Monday, February 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders holds his own in delegates

Wasn't able to post again on Saturday due to a glitch on Blogger, but Bernie Sanders did come in second with 47.4% of the vote to Hillary Clinton's 52.5%. Not significant and certainly not what Clinton expected with her experience in 2008 from this state. And she was outdone by Sanders on the Latino vote with Bernie getting 53% while winning 68% to 28% of the younger voters. Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight noted that most of Nevada voters are "mostly old.

But at the outset Bernie Sanders won 15 Nevada delegates to Hillary Clinton's 19. Overall, Sanders has 52 delegates, Clinton 67 and with this close a race, and the fact that we have only gotten started in primaries and caucuses, I'd say Bernie is sitting pretty good.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Clinton Nevada Hispanic lead over Sanders cut to 3 points

The Latino vote in Nevada will be very important today and Bernie Sanders has improved his standing in just one week from behind 11 points to just 3 on Feb. 14. Overall Bernie is within 2.4 points. Of course we are in the moment, Nevada, that is, but Clinton's steady decline and Sanders durable increases bode well for the rest of the country. A win in Nevada should carry positive momentum into the So. Carolina primary.

More later on the Nevada race.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Establishing a 0.03 percent Wall Street speculation fee, similar to what we had from 1914-1966, would dampen the dangerous level of speculation and gambling on Wall Street, encourage the financial sector to invest in the productive economy and reduce the deficit by more than $350 billion over 10 years.

Bernie Sanders surges again in national polls

Bernie Sanders jumped 14 points in national pools against Hillary Clinton in just one month. On January 16, it was 59 to 34, Hillary by 25 points. By February 16, this had changed to 53 to 42, Hillary still ahead but by only 11 points, while in the process Clinton lost six points with Bernie gaining 8. Sanders still has a problem with minorities but holds strong on white men, Independents and voters under age 50.

Clinton concerns voters with her ties with Wall Street and for Sanders it is his foreign policy experience. The key factor here is the 14 point advance for Bernie in just 30 days, and these increases have been consistent. With this kind of escalation, and on a regular basis, Bernie could be running very close to his opponent by March's Super Tuesday. But I believe the key states for Sanders will be Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania and California.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America.

Corporate CEOs demanding better education laughable

It was an Arizona newspaper headline that said it, "CEOs see schools as a key weakness," but unique as this state is in its stand alone nature, particularly with guns everywhere, I think the issue might apply nationwide. Corporations want our schools to train the people they will eventually hire, but they don't want to spend one penny to support this education. I don't mean with direct donations to the schools; I am talking about them simply not paying their federal taxes.

Here is a chart of corporations that do not pay any taxes broken down by the S&P companies and Fortune 500 companies. Included are corporations like Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Americans for Tax Fairness says, " Tax avoidance through offshore tax loopholes is a significant reason why corporations, which paid one-third of federal revenues 60 years ago, now pay one-tenth of federal revenues.

This is one of Bernie Sanders major talking points, to make these companies pay their fair share of taxes again. Bernie has his own list of "Top Ten Corporate Tax Avoiders." It includes: General Electric; Verizon; Bank of America; Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and FedEx. In a way, it is un-American not to pay these taxes when it deprives children of an education, in some cases the only meal they may have all day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

LATEST: Bernie sanders within one point of Clinton in Nevada Caucus

Bernie Sanders has literally destroyed Hillary Clinton's lock on the non-white vote by pulling to within one point of his opponent; Sanders 47%, Clinton 48%. This just three days before Nevada caucuses on Saturday. The new figures were apparently a shock to the Clinton campaign, and yet another sign that Bernie Sanders has grown to the candidate for all the people of the U.S. We're not only talking African-American but the large number of Latinos working in the casinos.

The Bern nas gained 13 points on Clinton since the last poll in October of 2015, a phenomenal jump when considering the odds he is up against. But Nevada isn't really as diverse as many think and less than some of the future primaries, coming in at 15% of caucus-goers, Latino, 15%, African-American, and 3% Asian-American. 65% were white. Nevertheless it is a good test for Bernie Sanders and one that he both relishes and plans to excel in.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

For many, the American dream has become a nightmare.

Under the Republicans...government doesn't work

This is something a Bernie Sanders Presidency will correct and take to new heights.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

If our school curricula took the rights and duties of citizens as seriously as they do varsity football, home economics, and even study hall, young people would be far more likely to participate in the democratic process, and be better informed.

Latest Republican trickle down bullshit

The GOP's leading moron, "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on NBC’s 'Meet the Press' that it is 'not remotely' the Senate’s obligation to consider the Supreme Court nominee that President Barack Obama will choose following the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia." Just consider the quoted words, "not remotely" to gauge the level of rebellion by Republicans against anything that President Obama is connected with. Perpetual interruption of government.

