Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Susan Sarandon MSNBC interview example of media Trump obsession

Susan Sarandon
I just read an article in The Nation that reflects the shallowness of the U.S. media. It is obsessed with Donald Trump because any mention of his name improves ratings. And that is because a hell of a lot of mentally challenged people think the man is...I'm not sure what. As they say, like minds travel together and MSNBC fits the mold. Susan gave Chris Hayes an outstanding interview on what Bernie Sanders is about. But this is how the network billed it:
"Susan Sarandon on voting Trump:'LOL'" 
Yes, that was their headline today and although it will attract the Trump lowlife, it speaks nothing to what Susan Sarandon said about Bernie Sanders, all of which was great. If I didn't know it was "ratings baiting" one might think MSNBC is pushing Hillary Clinton...or Donald Trump. The Nation article also cites a Tyndall 2015 report showing 234 network minutes for Trump compared to just 10 for Sanders. Pretty pathetic, huh.

Well, here's the headline MSNBC should have used, followed by the Susan Sarandon interview again: CHRIS HAYES GETS THE REAL SUBSTANCE OF THE BERNIE SANDERS CAMPAIGN FROM SUSAN SARANDON. Here it is:

Mitch McConnell gets it shoved in his face

It was the pompous idiot Mitch McConnell who said President Obama's Supreme Court nomination would never be allowed to be voted on. More of the same crap fighting anything the President proposes. First, Senator Mark Kirk, a Republican from Illinois, in effect thumbed his nose at McConnell and said he would meet with the nominee, Merrick Garland, and he has done so. As far as I know, there has been no reaction from moron Mitch.

And then Vice President Joe Biden said, “It’s frankly ridiculous … there is no Biden Rule.” He said McConnell was, "...quoting selectively” from a speech he made in 1992... "The longer this high court vacancy remains unfilled, the more serious a problem we will face — problem compounded by turbulence, confusion and uncertainty about our safety and security, our liberty and privacy, the future of our children and grandchildren." Biden said.

Just today 16 Republican senators said they will meet with Garland. MSNBC reports, "That includes senators up for re-election in Blue States, such as New Hampshire’s Kelly Ayotte and Illinois’ Mark Kirk, who will be the first Republican to actually meet with Garland..." MSNBC continues, "At least three GOP senators also back a hearing for Garland’s nomination — moderates like Illinois’ Kirk and Maine’s Susan Collins, plus Kansas’ Senator Jerry Moran..."

Obviously Mitch McConnell does not have the backing of at least 25% of the chamber he leads. It's time for this blockhead to be put out to pasture. One thing is for certain, Bernie sanders won't put up with his idiocy when he gets to the White House.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Susan Sarandon on Bernie Sanders-MUST SEE VIDEO

Chris Hayes interviewed Susan Sarandon on MSNBC and any Bernie Sanders supporter must see this 24-carat lady talk about how she sees hope in the Bern for this country. And for those of you who are in Hillary Clinton's camp, or even conservatives who are looking for real change but have decided the Republicans will never have it, you just might find your goal here;

Take a look:

Bernie Sanders buries Clinton in Alaska, Washington and Hawaii

This isn't just momentum, this is a mandate. For Bernie Sanders. He swept the

March 26, caucuses with imposing victories that should convince everyone--most of all Hillary Clinton--that the Bern is far from out of this race, even considering her lead in delegates. Bernie bounded through Alaska gleaning 82% of the vote, Washington 73%, Hawaii 70%. These states are pretty representative of the west coast, where Sanders hopes to do the most damage to Clinton's lead.

Of course we switch to the Midwest and then the east coast in April starting with Wisconsin, then New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Clinton has a 2.5 point lead in Wisconsin, in New York, Clinton with a 20 to 40 point lead, Maryland she is 20 to 30 points out front, and Pennsylvania again 20 to 30 points. Some of these polls were taken in early March so it is possible the results have changed favoring Bernie. The balance of April later.

