Sunday, August 5, 2018

Melania rams LeBron James up Trump's a**

A Ménage à trois of beauty, class and stupidity
Unless there is some underlying reason for what she did, Melania Trump just made her husband look like the fool he is and always has been. After T-rump spews his latest racist slur calling LeBron James dumb, along with his CNN interviewer, Don Lemon, both black, after James' criticism recently of the Oval Office lunatic. The first lady praised LeBron James saying he is doing "good things on behalf of our next generation," adding, she would like to visit the new school. Just how far up his backside this went is not clear since we've heard nothing from Trump.

And is it possible this is the opening salvo in a new revolt by Melania to undermine the maniac that has constantly belittled her over the years? It would seem appropriate if there is some kind of conspiracy to sabotage Trump just before the mid-terms and get even for her abuse over the years. I'm full of stuff like his but wouldn't the sane among us do most anything to get rid of this psychopath?

Trump racism tops that of Southern bigots

I grew up in the South and regularly experienced the purists of racism, but Donald Trump's style of racial bigotry is some of the worst I have seen. And, it would appear that he is more dedicated to it with his blatant perpetual delivery of insults to anyone...not like him. And that would include most of the world. Basketball player LeBron James just spent millions to open a school in his home town of Akron, Ohio for at-risk children. Don Lemon of CNN interviewed him. This is what Trump said of the interview...
“LeBron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made LeBron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!” (referring to Michael Jordan)
Both James and Lemon are black, as is Michael Jordan, whom Trump probably included trying to offset the backlash that his comment would receive. It didn't.

T-rump is a like a wart on the back of this country's butt that just keeps growing and won't go away. It had to take an appalling mixture of evil genes to spawn this atrocity and apparently it has been passed down at least three times. God save the universe!

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Protesters swarm on NRA Fairfax, VA building

GUN CONTROL MOVEMENT TAKEN DIRECT TO NAT'L RIFLE ASSN. MAIN OFFICE JUST OUTSIDE WASHINGTON, DC: Support for the demise of the NRA is knocking on the doors of their headquarters TODAY and are demanding "the revocation of the heavyweight group's tax-exempt status." There are grounds for this charge based on questionable donations made by the NRA to political campaigns over the years. In other words, they bought the votes of the conservative blockheads in Congress, even some turncoat liberals. John McCain of Arizona has received the most over the years, $7,740,521, while offering in return his "thoughts and prayers" for the innocent victims. Pathetic!

NRA's arrogance backfires

Typical NRA lavish exhibition
OTHER THAN MARK ZUCKERBERG, WAYNE LAPIERRE, THE NRA'S HEAD, IS THE MOST ARROGANT BASTARD IN THE WORLD. Donald Trump, of course, is in a class of his own. But LaPierre has refused for years to negotiate with gun control advocates over even the simplest of issues like background checks and uncontrolled purchases of firearms at gun shows. What is startling is that 84% of the public supports background checks, as does 70 to 80% of NRA membership. Finally, the momentum is for gun control and more important, to get rid of the National Rifle Assn. and its staff of child killing terrorists. We know what the real problem is, the cowards in Congress; maybe we can change all of this in November. See NPR's latest.

Friday, August 3, 2018

9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals shoots down NRA

ANOTHER NOTCH REMOVED FROM NATIONAL RIFLE ASSN. GUN: California court says no to NRA challenge of California Unsafe Handgun Act and upheld the forbidding of "concealed carry permit holders from possessing firearms on school grounds." This terrroist organization that has been allowed to operate without restraints for years under its head, Wayne Lapierre, is now on the run.

Is the NRA finally facing extinction? Or just crying wolf?

NRA GOING DOWN THE TUBE? The National Rifle Assn. head, Wayne LaPierre, says, "it is in grave financial jeopardy," and has filed a lawsuit to stop what it calls New York's "backlisting campaign" costing the NRA “tens of millions of dollars in damages.” Finally, that is the way to get rid of this terrorist group by cutting off their funds, bank connections and insurance coverage. The business community has already awakened to the damage this gang of child killers has caused and the general public has increased its approval of more gun control. Congressional cowards might even find themselves with the courage to stand up against the NRA.

Read more:

"NRA complains New York state crackdown is hurting them financially and they may have to shutter some operations"

Why is the NRA boycott working so quickly?

Other than tits, what does anyone see in the Kardashian family?

