Monday, September 9, 2019

You the taxpayer rescued Trump Scotland Turnberry resort hotel


Trump Turnberry resort corruption accelerates  

Where the latest Trump correction is
Here's the scenario. Donald Trump has a resort hotel, Turnberry, about 50 miles outside Glasgow, Scotland. It's in trouble financially, like just about everything else this moocher owns; the property lost $4.5 million in 2017, but revenue went up $3 million in 2018.” Also, VP Pence stayed at Trump's resort during his recent trip to Ireland in his usual suck-up way. That, alone, brought along the investigations into impropriety still progressing.

And it seems Turnberry has a money-losing airport they cannot afford to give up due to its convenience for travelers flying in to stay there. So, not only do you own this property, but you're also the U.S. president who can do what you want to when manipulating the government to support the Trump brand. And the Oval Office lunatic did just that. Rachel Maddow of MSNBC reported the following Politico headline...
"Air Force crew made an odd stop on a routine trip: Trump’s Scottish resort”
Here are the details...
“In early spring of this year, an Air National Guard crew made a routine trip from the U.S. to Kuwait to deliver supplies. What wasn’t routine was where the crew stopped along the way: President Donald Trump’s Turnberry resort."
Not only did they refuel at significantly higher priced gas than they could have gotten on a military base, but the crew stayed at the ultra-expensive Trump hotel. What is even worse is, the Air Force said this "wasn't unusual." Not in a Donald Trump administration it isn't. This is compounded by the fact that T-rump also has another money-losing resort in Florida, Mar a Lago, that he has been trying to steer the next G-7 to, since returning from the Summit. Maddow continued...
“But now, miraculously, now that Donald Trump is president, American military cargo planes have started refueling at that airport, at a significant price mark up. Right. It’s much cheaper for them to get their fuel at military bases. That’s part of the reason they always stop at military bases. Also, they’re the military. They’re no longer stopping at military bases.”
Rachel Maddow exposes Trump Turnberry fiasco...

Don't know how many said this when Trump was elected--it was several--that he really didn't want to be president, but now that he was, he would make the best of it by using the office to promote his Trump brand. Maddow says the Turnberry incident is, "uncharted waters, obviously, in terms of presidential corruption," and it implicates Donald Trump himself and everyone else who participated in it. These partners in the exploitation are not cooperating.

House Democrats have obviously picked up on this with investigations, added to those already started on the Mike pence Ireland visit. A senior Democratic aide on the oversight panel told Politico...
“The Defense Department has not produced a single document in this investigation. The committee will be forced to consider alternative steps if the Pentagon does not begin complying voluntarily in the coming days.
Mike Pence pathetically defends Ireland Trump resort stay...

So far this committee has not been effective. Vox comments on the Politico report, "The US military may have spent millions to help prop up a Trump resort." There's more...
"The military has spent $11 million on fuel alone at the Prestwick Airport near Trump’s Turnberry resort since fall of 2017. the airport has provided discounted rooms and complimentary rounds of golf at the Trump resort for some US military members. The expenditures are unusual given buying fuel from Prestwick Airport costs the government (and, ultimately, taxpayers) more than refueling at military bases, such as the nearby Lakenheath Air Base in England."
Corruption will be one of Donald Trump's major legacies. 

MR. PRESIDENT: If you look frail, if you talk frail, and if you walk frail, you must be frail...

      ...too frail to lead this country for another four years. I know, we all know, what you are afraid of; the lunatic who could win the ...