With the Bern's momentum/mandate from March 26, it is really more than likely he can expect a better return in all of the above states. From there it is a mixture of geographies until we get to California. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bernie Sanders sweeps Saturday Primaries

Bernie Sanders decisive sweep of Saturday's Primaries in Alaska, Washington and Hawaii prove the momentum for the Revolution is still as strong as ever. Yes, Bernie trails Hillary Clinton 1,712 to 1,004 in total delegates, but when you remove the 469 superdelegates, her lead is only 268. We know the superdelegates could go to either candidate between now and July. The Bern thinks, and so do his supporters, that he will prove to be the most electable in November.

RealClearPolitics RCP poll averages show Clinton 50.0 to 38.8 against Trump, but only 46.7 to 43.8 with Cruz. Sanders is 54.7 to 37.2 against Trump and 49.6 to 41.2 with Cruz, a clear higher margin of success. The key here is the forces working to defeat Donald Trump seem assured of some success and if so, that would leave Cruz where Hillary holds only a 2.9 spread, Bernie 8.4. And John Kasich beats Clinton by 6.5 where Sanders beats him by 1.

The minute the superdelegates sense that either Hillary Clinton is floundering, or Bernie Sanders is commanding the attention of the American public and can't be stopped, which becomes more evident each day, There will be a mass exodus of superdelegate votes to the Bern. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Is Elizabeth Warren "Cheering Bernie On ' just short of endorsement?

Elizabeth Warren-Bernie Sanders 
Elizabeth Warren today said about Bernie Sanders, “He’s out there. He fights from the heart.” Then followed with, “This is who Bernie is, and he has put the right issues on the table for the Democratic Party and for the country in general. So I’m still cheering Bernie on.” And she is so right. You cannot find another candidate in the last century who has campaigned with the level of passion for his cause, and with an honesty in his presentation than Bernie Sanders.

In the past Warren has said, "Bernie's out talking about the issues that the American people want to hear about." And back in January a Fortune magazine headline blazed, "Elizabeth Warren Makes Bernie Sanders' Case Better Than He Does." Warren and Sanders make the same case for a Progressive way to improve the country we live in, although Bernie goes a bit further in his health care plan. The pair would make an unbeatable combination in the general election.

And if Elizabeth Warren did endorse Bernie Sanders, it would not guarantee a primary win but it would certainly beef up Bernie's support and most likely send his momentum skyrocketing. That may have already started with a new Bloomberg national poll out on March 24, showing Bernie Sanders at 49%, Hillary Clinton 48%. The Bern can compound on that with Washington state, Hawaii and Alaska caucuses coming up tomorrow. So get out and vote!

In 2009 ThinkProgress did a survey and found that 47% of Americans were Progressive/Liberal, 48% Conservative/Libertarian. Since then the U.S. has slowly but surely moved toward a more Progressive political philosophy which hasn't been evident due to the loud mouth Republicans and the Tea Party. Their thinking is if you scream the loudest, you must be the best. Donald Trump is now the epitome of this belief.

It's hard to say what Elizabeth Warren will do but today's kind of "almost" endorsement will go a long way.  

Republicans win by blocking votes

Voter lines Arizona 2016 Primary
Arizona will do anything it can to prevent the minority vote and it did prior to the March 22, Primary by shutting down several voting locations...mostly where blacks and Hispanics live. Tucson, to the south, had twice as many places to vote in Pima County than Phoenix in Maricopa, and is one-third the size of Maricopa. Tucson is also much more liberal. But it isn't just Arizona, it is all over the country in Republican controlled states.

MSNBC reports, "North Carolina’s voter ID law and other rule changes kept a significant number of would-be voters from the polls, reports suggest. And ID laws in Texas, Alabama, and Virginia also appear to have had an impact." NCs Governor is a Republican, as is Arizona's. It was redistricting that has created these pockets of GOP control and the only way to solve the problem is for Progressives to come out in November in local elections and vote it down.