Kim Kardashian

THE LATEST AND GREATEST! Laura Welch of The Tab says "What is the draw and allure of a bunch of uneducated girls who wear too much makeup? Apparently it is the sheer stupidity of their reality show, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” Forming an opinion of the show without seeing it isn't exactly kosher, but in this case simply looking at the individuals involved, I would say their viewer mentality is no better than that of a Donald Trump supporter.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Repeal the 2nd Amendment NOW!

Twenty-two people were injured by gun violence in a shooting at a 24-hour art festival in Trenton, New Jersey, where two men are believed to be the shooters, with one of them killed by police. While there were no deaths, four people are in critical shape, one a teenager. It was an all-nighter that started at 3 PM featuring 1,500 pieces of art. There was an attempted carjacking near the festival but law enforcement hasn't been able to tie it in with the shooting. In other words, at this point there is minimum information available, but we do know it was another senseless shooting.

First, we need to know what the weapons were, how the assailants got them, and why they picked this particular event. Not that it will explain that with guns everywhere in the U.S., the fact of where the guns came from may no longer be relevant. In just 2018, there have been 26,570 incidents of gun violence, which have ended in 6,568 deaths, and with 12,359 more injuries. There have been 1,547 children killed or injured. And there have been 130 mass shootings like the one in Trenton. But the imbeciles that populate the U.S. Congress, because of the NRA, are scared to make a move.

Wayne LaPierre, the National Rifle Assn. head gun nut, has been spewing his 2nd Amendment crap for years, and apparently it has registered with congressional members, the general public, and most certainly with his gun nut membership. It is time to repeal the 2nd Amendment and start over. Gun permits should be radically limited and right to carry only for law enforcement or those with an absolute need. Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said in March of this year in a NY Times op-ed piece, "Repeal the 2nd Amendment." It, of course, got nowhere.

Stevens says this nonsense of the people arming themselves against a tyrannical government is, "a relic of the 18th century." Basically, that puts the 2nd Amendment and everything that comes from LaPierre and his NRA in the same category. In a reaction to the demonstrations of schoolchildren after the Parkland, Fla. gun massacre, "They reveal the broad public support for legislation to minimize the risk of mass killings of schoolchildren and others in our society." This should include...
"legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment."
And Judge Stevens explores history...
"In 1939 the Supreme Court unanimously held that Congress could prohibit the possession of a sawed-off shotgun because that weapon had no reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a 'well regulated militia.'” 
The militia thing is there but at least the Supreme Court had the common sense, and, apparently, the legal foundation to say a sawed-off shotgun wasn't included in the intent of the Founding Fathers to represent protection. In keeping with that Stevens is implying that assault rifles are not a necessary weapon for protection, thus, they should be outlawed. You may not know this but in the "long-settled understanding of the Second Amendment’s limited reach by ruling, in District of Columbia v. Heller, that there was an individual right to bear arms. Stevens was one of four dissenters.

Many of you may also know about Arizona's loose gun laws and an unusually high rate of gun violence. It is in the top 16 in the country. Here are the stats...
  • Firearm deaths per 100,000 people: 15.2 per 100,000
  • Total firearm deaths 2016: 1094 (suicides: 755, homicides: 303)
  • Violent crime rate: 470.1 per 100,000 (12th highest)
  • Permit required to carry handgun: No (Citizens allowed to carry a concealed handgun with or without a permit.)
  • Poverty rate: 16.4% (8th highest)
The reason I bring this up is an op-ed in the local Phoenix paper titled, "Control lacking in the Second Amendment." The writer was more concerned over the way the paper, conservative, had changed his title in the piece published earlier, which does not apply here. What is important is what Leon Gildin said at the end of his recent article. He exclaimed, "Control is what is lacking and the reason therefore is, with all due respect, the Second Amendment, as it was written, is not relevant to the issue of gun ownership or gun control in today's world."

Like former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens said, the 2nd Amendment is a relic of the 18th century.



Monday, June 18, 2018

Classified report proves Trump's N. Korean Summit failure

Oh God, what the hell am I doing?
If anything, Donald Trump gave up the store in his negotiations with Kim Jong-un at the Singapore Summit. An Israeli foreign ministry report says the meeting "left many open questions about how the two countries will pursue denuclearization." Published by Axios, "The Israeli foreign ministry report also says that the Trump administration backtracked on many of the demands it had said it would make in the run-up to the meeting with Kim." The general response from many nations and the American Congress is that N. Korea's intentions are less than what is expected by T-rump.

