Monday, February 6, 2023

Florida's Big Brother Says Hide Those Books Or Go To Jail


You would think that George Orwell had Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in mind when he wrote 1984. Of course he didn't, but like a painter who has found a perfect model, DeSantis would have been Orwell's ideal standard for Big Brother. Yes, the despot DeSantis is a certified dictator borne out by the fact that in this case, Florida teachers have to hide perfectly acceptable books to a fair-minded person, but not to the unbalanced bunch that governs the dubious sunshine state. 

Here's the scenario from The Washington Post...

"Students arrived in some Florida public school classrooms this month to find their teachers’ bookshelves wrapped in paper — or entirely barren of books — after district officials launched a review of the texts’ appropriateness under a new state law." 
It seems, "the State Board of Education ruled that a law restricting the books a district may possess applies not only to schoolwide libraries but to teachers’ classroom collections, too." It "mandates that schools’ books be age-appropriate, free from pornography and 'suited to student needs.'” Get this, they have to "be approved by a qualified school media specialist." This person apparently receives training from the duly appointed minions of, who else, Ron DeSantis.

'Outrageous': Don Lemon reacts to Florida book law championed by DeSantis...

This all comes down to the fact that these frustrated teachers cannot order books for over a year. And in many cases it is the interpretation of the law in what is bad and what is good by a radical right that confuses teachers. And would you believe, if any teacher errs in the display or use of books, DeSantis the destroyer doesn't approve of, they could face up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine? And here are the results...
Marie Masferrer, a board member of the Florida Association for Media in Education and a school librarian. says former colleagues have told her that students are struggling.

First, Ron DeSantis aids and abets in the deaths of 84,927 Covid pandemic deaths, along with 7,443,954 cases of the virus. Now, the delusional DeSantis wants to put teachers in prison for teaching their students. According to Market Realist, Florida faces a teacher shortage of over 9,000 unfilled positions. It can only get worse as long as Florida is run by a dictator.



Friday, February 3, 2023

The Homeless Deserve More


There are a number of reasons people become homeless, neither of them as important as finding that person or persons shelter. We gave a person on the street money recently and he was overjoyed to receive it, followed by a multitude of thanks. It was cold that day here in Phoenix and as we drove off from the Costco, I wondered where he would sleep that night, expected to be in the 30s to 40s. The desert can be brutal after the sun goes down with some pretty low wind chills.

The Phoenix government says...
PHX C.A.R.E.S. sends trained outreach teams, who take the time to build rapport and trust with people on the street, to encourage them to accept the services and resources that are offered to help end their homelessness.

I wonder if they helped our homeless friend? But, Phoenix has established a Strategies to Address Homelessness Task Force that has found 3,096 on the street in the city, 5,029 in Arizona's largest county, Maricopa, They found them, now what are they doing? Here are a few of the efforts...

  • $10 million to purchase a hotel to house homeless military veterans
  • Summer heat relief at the Phoenix Convention Center
  • Refurbished public housing increasing access to affordable energy-efficient apartments
  • $20 million annually for city services related to homelessness, including services providing shelter for 5,430 individuals and families
  • Partnerships with community organizations including UMOM, CPLC, Native American Connections, Justa Center, St. Vincent de Paul and others.
There's more you can see here. This is what they are doing in Phoenix and Maricopa County, Arizona. Later Nasty Jack Buzz will explore what is being done about homelessness nationwide.   READ MORE...

Gallup Poll: Bad Government Has Replaced Inflation


It had to happen with the way Republicans have been acting and governing lately. And the Democrats certainly deserve their measure of criticism from the White House on down. Here's the scenario from Reason...
"In the latest Gallup poll, more than one-fifth of respondents—21 percent—cited the government and/or poor leadership as the nation's top problem."

Next was immigration, followed by the economy in general, racism/race relations next, and then crime/violence. Here's the political breakdown...