And here are the facts to back all this up. ThinkProgress has the shocking numbers; "...researchers found that in primary elections, a strict ID law could be expected to depress Latino turnout by 9.3 points, Black turnout by 8.6 points, and Asian American turnout by 12.5 points.” And this is just what Republicans are shooting for, repression of voters that vote for Democrats. In addition, the young vote waits until Election Day so how many Bernie Sanders voters were lost?

There's more from ThinkProgress: "The impact of strict voter ID was also evident in general elections, where minority turnout plummeted in relation to the white vote. 'For Latinos in the general election, the predicted gap more than doubles from 4.9 points in states without strict ID laws to 13.5 points in states with strict photo ID laws,' the study found."  If the American public doesn't find this completely unacceptable, then, the empathy of this country is in the sewer.

Like I said before, it isn't just Arizona, No. Carolina or the other states mentioned, it's wherever you find a "wake" of Republicans. Wake is the name for a group of buzzards. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

If you look at the newspapers here - the Washington papers - most of the discussion deals with campaign gossip.

Where are you older voters for Bernie Sanders?

Older folks vote and they vote early
It still astonishes me why the older voting crowd hasn't come around to Bernie Sanders side. Hillary Clinton is still drawing this group when all the negative factors like his Democratic Socialism have been explained in detail. It might be the recognition thing and as the Bern wins more states it will change for the better. Sanders' younger voters are a driving force for him but the older crowd voted 72% to 45% in the 2012 election.

Clinton used Tony Bennett and Jamie Lee Curtis in her promotion so Bernie should enlist Susan Sarandon, Danny DeVito and Steve Wozniak who have voiced support for his candidacy. Bernie Sanders is 74-years-young and as is evidenced by his campaign, well up to handling the White House. If he could capture at least a large portion of this base, his worries over delegates would be eased significantly.

The question is, are these older voters for Clinton also donors or are they just the result of polls? This headline makes one wonder, "Clinton claim on small donors is ‘mostly false,’ PolitiFact finds." According to federal disclosure data, small donors account for only 17 percent of the dollar amount of Hillary Clinton's campaign. When you spread this around several demographics Clinton claims in her camp, apparently the older voters aren't that excited over her candidacy.

Bernie Sanders raised raised $5.2 million in the 18 hours after the polls closed in New Hampshire. It's this kind of enthusiastic response he could generate with older voters who apparently are not reacting similarly to Clinton now. Since this group has a tendency to vote early, Bernie's campaign workers must get to them earlier making a strong case for their candidate. This age range is averse to radical change so the Bern needs to convince them he is actually mainstream.

Which when you look at all his issues, he really is.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Bernie Sanders wins significant majority of March 22 voting

Bernie Sanders lost Arizona to Hillary Clinton but he won Idaho and Utah with overwhelming numbers: Idaho 78% to 21.2%; Utah 79.3% to 20.3%. I live in Arizona and just to mention the word Progressive in this state sends the sheltered conservatives running for cover. The Bern amassed 71 delegates to Clinton's 54. He may be behind (Clinton 1,223 total pledged delegates to Sanders' 920) but the momentum is building again as the primaries work West.

On March 26, Alaska, Hawaii and Washington vote. There are no meaningful polls that I can find for any of the three states but Politico's assessment is, "He’s also in a strong position to reel off a few more victories on Saturday — when caucuses in Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington take place." They add that "the revolution remains stalled," which I disagree with considering one particular factor. Super delegates want to win and Bernie is the most electable.

In a blazing headline this month, Huff Post said, "In Nearly Every Blue, Purple, and Light-Red State, Bernie Sanders Polls Better Against Trump Than Hillary Clinton." These states include Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, No. Carolina, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. Hillary Clinton wins in only one, Florida. And it's not only super delegates; the Bern could close that 300 deficit with California (June 7 primary) alone which has 546 delegates.

Add to that Oregon and New Jersey coming up and this fight is a long way from being over.