According to the classified report, the Oval Office lunatic has decided to make a move recommended by China last year but rebuffed, "to halt joint military exercises between the U.S. and South Korea while denuclearization, a proposal known as “freeze to freeze,” was a significant reversal of Washington’s previous position." N. Korean experts exclaim that...
"the agreement between the Trump administration and the regime of Kim Jong Un contained very few concrete plans of action."
I am definitely not a John McCain fan but the Senator is knowledgeable in foreign affairs and he disagreed with and criticized Trump for his handling of the meeting with Kim Jong-un. Specifically, "arguing that Trump was wrong to agree to suspend joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises." He expressed simply that T-rump got nothing in return for what he gave away, one of which was canceling the military exercises. We need something "concrete" re. denuclearization, and how about N. Korea's record on human rights, McCain commented.

Trump's decision to suspend military exercises worried even some of his supporters on Capitol Hill in that it, "undermines our security and alliances.” You have to wonder what the man is doing after all the abuse he directed at Kim Jong-un in the past like calling him a "rogue," "madman," "gangster," and "maniac," the latter one of the very words used to describe Donald Trump today. And after all the insults flung at Kim in rapid fire fashion, he comes home from the Summit calling the N. Korean leader, "very smart." That's for sure, the way he suckered T-rump into this Summit meeting.

The world is also asking, what the hell was Trump thinking when he saluted a N. Korean general when he was being introduced. I was in the Navy and was taught that you do salute rank, and as an enlisted man the officer always returned my salute. But doesn't this dufus know that he is the President of the United States, in a foreign country, and his salute might be interpreted as honoring the human rights atrocities of N. Korea? Sarah Sanders said it was courtesy but Chris Cillizza of CNN had this to say...
1) Trump didn't really know what he was doing. And that is because he admittedly made absolutely no real preparation for what was perhaps one of the most important foreign policy meetings the United States has ever participated in.
2) Trump knew exactly what he was doing. He was in a kissing ass mode, which he had initiated earlier to impress Kim, and his salute of the general was just follow up in keeping with "sending a message of respect to Kim."
Unfortunately, this is a summary of Donald Trump's success at the Singapore Summit...
“'Chairman Kim has told me that North Korea is already destroying a major missile engine testing site,' Trump said in the wake of the summit in Singapore on June 12, without detailing which site Kim had pledged to dismantle. But an analysis by monitoring group 38 North revealed that there is still no evidence that North Korea is destroying anything."
Donald Trump was desperate for success at the Singapore Summit and it eluded him completely.


                    John McCain Torches Trump’s ‘Bad Negotiating Tactic’ With Kim Jong Un

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Trump crooked foundation revisited

There are accusations that...
"there’s a good chance that the Trump Foundation is only the grimy tip of the iceberg, when it comes to self-dealing and other dubious activities at small family foundations."
That's a great opening to introduce an organization 100% owned and controlled by the President of the United States. Slate also says...
"In 2015, 109,550 private foundations filed tax returns with the IRS, and almost none of them will ever be investigated by their state’s attorney general."
"Is Trump-style self-dealing abnormal for the Gates Foundation or the Ford Foundation? Absolutely."
New York attorney general, Barbara Underwood, said, "Mr Trump had illegally instructed the foundation to provide support to his presidential campaign by using the foundation's name and funds it raised to promote the campaign." Her petition also claims, "that Mr Trump used charitable assets to pay off legal obligations, to promote his own businesses and to purchase personal items, including a painting of himself." It was found that the Trump organization used Foundation funds to buy a $5,000 ad for Trump International Hotels in the DC Preservation League charity event programs.

The New York attorney general, in its 41-page complaint, said "The Trump Foundation was a Trump Organization slush fund; it wasn’t a genuinely charitable endeavor." The "Trump Foundation handed over some $2.82 million directly to Trump campaign staff, for them to disburse as they saw fit; those donations were specifically targeted to states with upcoming primaries where Trump was running as a candidate." The NYAG says that's illegal; Charitable foundations are not allowed to engage in political activities, period." Sounds like the legal advice was either faulty or Trump just didn't care.

