Saturday, December 19, 2015

Call me a cynic but the next question is did Clinton people view Bernie Sanders data?

Jeff Weaver, Sanders Campaign Mgr.
The shit has hit the fan over Bernie Sanders' staffers viewing of Clinton information in the now infamous data breach at NGP VAN. First of all, former Sanders' National data Director Josh Uretsky said, “We didn’t use [the data] for anything valuable and we didn’t take custodianship of it.” Tempting as that might have been, my second point is, just how revealing was the data they looked at? In other words, did they see something that could have brought down the Clinton campaign, or was it just general info like who voted, for whom etc.?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a close friend and staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton, has been screaming bad boy, bad boy to the high heavens, when, in fact, she has neither confirmed nor denied whether Clinton's team were also bad guys and looked at Bernie's data. And the whole data breach incident is about as suspicious as it can get occurring just before tonight's debate.
In keeping with that thought, it is very interesting that one of the NGP VAN founders, Nathaniel Pearlman, also served as chief technology officer for Hillary Clinton's 2008 Presidential campaign.
I don't want to scream conspiracy--I just did didn't I?--but the Democratic Party has tried to ostracize Bernie Sanders from this race since the beginning, just because he is an Independent. That, when he has always caucused with the Dems. Independents are here to stay but right now the Democratic Party, namely Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her DNC are on trial. We have not heard the last of this.

Call me a cynic but the question is, why did NGP VAN Data Co. firewall drop?

Debbie Wasserman Schultz in driver's seat

The Observer News counts Debbie Wasserman Schultz's support of Hillary Clinton back to the 2008 election, which has mushroomed into the backing we have experienced recently where she personally cut off the life-blood of the Bernie Sanders campaign by shutting down access to their voter data. NGP VAN is the data co. holding the information in question. The publication called for her resignation immediately. The Observer also recounted other incidents of favorability and mismanagement.

  • "Schultz’s decision to limit the debate schedule of the 2016 presidential primaries to six sanctioned debates favors Hillary Clinton." 26 debates were held in 2008, possibly important in Obama's win over Clinton.
  • "Debbie Wasserman Schultz is depending on Hillary Clinton winning the Democratic nomination to further her own political career," after having fallen out of favor with Obama administration.
  • Her leadership led to catastrophic losses for the Democrats during the 2014 midterm elections. She directly assisted in losses by refusing to support three Democrats, Miami-Dade Democratic Party chair Joe Garcia, former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez and businesswoman Annette Taddeo.

There are others but these are the most obvious. 

The Observer closes with:  

"Ms. Wasserman Schultz has often favored her own agenda and political considerations over what would be best for the Democratic Party. If Hillary loses, she will lose one of her last remaining allies in the Democratic Party and the career benefits that are normally inherent with serving as the Chair of the DNC.

Now you decide why she, as DNC head, is holding Bernie Sander's campaign data hostage. Sander's Campaign Mgr. Jeff Weaver, has threatened to sue the DNC in Federal Court.

(As a P.S. the two sides have now settled the matter)

Friday, December 18, 2015

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NR Congressional Gun Whore is Paul Ryan, (R) Rep. from Wisconsin and current Speaker of the House, who received $2,500 from the NRA.

NRA strikes again...this time at newspaper editor's editorial

Bowling Green newspaper protests against NRA
Jan Larson McLaughlin was the Editor of the Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune in Ohio. She was a Sentinel reporter for 29 years, including 23 years as county editor, then Mrs. McLaughlin was named editor in May, 2013. The Publisher, Karmen Concannon terminated her employment for insubordination, stemming from "an editorial about the NRA that she had written, as was her normal practice." The Publisher subsequently closed her door to further conversations with other employees as well as McLaughlin.

(Full text of editorial included at the end)

The former Editor acknowledges it is the right of the Publisher to kill the editorial, but is completely baffled why Conconnon, whose parents own the paper, refuses to discuss it with her with some reason for why it was rejected. As the Editor of the paper, you would hope she has the right to know why a perfectly normal piece of work, "which called on responsible gun owners to reclaim control of the NRA in the wake of recent mass shootings across the country," should receive this kind of action.

