberal justices dissented from the order, which changes relatively little: Thanks to the conservative justices’ intervention in January, the wealth test was poised to take effect in 49 states, and Friday’s vote lets the government apply it in the last state left. What’s most remarkable about the decision is Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s withering dissent, which calls out—with startling candor—a distressing pattern: The court’s Republican appointees have a clear bias toward the Trump administration."
Here was the article's headline...
"Sonia Sotomayor Just Accused the Supreme Court’s Conservatives of Bias Toward the Trump Administration"
Donald Trump could still do more damage with additional conservative appointees, thus, even more reason to dump the White House maniac. 

Bernie Sanders at war with Donald Trump but also with the Democratic establishment...

The Russiasn are coming, the Russians are coming, but here is Bernie Sanders retort...
"We were told that Russia, maybe other countries, are going to get involved in this campaign, and look, here's the message to Russia: Stay out of American elections."
Not sure that will work but he also said to the Democratic and Republican establishment...
"I've got news for the Republican establishment," the Vermont senator tweeted on Friday night. "I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us."
The Bern is on a roll and hopefully he is right, they can't stop him.


Saturday, February 22, 2020


Arizona Broadway Theatre strikes gold again with its presentation of LaCage Aux Folles...

Jamie Parnell and his voice were magnificent as Georges along with his stage partner Chris Hendricks as Chantal. Zane Hadish as the maid/butler, Jean Michel was a hoot. The all-male chorus was just great in their singing and dancing antics. I cannot say enough good about this show where the choreography and staging are ABT's normal level of excellence.

Kiel Klaphake and his wife, Cassandra, ABT founders, produced the play in its original LGBTQ theme, making the scenes meaningful but hilarious. It closes at ABT February 28, then moves to Phoenix's Herberger Theatre on March 6 through the 22nd. Folks, this a MUST SEE...
La Cage aux Folles is on stage at Arizona Broadway Theatre Jan 24 – Feb 28 and transfers to the Herberger Theater Center in Downtown Phoenix March 6 – 22, 2020. All tickets can be purchased online at, or by calling 602-293-3600.

CORRECTION: Chantal, played by Zane Hadish was not Georges partner. Georges partner was Albin/Zaza played excellently by Michael Ursua.

Donald Trump carries out the purge that eliminates his adversaries and builds his strength as the dictator'''

HEADLINE: ‘A travesty and a disgrace’: Trump quietly issues memo that could abolish union rights for 750,000 federal workers

Friday, February 21, 2020

Can you see Big Brother in the headline below...

HEADLINE: "Trump’s new personnel chief orders ‘purge’ of all never-Trumpers from federal agencies"

Catch-up with my latest news bytes...

RawStory says Republicans can't win unless they cheat, evidenced by the GOP holding up three election voting security bills...

Moscow Mitch admits, THERE ARE 395 HOUSE BILLS SITTING IN THE SENATE. He adds, "WE'RE NOT GOING TO PASS THOSE." This pathetic lowlife rivals Donald Trump in his corruption and disservice to this country.

Salon says the, "American health care system costs four times more than Canada's single-payer system." This means, "Americans pay $2,497 a year for insurance overhead and admin costs, while Canadians pay just $551." And that means that the health-care industry and pharmaceutical companies are gouging U.S. citizens for every penny they can get. Leading to why 70% of the country favors Bernie Sanders Medicare for All.

Here's a headline for anyone thinking of voting for Donald Trump in November,
"Trump’s economy is far from the ‘best ever’ — and wage growth ‘pales in comparison’ to past presidents." What we hear from the Oval Office lunatic on a mostly daily basis is that he has made the economy great, it's beautiful. Well, it's not and that is just more of his bullshit.

The AlterNet's John Stoehr of the Editorial Board says we might very well expect a Trump secret police in the future. Here's the scenario...
"I wrote this morning about the president’s new intimidation of sanctuary cities. He’s deploying 100 CBP agents, including BORTAC, which is a SWAT team for border security. The official goal is increasing deportations by 35 percent, but it’s pretty clear the aim is bullying local law enforcement into cooperating with federal authorities."
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if T-rump began to organize the double-digit thugs who follow him into a squad of enforcers to implement his psycho demands. The next step is a full-blown Big Brother. Was George Orwell actually predicting Donald Trump?