It would appear that "in Trump’s mind, the Trump Foundation was never really a charitable foundation, created for acts of selfless generosity. Instead, it was little more than a money-laundering machine: Donors with their own ulterior motives could give tax-deductible donations to the foundation, and then in turn the foundation would be used whenever Trump wanted to funnel money to a nonprofit." And in that scenario you have the makings of a crook.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Emperor Trump rules like a dictator

The emperor has spoken
Donald Trump has graced us with so many stupid statements that it is really hard to say when one tops another. But this time, he may have come up with the all-time gold medal. This is T-rump's diatribe on Friday following the Singapore Summit with Kim Jong-un,,,
Donald Trump said he wants "his people" to listen to him like North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's people listen to him. "He’s the head of a country. And I mean, he is the strong head. Don’t let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same,"
You idiot, his people bow down to this maniac because they are afraid if they don't he will kill them. It is so bizarre that an American president would make this kind of statement when most of the world agrees the man he is talking about should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Trump went on to praise Kim in this Fox News interview that was fortunately corroborated by other news media. He has also drawn criticism from...
"lawmakers for his friendly comments towards Kim, whose government has a notorious human rights record and a history of cruel treatment of prisoners, including Americans."
And then later on Friday this dufus told White House reporters it was all a joke. He said he hit it off with Kim and that they shared "good chemistry." Remember when T-rump was calling Kim Jong-un "Rocket Man?" Now he says he "hated" calling him that. as if someone forced him to do it, which, of course, is absurd. Watchdog agencies say No. Korea has, "perpetuated human rights abuses for decades. It is recorded that...
"In his first five years in power, Kim has ordered 340 people to be executed, about 140 were senior officers in the country's government and military."
Donald Trump is no doubt blowing the success of this Singapore Summit way out of proportion as far as his success with No. Korea; there was none. But his bullshit paints a good picture for voters in November. And, of course, there is 2020. God help us all!

Read more: Trump: Kim's people sit up when he speaks, 'I want my people to do the same'
                    Trump says he wants 'my people' to 'sit up at attention' like North Koreans, later says he's 'kidding'

Friday, June 15, 2018

Trump plus children have been charged in crooked Foundation dealings

Trump/Children-co-conspirators alleged Foundation lawsuit
Certainly not in this county and I would venture a guess, that looking around the world, Donald Trump is at the top of the list for being a corrupt president. Other contenders that come to mind are
Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti, Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia/Yugoslavia, and Ferdinand Marcos, President of the Philippines. They all screwed the subjects of their countries as well as the government they represented. The big difference is they did it blatantly, accountable to no one. Donald Trump makes a big secret out of his chicanery, always feigning innocence.

Barbara Underwood, New York's attorney general, fled a lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan accusing the...
"foundation Trump) and its directors - Mr Trump and his three eldest children - of unlawfully co-ordinating with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated self-dealing transactions, and violating laws under which non-profit organisations must operate."
She added, "Mr Trump had illegally instructed the foundation to provide support to his presidential campaign by using the foundation's name and funds it raised to promote the campaign." Her petition also claims, "that Mr Trump used charitable assets to pay off legal obligations, to promote his own businesses and to purchase personal items, including a painting of himself." In other words the Oval Office lunatic used the Trump Foundation as a money machine to get him elected. The children involved in the lawsuit are Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jr.

Underwood alleges, "a pattern of persistent illegal conduct over more than a decade that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign," also saying,  "As our investigation reveals, the Trump Foundation was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his business to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality." The Foundation was supposed to be dissolved more than 18 months ago, making one wonder if it was kept open to funnel cash into Trump's campaign. Is this man so stupid to think he could get away with this?
Sam Stein, Political Editor of The Daily Beast tweeted, "Donald Trump personally directed his Foundation funds to be used to settle a lawsuit related to Mar A Lago. Here is the receipt."

The Trump Foundation critcized the lawsuit as “politics at its very worst” and accusing the attorney general of holding its $1.7 million in remaining funds “hostage for political gain.”


Read more: New York sues Trump Foundation, alleging 'extensive' lawbreaking
                   New York attorney general sues Trump Foundation

Time for Obama to teach Mitch McConnell something

I get it...I'm back
Barack Obama has been relatively quiet since leaving office after eight years of dealing with Republicans led by Mitch McConnell with only one intent: to sabotage anything that President Obama presented. Not to consider what was best for the country, just to subvert whatever he advanced. We'll never know just how much could have been accomplished for the good of the American people in those eight years, but we could find out soon how effective Barack Obama can be as a former president, who still heads his party, and who wants to fight the GOP plague.