"Conservatives were more likely to say inflation (18 percent of conservatives vs. 11 percent of left-leaning respondents), immigration (18 percent vs. 5 percent), the economy in general (11 percent vs. 9 percent), and moral/ethical/family decline (5 percent vs. 2 percent) were top problems.
"Democrats were more likely to cite crime and violence (5 percent vs. 4 percent), unifying the country (8 percent vs. 3 percent), race relations (9 percent vs. 2 percent), the environment (6 percent vs. 0 percent), and the gap between rich and poor (4 percent vs. 0 percent) as our country's top issues.
"Government was cited as the most important problem by 24 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents in the poll and by 18 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents."

Added to the poll...

"the approval rating for Congress (21 percent) and for Biden (41 percent) remained unchanged since the prior Gallup poll late last year."

With McCarthy pushing everyone's buttons, the situation is likely to remain the same until 2024.   READ MORE...


Thursday, February 2, 2023

We Cannot Let The Needless Execution Of Animals Continue


The Oklahoma City Animal Shelter euthanized 34 dogs on Tuesday because they didn't have enough room for them. The animals shouldn't have been there but that's another story. Not being familiar with the Oklahoma City shelter, I don't know if they made an attempt to use Pilots N Paws, an organization that provides free transportation of animals to locations where there is either more room or there is a potential adoption. By the way, Pilots N Paws endures through donations.

But there are other ways to help control this situation like spaying and neutering. The ASPCA says...
By spaying or neutering your pet, you’ll help control the pet homelessness crisis. Millions of healthy dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States each year simply because there aren’t enough homes to go around. There are also medical and behavioral benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets).

Agreed, a lot of folks out there are still struggling with their finances but if you are able, please foster an animal. which helps take the load off shelters. And there are always donations that can help these organizations to care for more animals and provide better aid to the general population. Finally, if you have the time, volunteer. You cannot believe the joy just a visit from someone brings to a caged animal. If you love animals, please do your part today.


Republicans Want Donald Trump Dead


Here's the headline: "'Can’t wait until this guy dies.' Report reveals GOP insiders’ real sentiments toward Trump." Here's the source...
"The Atlantic's McKay Coppins insisted most Republicans are done with the former president but still fear the repercussions of speaking out against him."

More cowardice like that which paralyzes both chambers of Congress when a vote is up for gun control. Donald Trump demonstrates his power to get what he wants. The NRA's Wayne LaPierre displays his wallet to Senators and Representatives to indicate his control. Two of the biggest lowlifes in this country parlay their influence for self-benefit. The following is an example of current feelings...

former Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.), Coppins claims, told him, “You have a lot of folks who are just wishing for [Trump’s] mortal demise. I want to be clear: I’m not in that camp. But I’ve heard from a lot of people who will go onstage and put on the red hat, and then give me a call the next day and say, ‘I can’t wait until this guy dies.’”

 The Atlantic: Some Republicans 'can't wait' for Trump to die...

 This would be terrifying if they weren't talking about Donald Trump.   READ MORE...

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Why Are Country Folks So Mad At The Rest Of Us?


I came from a country town in Tennessee and to my best recollection we only disliked yankees, and that was only because we felt they looked down on us. It was not in the least political but I was in high school then and there were other interests that kept me busy. I do remember an incident in my family when John F. Kennedy was elected--I was older then--where there was serious concern that a Catholic in the White House would try to convert us all to Catholicism. It didn't happen.

The world has changed in the seventy years since and a divisive order now exists between Democrats and Republicans that is eons larger than the distinction between the north and the south in the Civil War. It was clear then that the war was over the right to own slaves. Today, the war between the liberal and conservative ideologies is packed with so many issues that even the political experts can't keep up with it. 

Paul Krugman in his New York Times column quotes Katherine J. Cramer...

"who attributes rural resentment to perceptions that rural areas are ignored by policymakers, don’t get their fair share of resources and are disrespected by 'city folks.'”

That is similar to the southerners' dilemma back in the 1940s/1950s. But Krugman simply doesn't agree taking a completely opposite position...