A warning from overseas: "Europeans fear relationship with America will only get worse under a Trump second term." And, it no doubt will, as he continues to piss off foreign leaders, coddling up to rogue nations like Russia and North Korea. Here's the scenario...
"The president has routinely attacked various European politicians, and criticized NATO security partnerships, claiming that America is carrying too much of the burden on its own. He has also undermined key security agreements in which Europe plays a role, including the Iran nuclear deal, which includes France, Germany, and the United Kingdom."
Europe is considering developing the power it needs to do without the help of the United States in the future, go it on their own while distancing themselves from a relationship it took decades for America to develop. They think that is what T-rump wants and they may very well be right.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Donald Trump was here in Phoenix yesterday...BFD

President Donald Trump greets Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (third from right) during a rally  at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix on Feb. 19, 2020.

The governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, joined Trump on the podium. More BFD. But Phoenix's Veterans Memorial Coliseum was packed with poor lost souls in search of a leader that, because of who this idiot is, will never materialize. The Arizona Republic, solidly conservative, gave us five things learned from the rally...
"Trump's base is ready," but so are the Progressives of Arizona to turn the state at least purple.
 "Trump is all in for McSally," but her opponent in the Senate race, Mark Kelly, is ahead by 6.7 points.
And Trump roared what all the Arizona gun nuts wanted to hear, " Guns, guns and more guns." There's more of this pathetic drivel, if you have the stomach.

Michael Bloomberg debate debut at best a disaster...

Elizabeth Warren lit into Michael Bloomberg on the debate stage like a firestorm and wouldn't let go. My wife observed that he looked like a deer in the headlights and didn't recover until well into the evening. Bloomberg never answered Warren's question of whether he would release his female employees from their non-disclosure agreements, rather, he went on to justify their legality. And then this shows up in the media this morning...
"Billionaire Mike Bloomberg‘s performance at Wednesday night’s Democratic debate was by most accounts at best terrible, but that didn’t stop the campaign from pushing out a fake, doctored, and highly-edited clip suggesting the other candidates on stage were silenced by a claim he made."
Mike Bloomberg has done too many good things like fighting gun violence and climate change to be crucified and hung out to dry. Questions: 1) Will he get a sympathy vote over his treatment? and; 2) Will Bloomberg's demeanor appeal to Trump supporters who are disenchanted with his actions? There are still eight months left.

Massive blue wave coming for November...???

How long have the Progressives sat on their butts when it was time to come out and vote to support their party? At least as far back as Barack Obama, and then for several years before. That's why we are currently saddled with a GOP Senate, and having just won back the House. I call them apathetics, those who hug the couch when it comes time to do their duty. But they may be waking up. In a recent extensive poll by Reuters they found...
"that interest in voting in 2020 is surging in urban areas dominated by Democrats faster than in Trump-supporting rural areas."
There's more in this AlterNet article...
"voters’ interest in going to the polls appears to be growing faster among those who disapprove of Trump than among those who approve of him. The advantage in urban political engagement extends deep into the most competitive battleground states that Trump won by razor-thin margins four years ago.”
Would anyone be surprised? Probably not, but it's comforting to see it in print with solid facts to back it up. The left is finally completely fed up with Donald Trump and his corrupt administration with the urban areas coming alive with Progressives committing all across the country. Nicholas Valentino, a political scientist at the University of Michigan commented...
“Democrats are very angry. Many see this administration as an existential threat to the constitutional order. They’re standing ready to participate to try to change the course of this country.”
One of the biggest issues for the November election could be health care, more likely than not, and although the Oval Office lunatic trumpets his support for this issue...
"the Trump Administration is very much on board with a Republican lawsuit that seeks to abolish the protections of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a.k.a. Obamacare — including coverage of preexisting conditions — and rip health insurance away from millions of Americans by arguing that the law is unconstitutional."
According to journalist Daniel McGraw, this could be a major obstacle for T-rump who needs the rust belt this November, and where polls are reporting his loss of support in this region. Without this area, the White House maniac is probably dead meat. Bill Kristol, a very right conservative, and Charlie Sykes founded the Bulwark in late 2018, a "passionately anti-Trump" organization. But they are in favor of Obamacare. Go figure.

The RawStory article McGraw cites another study, the Baldwin Wallace University’s Great Lakes Poll in rust states Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, with this comment...
“One question in the poll was especially relevant to health care, and unlike the questions in most previous national polls, phrased very directly: ‘Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling health care policy?’ The results show Trump and the Republicans have a big problem in these key states.”
Many of the pundits aren't giving Bernie Sanders much of a chance against Donald Trump, although he holds a commanding lead in the Democratic Primary. My gut tells me with a 70% U.S. approval rate for Medicare for All, there are more supporters for the Bern than we think.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How many breaches of the law like this does it take to make a new impeachment?

A demonstrator holds a leaflet outside Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on Wednesday. (Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP)

Assange lawyer claims congressman offered pardon on behalf of Trump in exchange for absolving Russia in WikiLeaks DNC case

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...