As one Democratic pundit put it...
“He’s been way too quiet. There are a lot of people who think he’s played too little a role or almost no role in endorsing or fundraising and he’s done jack shit in getting people to donate to the party.”
Maybe the man wasn't really sure how much of his participation was wanted since he received so little support when in office, even by his own party. Bernie Sanders, who may run in 2020, cannot carry the banner because he is an Independent. Other possible 2020 candidates are former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), but it is Barack Obama in 2008 who trounced John McCain in the popular vote and the Electoral College. The key will be to resurrect the magic of Obama's 2008 campaign and turn it into a win for Democrats in November.

Another point of view on the former president's hushed approach was...
"Former aides and Democratic strategists said Obama has sought to maintain a lower profile not only for his party to find new life, but also to avoid playing a foil to President Trump and Republicans."
Obama's two top priorities are, “recapturing the House and helping Democrats gain more influence in the redistricting process.”

At the same time, Democrats plan to make Washington corruption the focus of their campaign in 2020. They had earlier announced targeting their economic agenda to combat big money through campaign finance reform. Without a Democratic Congress this will be an uphill battle, but the odds are still out that Dems can take over the House and Senate. Nancy Pelosi, former House leader said, “President Trump has become the swamp and Americans are paying the price. The American people deserve better.”

Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer added, “The swamp has never been more foul than under this president.” And targeting corruption did work in the 2006 elections when Democrats took control of the House and Senate from Republicans. They hammered away at the GOP’s “culture of corruption, cronyism and incompetence.” Pelosi is testing the corruption theme on Scott Pruitt who "repeatedly used his position to seek employment and business opportunities for his wife, and had agency staffers doing personal errands on his behalf."

If ever there was an administration where corruption would be the central problem, and one to explore by the opposition, it would be Donald Trump's.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Donald Trump turns Singapore Summit into burlesque

The Donald Trump administration produced a movie about Trump, Kim Jong-un and a world being saved by these two maniacs. It is self-serving, of course, but the T-rump team takes that a bit further by portraying the Oval office lunatic as our next savior. Although he hasn't risen from the dead, and he doesn't have a cross, at least one we know of, he does have a devoted bunch of followers in numbers much more than twelve. Kim Jong-un is the great warrior that must make up his mind to join the master of peace.

This is a video you don't want to eat immediately before or soon after you watch it. Remember now, this is the President of the United States that feels he must resort to these theatrics to get a foreign leader who has been branded by the world as a madman to like him. But still, it is a movie you must watch because it will portray on a screen just how much this idiot some of you elected to the White House thinks of himself...

Read more: Trump’s Fake Movie Trailer Starring Kim Jong Un: What the Hell Did I Just Watch?

American Medical Association asks for ban on assault weapons

The American Medical Association wants to outlaw assault weapons but they are also against arming teachers. The AMA has called the recent gun violence, in schools and around the country a, "public health crisis." The group apparently gave in to an...
"unprecedented demands from doctor-members to take a stronger stand on gun violence — a problem the organizations says is as menacing as a lethal infectious disease."
The ban of assault weapons in the U.S. today should be a given based on the number of school children killed by one of these weapons in 2018 alone. Kids all over the country are expressing their fear of going to school because they are afraid they will be the next victim. Just a couple of years ago some youngsters were scared to face the school bully. That bully has now decided to arm himself and wipe out as many as 44 students.

Dr. David O. Barbe, AMA’s immediate past president said...
“People are dying of gun violence in our homes, churches, schools, on street corners and at public gatherings, and it’s important that lawmakers, policy leaders and advocates on all sides seek common ground to address this public health crisis. In emergency rooms across the country, the carnage of gun violence has become a too routine experience... It doesn’t have to be this way, and we urge lawmakers to act.”
Do you know that there have been nearly as many US mass shootings as days in 2018? There have been 101 including the recent massacre in Santa Fe, Texas, which screams the fact that we can no longer look at this kind of event and just say it is only a small part of the total gun violence.

There were twelve new policies proposed by the AMA which included...
"taking guns away from those considered at risk of committing violence, expanding domestic violence restraining orders to include dating partners, recognizing the role of firearms in suicides, and opposing President Donald Trump’s recent suggestion that schoolteachers should be armed."
Dr. Megan Raney, an emergency-medicine specialist at Brown University, also called the siege of gun violence a "disease," and spoke of the human toll she and other emergency room doctors witnessed. There will be at least 11,000 people killed in firearm assaults in the U.S. in 2018. Will you be one of them?