"The truth is that ever since the New Deal rural America has received special treatment from policymakers. It’s not just farm subsidies, which ballooned under Donald Trump to the point where they accounted for around 40 percent of total farm income. Rural America also benefits from special programs that support housing, utilities and business in general."

The highly respected American economist goes on to point out how federal programs disproportionately benefit rural areas and other evidence of just how the rural population benefits from government programs.   READ MORE...

READ MORE from Paul Krugman on the rural political unrest: Economist Paul Krugman: Why 'rural resentment' fails the 'scrutiny' test

Sunday, December 25, 2022



It seems that our country and the world are experiencing problems that many think are insurmountable. I can't speak for the rest of the world but after 90 years, I can tell you that America has always bounced back and gone ahead to prosperity. This time will be no different.

Nasty Jack

Friday, December 23, 2022

Kevin McCarthy - Bogus Speaker at best - In pictures


This is another Republican liar we have learned not to believe. Did Kevin McCarthy learn it from his pal, Donald Trump?

Doesn't this make Kevin McCarthy ineligible to be a member of Congress?

Congress should replace Kevin McCarthy with Charley McCarthy, without Edgar Bergen.

Sorry about the cutoff picture but I couldn't resist the description of Kevin McCarthy as Donald Trump's lapdog.

The question is, are Kevin McCarthy and Marjorie Taylor Greene in a love-hate relationship? With any luck, they'll take each other down.

Actually, in addition to Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney has a lot of mens' gonads after her participation in the Jan. 6 Riot Commission. But most notably Donald Trump.

I have no words that would better describe Kevin McCarthy than a POS.

And, although not in the picture, Kevin McCarthy was one of those that both endured and supported Donald Trump lies and corruption.


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Republican white supremacist Christmas


Take a good look at the picture to the left. See anything missing? The Republicans' idea of a "white" Christmas is literally white. Here is a post from AlterNet: "The Republican Party is soaked in white supremacy. But is it a hate group?"  To begin with, here are some things to think about...
"Guns, abortion, immigration – what binds these “hot button” issues together in the Republican mind? Well, white supremacy, obviously."

Each, GUNS, ABORTION and IMMIGRATION, has its explanation from John Stoehr of the AlterNet and I urge you to read his post, here. All three of these issues have one common denominator, fear. But does all this make them Republican hate groups? Southern Poverty Law Center’s Rachel Carroll Rivas asked, 'What’s the status of hate groups in America?' I have followed SPLC for years and find their research on hate groups the best.

Some of Rivas' comments...
"after the insurrection on January 6, 2021, the hard-right movement converged around a willingness to engage in political violence, inflict harm and deny legally-established rights.
"Honestly, these harmful ideas have become so commonplace 
that card-carrying membership is less and less necessary.
"We consider the hard right of today inherently anti-democratic.
"We documented 733 hate groups and 488 antigovernment groups in 2021. There are also 65 new groups listed in 2021."
With that said, many of the members of SPLC's hate groups are connected to Donald Trump, and Christian Picciolini who nearly 25 years ago was a leader in the skinhead movement defines who make up hate groups...
"It's the average American. It is our mechanics, it's our dentists, it's our teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and unfortunately that's the way it's turned into the last 30 years."

Although not mentioned by name, there are member of the U.S. Congress who do support extremist groups...
"a small but vocal band of Republicans now serving in the House provided legitimacy and publicity to extremist groups and movements as they built toward their role in supporting Mr. Trump’s efforts to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election and the attack on Congress."

So, it suddenly becomes clear why Republicans are dreaming of a White Christmas. Their dream is indisputedly focused on the word "white."


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Jan. 6 Committee...Best of statements


Posted yesterday my wife and I watched the Monday hearing of the Jan. 6 Commission and came to the conclusion the panel nailed Donald Trump. Following are some of the leading quotes from the meeting, compliments CNN...