How does your state stand in gun laws?

Legal in Iowa

If you live in Kansas, your gun laws are considered the worst by the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. If you are in Alaska, you are number one in gun deaths. The states with the best gun laws are California, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland and Massachusetts, in that order. The five states with the worst gun laws are Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, Mississippi and Kansas dead last.

How can Iowa rank 17 in gun laws allowing blind people to carry them in public? Arizona is justifiably 47th, partially because gun owners can bring their firearms into a bar. South Dakota was the first state to allow all teachers to carry heat in classrooms. In Colorado a Republican introduced legislation requiring all businesses to allow guns on the premises. Missouri wants to make it a felony to introduce gun legislation. There are more stupid gun laws you can see here.

As gun control advocates have said for years now, the gun culture is out of control with their goal to put as many firearms on the street as they can. And it is all carefully orchestrated by Wayne LaPierre, along with his National Rifle Assn. (NRA) minions, who have somehow convinced the American public, even non-gun owners, that the 2nd Amendment is sacred. Well, I say the 2nd Amendment is doo doo and it is time to flush most of it down the toilet.

LaPierre professes to be protecting his membership in the NRA by enacting all these stupid gun laws but his real intent is to support the sale of guns on behalf of gun manufacturers to increase their profits. If he was working for his membership he would not oppose background checks that are favored by 75% of these members. Only the gun nuts are against responsible gun laws but by far they are the most vocal in yelling persecution.

President Obama has tried but failed in passing stricter gun legislation, knowing full well at the time it would never get through a GOP House, and if by chance it did, the succubus of the senate, McConnell, would never let it pass. Gun control advocates are having some luck at the state and local level and with more Progressives winning these positions in the fall, hopefully we can prevail. This means all you Progressives be sure and get out the vote.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Latest Mitch McConnell idiocy...NRA must approve Supreme Court nominee

How far will the American people let this lunatic go before sending him packing. The National Rifle Assn. (NRA) run by Wayne LaPierre not only controls the U.S. Congress, but now it controls the Supreme Court. Yes, Mitch McConnell has said in effect that the NRA has veto power over Supreme Court nominees. Not officially, just by controlling members of the senate who will vote just like Wayne LaPierre's minions tell them to. This is beyond disgusting.

The Moderate Voice says, "it has not ever happened that a party would not even allow hearings on a President’s nominee." That is, not until Mitch McConnell came along. MV says, he has..."re-written the rules on Supreme Court nominees: the powerful National Rifle Association now has veto power over all Supreme NRA has taken over control of the federal government." This mentally misguided ideologue is completely out of control.

Now all you gun control apathetics--my term for those of you who say they won't worry about it until it affects you personally--can see how far the NRA has pushed its power, to the extent it now has final approval over a Supreme Court justice. Many in this apathetic group do not even own firearms, but for some stupid reason they are fighting for the right of a gun nut to do just about anything he or she wants to do with their weapons.

The recall of members of the Congress is not permissible as defined in the Constitution. My gut tells me that if it was, there would be a recall in the process right now for Mitch McConnell. Maybe it is time for a Constitutional Amend. to change that but since most of the congressional members worth getting rid of are Republicans, and they now control Congress, the effort would be worthless. In the meantime, shoot for the overthrow of the GOP in November by Progressives.

Bernie Sanders broadside on super delegates

It isn't important that Bernie Sanders said in the past he wouldn't need the superdelegates, because the 2016 election has taken so many surprising turns it is hard for anyone to keep up, even the candidates. What is important is the fact that he now realizes he needs a new strategy to get the nomination. On MSNBC his campaign staff said...
"...that he may not be able to catch Hillary Clinton through the primary/caucus delegate process, but the campaign might come close, at which point Team Bernie might ask superdelegates to give Sanders the nomination anyway, even if he’s trailing Clinton after voters have had their say."
This is why they might be taking this new tact. Back in October of 2015, The Hill said, "Since their only goal is electing a candidate capable of winning the White House, it's highly doubtful Clinton's alleged 60 percent support among superdelegates will remain until the end of the primaries. Like his surge in the polls and the Clinton campaign's continued decline, superdelegates will flock to Sanders for a number of reasons."