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

NEW: See Donald Trump's 1,655 false far

This is a continuation of my new series focusing on the lies and misstatements Donald Trump has made since entering office.

And jumping right into healthcare...
"...Repeal and replace Obamacare. But what -- we had it done, folks. It was done, and then, early in the morning, somebody turned the hand in the wrong direction. That cost our country a lot. That was a very, very terrible thing that happened that night. That was a very terrible thing. That cost our country $1 trillion in entitlement saving that nobody would have known."
"in fact: Sen. John McCain's vote against Trump's plan to repeal and replace Obamacare did not cost the country $1 trillion. As the Washington Post noted: "Trump's estimate is way off. The Senate bill to repeal and replace Obamacare that Trump is talking about would have reduced the deficit by a net $321 billion over 10 years, according to a joint analysis by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation."
Re. the media...
"The Failing @nytimes quotes 'a senior White House official,' who doesn't exist, as saying 'even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.' WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources."
in fact: This senior White House official is very real: he is Matthew Pottinger, National Security Council senior director for Asia, and he made these comments in an official White House briefing for a large group of journalists. (The administration had insisted that he only be identified as a senior White House official.)
Re. the Russia probe...
"....At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP! They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction..."
"in fact: Nothing in this rapid-fire series of claims is verifiably true.
Re. arming school teachers...
"But as I've been talking about this idea -- and I feel it's a great idea, but some people that are good people are opposed to it; they don't like the idea of teachers doing it. But I'm not talking about teachers. You know, CNN went on, they said, 'Donald Trump wants all teachers.' OK? Fake news, folks. Fake news. Fake news."
"in fact: A search of closed-captioning archives does not turn up evidence of anyone on CNN saying Trump wants to arm "all teachers." Regardless, Trump's claim that he is "not talking about teachers" is transparently absurd: in this very same speech, he elaborated at length on his proposal to arm teachers. While he made clear that he was talking only about a minority of teachers, that is still talking about teachers."
Folks, there are over 1,600 of these and some of the best are yet to come. For the first time in the history of the United States, there is someone in the White House that has based his entire presidency on dishonesty and misleading the American public. Stay tuned.

Robert De Niro to Tonys, Fuck Trump and got a standing ovation

Robert De Niro at the Tonys
The recent Tony Awards included an impetuous performance by the actor Robert De Niro who blasted out emotional dialogue that proclaimed...
“I’m gonna say one thing: Fuck Trump,” De Niro said, bringing the audience to its feet for a standing ovation. “It’s no longer ‘down with Trump.’ It’s ‘fuck Trump.’”
How many times have you heard a celebrity with the class of De Niro say something like this about the president of the United States? Conservatives are already bashing De Niro for disrespecting the president, to which I say, you can't disrespect a person that is the lowlife of a Donald Trump. Many of the Tony honorees followed suit in calling for political change, but in a more diplomatic way. However, Donald Trump does not understand diplomacy, as evidenced by the insulting and atrocious treatment he has heaped on our best allies like Canada, Germany and France.

What he does understand is the locker room retort like that coming from Robert De Niro, who also. at a special event in Toronto, apologized for Donald Trump's behavior, calling it disgusting. De Niro's comments have gone viral and many have criticized the remarks they consider crude, notwithstanding the fact that the man who is the target of the remarks is perhaps the crudest man alive. Here's more De Niro on Trump...
"Our baby-in-chief -- the j***-off-in-chief, I call him -- has put the press under siege, ridiculing it and trying to discredit it through outrageous attacks and lies," De Niro said. ""This f***ing idiot is the President. It's 'The Emperor's New Clothes' -- the guy is a f***ing fool ... our baby-in-chief -- the 'J******-in-chief' I call him."
Read more: Robert De Niro told the Tonys audience, “F*ck Trump.” He got a standing ovation.
                    Robert De Niro's Trump comments at Tony Awards go viral
                    Robert De Niro apologizes to Canadians for Trump’s ‘idiotic behaviour’

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump comes away empty-handed at Singapore summit

Donald Trump was sucked into a situation that was way over his head since the man has no capacity for diplomacy. N. Korea's Kim Jong-un walked away with precisely what he went there for, to make Trump look like the idiot he is. Past presidents had the gumption to realize what had to precede a meeting of this nature, an honest compliance in denuclearization. Instead, the Oval Office lunatic settled for "little else than the release of three U.S. hostages in May." He even boasted that he, Donald Trump, didn't even need to prepare for the meeting, that he would wing it. Well, he did and failed.