1. “The Trump campaign legal team knew there was no legitimate argument…to overturn the election, and yet President Trump went forward with his plan for January 6 anyway.” – Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney 
2. “Mr. Trump decided before the election…that he would claim it was rigged.” – California Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren 
3. “The mayor (Rudy Giuliani) was definitely intoxicated.” – former Trump adviser Jason Miller 
4. “I don’t know that I had a firm view of what he should say.” – Ivanka Trump 
5. “My recommendation was to say that ‘Votes were still being counted. It’s too early to tell, too early to call the race but we’re proud of the race we ran, and we think we’re in good position.’” – former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien

These are the first five and I urge you to go to the CNN article for the rest as well as more in-depth explanation. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Jan. 6 Committee nails Donald Trump


My wife and I watched the last session of the January 6 Committee yesterday and the summary and wrap up was very convincing. Donald Trump is corrupt and an anarchist with solid proof from the Committee allowing them to refer prosecution of Trump to the Dept. of Justice on the following charges...
"to prosecute Trump for obstruction of an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to make a false statement and incitement, rebellion or insurrection."

The Committee could also recommend ethics charges against 5 Republicans for refusing House subpoenas: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio, Mo Brooks of Alabama, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Scott Perry of Pennsylvania. Of course, the GOP takes over the House in January 2023, but with the amount of chaos surrounding who will be Speaker, it looks like

there will be non-stop turmoil facing Congress.

If you watched, did you see the commitment and passion when Adam Kinzinger spoke? The U.S. Congress will lose a valuable asset when he retires, as well as Liz Cheney leaving due to losing her election. Cheney pledged herself and her career to get rid of Donald Trump, which culminated in the Jan. 6 Committee. Others on the panel were clear in their condemnation of Trump using clips from his administration to illustrate how he broke the law over and over.

There is talk that these prosecution referrals of Trump will face a number of obstacles when it gets to the DOJ. One is Merrick Garland's record of moving so slow in Donald Trump's prosecution, but it is hoped that the latest appointment of fireball prosecutor, Jack Smith, will move things along now. There is also the feeling that, if brought before a jury, a general public would be reluctant to convict

a former president, or a Trump minion would be on the jury.

No matter what, the Jan. 6 Committee has done an excellent job in bringing Donald Trump to justice for his transgressions. We can only hope that the DOJ will do their job now.

Monday, December 19, 2022

One homeless person in a wealthy America is too much


My wife and I were shopping at Costco recently and when we left after shopping, there was a homeless man at the exit with a sign indicating his plight. Don't care what people say, we keep a number of five-dollar-bills in the car for the homeless. My wife rolled the window down and gave the man $5.00. He was so grateful, thanked us for the money, but then said, "Have a happy holiday." Here's a man on the street, wrapped in a blanket (cold in Phoenix) and he wishes us a happy holiday.

I was totally taken aback by this kind and sincere wish from someone who had no place to live and probably no idea where his next meal would come from. Added to this, Phoenix was forecast to have a low in the 30s that night. I haven't been able to forget him and can only wish that more people around the country would have a similar experience and demand something be done about the homeless now. That's when I thought of the headline above to shame those in charge to do something.

And this is what shelters are asking for in the Phoenix metro area...

  • Coats/jackets
  • Sweaters/sweatshirts
  • Sweatpants
  • Hats/Beanies
  • New socks and underwear 
If this is what is required in Phoenix, can you imagine what is needed in New York and New England where tens of thousands are without power from a powerful snowstorm. The Right to Shower homeless group says, "For most of us, winter means holidays, family gatherings, and gift-giving." However...
"for people experiencing homelessness, winter is a brutal challenge. The cold weather makes life on the street even more dangerous than usual, and the societal focus on togetherness and holiday cheer can create a sense of even greater isolation."
What's behind rising homelessness in America?