The first reason is no longer valid since the Bern's momentum was slowed down by the early Southern states and the black votes for Hillary Clinton. But the momentum is far from gone when we know that Sanders out-raised Clinton in January and vastly out-raised her in February. Second, even though the energy created in Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan has dwindled, Bernie is still within 10 points of Hillary nationally.

Third, superdelegates want to win. In the general election, Bernie Sanders will win against all three current Republican candidates and significantly. Clinton loses against Kasich big time, would have lost against Rubio, barely winning over Cruz. There are 10 total reasons the Bern will get the superdelegates you can see here. Another is 57% of Americans don't trust Hillary and swing states Florida, Ohio, Penn., Colorado, Iowa and Virginia have negative favorability.

So all of you folks that doubt the outcome of the Primary results, perhaps rightfully so, perhaps, when your candidate changes their strategy that differs somewhat from the past, rest assured that Bernie Sanders is in control and knows full well what he is doing.

Arizona, Idaho and sure and vote today. For Bernie.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mitch McConnell must be dealt with

When a member of Congress stands in the way of a President's programs because he opposes the substance of those programs, that is politics. When he does it simply because he hates the President due to the fact he is...Barack Obama, this Congressional person needs a thorough psychiatric examination. I am, of course, talking about Senate leader Mitch McConnell, a confirmed racist in a position of authority he should be removed from at any cost.

Once again McConnell has said no to a lame duck Supreme Court nomination, referring to the President's naming of Judge Merrick Garland for Justice who, by the way, is a disappointment to many Progressives. NBCNews|SurveyMonkey Supreme Court Nomination Poll, conducted online from March 17-18, 2016 among a national sample of 1,838 adults aged 18 and over found 61% think Congress should vote now, 36% say wait for next President.

There are also precedents for naming Supreme Court Justices in the final year of a Presidency reported by Amy Howe, a lawyer and editor of SCOTUS Blog you can read here. These precedents aren't conclusive but they point to a more conducive Congress and certainly none of these Presidents had to deal with a mentally deranged Senate head like Mitch McConnell. McConnell's favorability ratings have taken a nose dive even with his own Republican base.

I realize the American public does not have all the facts when considering Garland. But, then, neither does Mitch McConnell who opposes him not because of his stand on the issues but rather just because he is an appointee of Barack Obama. President Obama will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents but Mitch McConnell's legacy will be one of holding a country hostage for eight years, placing the nation's progress behind his vengefulness.

YES-NO - Gun manufacturers responsible for gun violence?

Most of you know me and are well aware that I am an avid, passionate supporter of responsible gun control. I go to the extent that I would take all the cowboy vigilantes off the street and make them keep their guns at home. Don't worry guys, your girlfriend or spouse will still think you are a man...probably. But I don't agree with the parents of the Sandy Hook victim that exclaims Bernie Sanders is wrong about gun manufacturer responsibility for gun deaths.

What these folks are implying is that the morons in Congress have done the right thing by not addressing the real problem of gun violence...too many guns on the street in the wrong hands. The gun manufacturer, in fact, is not wrong selling an AR-15 rifle because it is legal and that is because Congressional idiots let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004. Sure, gun manufacturers are guilty of having absolutely no common sense at times selling them, knowing how dangerous they are.
It's not legally wrong. It is logically wrong. Mark and Jackie Barden should go after the bottom-feeders in Washington that take millions from the National Rifle Assn. (NRA) every year and then vote the way they are told on gun issues. It's sickening to see the way gun violence has taken over this country and the American public doesn't appear to give a shit. I want you to take a look at a report from the Gun Violence Archive 2016.