"Mrs. McLaughlin believes she was not fired for writing the editorial but for attempting to discuss the matter with the publisher," which might lead one to the conclusion that Conconnon doesn't really have a reason, except in consideration of the content of the editorial, the Bowling Green Sentinel-Tribune is closer to the National Rifle Assn. than it is to the truth and that is pathetic.

Here is the editorial:

Unpublished editorial by Jan Larson McLaughlin 
It is time for reasonable gun owners to take back control of the association that supposedly represents them. We as a nation are still mourning one mass shooting when the next occurs. Yet the NRA refuses to discuss any type of gun control, any form of background checks, any type of study that might lead to some answers. Instead, when legislators consider measures to reduce gun deaths, the NRA and its tentacle groups assign them failing grades and label them as anti­gun. National leaders, who talk tough about protecting our borders from threats, last week voted down legislation that would prevent people on our nation’s “no­fly lists” from legally buying guns. That seems like a no­brainer, but some of our elected officials are so scared of getting on the NRA’s naughty list that they won’t even take common sense steps on gun control.
 Recently, the Buckeye Firearms Association went a step further and blasted criticism at Bowling Green State University faculty members who had written to State Rep. Tim Brown, R­Bowling Green, asking him to not support legislation allowing concealed carry of firearms on Ohio college campuses. House Bill 48, which has since passed the House, allows hidden loaded weapons to be carried on college campuses, school safety zones, day care facilities, public areas of airport terminals, police stations, and certain government facilities. Brown, who voted for the bill, said it primarily “cleaned up the statute” of where concealed guns can legally be carried in Ohio. The gun association got the list of BGSU faculty who wrote to Brown by filing a Freedom of Information Act request. The group specifically targeted James Evans, a geology professor, for his email to Brown in which he called the NRA a “terrorist organization.”
 The Buckeye Firearms Association stated the definition of terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
 As far as Evans is concerned, the NRA meets that definition — except that in the U.S., it’s legal. The Buckeye Firearms Association went on to publish the names and email addresses of BGSU faculty who contacted Brown with their comments, plus a photograph of Evans, who had used his private email to send his comments. The result, at least for Evans, was a rush of emails to him from the association’s members, with wording that he characterized as threatening. Evans believed the intent was to frighten BGSU faculty from contacting State Sen. Randy Gardner, R­Bowling Green, since the legislation is now in hands of the Senate. “I’m not intimidated,” Evans said.Others weren’t either, apparently.

Gardner said late last week that his office had received emails from BGSU faculty concerned about the legislation. The Buckeye Firearms Association accused BGSU faculty of violating policy prohibiting their use of university email to contact their legislators.

However, there is no policy in place that prohibits such use. Dave Kielmeyer, university spokesman, said that faculty and staff are encouraged to avoid using BGSU email accounts to advocate their personal positions. But in response to the accusations by the gun group, the university issued a statement that “discussions by academics via university email or list serves on social issues, particularly those affecting the learning environment at BGSU, are absolutely appropriate.”

The criticism of faculty input seems to be one more effort by the gun lobby to take the focus off the issue of gun violence.

Recently, when the subject of firearm deaths comes up, the gun industry shifts the discussion to mental health issues as the true problem. Often it’s the two together (guns and mental illness) that create a deadly combination, so why not tackle both?

No freedom — even those granted in the Constitution — comes without limits. When enacted, the Second Amendment did not mean any American could openly carry assault weapons and not be stopped until they start shooting. When the forefathers penned “well regulated militia,” I doubt they meant any individual with a gun. It’s important to note that they included the word “regulated” — as in subject to controls. 
 When BGSU’s Evans heard last week about the latest mass shooting, this one in San Bernadino, California, his thoughts were again, “Here is another tragedy.” The answer is not more guns, he said. 
We’ve tried arming every citizen who is so inclined. It hasn’t solved the problem. So let’s look for other solutions, ones that reasonable gun owners can support. But that will mean responsible gun owners are first going to have to take back control of their national organization, which seems more concerned about the gun industry than the average gun owner. 
 The NRA has not always been the paranoid “pry the gun from my cold dead hands” organization that it is now. It was formerly an association aimed at serving its membership by providing safety classes, marksmanship training and even gun control support. But somewhere it got hijacked from its real purpose to its fanatical presence. It’s time for reasonable gun owners to say enough is enough. 

