Friday, May 15, 2020

Obama/Biden can beat Trump in 2020?

For some time now I have prescribed the idea that if we stay on Donald Trump's back with daily criticisms that eat at his ego, he just has to break.

Looks like to me Obama saw what was coming in 2016
Well, he hasn't, but at times you can almost see the breaking point at hand when the Oval Office lunatic hesitates, but then moves on to another crisis. Looks like this has saved T-rump from barreling right over the cliff, but not from ending up with the most disarrayed, chaotic, incompetent administration that has ever been in Washington. This is not good for the American people, but the pressure is necessary to prevent more disasters, and to dump Trump in November.

Donald Trump is obsessed with Barack Obama because, as his predecessor, he is constantly being reminded of the difference between a class presidency, that of Obama's, as compared to his own style that is crude, ignorant, lowbred, downright vulgar at times. It also doesn't help that...
"a recent poll showed that a majority of Americans, 52 percent, say Obama would be a better leader for the current crisis than Trump, who weighed in at only 38 percent."
Brian Kilmeade, a Fox News anchor even commented...
"When this election happens ... it's not gonna be Biden against Trump, it is gonna be Obama against Trump."
Obama criticizes Trump on COVID-19 pandemic handling...

David Frum, a political commentator, who worked in G.W.B.'s White House, is convinced about Donald Trump's horror of being rejected, and that is looking like just what will happen to him in the the Fall election. He bases this primarily on T-rump's predilection with Obamagate, and the fact that he is falling more and more out of touch with his followers. But, as he continues to play to his base with this nonsense, how many borderline supporters is he losing?

I did a post yesterday about Moscow Mitch and his denial of a COVID-19 Playbook from former President Obama, something that turned out to be entirely false. McConnell seems to have the same propensity to lie as does Trump, and he has become just as big a target in November. Amy Klobuchar, who opposed Joe Biden in the Democratic Primary, but now endorses him, said...
“You always imagine the different world it would have been if Barack Obama was president right now, because he is someone that understood that service is about sacrifice and looking out for the people of this country instead of yourself.”
In reality Donald Trump detests Barack Obama, and we all know the more he dislikes someone, the more he talks about them. Like Hillary Clinton. But, in this case he is biting the hand that represents everything Trump cannot be, a decent person. It is comical how the whole T-rump gang insists on making Obama a center-point in this election when he represents the politics of the man Trump is running against, Joe Biden.

Comparison between Trump and Obama on science, relating to COVID-19...

I will conclude by showing a comparison between the Obama and Trump administrations...
"And his administration was more free from scandal than any in memory — which was not for the GOP’s lack of trying. Republicans used their power in Congress to promote one faux scandal after another — including eight separate investigations of the 2012 Benghazi attacks — in the vain hope that one would eventually reveal wrongdoing by the president. But none ever did. There was never even a hint of personal malfeasance on Obama’s part." 
Just keep it going, it's rah rah rah Barack Obama all the way to the White house in November for Joe Biden.

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...