Total number of incidents              10,590
Number of deaths                             2,677
Number of injuries                           5,424
Number of children (0-11)
  killed/injured                                     613
Mass shootings                                      51
Accidental shooting                             534

And folks, this is only since January 1, 2016. But have you heard one member of Congress lamenting over the fact that these individuals died, especially the children? If so, it was not within earshot of the NRA. If you want to lay blame, put it squarely where it belongs, on Wayne LaPierre and his National Rifle Assn. Add to that those gun dealers who recklessly want to sell guns with little concern over who they are selling them to. One such case is straw purchase sales.

I totally agree with the end result the Bardens are fighting for and have great sympathy for their cause. It is just misdirected and infers that our dysfunctional Congress is not to blame for gun violence in America. The people of this country must stand up now and tell Washington that we want responsible gun control

Thursday, March 17, 2016

As usual Mitch McConnell lies through his teeth

The meaning of "lied though his teeth" is to tell someone something that you know is completely false. And that is precisely what Senate leader Mitch McConnell did when he used the "Biden Rule" as the reason he would not consider President Obama's nomination to fill Justice Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court. I watched him speak on the Senate floor and observed a U.S. Senator intentionally lying to make his point.

Because he hates Barack Obama.

How does this kind of bottom feeder make it into the U.S. Senate? How does this kind of bottom feeder stay in the U.S. Senate?

The "Biden Rule" is an "...observation to the effect that if an outgoing president nominates someone before the summer of his last term in office, that person typically receives the Senate’s approval, but that if he or she is nominated during the summer, that person does not — meaning that McConnell even gets what could be called the “Biden Observation” wrong.), as reported by Salon. This was in 1992 when Joe Biden was chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

In another Salon comment, "The Senate Majority Leader said that the august body 'will continue to honor the Biden rule,' which doesn't exist." Continued proof that Mitch McConnell will go to any length to block anything that Barack Obama proposes. Just because it comes from Barack Obama. There are many reasons to get Republicans out of Congress but Mitch McConnell is the epitome of those efforts.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination it will be one of the biggest losses ever for this country #sanders

I'll say it again, 'If Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination it will be one of the biggest losses ever for this country.' Why? Because the U.S. needs a Bernie Sanders revolution to get our business back in order. Look at where we are today with a dysfunctional Congress and the leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell, saying he won't even look at an Obama nomination to fill Scalia's place on the Supreme Court. Simply because this moron hates the President.

We're talking Republicans, the reason for all of the problems of the last thirteen years. It all started with Ronald Reagan; yes the man revered by the GOP and some Democrats. He handed the mantle to George H.W. Bush who did nothing terrible because he did nothing at all. And then came the clincher, his son, George W. Bush who almost brought this country to its knees. And in the recent primaries his brother, Jeb, finally found out America is sick of the Bushes.

Come on, folks, the U.S. has been shifting toward progressive politics with grassroots movements like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. And along with this Vice points out there is "...a new crop of unapologetically liberal politicians like Elizabeth Warren, Bill De Blasio and Newark Mayor Ras Baraka. The time is here and we mustn't pass it up. Bernie Sanders has shown amazing staying power with upset after upset so we mustn't let him down now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings #sanders

As Vermont's senator and a member of the Budget Committee, I will not support a plan to reduce the deficit that does not call for shared sacrifice.

Bernie Sanders roars into March 15 Primaries #sanders

Here are the latest Democratic Primary polls by state from late Monday afternoon:

Quinnipiac - Ohio


Quinnipiac - Florida


CBS -Illinois


Public Policy Polling - Missouri


Huff Post - No. Carolina

     Sanders 34.6%

Bernie Sanders leads in Illinois (Clinton's home state-does that tell you something?) and Missouri, not a big one but a lead is a lead. He is close in Ohio (5 points) but still has work to do in Florida and No. Carolina. From here we are on to Arizona, Idaho and Utah for March 22. More on that later.

Support Bernie here with a contribution.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...