Senator Patrick Leahy said in an MSNBC interview with Andrea Mitchell that the Supreme Court has not gone without a seat for a year for as far back as the Civil War. He chastised Mitch McConnell for making a political issue out of the situation, commenting that in his history in Congress, no other Senate leader had done this. In other words, it is another contemptible move by McConnell to block anything the President does.

Leahy also questioned McConnell's remark about letting the people decide the next Supreme Court nominee by citing Obama's 2012 win by 5 million votes, a likely referendum on his potential choice of someone for the high court. the Vermont Senator seemed exasperated with his Republican colleagues to the extent that none of this made sense, which, of course it doesn't. At one point Leahy exclaimed he didn't think even Scalia would approve of these tactics.

One can only hope the Progressives of this country have finally had enough and will change the whole system come November.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

We need to do more than just increasing voter turnout. We must do a better job in educating our citizens about the political process. It is time for our schools to offer young people an education for democracy.

Mitch McConnell still convinced Obama not elected in 2008 or 2012

Get this from the dufus GOP head of the Senate: “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President,” as if they didn't have a voice, overwhelmingly, in the 2008 and 2012 elections when Barack Obama was elected in a landslide over John Mccain in 2008, and similarly over Mitt Romney in 2012. McConnell needs to go to the home now.

This blockhead has dogged the President from the first day he was elected when he exclaimed, "my number one priority is making sure President Obama’s a one-term president." Well it didn't happen and Barack Obama has gone on to do great things, the most important of which is to bring the economy from near disaster after Geo. W. Bush to where it is thriving today. Why is Mitch McConnell on the President's back all the time? Is Mitch McConnell a racist?

Top Democrats and pundits called for his resignation over comments he made in a speech: “For four years, Barack Obama has been running from the nation’s problems. He hasn’t been working to earn reelection. He’s been working to earn a stop on the PGA tour." MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell quipped about the way McConnell's speeches were constructed, "That — there’s — these people reach for every single possible racial double entendre they can find in every one of these speeches."

And there's more. It dates back to McConnell's candidacy for the Senate when he was accused of telling racist jokes in private meetings. As a former Capitol Hill worker said, “The candidate saw racist jokes as a way to make him seem like one of the boys in Kentucky.” When he opposed giving Washington, D.D. a seat in House of representatives, "Opponents said McConnell had expressed concern about granting such power to an area with more than 650,000 African Americans."

History will no doubt see this bush-league politician for what he really is, the one who stood in the way of many of the good programs of a great President, doing a great disservice to his country.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sanders blankets So. Carolina-Clinton comes up short

As recently as yesterday, Bernie Sanders had 240 workers on the ground in South Carolina--80% African-American--with 10 offices established. Hillary Clinton only 2 campaign offices, a sparse 14 workers. Sounds like someone is pretty sure of themselves, when the Bern is known to turn the tide overnight. She is ahead in the polls but there is a week to go before Feb. 27, and the fact that the voting day is Saturday will allow more people to get to the polls.

NPR says there is a hitch in Clinton's support, "young, black college-aged voters are turning lukewarm on Clinton." In another instance, "young black voters in South Carolina who spoke with NPR say when they look into Clinton's record, they don't like all they've seen." Many were impressed by Bernie Sanders' consistency, which is one of the great strengths that has carried him this far and a large reason for his regular surges in the polls.

South Carolina is 28% Black, 5% Hispanic. The 18 to 44 age group in the state is 36% of the population, numbering some 1,669,793. The Bern has a pretty good hold on this group, and when you apply the 36% to the African-American/Hispanic population, there is another 549,492 possible supporters. It's obviously conjecture, but if the numbers keep falling into place for Bernie and additional profiles of voters are added, South Carolina begins to look pretty good. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Rush to Clinton taking its toll in deceit and dishonesty

Harry Belafonte for Bernie Sanders
First it was Madeleine Albright claiming her support for Hillary Clinton while condemning women to hell if they don't help each other. The women for Bernie Sanders took it for what it was, a threat against their feminism and decided to firm up their backing for the Bern and then denounce Albright. Then yesterday, Albright said she regretted the way her remark was "perceived." What the hell did she expect, this coming from a career diplomat?

If that wasn't enough, civil rights leader John Lewis implied that Bernie sanders' claim of being involved in the civil rights movement was not true because he didn't see him there. But Harry Belafonte, who has been very active in civil rights and is supporting Bernie Sanders, chastised Lewis, his friend, saying he couldn't have possibly seen everyone involved in the movement. Belafonte goes on to say he definitely saw Bernie Sanders involved in civil rights and that is the reason he is backing him now.