Here are some of their suggestions for helping...
"Donate warm clothes, socks, and blankets. Cleaning house for the cold season? Taking stock of your family’s winter wardrobe? Don’t let those coats and hats go to the trash. Shelters and individuals will be grateful for your gently used items, especially socks and blankets, which are even more necessary during the cold months."
Donate food, including leftovers. All shelters and soup kitchens will be grateful for donations during the holiday months, and if you over-prepare for an office party or gathering among friends, don’t let those leftovers go to waste. Rescuing Leftover Cuisine is one organization that helps redirect potential food waste to those who need it.
"Call 311 (non-emergency services) when you see someone in danger. The colder it gets, the more dangerous it is for people to live unsheltered. If you see a person outside on a cold night, contact 311 to access local services and potentially save a life. Many cities have their own cold-weather homeless-serving hotlines and 211 is another common line for essential community services. If you meet an unsheltered person who is also a veteran, they can find help through 1-877-4AID-VET, while homeless teens can call the National Runaway Safeline at 1-800-RUNAWAY."

In closing, I cannot understand why some millionaire or billionaire hasn't stepped

forward to organize a consortiun that would deal directly with this problem. Yes, there are numerous charities that do their best but there are still over a half-million homeless on the street with around 11,000 shelters in the U.S. 

Unfortunately, the displaced folks are not evenly distributed around the country so that is why a centrally controlled plan is necessary. So far band aids are being used where there should be a major bandaging of the problem. I just don't understand why millionaires and billionaires can't spare a few bucks to help those down on their luck. What good Samaritan will commit to this worthy project?

Have a happy holiday to our homeless friend at Costco and the same for all your peers. May you all find shelter and good fortune in the near future.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Pets should not be given as presents


The Jacksonville, Arkansas animal shelter says it right: "Getting a dog is a lifetime commitment, not a Christmas gift." But hundreds of animals will be given this year at Christmas and hundreds will end up in shelters in 2023. Here are some numbers from PETA...

  • A shelter in Fargo, North Dakota, reports that in its area, more than 700 animals are turned over to shelters right after the holidays every year.
  • An adoption group in tiny Edinburg, Texas, gets more than 400 animals. It says that the surrenders normally start with a phone call from someone saying, “I got this [animal] for Christmas…and I can’t take care of it.”
  • A humane society in Reading, Pennsylvania, says that most of its post-Christmas drop-offs are puppies and kittens. They’re dumped soon after the holiday when training them requires too much time.
  • By January 4 last year, one Georgia animal shelter was posting on Facebook begging for adopters because of the onslaught of returned dogs it was bombarded with.
Here's the scenario from Jamie Parker, supervisor of Jacksonville Animal Shelter...
"Some of them get adopted and they stay. But a lot of them end up coming back to us, and a lot of them find themselves back in the kennel with no one that can play with them all day."

PETA says you should never give animals as Christmas gifts. It does sound like a

good idea and the expectation of those faces when they receive their new pet makes the giver think they have done something great. Apparently they haven't...
"By January, many of those “present” animals will have joined the more than 6 million who enter shelters in the U.S. every year. Some animal shelters even get in on the craze, offering discounted or free adoptions and encouraging people to give animals away as gifts. Their intentions may be good, but they likely don’t realize that they’re exacerbating the homeless-animal crisis."

Other reasons not to do this include the fact the holidays are full of a lot of people having fun; a great deal of frivolity in the household; noise and commotion a new animal doesn't understand and most likely will be frightened of. The house is filled with strangers coming and going. But the worst thing are the things left around from gifts like ribbons, ornaments, electrical cords, and sweets as well as other foods and drinks.

PETA also warns...

"When shelters offer animals up for a pittance (or for free), they devalue them and encourage impulse adoptions by eager people who haven’t considered whether they or their gift recipients are ready to invest the substantial amount of money, commitment, and care that the animals will need. And animals can be acquired as cheap gifts by people who can’t afford to care for them. After the holidays, many of these “present” animals end up back at the shelter or, worse, sentenced to a life of isolation on a chain or in an outdoor pen or dumped on the street."