As far as an agreement on denuclearization is concerned, The Daily Beast described it as "complete pablum"...
“Reaffirming the April 27, 2018, Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.”
All T-rump was able to accomplish, basically, was to get Kim Jong to commit to the same thing he has agreed to for years, to...
 "something like total global nuclear disarmament or bilateral arms reductions with the United States. And all North Korea will do, per the declaration, is work 'towards' this objective."
A third-grader could probably have done better.

Read more: Trump’s Singapore Summit Was a Bust—for the U.S.
                    South Korea Blindsided By Trump War Games Agreement

Trump/aides insult U.S.good friend Canada

Trudeau/Trump G-7-The man never smiles 
Following the G-7 Conference in Quebec, Donald Trump lambasted Canada's Justin Trudeau with the comment that he was "very dishonest and weak." This was in response to Trudeau's announcement of Canada's retaliatory measures it would take next month in response to the US tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico, and the European Union. But that wasn't enough when White House Director of Trade Policy Peter Navarro said...
"There is a "special place in hell" for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau because of his decision to slam the U.S. in a post-G7 press conference."
And then it was top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow's turn who said, Trudeau "stabbed us in the back" with a "double cross." This was all followed by Canadian foreign affairs minister Chrystia Freeland's comment, "Canada does not believe that ad hominem attacks are a particularly appropriate or useful way to conduct our relations with other countries." A monumental put-down of Donald Trump, his administration and the United States. Trudeau added after the conference, “Canadians, we’re polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around.”

I feel sure the U.S. has been taken advantage of over the years due to its wealth and generosity, but to constantly alienate allies like Canada, France and Germany, and with non-stop insults from the U.S. president himself, is sheer stupidity for a nation that has always prided itself in being a world-class peacemaker. Here's another post-conference tweet by Trump...
"Based on Justin's false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!"
Perhaps this the reason for Donald Trump's latest bullying tactics...
"Kim must not see American weakness," Kudlow said. "[Trudeau] can't put Trump in a position of being weak going into the North Korean talks with Kim. He can't do that."
There is no doubt the world sees our weakness. The U.S. President is operating without a brain.

Read more: Canada Responds After White House Says Trudeau 'Stabbed Us In The Back'
                    President Trump Blasts Canadian PM Trudeau, Calls Him “Very Dishonest And Weak”
                    There's a 'special place in hell' for Trudeau after his G7 'stunt,' top WH Trade Adviser      Peter Navarro says

More guns adds up to more suicides

According to the CDC, "Suicide rates have increased in nearly every state over the past two decades, and half of the states have seen suicide rates go up more than 30 percent." And based on "A study by the Harvard School of Public Health of all 50 U.S. states," there is "a powerful link between rates of firearm ownership and suicides." Who would have thought? The Harvard study proclaims, "Guns and suicide: A fatal link" The CDC's "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" found that...
"Guns were the most common method used for suicide, accounting for almost half of the people who died."
These are the kind of facts that have been hidden at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta due to the National Rifle Assn.'s success in ramming legislation through a paid off Congress that has made the information unavailable until now. And "54 percent of the people who killed themselves didn't have a previously known mental health issue, but 50 percent of these did have a gun. The Harvard study also found...
"that in states where guns were prevalent—as in Wyoming, where 63 percent of households reported owning guns—rates of suicide were higher. The inverse was also true: where gun ownership was less common, suicide rates were also lower."
...proving that, in spite of the NRA's proclamation that "guns don't kill, people do," guns do kill, simply because of their availability. The CDC study asserts, "American suicide is predominantly a firearm issue. Anytime we want to resolve something that involves firearms, we've need to talk about firearms explicitly." But that has been impossible up to now due to the fact that the NRA's head gun nut. Wayne LaPierre, will talk of nothing that restricts gun ownership in any way. You have to understand this radical thug actually reps gun manufacturers right to sell as many guns as possible.

The Harvard study adds...
"The lesson? Many lives would likely be saved if people disposed of their firearms, kept them locked away, or stored them outside the home. Says HSPH Professor of Health Policy David Hemenway, the ICRC’s director: 'Studies show that most attempters act on impulse, in moments of panic or despair. Once the acute feelings ease, 90 percent do not go on to die by suicide.'”