Albright is a staunch Democrat, as is John Lewis. It is tragic that because of this party connection, they feel compelled to support the party by trying to bring down Hillary Clinton's opponent, Bernie Sanders.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

{In getting out the vote} Oregon has shown us another possible route: In that state, voting can be done by mail over a period of up to four weeks, and as a consequence voter turnout has risen.

NOTE: Oregon, along with Washington state and Colorado conduct all elections by mail.

Republicans are the problem and Bernie Sanders can fix it

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Bernie Sanders support larger than thought before New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Primary opened a lot of eyes as well as new sources of support the Sanders campaign didn't know of or at least weren't sure of. Now they know. Okay, I realize the first primary state doesn't reflect the demographics of some of the rest of the country but it was considered a Clinton stronghold dating back to the 2008 election where Hillary Clinton beat Barack Obama.

"Sanders bested Clinton across virtually all regional and demographic boundaries in the Granite State, crushing her overall by 22 points."

As an example, in the under $50,000 income, "Sanders defeated Clinton by 33 points." She won it over Obama by 15 points in 2008. Sanders went on to a 36 point lead among voters without college degrees, and winning college-educated by 13 points. Bernie also improved his older voter appeal by beating Clinton 13 points in Berlin and a sixteen-point margin in Rochester, both older age communities.

Again, a state not representative of the rest of he country but a true test of Clinton's vulnerability.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

We must make it more convenient for people to vote. We can open the polls, as is done in other nations, over a two or three day period--including at least one weekend day--so that working Americans will have more time to vote. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Same day registration, allowing every American to register up until election day, would substantially increase voter turnout.

Bernie Sanders takes New Hampshire handily

Early New Hampshire results
The last I heard last night the vote count was 60% for Bernie Sanders, 39% for Hillary Clinton. If it weren't for Clinton's super delegates, Bernie would have a huge lead in this area. Here's the way it stacked up overall:
Sanders won 83 percent of millennial voters under the age of 30-
Sanders won 66 percent of voters who describe themselves as very liberal-
Sanders 72 percent of self-described independents-
Sanders won huge with voters who were looking for a candidate they saw as honest and trustworthy (91 percent)-
Voters said Sanders cares about people like them (82 percent)-
But what is even more significant is that Bernie Sanders won the women's vote, 53% to Clinton's 46%. This, apparently, Hillary did not expect.

Next victories Nevada Feb. 20, then South Carolina Feb. 27 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Given the growth of technology through the "information highway," a Social Security card or driver's license should be all that is required for voting. 

Expert says Bernie sanders would make median income soar, create 26 million jobs

Harry Truman, Franklin Roosevelt

An economics professor from the University of Massachusetts Amherst predicts a Bernie Sanders presidency would move this country forward in such a positive way that it would solve many of the problems of the U.S. He would increase the median income more than $22,000, create 26 million new jobs while the unemployment rate would fall to 3.8%. Gerald Friedman says Sanders plan is broad-based and designed to help the middle class and needy.

Lyndon Johnson
Without the figures put in place now by Friedman, isn't this what Bernie has been saying all along? It isn't pie-in-the-sky like most republicans call it--even Hillary Clinton--but rather a proposal that will work. How many years now have we heard from the GOP that cutting taxes will boost the economy, but have only seen near disasters like Sam Brownback, Governor of Kansas, who almost brought that state to its knees? It just doesn't work.

The Sanders' campaign calls Their candidate's thinking "big," exclaiming that no one has attempted such a challenge since Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson. Those of us who joined the Bernie Sanders Revolution from the beginning believed that he could do what he said and have become more convinced by the month. But what is important is, by the looks of the latest national polls, Clinton 44%, Sanders 42%, so does the rest of the country.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bernie Sanders Sayings

If the goal{to revitalize democracy} is to get more people to vote--and that certainly should be one of our goals--then it is high time we establish automatic voter registration for every American who is eighteen or older.

"Senate declares self clean on ethics" laughable

For the last nine years the Senate has issued no disciplinary actions against anyone in the year 2015. So much for self-governing. Every Republican in the Senate--especially Tea Partiers--should be up for displaying no ethics whatsoever in blocking every program mounted by President Obama since he took office. Is it ethical to shut down a program for ideological reasons when it would benefit the American public? I think not.

Since 2007 there were 613 allegations of wrongdoing, 90% of which were simply dismissed. By the same guys who committed the wrongdoing. Only 75 have received a preliminary investigation. Behavior in the institution that is supposed to be held in such high regard is nothing but unacceptable. We can only hope that Bernie Sanders Revolution will not only bring in the President that will lead a new progressive White House but that it will spill over and eliminate most of the GOP Senate and House.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...