I, nor PETA, nor all the animal shelters and rescues nationwide don't want to discourage the public from adopting pets, at Christmas or the rest of the year. But you must want that animal to become a member of your family and realize the responsibility of caring for them. It's not easy but oh so rewarding. I know, my wife and I have taken in eleven rescues and we've had the time of our lives. Merry Christmas to you and your pets and to the rescue animals all over the world.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Barry Goldwater preceeded Donald Trump on RIGHT WING EXTREMISM


The American public was worried that Goldwater was a danger with his finger on the button. 

Goldwater lost in one of the largest landslides in history to Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

As the 1964 Republican convention approached, many political observers warned that right-wing extremists were about to take over the Grand Old Party. Barry Goldwater’s critics now see today’s Republican extremism in 1964.

But there is no comfort in knowing that Donald Trump was not the originalist on right wing extremism. And there is no doubt the Trump-borne extremism is much more severe than was Barry Goldwater's. At least Goldwater had the best for the country behind his beliefs.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Donald Trump's terrorism at work again...


Guess who opened the door to domestic terrorism resulting in activity in at least three states? Do I even have to say Donald Trump? He started with immigrants in his early administration calling them rapists, murderers and drug dealers. Then, during his run for president he called for barring all Muslims from entering the United States, then when in the Oval Office...
he signed an executive order titled 'Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States' which became better known as the muslim travel ban.
The new domestic terrorism acts started in North Carolina in Moore County where 45,000 utility customers lost power and local officials declared a state of emergency. Here's the scenario...
"The Homeland Security 'National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin' issued on Nov. 30 said individuals and groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and personal grievances 'continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland.'"

Trump labelled a 'domestic terrorist' by former US deputy secretary of state Richard Armitage...

 Since the perpetrators haven't been identified yet we can't definitely place the blame, but five will get you ten that there is some connection to Donald Trump and his followers. And then all the way across country in the northwest there were at least six attacks at electricity substations in Washington and Oregon. Current efforts are in place to determine who is doing this and why. Vox says that "Donald Trump is the accelerant" and everything points back to the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riots...

"At Trump’s behest, throngs of his supporters descended on Washington, DC, to dispute the results of the presidential election, climbing the steps of the Capitol and busting through its doors and windows. Throughout the day, Trump continued to falsely claim that the election was stolen without any evidence to support this unreality, further riling up his followers to “take the country back.” By mid-afternoon, the Capitol building was breached and one member of the mob had been shot and fatally wounded. Five people died."

Need I say more? 

Monday, December 12, 2022

One euthanized animal in a wealthy America is too much


In case you haven't heard, animal shelters around the U.S. are loaded beyond capacity.
The public decided they can no longer keep their pets so they just dump them at the local shelter. There are hardships where this is necessary but too many use this as an act of convenience even where the family has had their animal for several years, a forever home? I've said this before but it bears repeating...would you give up your human child in similar circumstances? I think not.

There are reasons for these actions, according to The Hill...
"Animal advocates cite the decline of virtual work, a national housing shortage and the rising cost of kibble, among other factors."
Packed with pets: how you can help struggling animal shelters...

This all coincides with the coronavirus pandemic where people began an influx of adoptions. But some apparently weren't really animal lovers. As the headline indicates, "the number of cats and dogs facing possible euthanasia stands 100,000 higher this year than last." This is incredibly insane for both the animal advocates (should do a better job of spay and neutering) and a portion of the American population that considers pets "just animals," whatever that means.

The word is out and here are just some of the numbers...
New York’s municipal shelter system has seen a 25-percent increase in surrendered pets, a trend driven by rent inflation and pet-averse landlords.
An Atlanta shelter designed to hold 80 animals has been running nearly 300 dogs over capacity. Another in Montgomery County, Texas, has housed more than 400 dogs in space designed to hold 180. At an overcrowded facility in nearby Brazoria County, “we’ve started stacking crates in the bathroom.”

100,000 dogs and cats facing euthanasia as people return adopted pets to animal shelters...