A brilliant editorial that laments the control the National Rifle Assn., headed up by Wayne LaPierre, has over a pathetic bunch of cowards in the U.S. Congress. 

Bernie Sanders Sayings

U.S. Workers put in about 200 more hours per year than West European workers, who typically obtain four to five week vacations, often legally mandated.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hillary Clinton flip-flops on minimum wage-so why union endorsements?

In June of this year Hillary Clinton told fast-food workers "she supported their push for $15 minimum wage." However, just recently she endorsed a $12 minimum wage. Bernie Sanders has backed the $15 figure from the beginning of his campaign so why have many unions endorsed Clinton? Bernie's latest union endorsement is from the Communications Worker of America, earlier National Nurses United and the U.S. Postal Union. The question is whether the Clinton backing came from union management or the membership.

In the case of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), at least 1,700 member disagreed with the Clinton endorsement. And here's a quote from Bianca Cunningham, former Verizon worker "who alleges she was fired in retaliation for her union organizing in Brooklyn storefronts:"
“There are dozens of people running for President of the United States, but there is only one that walks a picket line, there’s only one who is not afraid to take on the corporate elite that is destroying good jobs and there is only one that isn’t taking money from Wall Street or from corporate America. Working people have been hurt for far too long and we’ve been burned for far too long. It’s time for corporate America to ‘feel that Bern.”
One naysayer quipped that the reason for the Clinton endorsements is the belief with the higher ups that Bernie Sanders isn't electable. Several months ago the U.S public thought the Bern was just a flash in the pan but look what he has accomplished since then. In addition to picking up the Communications Workers of America and earning a nod from the liberal group Democracy for America, Bernie has also hit his goal of 2 million individual campaign contributions. It sounds like to me a man on his way to the White House.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Kevin McCarthy (R) Rep. from California who received $5,000 from the National Rifle Assn. in 2014.

71% of Americans have given up on stopping gun violence

The shocker isn't that 71% of Americans have given up on Gun violence but that they think it is now a permanent part of American life. I trust this group has never had a case where a family member was shot and killed by some lunatic with a handgun or assault weapon. I call these people apathetics, those who don't seem to care about things until it affects them. And then they scream the loudest for help or justice or whatever.

Apathetics are pathetic, and one of the reasons politics in the U.S. is in the state it is in. The idiots in Congress know that a large majority of the country doesn't give a shit, so they do as they damn please. Many of them probably don't vote, and if they did, it would probably be in an uninformed way. Many of these people are successful in everything from the business world to the arts. So what the hell is going on?

The millennial "me" generation rubbed off on the rest of us and apparently lurks within at least 71% of this nation, whether it is recognized or not. Me, me, me,me,me means that I don't have to really care if kids are slaughtered by a gunman at some school, unless, of course, it is the school where my kid goes. Like I said before, you are pathetic, and this country will continue in the direction it is going unless you change this attitude.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

In 1973 the average American worker earned $445 a week; twenty years later, that same worker was making $373 a week. And they are working harder for less money.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Simple minded continue to anoint the king of lunacy

Yes, now Donald Trump has risen even higher in the polls, supported by the dull witted gang that astonishes most Americans and draws laughter from the rest of the world. These followers even amaze the few rational conservatives that are out there. There is nothing good to be said about Trump but one thing is sure, he is an arrogant bully that has captured some poor souls that probably shouldn't be voting anyway.

How many Republicans predicted the man would go down in flames before the end of the year? Well, these prognosticators did not count on an American voting public that has become more out of touch than ever before. They're desperate and it is because the GOP doesn't have one candidate that is even remotely qualified to be President of the United States. A new survey places Trump’s support at 38 percent among registered Republicans and GOP-leaning independents. That's downright obscene.

But there is a way out. VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Cong Steve King

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Steven King (R) Rep. Iowa who received $1,000 fro the National Rifle Assn.

554 kids under age 12 have died by gunshots since Sandy Hook

Moms at Sandy Hook shooting massacre
It has been only three years since the Sandy Hook bloodletting, killing 20 innocent children six years old and six adults. In those three years 554 kids under age 12 have been killed by guns. Yes, it was done with the same guns that NRA head, Wayne LaPierre, says make us safer. Only a double digit moron could make that kind of statement in light of the number of mass killings we have experienced recently. That number would be 317 in just 2015.

