Friday, May 8, 2020

Another impeachment?...Let's go!

But Donald Trump is asking the Supreme Court to block the release of "certain secret grand jury material from Robert S. Mueller III’s special counsel investigation."
See the source image
Mueller Report locked up by Republicans
Donald Trump, the 45th person to sit in the White House as head of this country, was impeached by the U.S. House on December 18, 2019. On February 5, 2020, he was acquitted by a bunch of cowards in the Senate, led by lowlife Moscow Mitch McConnell, the one responsible for ages to come as the demon who put the freakshow back in the Oval Office, most recently leading us into a COVID-19 pandemic of colossal proportions. With little recovery in sight.

He was guilty in his first impeachment, and in my opinion is guilty today of ignoring the coronavirus threat in the beginning, calling it a hoax, then blaming it on Democrats. However, The Democratic House is focusing on the more likely material of "possible misconduct by the president." They're looking for obstruction of justice, which T-rump seems to have committed all the way back to James Comey's firing.

Putin and Trump on Jame Comey firing...

The House committee believes Mueller's Report will shed light on "whether Trump obstructed Mueller’s investigation and whether to recommend new articles of impeachment...
“This remains true today. The current pandemic notwithstanding, the Committee’s investigation is not ‘dormant.’ The Committee continues to exercise its investigative and oversight responsibilities; its staff are ready and able to review the requested grand jury materials as soon as they are provided by DOJ; and the Committee remains able to convene formal hearings to further its investigation.”
D.C. Circuit orders release of Mueller Report...

In its 2-1 opinion, the D.C. Circuit Court...
"said grand jury records are court records — not Justice Department records — and have historically been released to Congress in the course of impeachment investigations involving three federal judges and two presidents."
Here's more...
"The Committee has repeatedly stated that if the grand jury materials reveal new evidence of impeachable offenses, the Committee may recommend new articles of impeachment,” wrote Judge Judith Rogers, who was joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith.
There is question over the authority of the House Judiciary Committee seeking the Mueller Report, but the House persists that its investigation is not yet over and needs this material to complete it. And finally, I'll leave you with this comment from the article...
"The United States is now officially a Russian Republic because of the treason of Trump, Flynn, Barr and McConnell. Treason most foul and injurious to this country is now the order of the day every day. The American dream is now a nightmare. The war against evil has been lost."

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...