Monday, November 15, 2021

NOW!...TODAY!...Stop Animal Cruelty


No matter whether you have a pet, or are living where there are farm animals, I hope you don't condone animal cruelty. But like most of us, you love and take care of your furry friends like your own children. You believe they deserve the best and do your darndest to see that they get it. You are what is called an animal lover, and although there are others not quite as devoted, they do believe animals should live the best life they can in forever homes. 

But there are those who think just the opposite, and these people are cruel to animals, the scourge of the earth. Their attitude is, it's just an animal. They would be wrong and that's what this post is all about. The Humane Society says...

"The shocking number of animal cruelty cases reported every day is just the tip of the iceberg—most cases are never reported. Unlike violent crimes against people, cases of animal abuse are not compiled by state or federal agencies, making it difficult to calculate just how common they are. However, we can use the information that is available to try to understand and prevent cases of abuse."

They are innocent beings that just want to live. And here is a story that defies

reasoning since there was an acceptable solution to the problem. This comes from rural northern North Carolina where things aren't so good, and families have a hard time caring for themselves, sometimes neglecting their animals. Here's the scenario...
"No person lives in this house...Let’s call it No-No Land. The house has been abandoned since January, when the owner, an elderly man, died of covid-19. We are here in late July...You hear the three dogs baying before you see them, and then you see them and recoil. Each is tethered to a metal cable, which is tethered to its own primitive wooden doghouse. Each animal has only a few dozen square feet within which to move."

The story goes on to say the three females have been here six months, unable to socialize together, with no neighbors bothering to come by. Today it is 85 in the shade. They're in a prison, says the Washington Post, with the daughter who
inherited the property in another state, a relative supposed to care for the dogs but

doesn't. WP again in exasperation...
"For reasons that defy common sense and decency, the daughter has chosen this heartless system rather than adopt the dogs herself or surrender them to someone who will care for them."

This is the epitome of animal cruelty and I urge you to read this story because it will either reinforce your present work for animal rights or prompt you to donate some time and money to animal causes. In another situation a Valley, Alabama man faces 12 counts of Animal Cruelty after police discovered a dozen malnourished Pitbulls living in deplorable conditions. What little water they had was green and filled with insects.

I hate to tell you, folks, but this kind of treatment of innocent animals is going on throughout the country and as the Humane Society reports, these are only the reported cases with thousands of others unreported. And not to lessen the urgency of animal cruelty, here's more bad news from the Animal Legal Defense Fund...

"People who hurt animals don’t stop with animals. There is an established link between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans — regularly referred to as 'The Link.'”

Watch this video of South Florida man sentenced to 10 years in prison for animal cruelty (Disturbing scenes)...


 This is why law enforcement is strongly urged to thoroughly investigate those involved in animal cruelty cases, because of this "link," and because the aftermath, not necessarily in the present sense, but a violent outburst that could occur in the future. Facts from the ALDF...

"A landmark 1997 study by the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Northeastern University found that animal abusers are in fact five times as likely to also harm other humans. 
"Another study, published in 2013, found that 43% of those who commit school massacres also committed acts of cruelty to animals — generally against cats and dogs."

Finally, to end on a high note, there is a new organization, Flight To Freedom, that through donations saves animals from euthanasia by picking them up from one location and transporting them to another location where they can find a forever home. I hope you will check this out and support them. 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

The Agony of Stupidity


There is the stupidity of coronavirus disbelievers, and there is the stupidity of politics and politicians. It is hard to say which is the stupidest, but a recent event clearly throws it in the court of the politicians. Democrats, no less, and now you are thinking I am a traitor. Not so, because I am talking about the progressive "Squad," who do come off as traitors for voting against Pres. Biden's $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. The move was unconscionable but predictable.

The progressives wanted more, they always do, and there never seems any room for negotiations. I used to be a progressive and left due entirely to the latter. They also wanted it attached to another similar bill but acted in a way that could have tanked Joe Biden's agenda. It didn't, thanks to 13 Republicans, which, hopefully could signal a softening of the right to this administration. Considering the number of lunatics in the Republican Party, the Dems have to use any strategy available.

The other bill the Squad wanted included in the vote was the Build Back Better

Act, social spending legislation but...
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California unfastened the bipartisan bill from the Build Back Better Act, which led to the former bill's successful package, with several key moderates signing on to an agreement paving the way for their backing of the reconciliation bill once its fiscal impact has been released."

