Saturday, May 2, 2020

Why COVID -19 continues to surge? - The attitude 'It's only a virus'

There were 34,329 new coronavirus cases in the United States, just since yesterday. Like 24 hours, or 1,430 new cases each hour. And 1,870 deaths, 78 per hour. Does that sound like 'only a virus?...

Image result for it's only a virus clip art
Why? It's only a virus

People with this kind of attitude are a threat to a sane population which means following the guidelines established by the medical community to stay at home for the interim of the pandemic, at least practice safe social distancing. Not flaunt the fact they aren't worried about catching or passing along a disease that has become the medical killer of our time. This is no joke, as these less than bright individuals seem to think. It is serious and getting worse, thanks in part to them.

As best I can determine, these are the same clueless people who professed to be the anti-vaxxers who were instrumental in 140,000 measles deaths in 2018, "Most deaths were among children under 5 years of age," according to the World Health Organization (WHO). I would be horrified to know that my stupid ideology killed all these young kids. It's unconscionable and as I have said many times, these ignorant families should be put in concentration camps.

Resurgence of mumps shows how anti-vaxxers are putting everyone at risk...

And this same bunch of anti-health nuts is getting in their two cents already, making sure this audience of miscreants is aware that a vaccine for COVID-19 is in the wings and they should kill more of their children by refusing these vaccinations. Here's the scenario...
"As scientists race to develop a vaccine to protect people against the coronavirus, some outspoken voices of the anti-vaccine movement are already seeking to undermine their efforts.
"But those who promote anti-vaccine views aren't waiting. They're out there now on social media, cultivating conspiracy theories and planting seeds of doubt that could limit a future vaccine's success."
"Larry Cook, an anti-vaccine proponent with almost 50,000 subscribers on YouTube," according to CBS, says this to his followers...
 "Make no mistake, the purpose of the coronavirus is to help usher in vaccine mandates. Be woke. Know the Plan. Prepare. Resist."
The purpose of the coronavirus is to kill, you idiot, and I'm sorry, if your followers believe this crap you put out, they are idiots too.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...