Read more: CDC: U.S. Suicide Rates Have Climbed Dramatically
                   Guns and suicide: A fatal link

Suicide rates are up 30 percent since 1999, CDC says

Monday, June 11, 2018

Donald Trump has 1,655 false far

This is my new series focusing on the lies and misstatements Donald Trump has made since entering office.

His presidency has been one consisting of a common denominator...lies. The Oval office lunatic has made 1,655 false statements to date. And, we are still counting. The Toronto Star is keeping track of every false claim because...
"We think dishonesty should be challenged. We think inaccurate information should be corrected. And we think the sheer frequency of Trump’s inaccuracy is a central story of his presidency."
And so far, it hasn't been grounds for impeachment by a U.S. Congress that doesn't have a clue how much damage this idiot is doing to our country. It is as if T-rump is seriously on a rampage to sabotage America. But, back to the lies and misstatements now, starting with Canada...
"We lose a lot with Canada. People don't know it. Canada is very smooth. They have you believe that it's wonderful. And it is -- for them. Not wonderful for us; it's wonderful for them."     But...
"The U.S. has a trade surplus with Canada when trade in goods and trade in services are both counted. Trump's own Council of Economic Advisers said as much in its annual report."
Re. guns...
T-rump said, "But when the press covered it, the headline was, 'Trump wants all teachers to have guns.'"
Not true! "in fact: No major news outlet, and possibly no news outlet at all, ran a headline saying Trump wanted "all" teachers to have guns. Media outlets correctly reported that he wants some teachers to have guns."
Re. Barack Obama...
"The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who worked 8 years for Obama) working on the rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections, especially now that Republicans (stay tough!) are taking the lead in Polls."
"in fact: No part of this claim is fully accurate. There is no indication that people involved with the probe (Robert Mueller) will be nefariously "meddling" with the midterms. Republicans do not lead in a single one of the credible "generic ballot" polls of midterm voting intentions. They briefly led in one, but it promptly bounced back to a Democratic lead."
Re. immigration...
"So they go. And they take this man (Sayfullo Saipov), right? And he got here and he's got 22 people that came in -- his mother, his father, his grandmother, his uncle, his brother, his sister. He got -- 22 people come in for this one guy. That's called chain migration -- 22 people."
This is completely false. "in fact: There is no indication that Saipov, the alleged perpetrator of the terror attack in 2017 on Manhattan's West Side Highway, brought 22 relatives into the U.S. Even Trump's own aides have declined to endorse this claim, and even anti-immigration advocates say it is wildly improbable that one man with a green card could have sponsored 22 people."
Folks, there are over 1,600 of these and some of the best are yet to come. For the first time in the history of the United States, there is someone in the White House that has based his entire presidency on dishonesty and misleading the American public. Stay tuned.

Mick Mulvaney insists on dismantling your consumer protection

Mick Mulvaney, the destroyer
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was originally proposed in 2007 by Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren. In July 2010 Congress made it official and President Barack Obama announced the appointment of then Richard Cordray as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to set up the new agency. After repeated GOP objections, Richard Cordray was eventually named acting Director; that was nixed but he would eventually become CFPB's first Director.

Through the years Republicans have done everything in their power to thwart the agency, and then Donald Trump on Nov. 25th of his first year as President described the CFPB as “a total disaster.” After repeated efforts to dismantle CFPB, he did the next best thing by nominating Mick Mulvaney as the interim director after Richard Cordray stepped down. True to form, Mulvaney has now dissolved the agency's Consumer Advisory Board. 
"It's quite clear that we've been fired," said Kathleen Engel, a law professor at Suffolk University and a member of the CFPB's Consumer Advisory Board.
NPR describes the group as, " The board is designed to help consumer groups work with the CFPB to identify problems facing Americans who are treated unfairly by financial firms." In other words, Mulvaney completely did away with the people who bring consumer problems to the forefront to be considered. It should also be noted here, "when he was in Congress, Mulvaney sponsored legislation to abolish the bureau." If Republicans had it their way the consuming public would have no avenue available on which to lodge a complaint against big business.

Here's what Ann Baddour, who chaired the board said...
"Firing the current CAPB members is another move indicating Acting Director Mick Mulvaney is only interested in obtaining views from his inner circle, and has no interest in hearing the perspectives of those who work with struggling American families."
The American public's rights could be in ruins if we don't get rid of the Oval Office lunatic soon.

Read more: Mick Mulvaney Effectively Fires CFPB Advisory Council
                   Trump Wants to Dismantle Elizabeth Warren's Agency. Good Luck With That.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...