Monday, November 21, 2022

Donald Trump vs. Ron DeSantis...Duel Of The Dictators


The Guardian thinks there will be "blood on the floor" because Republicans can't decide between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis for 2024. Trump has suffered from the much-promised red wave in this month's election that didn't happen. GOP officials across the country are also finally getting tired of Trump's continued...

"conspiracy theories, the investigations into his businesses and political actions, and his attacks on his most threatening challenger, DeSantis."
The Guardian reports there is concern his divisiveness is worse than in the 2020 election making him unelectable. On the other hand there is the fear that Trump's loyal followers will stick with him to the end and upend the 2024 Primary. Here's what rural Iowa chair of the Howard County Republican party, Neil Shaffer, said...

“Honestly, Trump’s got a lot of baggage, self-inflicted. Had he taken the loss gracefully, and held his tongue, and didn’t further these conspiracy theories, he probably could have been a president again, with an interim of Biden.”
RawStory believes Florida Gov. Ron (the despot) DeSantis can "weaken and wear down Trump by essentially ignoring him until the primary campaign begins in earnest," In my book, there is nothing worse than being ignored; the way Donald Trump craves attention he would go berzerk in no time. But, also in my book, there is only one person as ruthless and corrupt, possibly more, than Trump and that is DeSantis. He has shown his colors as Florida's autocrat-in-chief.

DeSantis vs, Trump: The battle for the 2024 Republican nomination has already begun...

But Neil Shaffer says...

“I honestly am a big fan of Governor DeSantis and have been for several months just following through this last campaign. Fresh face. Has the same kind of agenda as Trump without all the baggage.”

If Shaffer thinks DeSantis isn't carrying baggage, he's been under a rock. How about his fascist moves in Florida to control what teachers can teach?; Only what DeSantis thinks is right. And the migrant flight to Martha's Vineyard for which there is a large sum of money still in question. And here's the biggie; DeSantis now thinks he is God. The New York Times says, "Ron DeSantis’s God Complex" with the following scenario...

"Tweeted by his wife, Casey, with the apparent expectation that it would draw notice and go viral, it casts DeSantis not merely as a model and promoter of selected (and selective) religious principles — that’s commonplace for Republican leaders — but as a divine instrument, a holy messenger, fashioned precisely into his current form and set specifically on his present mission by God."
This is not only baggage, it's like a trunk full of transgressions. With DeSantis in

the White House you can say goodbye to democracy and the rights you normally enjoy on a daily basis. Back to Donald Trump, Terri Burl was an early member of Women for Trump. As chair of her local Republican party branch in northern Wisconsin, but as avid a supporter as she was then, she is no longer a Trump follower. Here's her take...
Burl is not so sure that Trump would win the primaries but she predicts a bitter fight that could further damage the Republican party.
“If these two guys are the ones that are left, going back and forth, I think it’s gonna be brutal. There will be a lot of blood on the floor,” she said.

One can only hope there will be two distinct puddles. 

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...