And only a bunch of idiots (lowest on IQ scale) like those who populate Congress, who are supposed to be protecting the American public, particularly their constituents, would allow this devastation to continue completely unabated. Of course the sane among us know why, but we just don't understand. Perhaps it will take, God forbid, the murder of a conservative Republic congressperson by an assault weapon or one of his or her family, another tragedy fostered by the NRA he or she loves.

Most Americans, excluding the gun nuts, have had it with gun violence, and it is time for Congress to do something. Before the unthinkable happens.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Twenty years ago, American workers were the best compensated in the world. Today, American workers rank thirteenth among industrialized nations in terms of compensation and benefits.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

NRA's Dana Loesch blames San Bernardino gun massacre on terrorists neighbor

Dana Loesch armed
Apparently the NRA's head, Wayne LaPierre, is too much of a coward to face the public after the San Bernardino bloodbath where 14 innocent people were gunned down by various weapons including assault rifles. Instead, he sends a pathetic Dana Loesch to do his dirty work in a video "proudly" sponsored by Kimber, a purveyor and manufacturer of guns.

Loesch, a conservative radio host, rails at the "Godless left" but then attempts to lay the blame for the massacre on the neighbor of Sayed Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik. It is apparently the neighbor's fault because she was suspicious of the couple but did not want to profile them. Loesch's crazed, downright irrational rantings mirror the current state of conflict within the National Rifle Assn. and the kind of demented spokespeople that support the organization.

And then Salon comes out in an article today saying Dana Loesch has completely lost it and calls her a gun nut. The article describes her performance as a "...vile NRA-backed video linking San Bernardino mass-shooting to every GOP bogeyman." One has to wonder if all conservative radio and TV hosts, starting with Rush Limbaugh, aren't mentally challenged, bordering on actually being psychopaths.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Rep. Darrell Issa a (R) from California.

Camping out at the National Rifle Assn.

When I was growing up it was fun to camp out and experience the out-of-doors like it is supposed to be. You'd cook your own food and be responsible for the campsite and sleeping quarters, which included a tent or maybe a hammock out in the open. Times were simpler then. You didn't have to worry about being surprised by some gun nut, perhaps a domestic terrorist, hell-bent on killing as many people he or she can just because they have a gun in their hand and can. You were the target for only God knows why.

Well, there was a group camping out yesterday but it's not in the woods. The gathering is in front of the headquarters of the National Rifle Assn. in Fairfax, Virginia, in front of the building that shelters NRA head, Wayne LaPierre, and his bone headed minions. With the amount of blood on their hands, one can understand why they hide behind closed doors. The gun advocate group comes here every month on the 14th, in honor of the Sandy Hook gun massacre that killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.

CNN reports, "They've braved pouring rain, near-blizzard conditions and sweltering heat. They are Americans fed up with the NRA's agenda, sick of what they say is the group's devotion to gunmakers." There are a lot of those folks around today but a clueless and gutless Congress is only listening to the NRA and the money that jingles each election cycle. But I've heard, from more than one source, that many of these politicos could be sorry come November of 2016.

One can only hope.

Sanders TV network coverage 10 minutes compared to Trump 234 minutes

I did another blog post today, "New take on why Bernie Sanders will be President," and the facts there are supported by the Media Matters report that reflects a huge disparity for Bernie Sanders in the coverage given the Presidential candidates. Donald Trump received 234 minutes of air time from the first of January though the end of November, compared to 10 air time minutes for Bernie Sanders. I worked in television news and know that you always go with the stories that will provide the highest ratings. But the very fact that Trump beats Bernie Sanders in news coverage is worse than pathetic.

What even worse is that "Republican Jeb Bush received 56 minutes of coverage, followed by Ben Carson's 54 minutes and Marco Rubio's 22," and they aren't close to being the contender that Bernie Sanders is. And yet another shocker, ABC News has devoted only 261 minutes to campaign coverage with only one of those minutes going for Bernie Sanders. Media Matters says, "Sanders got virtually ignored by ABC because there was a conscious decision to do so."

With these kinds of odds against him, can you imagine the smile on Bernie's and Jane's faces after he is elected President and they walk into the White House?

