Saturday, December 5, 2015

New York Times berates Congress over inaction on gun laws

The New York Times front page editorial starts with, "All decent people feel sorrow and righteous fury about the latest slaughter of innocents, in California." Although, perhaps, not meant, but possibly implied, this would not apply to the members of Congress who are the cowards of the NRA's controlled minions of gun control opposition. They call these gun whores, "...elected leaders whose job is to keep us safe but who place a higher premium on the money and political power of an industry dedicated to profiting from the unfettered spread of ever more powerful firearms." WOW!

They talk about how civilians in the U.S.can go out and buy weapons of war, assault rifles like those used by the two terrorists in the San Bernardino killings. Sane thinking would tell any intelligent human being there is something very wrong with that except, of course, a gun nut. And the NYT attacks the nucleus of the problem which is the 2nd Amendment, saying, "No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation." With this in mind, the right-minded people of this country should stand up and demand that the 2nd Amendment either be better defined or abolished altogether.

And it would help if someone ran the NRA's head, Wayne LaPierre, out of town...on a rail.

Bernie Sanders on gun control

This is what Bernie Sanders wants to do about gun control:

1. We can expand background checks to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the dangerously mentally ill. This is an idea that over 80% of Americans agree with, even a majority of gun owners.2. & 3. We can renew the assault weapons ban and end the sale of high capacity magazines — military-style tools created for the purpose of killing people as efficiently as possible.4. Since 2004, over 2,000 people on the FBI’s terrorist watch list have legally purchased guns in the United States. Let’s close the “terror gap” and make sure known foreign and domestic terrorists are included on prohibited purchaser lists.5. We can close loopholes in our laws that allow perpetrators of stalking and dating violence to buy guns. In the United States, the intended targets of a majority of our mass shootings are intimate partners or family members, and over 60% of victims are women and children. Indeed, a woman is five times more likely to die in a domestic violence incident when a gun is present.6. We should close the loophole that allows prohibited purchasers to buy a gun without a completed background check after a three-day waiting period expires. Earlier this year, Dylann Roof shot and killed nine of our fellow Americans while they prayed in a historic church, simply because of the color of their skin. This act of terror was possible because of loopholes in our background check laws. Congress should act to ensure the standard for ALL gun purchases is a completed background check. No check — no sale.7. It’s time to pass federal gun trafficking laws. I support Kirsten Gillibrand’s Hadiya Pendleton and Nyasia Pryear-Yard Gun Trafficking & Crime Prevention Act of 2015, which would “make gun trafficking a federal crime and provide tools to law enforcement to get illegal guns off the streets and away from criminal networks and street gangs.”8. It’s time to strengthen penalties for straw purchasers who buy guns from licensed dealers on behalf of a prohibited purchaser.9. We must authorize resources for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study and research the causes and effects of gun violence in the United States of America.10. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 21,000 firearm suicides every year in the United States. It’s time we expand and improve our mental health capabilities in this country so that people who need care can get care when they need it, regardless of their level of income.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Bernie Sanders sayings

Millions of Americans are uninsured, while the quality of health care delivery has declined dramatically just in the past few years.

New York Daily News blasts NRA

The gutsy NY Daily news, a conservative newspaper, has taken up the charge against the NRA and its irresponsible blocking of any kind of gun legislation. If we had more newspapers like this throughout the U.S. we might have prevented some of the 309 mass shootings so far in just 2015. One of the reactions from the NYDN earlier front page, “God Isn’t Fixing This,” was from the Fox News anchor idiot Elizabeth Hasselbeck who said,  "if you think prayer is less effective than gun control laws 'you’re lining up with the terrorists.'” It is this kind of garbage spewed from the Faux News Network that helps urge these fanatical terrorists on.

Here's another example of the New York News support of gun control with their past front page spreads:

Famous people who are Democratic Socialists

Did you know that Ed Asner is a Democratic Socialist?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

NRA makes U.S. World leader in mass shootings

The United States represents only 5% of the global population but accounts for 31% of all mass shootings. With more mass shootings than days in the calendar to date, we will end 2015 admitting to the rest of the world that its supposedly most civilized country is actually run by a bunch of thugs who are gun nuts.

NRA condones terrorists buying guns

Republicans, commandeered by the NRA, are blocking a bill (The Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2015) that would prevent "known and suspected" terrorists from buying weapons. Can you believe that? Think about the fact that were the GOP/NRA not against responsible gun legislation, the San Bernardino killing might not have happened. Get this:
"The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office recently released a report showing that from 2004 to 2014, people on terrorism watch lists successfully purchased guns no fewer than 2,043 times."
Even more: "There are 700,000 people on the terrorist watch list, and when these people tried to legally purchase guns, they had a success rate of 91%."

The NRA's creed remains...the right to guns is more important than human life.

NY Daily News hits the target

Pathetic Republican Presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Rand Paul, plus new House Speaker Paul Ryan, rush to God for help when they should be shutting down the NRA for shootings like San Bernardino, CA and Savannah, GA.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

The media, which informs and shapes our perceptions of social problems, is owned by a very small number of powerful corporations with deeply vested special interests.

Famous people who were Democratic Socialists

Did you know that Helen Keller was a Democratic Socialist?

Another mass shooting on Wednesday

Wayne LaPierre 

Well, the NRA was certainly busy yesterday as the patron to another mass shooting, this time in Savannah, Georgia. The gunman shot four people, killing one. The first one was in San Bernardino, California where at least 14 were killed and 17 injured.

ISIS changes American strategy

ISIS no longer plans attacks on the United States. The NRA gun crazies are doing their job for them. The latest from San Bernardino.

Obamacare and mental health

"Obamacare has been a huge help for mental health care," according to Alan B. Miller, CEO and Chairman of Universal Health Services. "This year, an estimated 3.7 million Americans with significant mental illnesses now have coverage and access to care through the insurance exchanges or extended Medicaid — they have moved from the shadows and into needed treatment." A sign that something is being done about this problem as has been demanded by the NRA and other gun rights organizations and supporters.

It's now time for these same people to come to grips with and support responsible gun legislation like background checks, banning assault weapons, closing the gun show loophole and halting gun straw purchases. Time to put your common sense to where your mouth is.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

George W. Bush was not a legitimately elected President in 2000

Florida laws under the supervision of Sec. of State Katherine Harris, and supported by then Governor Jeb Bush, wrongly disenfranchised thousands of otherwise eligible voters that eventually swayed the election in favor of George W. Bush. The 2000 election led the way for other states controlled by Republicans to pick up on the illegal tactics used in Florida and prevent valid Democratic voters from going to the polls all over the country. An excellent article here from The Nation.

Bernie Sanders Sayings

Our democratic institutions are so endangered that a clear-eyed observer might well conclude that we live not in a democracy but an oligarchy.

Famous people who were Democratic Socialists

Did you know Albert Einstein was a Democratic Socialist?

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Monday, November 30, 2015

Bernie Sander Sayings

In America we have the most inequitable distribution of wealth in the entire industrialized world. Think about it.

Famous people who were Democratic Socialists

Did you know that novelist Jack London was a Democratic Socialist?

Donald Trump Says He Will Be Indicted On Tuesday

  THAT'S TODAY... Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought the case to this point, now looking at a possible indictment. Trum...