I said it in my blog post above on whether progressives are necessary, it would appear at times progressives are going for broke because they sense the upcoming two elections won't be so favorable for Democrats. That's another story we will talk about later. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Agony of Stupidity


The New York Times reports, "On Podcasts and Radio, Misleading Covid-19 Talk Goes Unchecked." We have heard promises from Facebook and Twitter for months, yet this Nov. 12 headline from the New York Times. Freedom of speech guaranteed by the 1st Amendment does not include purposely killing people with misinformation and for profit. Here's a recent example...

On a recent episode of his podcast, Rick Wiles, a pastor and self-described “citizen reporter,” endorsed a conspiracy theory: that Covid-19 vaccines were the product of a “global coup d’état by the most evil cabal of people in the history of mankind.”

“It’s an egg that hatches into a synthetic parasite and grows inside your body,” Mr. Wiles said on his Oct. 13 episode. “This is like a sci-fi nightmare, and it’s happening in front of us.”

Does it get any stupider than this? Obviously we aren't talking the typical social media like Facebook and Twitter, but podcasts are a form of socializing, and, it is free of government regulation for the time being. Wiles is dead from Covid-19 but we wonder how many innocent victims he took with him??? Tsk Tsk


Friday, November 12, 2021

Ron DeSantis vs. Roger Stone


Politico's Gary Fineout describes it "the MAGA civil war liberals dream' about. Roger Stone beating up on Ron DeSantis, with the corruption needle here hitting maximum. Both are Donald Trump minions, but, apparently, at least so far, the former White House maniac isn't commenting on the feud. More from Fineout...
"Stone, the long-time ally of Donald Trump and political provocateur in this state, [Florida] has been ratcheting up pressure against the governor. He's calling on him to audit the 2020 election — he hasn't — and then, this past weekend, saying DeSantis should promise now to not run for president if he wins reelection even if Trump doesn't seek another term."

They have both regularly discredited the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, plus pushing the Donald Trump lie of winning the 2020 election. And Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has turned his state into a killing machine with 60,418 Covid-19 deaths to his credit. In Newsweek, Roger Stone claims the COVID Vaccination Has 'Injured or Killed Millions of Americans.' Stone has threatened to run against DeSantis for governor but Fineout says...

"DeSantis as a Libertarian. DeSantis, in response, said that Stone can't run against him because he is a "convicted felon," but Stone is arguing that because Trump pardoned him for the federal crimes he was sentenced to federal prison for, his right to run for governor of Florida remains."

Roger Stone gives his reason for running for Florida governor against DeSantis...


 I did a blog post back in August citing how the demented DeSantis was destroying the state of Florida with the implication that despite the completely incompetent handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, the graves of his victims are something to laugh about. We then saw DeSantis demeaning the coronavirus vaccine in favor of a COVID-19 antibody treatment that a hedge fund run by one of his top donors invested big bucks in. That would be...

"Ken Griffin, whose hedge fund Citadel owns $15.9 million worth of shares in Regeneron Pharmaceutical Inc., donated more than $10 million to DeSantis through a political action committee."

However, back in July of 2020, Lawfare exclaimed...

"President Trump’s commutation of the prison sentence of his longtime confidante Roger Stone is wholly unsurprising. Indeed, given Trump’s repeated teasing of the matter over the life of the case against Stone, it would have been something of a surprise had he not intervened so that his felonious friend was spared time behind bars."

The article implies that Trump did what he did to save his butt from the Robert Mueller investigation...

"Trump publicly encouraged Stone not to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation, he publicly dangled clemency as a reward for silence, and he has now delivered. The act is predictable precisely because the corrupt action is so naked."

So, what we have here are two deceiving individuals, Ron DeSantis and Roger Stone, both with connections to the most deceiving individual ever, Donald Trump, the two possibly going head-to-head for the top job in Florida. YES, we wanted to get rid of Ron DeSantis, but...Roger Stone???

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Top Covid Killing Machine: Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey


It's official, Arizona has risen to the top as the states where COVID-19 has been the leading cause of death during the pandemic. One of the local Phoenix top newspaper columnists, E.J. Montini, sums it up...

"All during awful days, the worse days and the catastrophic days of the pandemic, Will Humble has been a voice of reason in Arizona’s political wilderness, most often unheard and unheeded by Gov. Doug Ducey and those in charge of the state’s COVID-19 response."