Bernie Sanders Sayings

The inflation-adjusted median income for young families with children--headed by persons younger than thirty--plunged 32% between 1973 and 1990.

Monday, December 14, 2015

New take on why Bernie Sanders will be President

A new poll in November says that 60% of the American public thinks Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy and dishonest. That's one hell of a majority going into the first primaries in a couple of months. The Inquisitr says, "Historically, Americans have never once elected a president found in reliable polls to be considered 'not honest and trustworthy.'” The Huffington Post said, “Mainstream pundits and public relations executives work tirelessly to make you believe Clinton is inevitability.” CNN says, "The nation’s leading Democratic PR firm will soon be owned by a private equity group run by a longtime Clinton insider.”

Here's a shocker from the Washington Blog, "Clinton is deemed less trustworthy than Donald Trump, which is a remarkably (sp) achievement." Another quote from the WB, "The real interesting part of the latest Quinnipiac University National Poll, is not the fact that 60% of Americans think Hillary Clinton is dishonest, but that 40% of Americans don’t." This only a few of the detracting remarks about Hillary but you can read more on the Washington Blog site.

And none of this comes from the Bernie Sanders campaign, which has professed they want to keep the race as clean as possible from dirty politics. And in all fairness, Hillary Clinton has strived to do the same. I would have voted for Hillary but Bernie Sanders came along this man's political philosophy, his consistent positions and record in general are too good to pass up. Vote for Bernie.

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore

Today's NRA Congressional Gun Whore is Trey Gowdy, (R) So. Carolina, who received $2,000 from the National Rifle Assn. in 2014.

Bernie Sanders sayings

The past 20 years have seen declining or stagnant income for 80% of all American families. In fact, adjusted for inflation, the average pay for four-fifths of American workers plummeted 16% in 20 years.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Justice Antonin Scalia should be Donald Trump's running mate

Senate minority leader Harry Reid said it best, "The only difference between the ideas endorsed by Trump and Scalia is that Scalia has a robe and a lifetime appointment. Ideas like this don't belong on the Internet, let alone the mouths of national figures." This is in reaction to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's comments re. admission practices at the U. of Texas:

"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a less — a slower-track school where they do well. One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them."

NBC News quoted Rep. G.K. Butterfield, D-N.C., chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus who called the comments "disgusting, inaccurate, and insulting to African Americans."

If we ever wondered just how deep seated racism is in America, here is a prime example from the highest court in the land, coming from an individual that is supposedly well educated, though perhaps that is no cornerstone for common sense. Scalia should resign his seat on the Court and this demand should also be coming from fellow colleagues on the Court. 

American gun murder rate is obscene

Shannon Watts

"Americans are 20 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other developed countries," this from Shannon Watts on MSNBC following the San Bernardino gun slaughter. She is the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a part of Everytown for Gun Safety. Watts, like many of the rest of us have run out of adjectives to describe the gun carnage going on in the United States that has been fostered by the National Rifle Assn. and a group of greedy cowards in Congress. There is blood on their hands that will never be washed off.

"Everytown for Gun Safety research shows us that In states that require background checks, there are 52% fewer mass shootings, 46% fewer women shot to death by intimate partners, and 48% fewer law enforcement officers killed with handguns," is her proof that common sense gun laws do work. In the San Bernrdino case a straw purchaser bought the guns for the couple who killed fourteen, a law that Pres. Obama has been trying to pass.

Shannon Watts says the tide is turning and in her position I trust her judgment and urge all gun control advocates to let it be known how you feel.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dems should stand ground on allowing CDC gun violence research

For the last 17 years the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has not been able to compile data on U.S. gun violence prompted by pressure from the National Rifle Assn. on its Congressional Gun Whores, mostly Republicans. Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, have said this week that the Omnibus budget must not pass any longer with this restriction, and although not an ultimatum, seems firm enough to create a fight the gun control folks can win.

There is only one reason the NRA, led by Wayne LaPierre, would stand in the way of this kind of research. It will prove what a disaster the open gun market has been for the United States, which has been sponsored by LaPierre and the NRA, and just how much blood is on the organization's hands.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

In 1982 there were 12 billionaires in the United States. Today there are 135.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...