 Julie Castle, CEO of Best Friends Animal Society, said, “Nobody’s job description should have killing animals as one of the things on the list.” Yet someone has to do it...or do they? Volunteers are needed as this is certainly not a for-profit industry. Anyone who can spare any amount of your time, please contact your local shelter to let them know you are available. This would allow them to do more spay, neuter and release projects which helps to control the animal population.

On the other side, I would like to see a massive education program, funded by grants and/or animal lover donors, which details the fun and satisfaction of having a pet in your home. It should emphasize the love and affection that results and the times your animal(s) will literally lift you out of the doldrums. They will be there for you and you should be there for them. Please read this article in The Hill. You'll be glad you did and so will the animals in the shelters.

Friday, December 9, 2022

The love of animals...


Immanuel Kant feels that people can be judged by the way they treat animals. I worked for a guy once who was a complete jerk, but one day I learned how much he loved his cat, often discussing with me his care of the animal because he knew we had cats. After this I realized I couldn't fault the man altogether and our relationship improved measurably. But treatment of animals by some results in abuse, even cruelty, an area requiring new laws. 

But have you ever taken the time to see that lovin' look in your pet's eyes that says they adore you. And, of course, you adore them too. The connection to our animals has grown over the years to where they are now one of the family. And that's the way it should be as most of us consider them our children, most especially when you don't have human kids. These households treasure their pets and some families spend large sums on their animal for toys and miscellaneous things. 

The main thing is you must keep them healthy making regular trips to the vet. Find a caring doctor for your species, dog, cat, horse, etc. Depending where you live, housing is important. As an example, you should never leave a cat outside for the simple reason they are easy prey for predators. Dogs are better able to defend themselves but should be in a fenced yard high enough to keep out all other animals. Climate change has made some desperate and they are on the prowl.

Animal lover and vet, James Herriot, draws a comparison between animals and

humans, contrasting the souls of each, and animals come out on top. The traits Herriot emphasizes are love, loyalty and gratitude, three qualities that many humans are sorely missing. There is a saying that I use regularly in my blog: "All I Want is to Live." Animals don't ask for much but the least we can give them is a loving family and a forever home.

Just think about these stats from the ASPCA...

Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.
Each year, approximately 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized (390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats).
Approximately 4.1 million shelter animals are adopted each year (2 million dogs and 2.1 million cats).

Why not go to your local animal rescue, shelter or humane society today and take one, or more of those statistics with you to your forever home.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

White Nationalism/White Supremacy still rampant


Here it is word for word from RawStory...
"Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon defended former President Donald Trump's call for a 'termination' of the U.S. Constitution over his 2020 election loss."

Steve Bannon is a white nationalist, white supremacist, spreading his agenda around the White House during the Trump administration. It is thought John Kelly, Trump's Chief of Staff, was instrumental in the resignation of Bannon, after which Bannon dissed many on Trump's staff and went on with his anti-American program. Steve Bannon is supposed to be in jail but just a month ago...

"Former Trump White House strategist Steve Bannon will be allowed to remain free as he appeals his conviction for defying a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot."

Bannon opposed most everything that opposed Donald Trump, but now that Trump

wants to abolish the Constitution, the expected of course, he supports the ex-White House maniac all the way. Steve Bannon even went to the extent of quoting Donald Trump's Truth Social post on his podcast...
"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution."

The Trump organization was just found guilty on all counts of tax fraud by the N.Y. atty. general with more charges of Trump personally being investigated. Bannon barely got a reprieve from jail time and more of Donald Trump's minions are already serving time. As you can see from the visual, above, and also from a Republican, David Rockefeller, the government should be the servant of the people, not their master. The latter is what Steve Bannon and Donald Trump want.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

George Carlin talks - Stop making stupid people famous


The headline is taken from an Internet quote and represents a great array of politicians today like Arizona's Kari Lake and Georgia's Herschel Walker. They came out of the woodwork with a mouth loud enough to get the attention of the stupid people George Carlin is talking about. The question is, how can we get rid of them?

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

A conservative on the Supreme Court we can be proud of...