Will Humble is the Executive Director for the Arizona Public Health Association, and former Arizona Health Director, who has been a driving force in fighting the onslaught of the coronavirus pandemic in Arizona. That is, in spite of Doug Ducey. It was Humble who chose the "evidence-based policy"approach, where the short-sighted Ducey went with...

"misinformation, lies and political pressure put on by everyone from former President Donald Trump to the anti-vaccine elements of the Republican party."

It is the kind of reasoning that prevails in the Arizona Republican Party, adhering to ideologies and power grabs on the right that has made it, for example, one of the easiest states in the U.S. to own a firearm. And just look at the leading contender

for the replacement of Ducey, Kari Lake, a former TV anchor who has a misplaced brain, like the majority of Republicans here. And then we have mentally sick House Representative Paul Gosar who threatened AOC with anime video killing her.

Here's more from Will Humble's report...

"Using data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the report says that nationally COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death, behind cancer and heart disease. It notes as well that there are five states where COVID-19 is the second leading cause of death.

"But Arizona stands alone at the top."

Another Phoenix columnist says, "Gov. Doug Ducey's pandemic emergency powers must end",,,

Humble did warn Ducey of what was coming, but the lame-brained governor was so enamored with Donald Trump and his methods that he allowed the state he is fully responsible for to sink into the depths of the Covid calamity, throwing precautions completely to the wind. As Montini tells us, "More than 21,000 Arizonans have been killed by the virus. Further, he says...
He [Ducey] issued orders against “vaccine passports” and mask mandates in schools, and said things like, “While we strongly recommend all Arizonans get the COVID-19 vaccine, it’s not mandated in our state — and it never will be. Vaccination is up to each individual, not the government.”

He said, "We will not be listening to the lockdown lobby. Businesses will stay open. Students will be able to attend school. There will be no mask mandates. We have a proven solution with the vaccine."

We get rid of this moron next year, but if Kari Lake is what we have to look forward to, one has to ask, 'is there any hope for Arizona?' I have lived here almost 25 years and I think so. However, it means getting rid of the Republicans who currently run this state. 

The Agony of Stupidity


A Twin Cities doctor spread misinformation about COVID-19. Then he died from it

Dr. Christopher Foley, a physician who trained in internal medicine at the University of Minnesota, spread falsehoods about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines. Here is some of his misinformation on the virus...
"In blog posts over the past year, Foley wrote on his practice’s website that it was dangerous to wear masks and that the drug ivermectin was a proven treatment against COVID-19 — a drug he prescribed for patients even though the Food and Drug Administration warns against it. He reposted false claims about the vaccine made by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a well-known opponent of vaccines who has been banned from social media platforms."

Foley was unvaccinated, died from Covid at 71. Tsk Tsk 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Do We Really Need Progressives?

Six House Democrats known as The "Squad" almost doomed Pres. Joe Biden's $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure bill. They are progressives and, although there is a lot of merit in what progressives stand for, their desires in this case do not justify going against the Democratic Party to condemn its agenda. If it hadn't been for thirteen Republicans voting for the bill, it might not have passed. Here's the current Squad...
  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York
  • Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts
  • Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan
The Squad demanded the Build Back Better Act, sister legislation to the

Infrastructure Bill, be passed simultaneously. It wasn't up for passage so the gang of defectors balked at giving Joe Biden the big win he needed, but got anyway, no thanks to the faithless six. I was a progressive, supported and voted for Bernie Sanders, and I am very disappointed at his opposition to this bill. There are three years left in Biden's administration, with the hope of some miracles in 2022.

But maybe the Squad, and Bernie Sanders, consider 2022 a lost cause, possibly even 2024, and they are going for broke with the hopes of getting as much done as possible. That makes little sense as well since Biden could have gotten nothing had it not been for the Republican crossovers and everyone, including progressives, lose. We mustn't totally discourage this faction, however, since their fight is for the forgotten group that Democrats used to stand for.

The 13 Republicans who supported Biden's Infrastructure Bill, of course, had to take flak from especially the Terrible Trifecta, consisting of Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz and Margorie Taylor Greene. These are the original three Republican airheads that have proven just how far off course the right has gone. And this kind of stupidity in the American Congress is why the left must solidify its support and move forward in order to save our country from anti-democracy.

So, do we really need progressives? Perhaps the word "progressive" has overpowered this group and others like them, resulting in action almost like another political party. What the Dems need is for this bloc to merge with moderates and conservative Democrats, but, at the same time, when they push their agenda, there is a need for solidarity. Those conservative Dem could take this advice as well.

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...