Twenty years old, full of life, but dumb as a bag of hammers. Tyler Gilreath resisted all efforts by his mother, Tamra Demello, urging him to get the Covid vaccine. Told his mother...
"he was young, healthy and didn’t have any pre-existing conditions, and therefore he didn’t need the vaccine’s protection."
But now, Tyler is dead, from the coronavirus he couldn't possibly catch since he was so " young, healthy and didn’t have any pre-existing conditions." He did give it a shot in the end when he told his mother...
"he would get vaccinated once he reached the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, where he would be a sophomore and planned to major in computer science."Never happened. And it is this kind of scenario we revisit daily that sucks the life out of idiots who should know better. No. Carolina's vaccination rate isn't so bad, at 49.6%, but total coronavirus cases are 1,385,700, deaths, 16,285. And daily cases and deaths are higher than they should be.
Howard Stern on denying healthcare to anti-vaxxers...
So how do you get your kids, who are of age, to do the right thing. Upbringing and environment are important, but if the kid wants to be stupid at this age of reasoning, not much you can do. Tsk Tsk!