Sandra Day O'Connor was the first female associate justice on the Supreme Court. She was appointed by Pres. Ronald Reagan and served from 1981 to 2006. From Arizona, and known for her dispassionate and meticulously researched opinions, often siding with liberals in election law. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of today is a complete opposite of O'Connor.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Kari Lake salutes Trump/Hitler


We know what a loser Kari Lake is, brought down in part by her love and affection for Donald Trump. It is endless, as well as her passion for denying the fact that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Lake is, of course, a lunatic who thought she could parlay her television exposure into a political career. She didn't, but she hasn't given up yet and goes on with a new strategy planned to unseat Arizona's elected governor, Katie Hobbs. Republicans never learn, especially Trumpsters.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Stephen King's latest horror story...Donald Trump


I cannot count the ways Stephen King has blasted Donald Trump for the idiot and buffoon he is. But why not write a new version of Cari with Trump on the stage under the bucket of blood. That could even outdo Kathy Griffin's Trump severed head.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Abandoned After Seven Years, Jodi is Sad


Jodi is a little girl dog in Georgia living with what she thought was her forever family. She had been there for seven years when she was surrendered to The Little Guild. Staff says she was really scared and just wanted to go home. According to The DoDo, Jodi didn't know what was happening or where her family had gone. 

Here are some facts from the ASPCA...

Approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.1 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.
Each year, approximately 920,000 shelter animals are euthanized (390,000 dogs and 530,000 cats).

If those numbers don't make you think twice about abandoning your pet, then you need to look deep inside for more compassion. As ardent animal lovers we have considered our gang of eleven rescued cats as part of the family. Eating, sleeping, drinking and their healthcare are all a part of our family program. I know you have heard it before...they are our children. Jodi has become more confortable at The Little Guild but it took time to build her trust.

Jodi hasn't been adopted yet, which suprises the shelter staff, since she has become so lovable and outgoing. But they feel strongly that it will happen. The little girl is lucky but look at the above stats and think of the awful consequences if you decide to abandon your pet. PLEASE!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Arizona's Anti-Democracy Gains Momentum


Arizona's leader in the destruction of our democracy, gubernatorial loser in the November elections, "still refuses to concede a race the Associated Press called for her opponent weeks ago." Vox reports she is still pumping supporters for help and recently...
filed a lawsuit asking Maricopa County, the largest county in Arizona, to hand over various election records before the statewide canvass of the results, which is scheduled to happen on December 5.

And it was a typical Arizona Trumpster Republican that threatened a "violent revolution" and "death penalty" at a Maricopa County election hearing. According to RawStory...

A woman named Kathy Roscoe told the supervisors that she came to the hearing "to get an up close and personal look at the seven traitors to the United States Constitution."

She continued...

"I will not repeat your election crimes," Rosco said. "I will just say, not 
certifying the machines constitutes a form of interference and in case no one has enlightened you people, interference in an election in the United States of America, Mr. Gates (Maricopa Board of Supervisors), is a capital offense; it's considered treason punishable by the death penalty!"

And, the Arizona lunatic state Sen. Wendy Rogers, recently censured by her own party for her comments on the Buffalo gun massacre, is now...

"promising Trump supporters she can have the 2022 Arizona election redone, as a fundraising gimmick."

In another RawStory article...
"From the glass half full department, Maricopa County’s vote to certify the Nov. 8 election opens an entirely new grifting opportunity for the election denial industry," wrote [Laurie] Roberts. "And who but our own state Sen. Wendy Rogers to lead the way? Within minutes of the (Republican-run) Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voting (unanimously) to certify the vote on Monday, Rogers had her hand out. 'I am Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, and I will hold Maricopa County accountable for its election shenanigans,' she wrote, in her fundraising plea. 'Help me get a new election for Maricopa!' And by 'help,' she means send her money."

Okay, maybe we can't stop the momentum but what we can certainly slow it down by illustrating to the rest of the country what a bunch of certifiable morons we have in Arizona's state government. 

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...